Publications and Presentations


TESOL Leadership Blogs:

ESP Project Leader Profile: Yilin Sun

7 Magic Steps Toward Developing Teachers as Leaders

A New Way of Looking at Teacher Evaluation

Greetings From Yilin and Important Initiatives From TESOL NNEST_EVO 2009


Series Editor/author (2016-2019), Selected Works of Renowned TESOL Experts 外语教师教育与发展国际权威Foreign Language Teacher Education and Development. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

· Critical Approaches to English Language Teaching – Alastair Pennycook (2017)

· Description of Instruction of Lexis and Grammar: Research studies and teaching practices guided by contemporary linguistics theories – Dilin Liu (2017)

· TESOL in a Changing World: The challenge of teacher education- H. Douglas Brown (2018)

· Second Language Development: Ever Expending- Diane Larsen Freeman. (2019)

· Writing for Research Purposes: Theory and Practice – Brian Paltridge (2019)

· Culture, Identity, and Power in ELT: Toward cultural reciprocity in transactional language and literacy education- Guofang Li (2019)

· World Englishes- Research and Practice – Andy Kirtpatrick (in printing)

· Critical Approaches to TESOL and Second/Foreign Language Education – Angel Lin (in progress)

· On Language Variation and Non-Native Speakers of English in TESOL: Selected works of Ahmar Mahboob (in progress)

· Developing Teachers as Leaders - Yilin Sun (in progress)

· Second Language Writing: History, Identity, Pedagogy and Professional Development - Paul Kei Matsuda (in progress)

· Culture, Race, ad Identity in Second Language Education - Ryuko Kubota (in progress)

Co-editor with Dr.Kubota, R. (2012). Demystifying career after graduate school: A guide for second language professionals. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing. 2012.

Voices from English Teaching Assistants in an EFL Co-Teaching Context- A Critical Case book Fulbright Taiwan. ISBN: 978-986-92307-0-4

Selected Book Chapters:

“Peer Assessment” in The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching (2017). Wiley, in partnership with TESOL International Association.

“Providing Leadership Support and Access Professional Development at the Community College: A Focus on Leaders.” In J. Carmona (ed) Language Teaching and Learning in ESL Education: Current Issues, Collaborations and Practice. Kona Publishing and Media Group. 2010.

“Successes and Challenges in Achieving Equitable Working Conditions for ESL Professionals in Washington State” in Perspectives from Community Colleges TESOL Publication: 2008.

“Critical Ethnography as Action Research- Untold Success Stories of ESOL Students of Color at An Urban College.” In K. Kuji-Shikatani, M. Narushima (2013. Eds) A Celebration of Qualitative Research: A Festschrift for Dr. Barbara Burnaby. Lulu Press.

“Methodological Issues in the Study of Second Language Reading Processes” in Reading in the University: First, Second Language Foreign Languages, edited by Taillefer, G., and A.K. Pugh (1997). Toulouse: France.

“Word Printed Frequency/Familiarity and Structure Complexity Effects on L1 and L2 Word Recognition Processes.” in N.Bird et al (Eds) Language and Learning, Hong Kong Association of Applied Linguistics.1994, pp.433-446.

"Word Recognition in Second Language Reading" Co-authored with F.Chitiri, D.Willows & I.Taylor in R.J.Harris (Ed.) Cognitive Processing in Bilingual, Amsterdam: North-Holland Elsevier Science Publishers. 1992, pp. 283-98.

"Reading and Writing in Chinese,” in J. Scane, (ed), Heritage Language Teachers, 1992.

Selected Refereed Journal Articles:

Building Bridges- English Teaching in the Glocalized World. (2017). Journal of World Education, Vol 30, Issue 7 (2017) 年 第 7 期 (第 30 卷 总第 415 期, General No. 415). Ministry of Education, P.R. China ISSN 1672-3937.

Building Bridges, Crossing Boarders: Journey to A Better Future for TESOL (2016). Vol. 1(2)

Major Trends in the Global ELT Field: A Non-Native English-Speaking Professional's Perspective. Journal of Language Education in Asia. Volume 5, Issue 1(2014)

Demystifying the Myths about Leadership (2014) The English Connection. Volume 18, Issue (1 &2)

Teaching and Learning Second Language Listening. Book review article (2013). Teachers College Record, The Voice of Scholarship in Education.

A Small Step in Integrating Information-Literacy for Adult English Learning: Challenges and Strategies – AEIS TESOL News, Jan. 2013.

*Standards, Equity and Advocacy: Challenges and Issues that Adult ESOL Educators Face in the 21st Century Preliminary Survey Results of ESOL Teachers in Adult Basic Education and Literacy Systems. TESOL Journal, March 2010.

Preliminary Survey Results of ESOL Teachers in Adult Basic Education and Literacy Systems – KTESOL News 2005

Chinese Teachers' Views of Western Language Teaching: Context Informs Paradigms, Co-authored with Barbara Burnaby

TESOL Quarterly Vol.23 (2) pp.219-37, 1989.

