Third- to Fifth-Grade Music

Check out the Resources page for fun musical activities! Practice with Recorder Dojo HERE.

Please make sure you have a dedicated binder for music class. (You may also choose to use it for chorus.)

Your binder should include about 20 document protectors and some loose-leaf paper.

ALL OF YOUR MUSIC CLASS MATERIALS SHOULD BE IN YOUR BINDER. You will keep everything in this binder for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades! Do not throw it out at the end of the year.

3rd Grade Homework

ALL HOMEWORK and ASSIGNMENTS are now listed on the 3rd grade MUSIC GOOGLE CLASSROOM.

8/31: Join your Music Google Classroom. Students were given the code during class today.

4th Grade Homework

ALL HOMEWORK and ASSIGNMENTS are now listed on the 4th grade MUSIC GOOGLE CLASSROOM.

8/31: Join your Music Google Classroom. Students were given the code during class today.

5th Grade Homework

ALL HOMEWORK and ASSIGNMENTS are now listed on the 5th grade MUSIC GOOGLE CLASSROOM.

8/31: Join your Music Google Classroom. Students were given the code during class today.