FAQ- Junior High A to Z

Absences Homework assignments will be taken and books gathered for the ill child, HOWEVER, the student who misses has the responsibility to make up the work, check to see that all the assignments were correct and to get any class notes they may have missed. Students are given one day grace per day absent.

Birthdays Students may bring in a small, COMMERCIALLY PACKAGED, easy to eat treat to share with their homerooms. Please keep it simple. In general, we try to keep birthday celebrations to homeroom time, but this does not always work! Please be very aware that we have several children with peanut and/or tree nut allergies. Please be aware of this when sending in treats.

Communication/Google Classroom Each of us is diligent about keeping our Google Classroom up to date and full of important and useful information – look here to see what is ahead for the week, important deadlines, pictures, rubrics and more!

Class Dojo: We will again be using Class Dojo to keep track of student's infractions and demerits. All parents are encouraged to sign up for this webpage to keep informed. Information regarding this will be sent home with your student.

Detention/Demerit Please look for the new Student Handbook to clarify the changes to this policy. PAR (Period of Assigned Resource)may be given for missing assignments/work.

Email This is the best way to reach us! Please email directly or through the contacts tab.

Field trips We do take field trips in junior high and correlate them to topics we are learning about in the classroom. Please be sure permission slips are returned in a timely manner as deadlines will be enforced. We usually are looking for a few parents to join us!

Gym Class Students should be prepared with their gym clothes for every class. And if you aren’t seeing those clothes come home on a regular basis, please ask your student!

Homework Check out the Virtual Homework Board (grade-level link on lefthand side of this page) everyday after 5pm. Teachers update this daily by 5pm. Generally, homework is considered a formative grade- it is a way to practice and reinforce skills learned at school. Parents can certainly help their child, but please remember this should be their work. If a child is struggling, please encourage them to seek us out.

iPads/Chromebooks We will be using these in the classroom.

Justice/Service: Service opportunities will be provided for all students. This may include can drives, turkey drives, etc. Twelve service hours are required for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students.

Lockers- Students do not have their own desks in junior high – they should keep their materials in their lockers and lockers will be cleaned out regularly! Each of us has a Lost and Found in the classroom. This is a good place to look when you are missing things! It is amazing what we find....

Meals (lunch) Students are responsible for ordering lunch or bringing in their own lunch. Please remind your students that being courteous and polite in the lunchroom is required. A separate table for children with peanut/ tree allergies is set up in the lunchroom.

Nails – The uniform policy states that girls may wear clear nail polish only. Boys may not wear nail polish.

Printing Students may not print at school unless they bring a note from a parent requesting this.

PowerSchool This is a way to track your student’s progress on assignments. Please note, most of us update about once a week, so a student may have turned in a missing assignment on Monday, but when you check on Thursday it still says missing. Please give us the time to grade and enter the grades.

Recess We have a very short recess in junior high – about 12 minutes. Regardless, students should be dressed for the weather. Due to the very short time we have, this is not a good time to make up missed tests or quizzes.

Telephone calls Students should not rely on calling home for a forgotten assignment, book, lunch, etc. Students may not carry telephones with them during the day.

Uniforms The uniform policy is clearly laid out in the student handbook. Please review it with your child. Shirts are to be tucked in and belts (if pants have loops) are to be worn. Hair must be consistent with the student’s natural hair color.

Vacation If a student will miss school due to a vacation, they should ask their homeroom teacher for the form. The parent then signs it and the student shows the form to each teacher in junior high. As with missed days due to illness, students are granted 1 day per day missed to get their work made up. And again, they are responsible for getting the work, making up tests and copying class notes.

Weekends In general, we try to avoid homework on the weekends, but it can and does happen.

eXtra help YES! Encourage your students to come in for extra help. They should check with the teacher beforehand as to when they can come in – before and after school times are available, but must be pre-scheduled.


thankZ for sharing your child with us!