Reading / Language Arts

Couplets Notes:

A couplet is a 2 sentence poem that rhymes at the END of each sentence.

The sentences should be about the same topic or idea.

Each sentence should have the same rhythm ( number of beats).

For example:

Yesterday we went to the park. ( this has 8 beats)

We had fun and stayed until dark. ( this also has 8 beats)

**** Both sentences are about going to the park. Both rhyme at the END.

This is Not a couplet:

We ran across the street.( 6 beats). They rhyme at the end but

I want a treat. (4 beats) the beats do not match

and they are not about the same idea.

We can fix them to make the ideas a couplet.

We ran across the street. ( Now they both have 6 beats and

And got a yummy treat. the ideas go together.)

This is NOT a couplet:

The frog jumped on a log. The words rhyme but it is only one sentence.

A couplet has 2 separate sentences and

they rhyme at the end.

We can make the idea into a couplet:

In the woods I saw a frog. (7 beats)

He was sitting on a log. (7 beats)

**** Sometimes you need to move the words around to make the couplet work.

Read The Wump World for Earth Day!

Letter Writing Notes

There are 5 parts to a letter.

date (April 4, 2020)

greeting (Dear Aunt Peg,)

body or message (sentences- Indent the first line.)

closing( Your friend, )

signature (Tim) - the person writing the letter

Three things to include in a thank you letter:

1. Say thank you.

2. Mention the gift.

3. Tell how you use it.

*** Every part of a letter should be on a separate line.

The closing and the signature should NOT be on the same line.

Closing -says goodbye

The closing and the signature should be written directly underneath the date

on the right side of the paper.

Invitation - invites you to something. It is not a thank you letter or a friendly letter.

Wonders Reading Program Information

Your child has been given a new username and password for our reading series! This will enable them to read their stories at home!

Here are the steps to get started!

2. This will bring you our school's page with teacher names... look for Mrs. Campbell's Class (we have a pinwheel)

3. Next you will be taken to our class --> look for your name and click on it!

(your name will be next to an animal picture that matches your log in card)

4. Click on your name and animal

5. Next you will have to type in your 3 digit password (Number - Fruit - Shape) and select Log In at the bottom of the screen

6. You will then be taken to our Reading Program! Click on the picture that looks like our book.

7. Then all of our options will open up and you will have 5 options:

*To Do (Assignments) - teachers will notify you if there is an online assignment

*Words to Know (Vocabulary Practice)

*Write (Writing Practice)

*Games (Reinforcement Activities)

*Read (Read Our Stories)

8. Enjoy reading at home and practicing the skills! This is a great resource for extra studying and practice!!