
What classes are in the Verified Course Sequence?

Undergraduate (for BCaBA certification): PS225, PS340, PS360, PS365, PS385, PS410, PS430

Graduate (for BCBA certification): PS507, PS558, PS560, PS561, PS562, PS563, PS564

Will my ABA coursework ever 'expire'? 

As of January 1, 2024, the BACB will implement a 10 year rolling course expiration date.  As of that date and subsequently, no ABA coursework that is 10 years or older will be considered for eligibility to sit for the BACB exam. 

Are there specific grade requirements that I must meet in my ABA courses in order for the BACB to accept my coursework for the exam?

Yes, all courses taken as part of the ABA Verified Course Sequence must be passed with a grade of "C" or better. Earning a grade less than a "C" in any of those VCS courses will discount those content hours from the student's coursework requirement and the course must be retaken at student expense.

There has been a lot of talk about the changes that are coming when the TCO6 (Test Content Outline, 6th Edition) goes into effect. Can you summarize some of those changes?

Is the competency based training modules only for graduate students?

It is only available in the graduate ABA program, but it is useful for those preparing for the BCaBA or BCBA exams.


Is the Purdue Global ABA Fieldwork course open to Alumni?

Yes, this course can be taken as a single course offering, with special permission.


Is there a deadline in completing the supervisory course?

No. The supervision course, "ABA Fieldwork," is an optional way for you to earn a portion of your supervision experience hours, but you can earn those hours outside of a practicum course as well. The "ABA Fieldwork" course is only available to graduate students.

If we are using the EL206 course and getting experiential credit for ABA, does that still count toward taking the first course to start the supervision?

No. The BACB does not accept experiential credit. You must complete the courses in the approved sequence.

As far as the post graduate certificate, how do I go about getting that?

If you have already completed a master’s degree you may qualify for the post-graduate certificate program in Applied Behavior Analysis. The curriculum includes seven courses that focus on the developmentally disabled, individuals with autism, and individuals with traumatic brain injuries. You’ll also explore behavioral concepts and theories, and develop assessment and intervention skills. Check with admissions for details regarding your eligibility for the certificate program.

How are the practicum courses relevant if you stated that Purdue Global is not approved for practicum or intensive practicum options?

Purdue Global provides the PS555 course to graduate students. By successfully completing this course, you will earn 150 hours toward the 2000 hours required for the BCBA supervision requirement. PS555 also provides academic support that aligns with and enriches your supervised field experience. 


How long will I have access to CBA Modules?

Students in the graduate Purdue Global Applied Behavior Analysis programs have a 2 year license to access the Behavior Development Solutions (BDS) CBA Modules. These modules are used throughout your graduate ABA courses and will continue to be a valuable study resource once you graduate and begin to prepare for the BACB certification exam. Student accounts are originally set up with your PG email. 

How do I maintain access to CBA Modules after I graduate?

To ensure continued access after you graduate from the Master's program or Postgraduate Certificate, you will need to update your account with your personal email after you graduate (not before). Here’s how: when logged in to bds.com, ‘My Account’ is at the top of the screen, you can enter another email there. You can also contact BDS at that site if you have any post-graduation questions about your subscription. It's important to not change the email address until after you graduate to ensure you can still use the modules in your classes.


What information will be covered in the certification exam?

In order to prepare for your BCaBA or BCBA examination, you will need to refer to the BACB 5th Edition Task List (https://www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/170113-BCBA-BCaBA-task-list-5th-ed-.pdf).  Beginning January 1, 2025, please refer to the TCO6.


How can I find out exam dates and certificant renewal information?

You can check the “Customer Service Updates” page (https://www.bacb.com/customer-service-updates/) for timely information regarding exam dates, renewal applications, and much more!


Once I obtain my certification as a BCaBA or BCBA, may I begin practicing?

In many states, a BCBA may begin practicing. In all states, a BCaBA must have ongoing supervision by a BCBA. In addition to the BACB certification, however, some states require licensing. You will need to keep a periodic watch on your state’s laws concerning the practice of behavior analysis. 

