Citation and Formatting Style

Making in-text citations and creating a works cited page for your paper or project are crucial parts of the research process.  

Students at SJHS will most often use Modern Language Association (MLA) style to format their papers and citations.  

Many research databases and websites will create MLA citations for you, and these can be a good starting point.  However, you should always check information you find online against your teacher's directions to make sure that you are citing correctly for that particular class.  

Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) - Purdue University's writing lab has a useful guide to the Modern Language Association's style of citing.

Citation Machine - You enter each piece of information about a work, and Citation Machine will assemble a citation for you.  Always double check against your teacher's instructions!

MyBib - Enter the title of a work and this website will help you create the citation.   Always double check against your teacher's instructions!