On Demand PD Modules


3 Ways to Encourage Distance Learning Participation for Students with Word Reading Difficulties

Student Ownership of Learning

Tiered Task Cards

Target Audience: All Staff

Engaging Students in an Online Setting

More Strategies!

Target Audience: All Staff

Remote Administraton of FAST and aReading- MAKE A COPY BEFORE TAKING NOTES

Remote Administration of FAST and aReading

Target Audience: K-8 Teachers who Administer FAST Assessments

Online and Distance Learning Routines

Target Audience: All Staff

Equitable Practices to Accelerate Student Learning for All

Equitable Practices to Accelerate Learning for ALL

Target Audience: All Staff

Zoom for Educators

Target Audience: All Staff

Building Teacher-Student Relationships in an Online Setting

Target Audience: All Staff

Interactive Read-Aloud in an Online Setting

Target Audience: Pk-1 Teachers

Developing and Sustaining Quality Virtual Sp Ed Services

Quality Remote Learning for Students with Special Needs

Target Audience: PK-12 Teachers

SEP-Pear Deck 10/16/20

Getting Started with Pear Deck

Newsela: 10.16.20

Supporting Authentic Learning with Newsela

(Sign in with your Google Account)

Classroom Strategies for Helping Students Cope with Stress and Anxiety

Classroom Strategies for Helping Students Cope with Stress and Anxiety