You may also check out the latest licensing information on the BACB website at: https://www.bacb.com/u-s-licensure-of-behavior-analysts/

If I am certified in one state and I move to another state, do I have to become re-certified?

If you have the BCaBA or BCBA credential, you will not need to re-certify when you move. You will want to let the BACB know that you have moved, however, in order to have your information updated in the certificant registry and update your mailing address for important communications from the BACB. You will also want to check your new state's licensure requirements.


This is only my second year at Purdue Global. How soon should I look into certifying?

We recommend you begin to look into the certification process immediately, if earning the credential is a goal. It is never too early to plan!

If I am graduating but have not completed my hours, can I sit for the BCaBA?

No. You will only be eligible to sit for the exam after all educational and supervised experience requirements have been fulfilled.


What steps is Purdue Global taking to ensure that we are eligible to sit for the exam?

Purdue Global offers a ABAI-approved course sequence that meets the educational requirements for eligibility for the BCaBA and BCBA exams. Purdue Global also provides a practicum at the graduate level that can account for 150 hours of supervised experience. It is the student’s responsibility to meet all additional supervised experience requirements.

Do you have to have your hours before you sit for the exam?

Yes. You must have documentation of your supervision hours in order to apply to sit for the exam. Once you apply and are approved by the BACB to sit for the exam, you will be able to sit for the exam.

What recommendations for books to review for preparation?

All of the textbooks we use in our ABA coursework will serve as excellent resources for you. In particular, Cooper, Heron, and Heward (2019), and Bailey and Burch (2016) will be particularly useful to you. Additionally, any books with study guides that you can locate (again, created by a person with the BCBA credential) would be useful to you. Also, this ABA Student Resource website features some resources that would be helpful


If I am planning to take the BCBA exam, when should I start the application process?

Please see the exam administration schedule outlined on this webpage: https://www.bacb.com/examination-information/exam-dates/

I am a graduate student. I have begun accruing hours to sit for the BCBA exam. My supervisor suggested that I sit for the BCaBA exam in order to get a feel for the BCBA exam. I know you need 1300 hours to sit for the BCaBA exam but at what point in my graduate coursework would I qualify to sit for the BCaBA exam?

If you are in this particular situation, it may be most efficient and effective to contact one of our ABA experts to verify your coursework and eligibility to sit for either exam.

When should I take the exam?

You may take the exam when you have completed the following requirements: (1) the required coursework for the BCBA or BCaBA and earned the required degree. (2) earned all of your supervised experience hours for the credential you are seeking (1300 for the BCaBA and 2000 for the BCBA). (3) submitted an application to sit for the exam to the BACB and the BACB has sent you approval of your application. (4) scheduled your exam date following the instructions provided by the BACB.


How long should you spend in preparation for the exam?

This is a difficult question to answer. It will depend on a variety of factors. In particular, it will depend on your aptitude for taking normative, multiple-choice examinations in a computer-based format. Also, it will depend on your comfort with the material. We do recommend all students put forth a concerted and focused effort to prepare for the exam. In particular, the Practice Exams provided on our ABA Student website will allow you to determine your preparedness for the exam. The ABA Student Resource website is at the following URL: https://sites.google.com/a/student.purdueglobal.edu/aba-resources/home


How many questions are on the test?

BCBA exam contains 160 questions (10 of which are pilot questions); BCaBA exam contains 140 questions (10 of which are pilot questions)


Is the test multiple choice and how long does it take?

The BCBA and BCaBA exams are administered in a computer-based testing center through Pearson VUE. The questions will be multiple-choice and you will have a total of 4 hours to complete the exam (though many people finish the exam in less time than that).


What is the “Task list”?

The BACB Task List is the list of required skills across several content areas necessary for an individual to master before earning the credential. The BACB is testing under the 5th Edition Task List. Beginning January 1, 2025 the BACB will be testing under the TCO6 (Test Content Outline, 6th Edition).


