Corporate Social Responsibility

ビジネススクール、語学学校、海外取引を行う人材の育成、階層別実用国際ビジネススキル開発研修、 海外向けウェブサイト、パンフレットなどの作成支援、翻訳および校正を行っております。

English / 日本語

-Stella is your guiding star.

But what guides us?

We empower people; our success is measured by yours.

Stella Innovations, like its name, shines brighter and thinks further. We strive to inspire and enable our clients to do the same. Above all, we are a service provider, so our ultimate goal is helping our clients achieve theirs.

We put people first; without our people we are nothing.

Dedication from staff must be earned. Our people will know they are valued, by contributing equally and sharing equally in the company’s success. Their needs will be met through professional, emotional and financial rewards.

Trust is invaluable; once lost it can never be regained.

Stella Innovations upholds a policy of trust and openness with both staff and clients. Open and honest communication right from the outset ensures a genuine, effective and lasting relationship.

Information is a precious and vital resource and we make safeguarding your data a priority.

Respect the Earth; it is our most valuable asset.

Respecting the Earth is not a goal, but a necessity. Stella Innovations endeavours to play our part as a responsible company by maximizing our use of electronic data where possible, thus reducing the waste of our precious natural resources.










地球を大切に:地球は 私たちにとって最も貴重な財産です。
