How to Apply to the CGMBS Training Program

Follow These Application Instructions EXACTLY

IMPORTANT: Do not send us ANY documents through Postal Mail.

IMPORTANT: Answer the essay prompt! We will deduct points if you do not. It is very obvious to us when an applicant is using a standardized statement. Remember, our Application Review Committee as well as all of our participating Clinical Affiliates may be reading your Personal Statement.

IMPORTANT: You must have a valid CGMBS Trainee license by the application deadline.

IMPORTANT: If prerequisites were taken at a foreign university or your bachelors degree was conferred by a foreign university, we require a copy of your Transcript Evaluation NACES or AICE only. You do not need to provide copies of your foreign transcripts. Provide the evaluations only.

When all of the required application documents are assembled in your shared Google folder and you are ready to have your folder evaluated by the Selection Committee

Send notification via email to

Subject line should be FOLDER COMPLETE (indicate term applying for, i.e., CGMBS Fall 2025)

Note: Our selection committee will not look at any of your documents until your application package is complete (including the three letters of recommendation) and we have received email notification that your folder is ready for review.