China's Scholars Returned from Abroad: A View from Shanghai, Co-authored with Ruth Hayhoe, China Exchange News,

Vol.7 (4), pp.2-7, 1989.

"An EFL Needs Assessment: Chinese Students Studying at a Canadian University," TESL Canada Journal, Vol.5 (1) Nov. 1987. pp. 27-44.

Selected Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings:

“Support and Access Professional Development – A Focus on Leaders.” in Proceedings Selected Papers from 2018 Ko-TESOL Conference.

“Support and Access Professional Development – A Focus on Leaders.” in Proceedings Selected Papers from 2014 PAC/the Twentieth International Symposium on English Teaching. Nov. 2014

“Trends, Challenges, and Strategies for Non-Native Speaking TESOL Educators in the Global ELT Field” in Proceedings Selected Papers from 2011 PAC/the Twentieth International Symposium on English Teaching. Nov. 2011.

“Action! Fun with EFL/ESL Teaching and Learning.” in Proceedings 1st International and 5th National Conference of Teachers of English of The Czech republic. Sept. 1998.

“Cheese or Tofu: EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Language Planning in P.R.China” in Proceedings of II

International Congress of Educational Philosophy. Madrid: National University of Distance Education, 1993.

"An EFL Needs Assessment: Chinese Students Studying at a Canadian University" in Selected Conference Proceedings:

Realizing the Dream. 1987 (eds. by Jeanette, D. Macero, B. Agor & N.Tumposky) Buffalo: New York State

Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, pp. 69- 86.

Sample Technical Reports:

Macau-wide Joint Admission Examination 2017 Report. JAE Committee, Macau Government GAES, 高等教育辅助办公室 May, 2017,

Training Needs for Fulbright English Teaching Assistants. Fulbright Taiwan Foundation for Scholarly Exchange, 2012.

Standards, Equity and Advocacy: Challenges and Issues that Adult ESOL Educators Face in the 21st Century Preliminary Survey Results of ESOL Teachers in Adult Basic Education and Literacy Systems –TESOL- sponsored Special Project report, 2006

Inquiry Project for Students Success- Special Report for Office of Adult Literacy, Washington State Board for Community

and Technical Colleges, 2005

Critical Ethnography as Action Research- Untold Success Stories of Students of Color at an Urban College- Special Project Report for the Provosts’ Diversity Initiatives and Transfer Transitions: Academic Success of Students of Color. 2003

An Investigation of ESL Student Achievement and Retention at Seattle Central Community College. 1996 353 Special

Grant Project, Office of Adult Literacy, Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

Writing Across the Curriculum at Seattle central Community College. Co-authored with three faculty members. 1998

A View from Shanghai: China's Foreign Returned Scholars. Co-authored with Ruth Hayhoe, A study commissioned by

the Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China, National Academy of

Sciences, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. 1990.

Chinese Trainees in Canadian Placement: Phase II. Co-authored with Ian Martin, Special Federal Project (For CIDA)

Canada - China Language and Cultural Program. 1987.

Curriculum Guidelines and Toolbox:

ABE/ESL Computer Curriculum. Co-authored with V. Sison, B. Tice-teering, A. Levine, J. Goerge, C. Costa. 1999

Writing Toolbox: Tools for Achieving Writing Competencies Across the Curriculum. Co-authored with L.Dodson, C.

Howe and C. Waluconis, 1998. Seattle Central Community College.

Ontario LINC (Language Instructions for Newcomers to Canada) Curriculum Guidelines. Co-authored with

M. Stonell, D. Fleming, K. Krawford. Employment and Immigration Canada, 1993.


Chinese for Communication -- Basic Expressions (1). Shirong Zhongwen Huihua. Department of Continuing Education,

Language Division. Humber College of Applied Arts and Technology, Toronto, 1992.

Sample Keynote /Plenary Talks:

“Developing Resilient and Innovative Educators through Actions and Innovations” Opening Keynote speaker at the 2021 Cam-TESOL Virtual International Conference, Feb. 5, 2021.

“Teachers as Critical, Reflective and Resilient Educators – Perspectives and Strategies” Plenary speaker at Language Teacher Training and Education Virtual International Conference (LTTE). Indonesia, Sept. 23, 2020

“Differentiated Instruction in EFL Contexts- Research, Practice and Strategies,” invited featured speaker at Thai-TESOL 2020 International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, Feb.1st, 2020

“ELT For Glocal Synergies Across Disciplines and Multilingual Ambiences” Invited Plenary Speaker at the 2019 Asia-TEFL International Conference in Bangkok, Thailand June 27-29, 2019

“Teachers as Researchers in the 21st Century ELT Classroom: Navigating Journey through Case Studies” Plenary speaker at The 5th International Conference on Foreign Language Teacher Education Innovation and Development, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.

“Building Skills, Expanding Networks, and Overcoming Challenges in the 21st Century Global ELT Field.” TESOL-Africa 2018 International Conference. Senegal, May 4-6, 2018.

