ServiceHub Training

Training Preparation

Fulfiller Analyst 

Length: 4 hours

Description: Gain proficiency in submitting a ticket and navigating its resolution process within ServiceHub, which includes tasks such as editing, transferring, reassigning, and resolving tickets. 

Intended audience: Service Desk Analyst or a Technician responsible for resolving incidents, changes, problems, or any other aspect of ticket management.

Training Preparation: 

New Employee Fulfiller Analyst Training Sessions

Class Dates - classes will be removed from this list when full.

Change Management 

Length: 3 hours

Note: Effective June 1, 2024, Completion of Fulfiller Analyst is a prereq for registration in Change Management.

Description: Participants will review the change management process, generate a new change, append tasks, and see them through to completion within ServiceHub.

Intended audience: Anyone engaged in OIT's Change Management processes or tasked with handling Change Requests in ServiceHub.

Training Preparation: 

Change Management Training Sessions

Class Dates - classes will be removed from this list when full.