Welcome to Dr. Richard D. Harvey's

Collective Identity Lab

Identity. It's who we are.

Who are we?

The Collective Identity lab is directed by Dr. Richard D. Harvey and is based at Saint Louis University. We are a collection of researchers and academics dedicated to studying the descriptive and prescriptive aspects of various collective identities as they relate to a variety of social and workplace issues such as prejudice, organizational performance, self-protection, and self-regulation.

What is Collective Identity?

Identity answers one of the most fundamental questions of human existence: Who am I? It is directly related to one of our most fundamental motives: the need to belong. We utilize the term "Collective" as an umbrella term for a range of social (i.e., race, sex, class) and organizational (i.e., work, team) groups. Collective identity reflects the beliefs individuals have about their groups. We are particularly interested in the ability of Collective Identities to serve as DESCRIPTIVE and PRESCRIPTIVE mechanisms for individuals. Thus, our interest in Collective Identity spreads across multiple phenomena that we attempt to group into four main areas: Identity & Identification, Prejudice, Measurement & Evaluation, and Performance Management.