
May 31, 2024

Dear Families, 

Thank you all for your continued support with everything this year! Most recently with getting permission slips and payment for our trip to Buttonwood Park Zoo and the Pope Park Visit with  Acushnet Creamery Ice Cream treat.

Next week the children will not need their rest mats. We are gone 2 out of the four school days and our last day is a half-day of school. We will be busy on Wednesday talking about our class field trips, packing up our supplies, and helping to close our classroom.  Below are the lists for our 2 upcoming trips. 

Things the children need for our Monday Trip to Buttonwood Park Zoo. 

Dress with either SFX polo or gym T-shirt- there are other schools visiting on Monday. 

Wear a hat

Wear sneakers, no sandals please- we will be going to the playground. 

Bring a morning snack and lunch, water bottle- please pack the lunch and snack,  in your child’s regular lunch box. 

I am hoping I can get a wagon to hold all the  children’s, chaperones, and teachers lunches. 

Things the children need for Tuesday’s Pope Park Visit. 

Apply sunscreen in the am

Dress in play clothes



Pack a snack, lunch, and water bottle, in your child’s lunch box

Last Day of School is Thursday, Jun 6, 2024 , dismissal immediately following the presentation

Arrival 7:30 - 8 am. Children wear their Sunday Best. 

Departure to church approximately at 8:40am

9AM Mass 

9:45- 10 am End of Year Presentation in Gym. Each child can have 4 guests to see the presentation.

Thank you very much! I hope you have a great weekend! 

May 24, 2024

We are 8 days away from our last day  of the 2023-2024 academic year! This year passed by so fast! 

We definitely have had our challenges and much success in growth! Though the year is coming to a close, it is still bringing our class much joy. The children are enjoy watching the chicks in the classroom and have had some opportunity to hold them. We are going to name them next week. We already have some fitting names for these soft, adorable, babies. 

In addition, to having a few more days adoring the chicks next week, we will focus on the letter Zz. We will be making some plans for the upcoming visit to Buttonwood Park Zoo. 

Thank you for your support this past Wednesday with Character Day. It was a success! The children looked so cute in their costumes. They enjoyed listening to many of the children's short stories that were brought to school.  Then worked on  a special story book character craft prepared by Mrs. Duff. 

The stormy weather did not stop the fun for our 1/2 day recess. We were able to play with the other preschool classrooms, create chalk art, and have parachute play. Then listened to Patricia Polacca's story, Thunder Cakes. Our class enjoyed learning how to count slowly after seeing the lighting until hearing the thunder to see if the storm is getting closer or further away. We discovered that the storm was right near us! 

I'm looking forward to next week. It is an ordinary week of school without any special events. Yet, with active preschoolers every day is exciting with simply playing with friends and holding baby chicks. 

Here are our upcoming special dates: 

June 3- Our visit to Buttonwood Park Zoo

June 4 - Our visit to Pope Park and ice cream celebration with our 7th Grade Church Buddies

  Please send in $8.00 by next Friday, May 31 . This pays for your child and his or her Church Buddy's ice cream. 

June 5 - Recap of our two days off campus. We will compare and contrast our trips to Buttonwood Park Zoo and our trip to Pope Park.

June 6 - Our Last Day of School-  9 am Mass and  9:45 -10 am End of the Year Celebration  dismissal after celebration. 

Have a Blessed Holiday Weekend

MS Cordeiro

May 10, 2024 

We have one hatch! Praise God! 

This year's hatch has been a learning process for me. This is at least my 8th year working on this Life Science Project with my preschoolers. I am getting eggs from my friend's farm that are family to me. We are learning how to collect the clutch of eggs. There is a process and we sure did learn it. Long story short, one egg hatched ! Yay! Now, I feel sorry for this fluffy new life. There are 19 students that are going to be thrilled to cuddle  our new addition! Yes, your child will get an opportunity to hold but like all things in preschool, we are going to take turns. The process will be over two days at least. This will  not start until Wednesday, May 15. Give this little one time to get those legs and wings strong! Please scroll down further to learn of our upcoming events. 