Is ethics a large portion of the exam?

Ethics is a major content area.


How often are the certification exams offered?

The BCBA and BCaBA exams are offered on a continuous basis with the ability to retake after 30 days. 


How many times can you re-take the BCBA exam?

If you do not pass the BCBA or BCaBA exam and would like to take it again, you will need to submit a retake application. Retake applications are subject to the same deadlines and late fees as original exam applications. You have two years until your application expires unless you take it more than 8 times. 

What is this BACB Gateway training I've been hearing about?

The Supervision Module is no longer required to begin supervised field experience. The BACB has provided many checklists and much information to guide you through the supervised experience process. You may access this information at the following link: https://www.bacb.com/supervision-and-training/


What are the accepted degrees for becoming a BCaBA or BCBA?

 A degree in any field of study will be accepted, graduate for BCBA and undergraduate for BCaBA. 

I finished all of my coursework but didn't realize that I should be doing supervised fieldwork hours too. Does this mean I can no longer do those hours? How do I sit for the exam?

It is to your advantage to begin your supervised fieldwork hours as soon as possible. At 10-30 hours per week, supervision hours can take some time to accumulate. If you haven't started them prior to finishing your courses, just be aware that, before qualifying to sit for the exam, you'll still need to finish those hours. You can begin supervised field experience at any time following the start of your ABA classes and after you have registered on the BACB website for a "Gateway" account.

Fieldwork / Supervision

When does someone usually start supervision hours and start prepping for the exam?

This depends on the individual situation, but many begin forming a plan to study for the exam as soon as they begin their program. You can begin your independent field experience hours as soon as you have enrolled in your first ABA concentration course.

When should you start supervision hours - last semester, before or after graduation?

You may start your supervision hours as soon as you have started your first course in the approved course sequence; this will be your first ABA concentration course.


Can we do the hours after we complete the masters?

Yes. You may begin accruing supervised fieldwork hours following the conferral of your degree, if you so choose – but you may begin as soon as you begin your ABA emphasis coursework and register for a “Gateway” account on the BACB website (BACB.com).

I've been in the field of ABA for a long time. Why do I need to wait until my first ABA course to begin accruing my hours?

This is a requirement of the BACB, not Purdue Global. The BACB requires that students begin their ABA courses in order to begin accruing their supervised fieldwork hours.

What are the requirements that I must meet to begin my supervised fieldwork hours?

1. It is important to note that students seeking certification can only begin accruing supervision hours once they have begun attending an ABA concentration course in their enrolled program's Verified Course Sequence.  Any supervision hours documented prior to attending this qualifying coursework will not be recognized by the BACB.  

2. Register an account on the BACB website: Go to the homepage (https://www.bacb.com/) and click “My Account” in the top right corner. You will be taken to a page that allows you to “Create an Account.” 

3. You must secure a BCBA supervisor who has completed the 8-hour, competency-based, supervision training and has maintained that “supervisor status” by completing 3-hours of supervision Continuing Education Units (CEUs) per renewal period. (Click the button on the BACB homepage to "Find a Certificant" for a list of approved supervisors.)

Learn more about the fieldwork experience on the Fieldwork Handbook website.

Where do I begin when looking for a supervised fieldwork position?

Great question! We have contracted with over 800 ABA companies throughout the United States – including Hawaii and Alaska! We have a partnership map on our ABA Student Resource website that is searchable according to state, city, zip code, etc. This would be an ideal place to begin your search. 

If you do not find some companies near you on our partnership map, conduct an Internet search for companies in your geographic location that advertises ABA therapy. They will almost certainly have a BCBA on staff and may be looking for students who wish to fulfill their supervision requirements.

Does Purdue Global help with practicum placement?

Purdue Global provides the PS555 course to graduate students and guides students through the process of finding a site and site supervisor. By successfully completing this course, you will earn 150 hours toward the 2000 hours required for the BCBA supervision requirement.

