Funding Opportunities

Any way you slice it, research costs money. As active researchers, we are constantly searching for opportunities to fund students (like yourself!), buy supplies and reagents, and travel to meetings to network and share our results. On this page, you'll find a variety of funding opportunities to help do one or multiple of the above. 

Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid (undergraduate and graduate students)

Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid awards undergraduates and graduate students with grants of up to $1,000 to pay for travel expenses to and from a research site and/or for purchase of non-standard laboratory equipment necessary to complete a specific research project. Students interested in my microbial ecology projects would most benefit from this award. The application deadlines are yearly (March 15th and October 15th). I am an active member of Sigma Xi, and, as such, students working in labs with active members are more likely to get funded. Please visit here for more information. 

Undergraduate Scholarship Program AND Summer Research Experience at the NIH (undergraduates only)

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Scholarship Program offers competitive scholarships to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science health-related research. The program offers: scholarship support (up to $20,000/year for 1 to 4 years), paid research training at the NIH during the summer(s), and paid employment/training at the NIH post graduation. The deadline for applying is every year, February 1. For more information, please go here

Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSA) for Individual Predoctoral Fellowships to Promote Diversity in Heath-Related Research (NIH F31 Grant) (graduate students only)

This program encourages students from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds to seek research doctoral degrees in the biomedical and behavioral sciences to help increase the number of well-trained scientists from underrepresented groups. The fellowship provides up to 5 years of support for research training leading to the Ph.D. or equivalent research degree, the combined M.D./Ph.D. degree, or other combined degrees in the biomedical or behavioral sciences. Deadlines are annually, April 13, August 13, and December 13. Please visit here for more information. Grants in my lab will likely be aimed at the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSA) for Individual Postdoctoral Fellowships (NIH F32 Grant) (postdocs only)

The overall goal of the NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) program is to help ensure that a diverse pool of highly trained scientists is available in appropriate scientific disciplines to address the Nation's biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research needs.  The purpose of the postdoctoral fellowship (F32) award is to provide support to promising postdoctoral applicants who have the potential to become productive and successful independent research investigators. Deadlines are annually, April 13, August 13, and December 13. Please visit here for more information. Grants in my lab will likely be aimed at the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). I had one of these when I was a postdoc, and it was a great opportunity for me. 

Graduate Women in Science National Fellowship (Graduate students only)

The SDE/GWIS National Fellowships Program is proud to offer fellowships to help increase knowledge in the fundamental sciences and to encourage research careers in the sciences by women. Endowment funds, mostly generated from bequests, provide the annual income that supports scientific research done by SDE/GWIS award winners.  Each year’s application deadline is January 15th, with awards being announced on or before July 1 for funding in the following academic year.  The SDE/GWIS National Council will determine exact fellowship amounts with the maximum allowable award being $10,000. Visit this website for more information. 

UNCF Merck Science Initiative (undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs)

The UNCF/Merck Science Initiative Program supports the development of researchers in the biological sciences and engineering by giving promising African American scientists support for their studies and research projects at the undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral levels. 

Undergraduates: Scholarships up to $25,000, A paid internship at a Merck facility with stipend of more than $5,000, and mentoring and networking opportunities. Who's eligible: College juniors, science or engineering majors, 3.3 GPA

Graduate students: Fellowships up to $53,500, and mentoring and networking opportunities. Who's eligible: Ph.D. or equivalent degree candidates engaged in dissertation research in biological, chemical or engineering fields

Postdocs: Fellowships up to $92,000 and mentoring and networking opportunities. Who's eligible: Ph.D. or equivalent degree recipients in biological or chemical research fields

For more information, please visit the website

SACNAS Annual Research Conference (open to undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs)

SACNAS is a society of scientists dedicated to advancing Hispanics/Chicanos and Native Americans in science. They are a national nonprofit organization of individuals and organizations interested in quality science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research, teaching, leadership, and policy. As one of the largest annual gatherings of minority scientists in the country, the interdisciplinary, inclusive, and interactive SACNAS National Conference motivates and inspires. Registration includes: Professional & leadership development sessions, Student & postdoc presentations, Scientific symposia sessions, Nationally recognized keynote speakers, Over 300 exhibits sharing training, research, grad school, and job opportunities, Networking and mentoring meals & events, and Cultural activities & performances. Showcasing cutting-edge science by the nation’s leading minority scientists and offering a supportive community is what makes the annual meeting a transformative event for all participants. Join to connect with professionals and students in all disciplines of science, technology, mathematics, and engineering from across the country. This meeting is held every fall. Go here for more information.