
The Franklin High School Bandfront program has been an integral part of the Franklin High School Black Knight Marching Band for over 60 years. We are proud to feature the talented young dancers and twirlers of Franklin High School in our Knightette and Silk squads. Our Bandfront Advisors are Mrs. Ashley Smith and Mrs. Lisa Umbenhauer.

Bandfront Expectations And Policies:

  1. FHS Bandfront members are responsible for all related activities throughout the school year. This includes all practices and performances (summer practice, bandcamp, after school practice, parades, football games, Broadcast, etc.). Failure to participate in the above activities will be cause for removal from the squad.

  2. FHS Bandfront members are responsible for all Franklin Area School District rules and policies, as well as those relating directly to the FHS Band and Bandfront.

  3. FHS Bandfront members represent Franklin High School and the Franklin High School Black Knight Marching Band program at all times; therefore, conduct must be beyond reproach. If, for any reason, it is not, the student will be disciplined according to district policy, and can be suspended or removed from the squad. This includes, but is not limited to incidents involving; smoking, drugs, alcohol, vulgar language or actions, harassment, bullying, fighting, etc. on or off school grounds or while wearing any clothing that identifies the student as a Bandfront member in or outside of school.

  4. FHS Bandfront members are expected to show respect for fellow squad members, band members, advisors and directors AT ALL TIMES. FASD Bullying and Hazing policies will be strictly enforced.

  5. FHS Bandfront members are to have regular daily attendance in school, unless legally excused by district policy. Daily rehearsal takes place during the designated band period for the first nine weeks. After-school full rehearsal and individual squad practices are held on selected days. All Practices And Rehearsals Are Mandatory. Tardiness or the failure to attend practice and rehearsal will warrant suspension or dismissal from the squad. Excused absences and tardiness include school related activities, pre-scheduled appointments or other district approved occurrences. Pre-scheduled appointments require a signed excuse from the physician. Unexcused or un-documented absences or tardiness will result in suspension or dismissal from the squad. If the Bandfront member has an after-school job, the employment must not conflict with practice, performance, or other scheduled events. Failure to properly schedule working times that result in missing practice or performance will result in suspension or removal from the squad.

  6. FHS Bandfront members are expected to know their routines! Failure to know the various routines will result in suspension from performance until proper knowledge is displayed.

  7. During all performances, members must sit with the squad and be attentive at all times. Suspended or incapacitated members are required to sit with the squad, in required uniform as well. Breaks will be given at the discretion of the directors and advisors.

  8. FHS Bandfront members are to travel to and from performances on school provided transportation. Any request to ride to or from performances, WITH PARENTS ONLY, must be given to the advisors prior to departure. Departure and approximate arrival times will be announced prior to each performance. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS as this is a District Policy!

  9. Gum is not to be chewed during performances.

  10. Jewelry is not to be worn during a performance, with the exception of stud earrings.

  11. Hair is to be pulled back out of the members face during performance.

  12. Appropriate clothing for practice is required. This includes shorts, sweat pants, wind pants, t-shirt and/or sweatshirt, and comfortable sneakers. JEANS, BOOTS, SANDALS OR FLIP FLOPS ARE NOT PERMITTED. Not dressing out properly for practice and rehearsal will result in suspension or removal from the squad.

Enforcement of the above Expectations and Policies are at the discretion of the Franklin High School Black Knight Marching Band and Bandfront staff. Decisions made by the staff will be openly discussed at the request of the student and/or Parent-Guardian. Accommodations and flexibility to the above policies will be made on an individual basis and remain confidential.


All school owned uniform parts and equipment will be issued clean and in good condition. They are to be returned that way at the end of the school year. Taking care of the uniform is the Bandfront member’s individual responsibility.

Uniforms are to be worn for performances and approved activities only.

Damaged or lost articles must be replaced by the member at their own expense.

All personal equipment should be labeled by the member for identification and protection purposes.


KNIGHTETTES: pom-poms, boots, performance top, body suit(black/white), dance briefs/spanks, travel shirt and uniform warm-ups for inclement weather.

SILKS: flag/flag pole, 1 pom for use in stands, boots, performance top, body suit(black/white), dance briefs/spanks, travel shirt and uniform warm-ups for inclement weather.

All members of Bandfront must pay the required Activity Fee to the High School Office prior to Bandcamp as per district policy.


  1. All participants are asked to wear the following clothing during their tryout:

  • Plain white t-shirt

  • Plain black or dark navy blue shorts

  • Athletic shoes/socks (color does not matter)

2. Hair should be pulled back, out of face.

3. No jewelry.

4. No chewing gum.

The judges will be taking into account the following criteria for selection:

  • Overall ability and technique

  • Presentation (arm, hand and foot position, smiles, etc.)

  • Overall knowledge of routine

  • Recovery from mistakes

  • Cooperation and attentiveness throughout tryout practices

  • Grasping and retention of concepts and skills throughout tryout practices