I can't find a supervisor! Can't I just have one of the faculty at Purdue Global do it?

Unfortunately, no. Purdue Global faculty cannot supervise current Purdue Global students due to a dual role conflict.

How many supervisory contacts am I required to have per month?

Supervisors must meet with their supervisees a minimum of 4 times per calendar month for a minimum of 15-minutes each. Five percent of supervised fieldwork hours must be spent in supervision.See the supervised fieldwork document on the BACB website for the most up to date information. 

Are there activities that will not count toward my supervised fieldwork hours?

Yes; attendance at specific professional activities and didactic coursework assignments do not qualify for experience hours. Your supervisor will decide which activities count and sign off on these activities each month. 

What types of activities should I engage in during my supervised fieldwork?

Allowable activities include evaluation of behavior interventions, various applied writing activities, communication skill development, and “other” activities that capture normally performed skills that were not otherwise included. It is ultimately up to your supervisor to determine appropriate activities. Please carefully review the following Handbooks:


Are there additional skills that supervisees should be acquiring?

Yes; under the direction of your supervisor, in addition to task list skills, supervisees must learn to effectively interact with consumers, supervisors, families, and others.

I completed my bachelor's degree with ABA courses but have not yet started the specific ABA courses in my graduate program. Do the one's I took as an undergrad count for the requirement to be able to count supervision hours?

No. Coursework cannot be substituted for supervision experience hours.

Will the hours I collect during my undergraduate program count towards by hours of my BCBA?  

It is possible to use the hours required for the BCaBA towards the BCBA certifications, if you meet both sets of certification requirements while accruing the hours. If the qualifying coursework for the BCaBA was completed at the graduate level when your fieldwork hours were accrued, then the fieldwork hours accrued may or may not meet the BCBA fieldwork requirements. Please refer to the BCBA Handbook regarding the current fieldwork requirements.
  We encourage trainees to review the current fieldwork requirements with your qualified supervisor. The BACB relies on the qualified supervisor to assist while accumulating fieldwork hours in accordance with our requirements prior to an application being submitted. You may also wish to speak with our VCS Coordinator to see when your qualifying coursework may have started.
  You may also wish to view the Documenting Fieldwork Hours video and read the Documenting Fieldwork: Helpful Answers to Your FAQs blog for insight into the Final Verification Forms.

I work for a school district and that is where I am completing my supervision hours. During summer break I will have a 3-month gap in my hours. Is that ok?

Yes, you can work with your supervisor to check and see if you can work with your students during the summer.


If I worked and got paid, could those work hours be counted?

Yes, as long as you meet the requirements for supervision.

Can you work part time at a job and count it as hours as well? As long as it is in the field of ABA??

For further information on what may count as supervised hours, please see this webpage: https://www.bacb.com/supervision-and-training/


I can’t find a supervisor anywhere, can I skip taking the boards and apply for a limited license.

That is a personal decision for you. In order to earn your BCBA, you must take and pass the BCBA exam. There are various methods for obtaining supervision, including remote options.

Is the practicum available for bachelors degree students?

Not at this time, though there is an internship course available as an open elective.

I think the module said that the experience hours have to be accrued with in a 5-year time span.

This is correct.

If I have worked under a BCBA previously can I count those hours towards preparation?

Unless you worked under a BCBA while you were a student taking BACB-Approved ABA coursework, you completed the supervision module, and your supervisor completed the supervision module and required additional training, you may not count these hours.

Can I complete all of my supervision hours in the same location?

While the BACB encourages different experiences, this is not required. Review the Experience Standards for all information required to meet supervision requirements: https://www.bacb.com/supervision-and-training/

How long does it take to finish your hours once you graduate?

This is a difficult question to answer because there is a great amount of variability in how students structure their supervision opportunities. The variables include: students’ work schedules, students’ and supervisors’ opportunities to meet with one another to hold supervision, and the point at which students begin supervision (while they’re taking coursework or waiting until they graduate). Additionally, the duration of earning hours will depend upon whether the student elects to do supervised independent fieldwork, practicum, or an intensive practicum experience. Supervisees can accrue between 10-30 hours of supervision per week.