Here are our upcoming special events: 

Next week May 13 through the 17- Around the World Week! Your child received a Culture Questionaire in his or her Friday Folder. Please complete with your child for Friday, May 17. They can dress in the colors of the flag of that country. 

Friday, May 17, Pizza Party! please send in $ 4.00 for your child's pizza! 

Wednesday, May 22, is our Character Day Incentive for the Boosterthon. 

The children are allowed to dress in their character of choice. This character needs to be part of a favorite book. Please read this book with your child. Then they will need to know what the character did in the story. For example, if Spiderman stopped the villan from robbing the bank or Elsa helped Olaf find his family. Then they will dress as the character and bring the book to school on that day and tell the class this limited information. 

Monday, June 3, visit Buttonwood Park Zoo. 

Tuesday, June 4, Pope Park and Acushnet Creamery

Thursday, June 6, End of the Year Celebration

May 4, 2024

Thank you all so much for your generous support for the Booster-thon! Our class raised over $2200.00 dollars for the goal of 20K that supports the installment of a new gym floor! The children had a great time running, pretending, and skipping along in the run! I enjoyed running with them too. 

Next week our letter of the week is Xx. The children in both Pre-K classrooms will enjoy a visit from one of our parents, Mrs. Chelsea Edwards. She is a radiologist from Southcoast Health. She will visit us on Thursday, May 9, after Holy Mass,  to present to the children X-rays with the use of a light board. The children can examine some false human bones. Thank you Mrs. Edwards for sharing your time and talent! 

Thank you to our parents that have reached out to chaperone for the Buttonwood Park Zoo Vist on Monday, June 3. We have met our quota of 4 chaperones, Jennifer Andrade,  Mrs. Stephanie Bach, Mrs. Elizabeth Cormier, and Mrs.  Chelsea Edwards. 

Tuesday, June 4, is the Pope Park Summer Celebration with a visit from our Church Buddies. We still need 3 more chaperones. Thank you very much to Mrs. Stephanie Lavoie that has volunteered to chaperone this visit. 

Our last day of preschool will be on Thursday, June 6th. We will be attending Holy Mass at 9am at church with our Church Buddies.  Parents are welcome to join us at Mass. Then our  presentation /celebration will immediately follow at the school's gymnasium, approximately 9:45 am.  The dismissal for our last day is after the presentation approximately at 10:45 am.  I will let you all know how many guests each child can have for their presentation. We need to be cognitive of the amount of break down  and set up needed for the  lunch schedule after the presentation. We have not been able to solidify the numbers yet. I will be back in touch soon to give you all this information. 

Thank you, 

MS Cordeiro

April 26, 2024 

There are 9 Announcements 

Thank you and I hope you have a great weekend! 


Dear Families, 

We had a great week returning to our Letter of the Week and playing outdoors earlier this week it days brought,  Beautiful Spring Weather. Today we were so excited about the stormy, windy weather! Many of the children were looking out the window this morning watching the pouring rain and the trees move with the strong winds. We now have added stormy weather to the April Weather Bar Graph! 

Thank you all so much for the Easter Best Dress today! The children all looked marvelous. It may have been yucky outdoors but there was Spring in our classroom and throughout the whole school! Our children worked very hard in creating the first floor bulletin board to celebrate Jesus' Resurrection! Yes, Jesus is Risen! They worked collaboratively to paint the tomb. They each made their own lily with Mrs. Duff and myself. Then were creative with shaving cream painting a paper Easter Egg. 

 Also, today we had an early celebration for our friend Zachary's birthday as well. He treated us to ice cream cups and Easter Eggs! He celebrates his 5 year old birthday on April 19. 

When we return to school our letter of the week is Vv. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, April 25. The children presenting are Benjamin, Charlotte A., Aubrey A., Pearle, Zachary,Aria,  Oliver, Kali, Ivy, Jesse, and Gregory. Then again on Friday, April 26. The children presenting are Charlotte B., Isabella, Connor, Ryan, Jemma, Aubrey P., Silas, and Emilio.

