Classroom Expectations

Be Safe : Don't do anything that could injure another student. Think before you act!

Be Kind: Be polite and courteous to everyone. Do unto others as you would have them do to you.

Be Responsible:Do your assignments on time.Do your fair share on group projects, If you do something wrong or make a mistake, own it. Live your Christian Faith because it comes with responsibilities not just gifts and perks.

Always do your best in the classroom and on assignments and do not procrastinate. Due dates do arrive quicker than we expect sometimes. Classroom and homework skills translate into skills in life one must have and use in one's career such as listening to directions, completing tasks in a timely manner, working together to get a job done, integrity, respect, neatness, self control, and pride in one's work.

It is very important that each student also learns to respect the students around them. It is important not to prevent others from learning because one may be already finished, bored, or restless.