If I completed other related hours, for example for certified alcohol and drug counselor which requires 3000 hours of supervision, then can I use those hours toward the BCBA supervised hours also?

No. The BACB is very clear and has stringent guidelines regarding supervised experience hours. For further information on what may count as supervised hours, please see this webpage: https://www.bacb.com/supervision-and-training/

When going through supervision and completing the bi-weekly supervision forms, is the supervisee required to participate in various tasks from the task list? My supervisor who is a recent BCBA does provide me with various indirect activities to do that involve some of the tasks form the task list, but obviously not all of them.

All of these are great questions. You can obtain a wealth of information on supervision, as well as excellent checklists, at the following link: https://www.bacb.com/supervision-and-training/


I have severed my relationship with my BCBA, and he/she did not sign off on my Verification Form. I asked why not. He/she said that he/she is required to do it once I am ready to sit for the BCBA exam and/or I will not likely need the hours that he/she provided for supervision and fieldwork hours. I also said that from my understanding from the BACB website once we severe our relationship you are to sign off on the Verification form. In addition, he/she was satisfied with my work during supervision and the fieldwork hours.

This is a highly specific question, but brings up several important issues. First, it is important that at the outset of your supervision relationship, you develop and sign a contract with your supervisor making the responsibilities for all parties clear and explicit, for a variety of contingencies (including a conflict which terminates the supervisory relationship). Secondly, it is important that you reach out to the BACB directly to ensure you have the required documentation of your supervision hours prior to applying for the BACB exam.

I've contacted a few BCBAs for supervision and they want money. Isn't this unethical?

No. It's not uncommon for BCBA supervisors to charge for their time.


Who tracks our independent supervision fieldwork hours?

You and your supervisor will track those hours and ensure you're meeting the BACB requirements. At the end of supervision, your supervisor will sign a form indicating you've completed your hours. The BACB reserves the right to audit your supervision forms to ensure the requirements have actually been met. There is a new, required online reporting system that you and your supervisor will use to track your supervision hours. Please see: https://www.bacb.com/supervision-and-training/

We have to take a supervision training module before beginning supervision hours; how do you show a supervisor that you have completed the supervision training module?

The supervision training module is no longer required to begin your supervised fieldwork. The BACB has provided many materials and checklists to guide you through the process of supervision at the following link: https://www.bacb.com/supervision-and-training/


I work for a BCBA with children with autism and have done so for over a year. I began my classes 6 months ago. Does this mean that my hours from 6 months ago count?

You may not count the hours you worked under the supervision of a BCBA until you begin your first ABA course in the verified course sequence. The BACB requires that you begin your first ABA course, register for a "Gateway" account, and have a contract in place with your designated BCBA supervisor(s). Additionally, you and your supervisor are required to meet and document your supervision times over the course of your supervision experience.

I am taking the ABA certification with another school does this count for practicum hours?

You must check with the school where you’re receiving certification to determine whether they provide approved practicum supervision hours.


What types of subspecialty areas are available for careers in ABA?

The BACB has a great overview of many of the different specializations, with fact sheets, videos, and various documents: https://www.bacb.com/about-behavior-analysis/. Some of the subspecialties include autism and intellectual/developmental disabilities, behavioral gerontology, education, clinical behavior analysis, health and fitness, and treatment of substance abuse.

How long will ABA students have access to the ABA Student Resource website?

Forever! All of our amazing ABA students – both undergraduate and graduate, will have access to the website (as well as an open invitation to our ABA Webinars) forever! 


I've been present at the previous ABA Student Quarterly Meetings. There is a lot of valuable information in these meetings! Where can I access this later?

You can always access the previous ABA Student Quarterly Meeting presentations on the ABA Student Website, located at: https://sites.google.com/a/student.purdueglobal.edu/aba-resources/home