Output records

Once you have either claimed an output as yours, or input the bibliographic data yourself the output appears in myPublications as follows:

Each output has several elements:

Summary -The 'Summary' tab displays key information about the output, including the bibliographic details taken from the preferred source and citation count and altmetric of the output.

Sheffield users - Use the 'Sheffield users' tab to add Sheffield co-authors for an output. The output will be added to their list, sharing any open access files and links to grants and other items.

History - The 'History' tab tracks all changes made to the record, including those of other Sheffield authors with whom the record is shared.

Data sources - It is common for an output to be found in more than one online database (e.g. in Scopus and Crossref). myPublications identifies duplicates by comparing the bibliographic data and merges them. The different sources are shown on the 'Data sources' tab. Choose your preferred source by clicking on the adjacent star icon.

Full text - The 'Full text' tab enables you to deposit the Author Accepted Manuscript in our institutional Open Access repository White Rose Research Online (WRRO). Click on the file name to view it.

Links - The 'Links' tab lists the links between this output and other elements within myPublications, such as grants, professional activities, authors, and even other outputs. You can 'Add a new link' or remove links by clicking the red cross next to the relevant element.