Other Local Libraries

In addition to your school media center, Stillwater is home to several other libraries that offer resources our junior high students can use.  

Remember that no matter what library you visit, you can always ask a librarian for help.  They really do love research questions and helping you find books, and they will be happy to show you some great resources (both print and electronic).

Stillwater Public Library offers a wealth of resources, including books and electronic resources for student research.

Please ask your parent or guardian to help you sign up for a library card.  It's free!  The public library has many resources besides books, like music and movies you can check out.

To obtain a library card at the public library, children 18 and under need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.  Anyone who lives or owns property in Payne County, or who works or attends school in Stillwater, may get a library card.  

Your reserves, checkouts, and other information are available in the “My Account” tab on this page:  http://stwr.ent.sirsi.net/client/en_US/default/#

Online Resources at Stillwater Public Library

The public library’s online resources are available from school or home computers if you have a library card.

To use these resources:

Instructions on how to reserve books at the public library can be found here: http://library.stillwater.org/placing_a_hold.php

Oklahoma State University's Edmon Low Library

Adults over 18 can request a courtesy card that allows them to borrow items from the OSU library, using this form.  Younger students can use books on-site at the library and can always ask librarians for help.

Non-OSU students can use the library's databases if you visit the library itself.