Formal Review

Pursuant to policy 2521, the books listed below were submitted for informal review and now are at the formal review process. Policy states the books are to be removed from circulation during the formal review process, the books listed have been removed from circulation pending the outcome of review by the BPS Book Reconsideration Committee.  The books will be couriered to the Curriculum and Instruction office so the books may be used by the committee for the formal review. 

***Due to the language in HB 1069 requiring removal of titles that are not allowed to be read during the public comment, BPS has a set of titles that were not on the formal object list, but the speakers were stopped due to content or language. At this time, BPS will ensure all titles read aloud are removed from circulation pending review. Titles are listed below. The legal team is researching whether speakers that were stopped from reading content or language require use of the title to be discontinued.

Not on Formal List

Allegedly (Jackson)-Pending

Dates for committee formal review is listed below, "Pending" means a date for the committee review has not been set. 

Title and Author of Books for Formal Reconsideration. 

People Kill People by Ellen Hopkins- 8/16/24, 1:30pm

Damsel by E.K. Arnold- 8/16/24, 1:30pm

Sasaki and Miyanoo by Shou Harusono- 8/16/25, 1:30pm

All Boys Aren’t Blue by George Johnson- Pending

Breathless by J Niven- Pending

Last Night at the Telegraph Club by M. Lo- Pending

Out of Darkness by Ashley Hope Perez- Pending

The Haters by J Andrews- Pending

The Kingdom of Little Wounds by Susan Cokal- Pending