Postdoctoral Fellow Position (positions filled)

A Postdoctoral Fellow position is immediately available in Dr. Xu's lab in the Department of Biology at Saint Louis University (SLU) to work on a NSF-funded project investigating the mechanisms that control the formation of gap junction-mediated electrical synapse between central neurons. The studies involve a variety of techniques including cell culture, electrophysiology, calcium imaging, pharmacology, immunocytochemistry, and molecular biology. The ideal candidate would have a PhD in Neuroscience, Biology or other related fields and have strong experience with molecular biology techniques including cloning, PCR, RNAi, and western blotting.  The candidates would receive training in electrophysiology, calcium imaging and neurochip techniques. In addition, the candidate should have strong work ethics, is highly motivated, and has excellent written and oral communication skills.

The lab uses both invertebrate freshwater snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) and vertebrate (rat and mouse) primary cell culture models. The lab research is very collaborative and interdisciplinary.  The candidates would have plenty of opportunities to interact with members in the department, across the SLU campus, and in other institutions.

To apply, please email the Curriculum Vitae and a Brief Statement of Research Interests, along with contact information of three referees to Dr. Fenglian Xu (


For more information about Saint Louis University, please visit Information on the Department of Biology can be found at

Note: We are also actively looking for a motivated PhD student to join our lab for the same project.