Safety Training

As a member of the Janowiak lab, a series of safety training must be obtained prior to working in the laboratory. Additionally, each member must obtain a yearly refresher of "Laboratory Safety & Compliance Training."

In addition to obtaining the official safety training, each member of the Janowiak lab is also specifically trained for working in the laboratory. Prior to this one-on-one training, please read the lab's approved protocols regarding: 1) Biosafety Level 2 Practices, 2) Radiation safety, 3) Animal care, and 4) Blood Borne Pathogens. These documents, along with the approved Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) protocol, approved Radioation Safety Committee protocol, Institutional Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocol, and Institution Review Board (IRB) protocol, are all available to you on our shared Google Drive. If you need access to the Janowiak Lab Google Drive, please let me know, and I'll send you an invite. 

Below you will find information about each training required. As a general rule, all undergraduates need to complete training 1 - 3, all graduate students need to complete training 1-5, and anyone interested in working with animals (mice), please also complete training #6. For the mouse infection studies, you'll need training #7, too. Training #8 is not currently required, but recommended if you are a graduate student. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Go here to find out more information and how to obtain each training: 

1) Laboratory Safety & Compliance Training (required for all undergraduates and graduate students in the lab)

This training is required for all employees, students, volunteers, fellows, teaching assistants and visitors prior to working within a research or teaching laboratory. The areas covered will include general, chemical and biological safety. This training is required prior to working with any hazards and annually thereafter. **I need records of your training - please provide me the date of your yearly training**. 

2) Bloodborne Pathogens Training (required for all undergraduates and graduate students in the lab)

Blood and other potentially infectious material (OPIM) have long been recognized as a potential threat to the health of employees who are exposed to these materials especially through penetration of the skin. The primary agents of concern are HIV, HBV, and HCV. There are other diseases that can be acquired through exposure to contaminated blood and these are covered in the training offered by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety. OSHA requires that anyone handling human blood or OPIM follow 29 CFR 1910.1030 "Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens; Needlesticks and Other Sharps Injuries; Final Rule". This federal regulation mandates training for all personnel handling blood or OPIM. The intent is to prevent or reduce exposure to any of these sometimes fatal diseases. All personnel handling human blood, tissues or fluids are required to take the Bloodborne Pathogens Training offered through SkillSoft before work has started and take refresher training annually. Additionally, a very effective hepatitis B vaccine is available from Employee Health for anyone working with human specimens. Please contact the Environmental Safety Office for access to training and more information (977-6808). **I need copies of your certificates, so make sure that you print your certificate upon completion (screenshots work, too)**. 

3) IRB Mandatory Online Education Modules (required for all undergraduates and graduate students in the lab)

In accordance with federal regulations and guidelines and Saint Louis University Institutional Review Board Standard Operating Procedures, education on the use of human subjects in research is mandatory at Saint Louis University. All faculty, staff, students, and collaborating researchers who are involved in the use of human subjects in research must complete the course of instruction offered by the Collaborative Institutional Review Board Training Initiative (CITI) Human Subjects Training at the web site given below. Please complete the biomedical research course. as it relates to your research. Individuals taking the biomedical course should select Group 1 during the registration process. You must satisfactorily complete all the quizzes in order to pass. Keep in mind that this training takes some time to complete. It's all online, but involves reading and taking quizzes. For additional information and access to the mandatory education module on the use of human subjects in research, please visit the following web site:  **I need copies of your certificates, so make sure that you print your certificate upon completion**. 

4) Radiation Safety Training (required for all graduate students in the lab)

Radiation Safety Orientation is a mandatory course for research and clinical laboratory personnel working with radioactive materials. If you are a graduate student in the lab, you MUST get trained for Radiation Safety. Once trained, let me know and you will be added to the Radiation Safety Protocol. As an undergraduate, you do not need to be trained for radiation safety unless specifically requested to do so, as your projects will not involve these materials. However, you should be aware that there are radioactive materials in the lab.  The orientation is generally given once a month. Individuals needing training should call the Office of Environmental Health and Safety at 977-6896 or e-mail to to register. Time: 240-300 minutes (depending on class size). **I need records of your training - your certificates will hang in the lab on display - therefore, please provide me a copy of your most recent certificate**

5) Infectious Material Shippers Training (required for all graduate students in the lab)

This training is required for clinical or laboratory employees who package, ship, or receive infectious materials within the University. For my lab, this includes Dr. Janowiak and the graduate students. This training covers the regulatory requirements and is required every two years. Please contact the Biosafety Specialist to schedule the training through the SLU Online Trainer. Here is the information: (Biological Safety Officer: Mark Campbell, M.S., SM(NRM), RBP, CBSP (314) 977-6888, Time: 30-60 minutes **I need copies of your certificates, so make sure that you print your certificate upon completion**

6) Animal Care Mandatory Training and Orientation (required for any undergraduates and graduate students in the lab wishing to work with mice)

Federal regulations require persons working with animals used for teaching or research be competent to perform their assigned duties and further require that competency be documented. This requirement extends to all personnel who perform procedures on live animals. All personnel who work with laboratory animals should be familiar with the facilities and policies of the Department of Comparative Medicine. In order to comply with both of these requirements, the Saint Louis University Animal Care Committee has authorized the Department of Comparative Medicine to develop and present a mandatory training and orientation program. The program will be presented twice each month to enable project personnel to attend a session during the two week period that the Authorization to Use Animals in Research or Teaching is under review. Go here to learn more about this process and to sign up: 

7) Mandatory Comparative Medicine Biohazard Training (required for any undergraduates and graduate students in the lab wishing to infect mice)

CDC/NIH regulations require that laboratory and animal support personnel involved in work with biohazardous agents receive appropriate training regarding the potential hazards associated with their work. Personnel are required to receive annual updates or additional training. In order to comply with these regulations, the SLU Animal Care Committee has authorized the Department of Comparative Medicine to develop and present mandatory biohazard training sessions. You will need the session for personnel working with BSL2 or lower level agents. This is held monthly, and the Department of Comparative Medicine will maintain records of attendance. Please contact Erin Touchette at 977-6232 to register for a session. Training sessions are held in the animal facilities in the lower level of the Doisy Research Building.

8) Mandatory Responsible Conduct of Research Training For Students, Fellows and Trainees

The National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) have established new training requirements in Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) for programs supporting research training, career development, or research education. In an effort to support institutional compliance with federal requirements, Saint Louis University established a policy requiring all students, post-doctoral fellows and trainees supported by external funds to receive formalized training in the area of Responsible Conduct of Research. At least 8 hours of face-to-face RCR training is required for all students, postdoctoral fellows and trainees who receive support through any externally sponsored funds. This training should be completed by the end of one's program. In order to meet this requirement, Saint Louis University will provide a series of 2-hour workshops throughout the year for individuals to attend. Attending at least four workshops will put one in compliance, but attending more is always encouraged. For additional information on existing policies and the workshop schedule, please visit .