“Integrating 21st Century Skills in EMI Programs” Plenary Speech at National University of Science 2017 Conference, Taibei, Dec 2017

“Redefining and Empowering Teachers and Learners in the Glocalized ELT Field” Plenary speech at SPELT 2017 International Conference, Karachi Nov. 2017

“Co-constructing English Teaching and Learning through Glocalization” Featured speech at 2017 TESOL Arabia International Conference, Dubai, AUE, March 9, 2017

“The changing landscape of ELT- Redefining, Integrating and Empowering” Featured speech at 2017 Nile TESOL International Conference, Cairo, Egypt. January 23-24, 2017

“Nine Trends and implications in the changing Glocalized ELT Field”. Keynote Speech at 2017 Global Education International Conference, Manila, Philippines, January 27-29, 2017

“21st Century ELT-Trends, Strategies and Implications” Opening Keynote speech at 2016 Neuro-ELT International Conference at University of Macau, Nov. 12-13, 2016

“Teaching and Learning English in a Changing World: Trends, Strategies and Responsibilities” Opening Keynote speech at Canadian International English Language Learner Conference, Guangzhou, China, Nov. 11, 2016

“Classroom and Beyond” Opening Keynote speech at WAESOL 2016 Conference, Spokane, WA, USA Oct. 2016.

“Transcending Boundaries: ESP in the 21st Century Higher Education” Keynote speech at Joint International Conference- ESP in Asia 2016: Frontier and Advancement, Tokyo, Japan Oct. 2016,

“Celebrating Change: Revaluating Teacher Professional Development - A Focus on Leadership Development” Keynote speech at 2016 Ecua-TESOL Conference, Guayaquil, Ecuador, June 2016.

“Empowerment through Glocalization for the 21st Century ELT Professionals”. Keynote speech at 2016 Thai-TESOL Conference, Khon Kean, Thailand, January 29-30, 2016.

Striving for Excellence and Visibility: Strategies for the 21st Century ELT Professionals.” Featured speech at 1st African TESOL Conference, Khartoum, Sudan, Feb. 26-27, 2016.

“Teaching English in a Changing World: Strategies and Responsibilities of ELT Professionals”. Keynote speech at 21st BETA International Conference in Sucre, Bolivia, Jan 11-13, 2016.

“Teaching English in the 21st Century Contexts.” Keynote speech at HELTA TESOL 2015 Conference, St Pedro, Sula, Honduras, Nov. 18-20, 2015.

“Crossing Boarders, Building Bridges: Journey to A Better Future for TESOL.” Presidential plenary speech at TESOL 2015 Convention, Toronto, Canada, March 2015.

“ESP in the 21st Century- An NNES Professional's Perspective” Plenary speech at 7th International Conference on ESP in Asia. Qingdao, Shangdong, China, Sept. 25-27, 2015.

“Empowering Teachers and Students in ELT in the 21st Century Classroom.” Opening Plenary at TESOL Peru 2015Convention, Trujillo, Peru, July 31st, 2015.

“Celebrating Teachers’ Achievements: Strategies and Responsibilities of ELT Professionals in the 21st Century Classroom.” Opening Plenary at Three Rivers TESOL 215 Conference, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Nov. 7th, 2015.

“Reconnection, Reflection and Renewal: Strategies and Responsibilities of ELT Professionals in the 21st Century Classroom” Plenary speech at BC-TEAL 2015 Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 22-23, 2015.

“Winds of Change in ELT: Strategies, Issues and Responsibilities of ELT Professionals in the 21st Century Classroom” Plenary speech at ARTESOL 2015 XI Southern Cone TESOL Convention, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 8-9, 2015.

“Reconnection, Reflection and Renewal: Strategies and Responsibilities of ELT Professionals in the 21st Century Classroom” Plenary speech at BC-TEAL 2015 Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 22-23, 2015.

“Winds of Change in ELT: Strategies, Issues and Responsibilities of ELT Professionals in the 21st Century Classroom” Plenary speech at ARTESOL 2015 XI Southern Cone TESOL Convention, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 8-9, 2015.

“Departing from Tradition: Trends and Responsibilities of TESOL Educators in the Changing Global ELT Field.” The 3rd English Language International Conference: Departing from the Tradition: Innovation in English Language teaching and Learning English Language Center, University of Macau, Jan 31st-Feb 1st, 2015.

“Developing Teachers as Leaders, Current Trends in Teacher Professional Development.” Featured speaker at 2014 PAC/the 15th International Symposium on English Teaching. ETA- Taiwan, Nov. 2014.

“Effective Vocabulary Teaching and Learning Strategies” Plenary speech at 2014 Symposium of National Taiwan University of Technology. Nov. 2014.

“Empowering Teachers and Students in ELT in the 21st Century Classroom” Plenary speech at ANUPI-TESOL 2014 Conference- Tides of Change: Empowering teachers and students in ELT. Mazatlan, Mexico, Nov, 7, 2014.

“Major Trends Issues and Responsibilities of Teacher Educators in the Changing Global ELT Field” Opening Plenary Speech at National Association of English Teacher Education 2014 Symposium. Chengdu, China. Oct 2014.

