How to turn in LATE WORK

How to Turn in Late Work

  1. Do not turn in work late!
      1. 30 % is taken off your grade (after it’s scored). [note: if you are sick, it is still due, but depending when you turn it in, it may not be late. In situations like this, make sure to talk to me and add notes onto the work that’s being turned in. See syllabus for details]
    1. If you have late work, here’s what to do…
      1. If it is paper-based late work
        1. Take a screenshot, send a polite email (see below) with an image
        2. Place in box
        3. Make sure you put your name on it. (You will lose more points for no name)
    2. If it is digital late-work (google classroom, quiz, etc…)
      1. Open the assignment (quiz, doc, presentation, etc…)
      2. Copy the link
      3. In a polite email (see below) include the link to the work
      4. Note: I will probably NOT change the score in google classroom. You will need to MARK AS DONE. The Google Classroom score doesn’t matter- Power Teacher is what counts.

From: You


Subject: Your Name: Missing Quiz (Vocab #5)

Dear Mr. Waldman,

I was absent when we took vocabulary quiz #5, so I have included it here.

Thank you,

Your Name

Steps to include hyperlink:

    1. Copy URL of page that you need me to see
    2. Highlight the text in the body of the email that describes it.
    3. Click on the link symbol 🔗 located next to the add comment box on the toolbar.
    4. Add the link (URL), click apply!