The purpose of the CARE Initiative is to help students understand where their skill levels are in Reading, Writing, and Math BEFORE they graduate from high school. Lone Star College-North Harris is participating with Spring ISD hoping to give our students the skills that are needed to place on college level and be successful in college courses during and after high school.

All 10th graders meeting the PSAT score criteria are required to take the TSI Assessment in the spring semester (March - May). The TSI Assessment is a program designed to help your institution determine if you are ready for college-level course work in the general areas of reading, writing and mathematics. This program will also help determine what type of course or intervention will best meet your needs to help you become better prepared for college-level course work if you are not ready.

At the end of this assessment, students will be notified if they meet the requirements and can have an opportunity to take Dual Credit courses via their high school and Lone Star College-NH.

Prior to taking the TSI Assessment, it is mandatory to complete the Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA). There are five segments. When you get to Segment Five, you are done with the videos. There are some very important information on the Segment Five screen. This page will give you information about preparing to take the TSI test. It will also allow you to see sample questions and sample essays. You do NOT have to complete the sample questions or essays, but they are extremely useful go view. This activity should take no more than ten minutes.