“Current Trends and Issues in ELT: Implications for ELT in China”. Featured Symposium Chair/speaker. The Seventh International Conference on English Language Teaching (ELT) in China, Nanjing, China, Oct. 2014.

“Development in L2 Writing Research and Practice” Plenary speech at 2014 International Symposium on College English Writing: Writing across Borders: New Directions in EFL and ESL Writing Research. Wuhan University of Technology/University of Macau, Wuhan, P.R. China, Sept. 2014.

“Strengthen the ELT Teachers in Haiti- Trends, Roles and Responsibilities”. Opening Plenary Speaker, MATE-TESOL 2014 Conference: Strengthen the ELT Teachers in Haiti, Port-au-Prince, Haiti Aug. 2014.

“What Teachers Need to Know about Vocabulary Teaching and Learning?” Plenary speech at 2014 Higher Education Conference on ELT. Kaohsiung University of Hospitality. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 2014.

“Examine, Support, Renew - ELT for the Next Generation” Opening Plenary Speech at Ven-TESOL 32nd National Convention: Examine, Support, Renew - ELT for the Next Generation Social Communication School. Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Caracas, Venezuela, May 30th and 31st, 2014.

“Developing Speaking Skills through Story Reading and Questioning Techniques” Plenary talk at ACPI-TESOL 2014 Convention. San Jose, Costa Rica. June 27, 2014.

“Principles and Strategies for Effective Remedial Instruction.” 2014 Conference on Learning Support for Low Achievers. Ministry of Education/National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. June 20-21, 2014.

Milestones in Teaching and Learning: Trends, Successes, Strategies and Responsibilities”. Illinois-TESOL ITBE 2014 40thth Anniversary Convention. Lisle, IL, Feb 29-March 1st, 2014.

Open Plenary “Excellence in English Teaching and Learning for Regional and International Integration- A NNEST’s Perspective” Cam-TESOL 2014 International Conference. Phnom Penn, Cambodia, Feb. 2014.

“A Quest for Excellence in Teaching - A Non-native English Speaking Professional's Perspective” Featured speaker: at IATEFL LAMSIG 2013 Conference- Quality and Standards in Language Teaching: A Quest For Excellence, Izmir,Turkey, May 3-4, 2013.

“Vocabulary Teaching Strategies for English Learners” Plenary Speech at Lao-TESOL 2012 Conference. Vientiane, Feb.2- 4, 2012.

“Soft Power: Optimizing Influence as a constructive change agent.” Featured speaker at the 2012 Mid-Year English Language Fellows Conference. RELO/Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand J.W. Marriott Hotel, Bangkok, Jan 25-25, 2012.

Effective Vocabulary Learning Strategies for English Language Learners. Featured presentation at 32nd Thai-TESOL Annual International Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. Jan 27-28, 2012.

“Trends, Issues, Challenges, and Responsibilities of Non-Native Speaking TESOL Educators in the Global ELT Field over the Next Decade” Plenary Speech at 30th Thailand TESOL International Conference “ELT in the Next Decade:Sharing, Caring, and Daring” Bangkok, Thailand, January 29, 2010.

Open Plenary “Teaching and Learning to Speak the Same Language in the Global English Language Teaching (ELT) Field: Trends, Issues and Challenges for Non-Native English Speaking Educators.” at the 15th International NATE Conference- Learning to Speak the Same Language, jointly organized by NATE and the TATELTA in Kazan, Russia. June 25th, 2009.

Open Plenary “Trends, Issues and Challenges of Non-Native Speaking TESOL Educators in the Global ELT Field”TESOL Yakut 2009 Summer Institute: Opportunities and Challenges in teaching and Learning EFL. Yakut, Russia. June 17, 2009.

“Trends, Issues, Challenges, and Responsibilities of Non-Native Speaking TESOL Educators in the Global ELT Field over the Next Decade” 30th Thailand TESOL International Conference “ELT in the Next Decade: Sharing, Caring, and Daring” Bangkok, Thailand, January 29, 2010

“Teaching and Learning to Speak the Same Language in the Global English Language Teaching (ELT) Field: Trends, Issues and Challenges for Non-Native English Speaking Educators.” at the 15th International NATE Conference- Learning to Speak the Same Language, jointly organized by NATE and

the TATELTA in Kazan, Russia. June 25th, 2009

“Opportunities and Challenges for Non-Native Speaking ELT Educators in the Changing Global Society” Plenary session at Yakut TESOL 2009 Summer Institute-Opportunities and Challenges for Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language. Yakutsk, Russia. June 2009.

“TESOL Educators in the Changing Global Community.” Invited opening keynote speaker at TESOL Peru 2007 National Convention. Tacna, Peru. Aug. 2007.

Sample Symposia/Colloquium Presentations:

“Differentiated Instruction and Assessment in EFL Contexts: Research, Practice & Recommendations” Organizer and Speaker At The EFL-IS Academic Session, TESOL 2019 International Convention, Atlanta, USA March 12-15, 2019.

“The State of Adult Ed and The Advocacy Work for Adult EL Learners” Panel Colloquium speaker at the TESOL 2019 International Convention, Atlanta, USA March 14, 2019.

