Bryn Hafod, Mid Wales, October - by Ady

Saturday started bright but cold. Four of us went climbing on the crags above the hut. I had managed to pack all my rock gear except my harness so I spent the day trussed up in a couple of slings. We had a great if occasionally vegetated day climbing VS routes.

I was climbing with Tony Noonan, on our last climb about to do pitch 3 Tony's head torch decided now was the time to do a lemming impression, neatly exploding into the component parts as it bounced down the rocks ! A couple next to us were having a minor epic and needed a top rope which meant we didn't complete the climb till the sun went down. Thankfully Denise left her head-torch for us so we could descend safely.

Sunday started off overcast and started to rain as we headed out to Barmouth for a mountain bike ride. Fortunately the rain stopped and the weather slowly cleared during the day. The first section was hard going long grass, paddy fields and tussocky. A great down hill section followed through the woods eventually looping back up the hill to the grass, fortunately this soon relented. Some good tracks lead to some very steep roads just above Barmouth with an enjoyable downhill back to the town (apart from the very short section of overgrown footpath ! )