
The following pages give a brief overview of myPublications, software used to record details of your research outputs.

This is an abridged version of the official university guidance. For the full university guide, click here.

What is myPublications?

myPublications is the University's research information management system. It is used to manage information on research outputs, grants, impact, and professional activities.

How do I access it?

Log on to MUSE, and look for myPublicatons under 'My services'. Click the link to go to myPublications, where you will log in with your university credentials. Alternatively you can find the link under 'view all services'.

What should I record in myPublications?

The department asks that colleagues keep my publications up to date with the details of all their publications and other research activity. The software is flexible enough to store data on many different types of research and professional activities.

What about Open Access?

myPublications enables you to deposit outputs in the White Rose Research Online (WRRO) open access repository to comply with REF and funder mandates.

My question isn't answered here, help!

Please see the institutional FAQ here.

If you still have questions, there are links to basic guides on the left hand bar, or alternatively contact Catherine (