“Identity, Dialect, and Language Ideology in an EFL Co-Teaching Context” Colloquium presentation at TESOL 2017 International Convention, Seattle, WA USA. April, 2017.

Defining, Exploring, and Measuring Cultural and Linguistic Competence” Colloquium presentation at TESOL 2016 International Convention, Baltimore, USA. April, 2016.

“New Directions for ESP Education – An NNEST Perspectives” Featured speaker at the Colloquium on the Current Development in EST Education in Japan. UEC Tokyo, Feb. 12-13, 2016.

“Demystifying Academic Career Paths for Nonnative Graduate Students and Scholars” Colloquium presentation at TESOL 2013 Convention. Dallas, TX March, 2013.

"Successful Strategies for Navigating Professional Life in Higher Education” Colloquium presentation at TESOL 2013 Convention, Dallas, TX March, 2013.

“Adult Education in the 21st Century- Successes, Strategies, and Challenges”. Featured Session at TESOL 2009 Convention, Denver, 2009

“Classroom-Based Action Research-Trends, Successes and Debate” TESOL 2008, NewYork, 2008

Professional Development for TESOL Educators.” Colloquium presentation at TESOL 2007. Seattle WA.2007

“Standards, Equity and Advocacy: Challenges and Issues that Adult ESOL Educators Face in 21st Century” TESOL 2006

Convention, Tampa FL. U.S.A. March 15, 2006.

“Tools for Change: Survey of ESOL Teachers in Adult Basic Education and Literacy Systems” AEIS Panel Presentation at

TESOL 05, San Antonio March 30, 2005.

“Immigration Issues for IEPIS(Intensive English Programs), AEIS (ESOL in Adult Education, and HEIS (ESL in Higher

Education) ” TESOL 03 Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, March 28, 2003.

“ Teaching and Learning Resources on Sept 11th event and its aftermath.” TESOL ’02 Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah,

April 9-13, 2002.

“Scholarship of Teaching –Theory-to-Practice-to-Theory.” Panel presentation at Washington TLC Network Retreat, Port

Ludlow, WA, March 2002.

"Social Justice Issues" Panel Discussion at Washington Association for Education to Speakers of Other Languages Annual

Conference Seattle University, Seattle, WA, Nov. 4th, 2000.

“Asian Pacific American Cultures and the Process of Learning” Washington Center for Improving the Quality of

Undergraduate Education Workshop for Community and Technical College Faculty and Staff. Panel Speaker.

Nov. 19, 1999.

“Colloquium on Sociopolitical Issues and Concerns.” Panel presentation at TESOL ’99 Convention, New York,

March 9- 13, 1999.

“Colloquium on Employment Issues and Concerns for ESL Professionals” Panel presentation at TESOL ’98

Convention, Seattle WA, March 17-21, 1998.

Co-present with Drs. Willows, Segalowitz, Lukatela, Turvey, and Dr.Venezky “Methodological Issues in Cross

Linguistics Reading Research” at 1994 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Conference,

New Orleans Conference, U.S.A., April 1994.

"Draft LINC Curriculum Guidelines: Project and Product.” TESL Ontario 93 Conference, Toronto, November 1993.

Sample Presentations/Workshops at National and International Conferences:

“Leading with Racial Equity through Innovative Professional Development” workshop presentation at the 2020 Virtual League for Innovation Conference, March, 1st.2021.

“Transforming Teaching, Learning, and Student Services Through Innovative Professional Development” Panel presentation at the 2020 League for Innovation Conference, Seattle WA, March 3rd. 2020.

“Teacher Professional Development - A Focus on Leadership Development/” TESOL Arabia 2017 International Conference Dubai, AUE, March 2017.

“Transcending Boundaries in Glocalized ELT Field- Implications for English-Medium Universities in Macau and Asia.” Centre for Teaching and Learning Enhancement Forum, Univ. of Macau, January 2017

“Developing speaking skills through reading and questioning techniques” Workshop presentation at ACPI-TESOL 2014 Conference. San Jose, Costa rica. June 2014.

“Integrating Technology in English Language Teaching: Tools and strategies for low-level adult EL learners.” Workshop presentation at CALL Electronic Village, TESOL 2014 Convention, Portland, March. 2014.

“Effective Vocabulary Teaching and Learning Strategies.” US Dept. of State English Fellows Mid-Year Conference in Southeast Regions, Phnom Penn, Cambodia, Feb. 2014.

“Professional Development- A Focus on Leadership Development.” US Dept. of State English Fellows Mid-Year Conference in Southeast Regions. Phnom Penn, Feb. 2014.

“How to write an effective conference proposal./abstract” (Royal University of Phnom Penh/ Institute of Foreign Languages. Cam-TESOL 2014 Pre- conference Training Institute, Jan, 2014.

“Critical Language Studies: Focusing on Identity Development through NS and NNS Co-Teaching in an EFL Context” The International Society of Language Studies 2013 Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 13, 2013.

