Flexible Seating Contract

Year 2021-2022 Flexible Seating may be adjusted to respond to mitigation protocols as needed.

Student Contract: Flexible Seating 

I _________________________ (student name) promise to use our classroom seating options the way they were designed to be used.  I will use this opportunity to choose a seat that will support my learning and participation in class.

I understand that our flexible seating options are here to support a learning environment and is a privilege given. 

I will respect and be responsible for all classroom materials and clean up after myself; leaving the room better than I found it. 

I understand that I should be respectful of others around me and will not disrupt their learning time.

If Mrs. Buchta sees that I am not following our agreement, she has the authority to move my working seat.   

If I am not sure or have questions about seating choices I will ask my teacher.

Name:___________________________________________    Date:_____________________