Professional activities

myPublications now offers the functionality to record details of your professional activities, such as membership of editorial boards, funding panels, peer review colleges, academic or professional bodies; journal reviewing and refereeing; conference and event organisation; presentations, invited talks, keynotes, and plenaries; honorary and visiting positions or secondments; prizes and awards; media activity; and other public engagement activities.

How to add a professional activity

Step 1: Click '+add' in the professional activities box to add a new type of professional activity.

Step 2: Enter the required information and click 'save' at the bottom of the screen.

Collaborative professional activities - REF Environment and Engagement Log

If the professional activity is a collaborative endeavour, which cannot be claimed by a single colleague, then the details should be recorded on the REF Environment and Engagement Log.

This is an interdisciplinary log of environment and engagement activities, such as reading groups, seminars and research centre activity.

Academic colleagues and PGRs who organise such events are required to ensure that this information is recorded on the log.

The log can be accessed here (google form):

Catherine Anderson ( is on hand to provide administrative support with completing this information, should you need it.

The information collected on the google form, is listed below. If you would like us to record details of the event for you, please email Catherine with as many of the details listed below as you can provide:

  • The organisational banner under which the event falls (department, research centre or both)
  • The department(s) which were associated with the event
  • The research centres associated with the event
  • The title and date of the event
  • A brief description of the event, including the approximate number of attendees
  • Details of any social media which were associated with the event, including hashtags, facebook pages, twitter details
  • Details of any feedback collected, and the method by which it was collected