“Learning Diversity from World Englishes- Implications for Teaching and Learning” WAESOL 2012 Conference.Seattle, WA Oct. 2012.“You CAN be a Fulbright Scholar- A Fulbright Senior Scholar’s Stories” Seattle Colleges District-wide seminar. Nov. 2012.

“Learning Diversity from World Englishes” Invited speaker for Bellevue College at college-wide faculty retreat. Feb. 2010. Bellevue WA.

“Integrating Information Literacy for ESL Students” TESOL 2012 Convention, Philadelphia, USA March 28-31, 2012.

“Non-Native English Speakers Navigating the Higher Ed System in North America” Tri-TESOL Conference, Seattle WA, Oct. 22, 2011.

“Our Mission is Transition- Pathways to Prepare Adult Learners for Successful Transitions” Commission on Adult Education

(COABE) National Conference 2011, San Francisco, California. April 14, 2011.

“Creating Pathways to Prepare Adult Learners for Successful Transitions” Presentation at TESOL 2010 Convention, Boston,

March, 2010

“Bridging the Gap - Integrating Information Literacy into ESL Curriculum” Panel presentation at Rendezvous 2010:Review,

Renew, Revitalize! Yakima, WA July 19-21, 2010.

“Credentialing Teachers of Adult English Language Learners: Blessing or Curse? Featured Panel presentation at TESOL

2010 Convention, Boston, March 2011

“Effective Questioning Techniques and Critical Thinking” the 15th International NATE Conference- Learning to Speak the Same Language in Kazan, Russia. June 27th, 2009.

“Building Association, Leadership and Community of Professionals -What Activities Make an Association Strong?” co-presented with the RELO Director David Fay and Elena Lubnina at the 15th International NATE Conference- Learning to Speak the Same Language in Kazan, Russia. June 27th, 2009.

“Transition to College Success – ESL Financial English, Accounting and Quantitative Reasoning - Pathways to Business and Financial World" Workshop presentation at Rendezvous, the WA Adult Basic Education 2008 Conference. Seattle University, June 30 – July 2, 2008.

"Effective Questioning Techniques" TESOL Peru 2008 Conference, Trujillo, Peru, July 31st- August 2nd, 2008

“Vocabulary Learning Strategies for English Learners”. TESOL Peru 2008 Conference, Trujillo, Peru, August 2nd, 2008.

“Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum: a Method for Quantitative Reasoning. (a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded initiative” Co-presenter at Pacific Northwest Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference, Spokane, WA, April 30- May 2nd, 2008

“Critical Ethnography as Action Research: Successes and Challenges of Immigrant Students Studying at an urban U.S. Higher Education Institution” Paper presentation at Asia TEFL 2006 International Conference. Fukuoka, Japan. Aug.2006

“Pursuing Social Justice through Sacred Relationships among People of Color to Move the Agenda” Panel presentation at Faculty and Staff of Color in Higher Education Annual Conference. WA. Nov. 2005.

“Thinking with F.I.R.E.- Critical Questioning Techniques” Commission on Adult Basic Education (COABE) National Conference 2005. May 6,2005, Anaheim, California.

“Tools of Engagement: Demystify the myths on immigrant staff, faculty and student, A Continued Dialogue.” Workshop presentation at Faculty and Staff of Color in Higher Education 2004 Annual Conference. Vancouver, WA. Oct.28, 2004

“Standardized Testing vs. Authentic Assessment: Where do they meet?” Paper presentation at The 25th Annual TESOL Greece Convention Looking Back and Looking Forward: 25 Years of TESOL Greece. Athens, March 13,2004.

“Critical Thinking and Language Learning” WAESOL 2004, Green River Com. College, WA Oct. 23, 2004.

“Voices from Learners and Educators” TESOL 2004 Convention, Long Beach, CA. March 31st, 2004.

“What Can WAESOL Do for You?” WAESOL 2003 Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. Nov. 1st 2003.

“Affirming Diversity – Working with Immigrant Faculty and Students” Washington State Faculty and Staff of Color in

Higher Education Annual Conference. Bellingham, WA Oct. 30th, 2003.

“Successes and Challenges in Promoting ABE/ESL Awareness in Washington State" Panel presentation at COABE (The

Commission on Adult Basic Education) National Conference. Tuesday, April 28, 2003. Portland, Oregon.

“Providing Support to Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Network” Panel presentation at League of Innovation 2002

Conference, Boston, March 16-19, 2002

“Critical Moments- Creating a diversity learning community on students retention.” Panel presentation at The Association

Summer Conference, WACTC. Vancouver, WA, July31-Aug 2,2001.

“Empowering Students with Active Reading Strategies”. Workshop presentation at XVI National Conference for Teachers of

English - A New Era: New Directions and Challenges. January 26,27, & 28, 2000, San Jose, Costa Rica

" Issues and Strategies of Using State Mandated Assessment Instruments" Panel presentation at Washington Association

for Education to Speakers of Other Languages Annual Conference Seattle University, Seattle, WA, Nov. 3th, 2000.

