GSA Executive Board

GSA Main Office

Busch Student Center Room 240A*

(314) 977-2234

The GSA Executive Board welcomes graduate students or those advocating for graduate student interests to contact us with any questions, concerns, and/or opportunities. 

Please see the contact details and office hours of the respective Executive Board members below or contact


Zackary Davis

 Zack is a PhD Candidate in American Studies conducting his research in and around St. Louis chess publics. More specifically, his dissertation will document the ways in which local communities of chess players negotiate and complicate identity categories, such as race and gender, through their play. Zack graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a BA in History, English, and American Studies. When he isn't working, Zack can usually be found at one of the local chess clubs. As GSA President, Zack hopes to create more robust lines of communication between the e-board and all graduate students. Alongside this, he is especially interested in reaffirming the budgetary norms for GSA which situate the financial and social needs of graduate students as the foremost concerns of the organization.  

Office Hours: TBA


Vice President of North Campus 

Sebastian Arteaga

Sebastian is a chemistry Ph.D. candidate working under the guidance of Prof. Brent M. Znosko. Their lab analyzes the structure and stability of RNA under various conditions. Sebastian graduated from Carl Sandburg College with an A.S. degree. They went on to graduate with their B.S. degree in chemistry (focus in biochemistry with a biology minor) from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Sebastian piloted the chemistry graduate student committee (CGSC) in their department. The main goals of the CGSC include hosting biweekly journal clubs and department seminar speakers. Sebastian also works part-time as a consultant for the non-profit, STL-based organization, the Biotechnology and Life Sciences Advising Group. When not in the research lab, Sebastian enjoys photography, tending to their plants, listening to music, and coffee shop get-togethers. They are very excited at the opportunity to continue serving the SLU graduate student population as the V.P. of North Campus!

Office Hours: W/R 5:00 pm- 6:00 pm (Shannon Hall Rm 209)


Vice President of South Campus 

Ashley Yukihiro

Ashley Yukihiro is a second-year Doctoral student studying Health Care Ethics, concentrating in Clinical Ethics. She has a Master of Arts in Philosophy from Talbot School of Theology/ Biola University and a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology with an emphasis in Pre-Healthcare from Biola University. In addition to her role in GSA, Ashley works as a Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant in the Albert Gnaegi Center for Health Care Ethics and holds an ethics internship with SSM Saint Louis University Hospital, serving with the Ethics Committee. In collaboration with graduate student representatives and departments, Ashley hopes to foster community building among the SLU graduate student population, support graduate student well-being, and advocate for graduate student needs. 

Office Hours: 

M 9-11 am (Salus Center Suite 515)

W 9-11 am (Crave Coffee House)


Vice President of Finance 

Sebastian Arteaga

Sebastian is a chemistry Ph.D. candidate working under the guidance of Prof. Brent M. Znosko. Their lab analyzes the structure and stability of RNA in various conditions. Sebastian graduated from Carl Sandburg College with an A.S. degree. They then graduate with a B.S. degree in chemistry (focus in biochemistry with a biology minor) from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Sebastian piloted the chemistry graduate student committee (CGSC) in their department. The main goals of the CGSC include hosting biweekly journal clubs and department seminar speakers. When not in the research lab, Sebastian enjoys photography, tending to their plants, listening to music, and coffee shop get-togethers.

Office Hours: 

W/R 5:00-6:00 pm (Shannon Hall Rm 209)


Vice President of Administration 

Merlin Jenitia Chinnadurai Muthian

Merlin Chinnadurai, originally from India, is a public health graduate student specializing in Behavioral Science and Global Health. She holds an MD from Saint Lucia. During her undergraduate studies, Merlin was an active member of the American Medical Student Association, organizing medical camps and events. She also volunteered in underserved communities in Northeast India, promoting health awareness and equity. Having resided in various countries, Merlin has a deep appreciation for diverse cultures. She envisions a future where every student feels valued and supported through the  GSA. She aims to improve administrative processes, enhance communication, and strengthen community bonds at SLU. Outside of her studies, Merlin volunteers at her local church ministry and enjoys baking, reading, and painting.

Office Hours: By Appointment


Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion 

Jordey Jones

Hello, my name is Jordey Jones. I am currently a Master of Health Administration candidate at Saint Louis University, holding a BA in Business Administration from Lindenwood University. I am a diligent, passionate, and dedicated future leader. I am excited to have been chosen as the VP of Diversity and Inclusion for our Graduate Student Association. I plan to incorporate St. Louis traditions into our events while ensuring they are inclusive for everyone!

Office Hours: TBA


Vice President of International Affairs

 Nghia (Jacob) Ma

Jacob Mai is an international graduate student doing his Master of Public Health in Epidemiology with a certification in Biostatistics. Originally from Vietnam, Jacob has channeled his passion for public health into an academic career that spans continents. With a strong foundation in biological sciences, underscored by a B.S. in Biology with a minor in healthcare ethics from Saint Louis University,  Jacob has consistently demonstrated his commitment to improving health outcomes through rigorous scientific research. As the Vice President of International Affairs in the Graduate Student Association at Saint Louis University, Jacob hopes to advocate for all international graduate students through programs that enhance their educational and cultural experience. In his free time, he enjoys listening to music and cooking (especially baking), along with immersing himself in the world of the arts and archival fashion.

Office Hours: TBA


Vice President of Communication and Community

Natalie Hernandez

Natalie is a doctoral candidate in the department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) working with Dr. Elizabeth Hasenmueller. Their research assesses microplastic contamination in the air, water, sediment, and biota of the St. Louis region. Natalie received a BS in Environmental Science from Baylor University in Waco, TX in 2019 before coming to SLU to pursue a PhD. As part of the SLU WATER Institute, Natalie often volunteers by leading stream cleanup events and providing STEM outreach and education to local students. In addition to their research in the Hasenmueller hydrology and geochemistry lab, Natalie has earned a certificate in Geographic Information Science (GIS). Their GIS research has focused on applications of machine learning for remote sensing of sinkholes. Outside of school, Natalie enjoys reading, crafting, and exploring the outdoors.

Office Hours: TBA


External Affairs Officer

Office Hours: TBA