“Choose the Moment: Using Institutional Commitments to Keep Diversity Issues on the Front Burner.” Panel presentation

at Washington Higher Education Assessment Conference, Vancouver, WA May 4, 2000

“Cultural Stereotypes and Expectations: What Gets In the Way of Student learning?” Opening Panel Presentation at

Asian Pacific Cultures and the Process of Learning Workshop organized by Washington Center for Improving

the Quality of Undergraduate Education. Tacoma, Jan. 26, 2000

“Do we know them? Untold Success Stories of Students of Color: A project in progress.” Panel presentation at

Washington Center for Improving the Quality of Undergraduate Education 13th Annual Conference:

Improving Undergraduate Education: Teaching and Learning in the Context of Cultural Differences.

Seattle, Friday, Feb. 25, 2000

“Empowering Students with Active Reading Strategies.” Workshop presentation at XVI National Conference for

Teachers of English “A New Era: New Directions and Challenges”. Jan. 26, 2000

“Issues and Strategies in Using State Mandated Testing” Panel presentation at WAESOL 99 Conference. Issaquah,

WA, Nov. 12-13, 1999.

“Writing assignments and expectations of college” Panel presentation at TESOL’99 Convention. New York,

March 9- 13, 1999.

“WAC: Writing Tool and Writing Competencies”. Co-presented with Carl Waluconis at 3rd Annual Lilly

Conference on College and University Teaching, Northwest, Portland, Oct. 28-30, 1999

“Writing Toolbox and writing competencies” co-presented with C. Howe. WAESOL 98 Conference. Tacoma, WA.

Nov. 13-14, 1998.

“Issues and Concerns of Adult ESL Learning.” Alternatives 98. 1st International and 5th National Conference Prague,

Czech Republic, Sept.18-20, 1998

“The Slow and Difficult Process of creating and sustaining a diverse Community of Faculty: A case study.” Panel

presentation at Embracing Community, Diversity and Change: Higher Education in the 21st Century

Conference. Seattle, WA Feb. 26-28, 1998

“Employment Surveys: Tools for Change, Action and Equity.” Panel presentation at Embracing Community,

Diversity and Change: Higher Education in the 21st Century Conference. Seattle, WA Feb. 26-28, 1998.

“Fun with Foreign Language Teaching!” Lilly Conference on College Teaching - Atlantic, Baltimore, April 3-5,1998

“Social-Political Concerns of Eastern Washington.” Panel Discussion. Eastern Washington Regional Conference

(WAESOL), Oct. 4, 1997.

“Who’s Writing Across Whose Curriculum?” Panel presentation at 8th Annual Higher Education Assessment

Conference “Next Century Learning and Assessment”, Spokane, May 8, 1997.

“Listening in and speaking out.” 15th Annual Conference, Tacoma Community House Training Project. May 10, 1997

“ESL employment surveys as tools for change, action, equity.” Panel presentation at TESOL 97, Orlando, March 13, 1997

“Impact of Social-cultural, Social-economical Factors on Adult ESL Learning” Tri-TESOL Conference’ 96. Seattle,

Nov. 8, 1996

“Washington State Employment Survey: Tools for Change, Action, Equity.” Tri-TESOL Conference’ 96. Seattle,

Nov. 8, 1996

“Journey to Success: L2 Literacy Students at an Urban Community College” 1996 American Association for Applied

Linguistics Conference in Chicago. March. 21, 1996.

“Five-year Survey of ESL Students at Seattle Central Community College: Retention and Achievement”

WAESOL Conference’ 95. Nov. 8, 1995.

“What should we know about our ESL learners? ESL Students’ retention and achievement at a community college.

NAFSA Workshop, Denver, Oct. 1995.

“Methodological Issues in L1 and L2 Reading Research.” Paper Presented at International Congress of First, Second and

Foreign Language Reading at Universities. Toulouse, France, Sept. 1995.

" Interactive Approaches to ESL Reading" Paper Presented at TESOL Canada '94 Conference, Toronto, Canada. Nov.

25, 1994.

" Word frequency and structure complexity effects on L1 and L2 word recognition” ILEC 93 Conference, Hong Kong,

December 1993.

" Needs assessment activities in ESL classroom” ILEC 93 Conference, Hong Kong, December 1993.

"Second Language Word Recognition Processes in a Non-Alphabetic Language-- Chinese” presented at the 13th Annual

Second Language Research Forum (SLRF’93), Pittsburgh, U.S.A., March 1993.

"Interactive Approaches to ESL Reading.” workshop presentation at Adult ESL Administration Center, Toronto

Board of Education, Toronto, Canada, February 1994.

"Cheese or Tofu: EFL (English as a foreign language) Language Planning in P.R.China" II International Congress of

Educational Philosophy, Madrid, Spain, December 1992.

Session Chair Paper Session: Reading in Non-alphabetic Languages. 42nd National Reading Conference, Texas.

"Word Recognition Processes of First and Second Language Readers of Chinese" National Reading Conference(NRC)

41st Annual Meeting, Palm Spring, California, U.S.A. December 1991.

"Word recognition strategies used by second language readers of Chinese." The International Conference of Second

Language Acquisition in Chinese Context, Hong Kong, July 1991.

"The Influence of Language and Thinking on Chinese/English Speakers Dealing with Counterfactual Problems" The

IVth International Comparative Education Conference: Development, Communication and Language,

Montreal, June 1989.

"Chinese Trainees in Canadian Placements: An Approach to Understanding Cross-cultural Issues within Specific Fields"

The IVth International Comparative Education Conference: Development, Communication and Language,

Montreal, June 1989.

"Same or Different? EFL and ESL Language Teaching" TESL Ontario 88 Conference, Toronto, November 1988.

"Beyond Language: Approaches to Understanding Cross-cultural ESP Processes" The Fourth ILE International

Conferences on "Teaching and Learning Styles within and across Cultures: Implications for Language Pedagogy.

Hong Kong, December 13-15. 1988.

"Process Writing and Computer: CSL(Chinese as a Second Language) Students Learning Chinese Composition" The

Fourth ILE International Conference on "Teaching and Learning Styles within and across Cultures: Implications

for Language Pedagogy. Hong Kong, Dec. 13-15, 1988.

"On saying Thank You - Gratitude Expressions in English and Chinese” The SPEAQ/ TESL Canada ‘88. Quebec City,

Canada, June 1988.

"Thanks -- a speech act: a comparative study of English and Chinese gratitude expressions." The 12th Annual Congress

of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics. Ottawa, May 25-27, 1989. (Invited Presentation)

"An EFL Needs Assessment at a Canadian University" The Conference of TESL Canada '87 Pacific Perspectives.

Vancouver, Canada, March 14, 1987.

"English Teaching in China: Problems and Perspectives" The Seventh Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning in

Higher Education. Kingston, Canada, June 23, 1987.

"Chinese Trainees in Canadian Placements: Approaches to Understanding Cross-cultural ESP Processes" Co-presenter,

The TESL Ontario 87 Conference. Toronto, Nov. 14, 1987.

Sample Presentations/Trainings at the College District and State Workshops and Retreats

“Building A Transparent Institution: Using TILT Tools In Instruction and Student Services.” Seattle Colleges District-wide workshop, Fall, 2019.

“What do you need to know about Curriculum Development Grant application?” Seattle Colleges District-wide workshop, Winter, 2019.

“Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century and Beyond: Implications and Strategies.” Seattle Central PD Day workshop, Fall 2018.

“You CAN be a Fulbright Scholar- A Fulbright Senior Scholar’s Stories” Seattle Colleges District-wide seminar. Nov. 2012.

“Learning Diversity from World Englishes” Invited speaker for Bellevue College at college-wide faculty retreat. Feb. 2010. Bellevue WA.

Trainer for Peer Observation Program- Faculty Learning Community at SCCD. Feb. 2009, March 2008.

“China – The Untold Stories” The Global Education Design Team Workshop, May 2005.

“Paradise Lost?- China in Transition.” Panel presentation with Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington Title 6 Seattle Community College District Workshop. Feb. 2004.

“Affirming Diversity- Working with Immigrant faculty and students at community colleges” Feb. 2004

“China: Breaking the Stereotype”. The Global Education Design Team workshop. SCCC. May 26, 1999.

“Chinese Calligraphy.” World Language and Cultural program workshop at Mercer Middle School. April 1999.

“Writing Toolbox at SCCC” Outcome Assessment Forum. SCCC. April 1998.

“Language and Power: Chinese: What is in the Language? The Global Education Design Team Workshop, SCCC. May 22, 1998

“Exploring Fascinating Chinese.” China Workshop, SCCD and East-West Center of Univ. of Hawaii, March 6-7, 1998.

“English as a Second Language: Transitions to Vocational and Transfer Programs” The Myth of the Open Door. Multicultural Efforts Project Retreat Washington Center for Improving the Quality of Undergraduate Program, Nov. 14, 1996.

“The students Don’t Do What I Ask”. Writing Across the Curriculum Week, Seattle Central Community College, April 28, 1997. The 6th Annual Conference of the Pacific NW Association of Instructional Research and Planning (PNAIRP) Oct.15, 95.

Outcome Assessment Forum on Issues of Grade Inflation. Seattle Central Community College, February, 1995.

Sample Articles published at WAESOL Newsletter

“Standards, Equity and Advocacy: Challenges and Issues that Adult ESOL Educators Face in the 21st Century Preliminary Survey Results of ESOL Teachers in Adult Basic Education and Literacy Systems” Spring, 2007 Vol. 32 (3).

“What Makes a Good Leader and a Strong Board? A Reflection on the Keynote Speech: Four Useful “Scopes” for a Leader by Dr. Neil Anderson, at TESOL 2006 Affiliate Leadership Workshop” Fall 2006. Vol. 31 (4).

“Authority, Authenticity and Autonomy –Issues and Strategies in Using State Mandated testing.” Winter 1999 Vol.


“Tools for Change, Action, Equity: Washington State ESL Employment Survey.” (Co-author) Fall 1997.