A reminder that Friday, April 26 is an early release day due to Professional Development. We dismiss at 11:20. Finally, please consider registering your child for the Boosterthon. It does not cost anything and we need 85% of the school children registered for the Boosterthon. The run is May 3 and it is always a fun time for all. This is a fun way to raise funds for our school’s improvement of the gym floor. 

Thank you all for your support. I hope you all have a great Spring Break! Let’s hope we have some nice weather! 

In Christ, 

MS Michelle Cordeiro

April 5, 2024

Dear Families, 

The children had a good week. We are proud of our work on the first floor bulletin. It celebrates Easter! Today we attended Holy Mass with our school family. The children had awesome church behavior with their 7th grade Church Buddies. 

Next week the letter of the week is Uu. Please help your child find, draw, or make something that starts with Uu. We will present on Thursday, April 11, for Benjamin, Charlotte A., Aubrey A., Zachary, Oliver, Kali, Emilio, Ivy, Aria, and Gregory. Then again on Friday, April 12, for Charlotte B. , Pearle, Isabella, Connor, Ryan, Jemma, Jesse, Aubrey P.,  and Silas.  

Finally, our last day of preschool is June 6. It will be a half-day of school.  We will have our Preschool Presentation in the morning.  Then the children will be dismissed shortly after the presentation. 

This year is not completed yet. I look forward to the remainder of the year with nice weather and more joyful, engaging activities with your children. 

MS CordeirMarch 28, 20 24 

Dear Families, 

We have had a full week with only these last 3 1/2 days! The children have worked every hard in play and in their lessons. They are so very happy with their Easter Basket for their families! We are very pleased with the project too! It is an engaging project with a lot of hands on experience with creative arts, and math. The children mixed red, yellow, and blue to make the color brown for their cross, they colored the Easter Egg with Mrs. Girouard, they used more fine motor skills with pinching colored tissue paper to decorate the other side of the egg.  The lily is made from tracing and cutting out your child's hand. These are all symbols of  Easter.  The children enjoyed watering, watching the grass grow and then measuring it . We hope you fine a special place to have it adorn your home for some time. 

When we return to school on Tuesday, April 2, we have a preschooler visiting our classroom. She will come and stay with us for an hour in the morning. Are focus this week is celebrating Easter! We will be painting paper eggs to adorn our Easter Bulletin Board. Then learning an Easter song to sing at our All School Easter Celebration on Friday, April 12. 

I wish you a fruitful Triduum as we end Lent and a very Joyous Easter! 

MS Michelle Cordeiro

March 22, 2024

Dear Families, 

The children had a great week. We've been able to get outdoors and play! We took advantage of the nice weather and had snack outdoors on Tuesday, Saint Joseph's Feast Day. We still had birthday treats from Aubrey Pratt's birthday and enjoyed them outdoors! The children's first planting project has really taken off! The children measured their grass on Monday and measured again at the end of this week. We found that the grass grew between 2 and 3 inches in just the three days! We are keeping them here over the weekend to measure once more next week. Then the children will bring home their Easter Basket on Wednesday. 

On Monday, March 25, we are attending Mass with our Church Buddies. We are walking to Saint Francis Xavier Church. Please have your child wear comfortable walking shoes or sneakers. Also the weather is cold in the morning, please have your child wear warm coat, hat, and mittens. Next week, there is no letter of the week due to the short week and learning about the Triduum, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, these three days before Jesus' Resurrection. Our last day of school before Easter is Thursday, March 28, it is a half day. It is an 11:20 dismissal. There is no Lunch and Extended Care. 

Thank you very much for sharing your children with us. 

MS Cordeiro

Dear Families,

It was great to have the sun shining on us during outdoor play this week! We really had some strong March winds, though. It is great that you all provide hats, mittens, and a warm jacket because that wind is cold at the beginning of the week. It ended with more Spring temps and the children were taking off their coats, LOL!  We learned how Saint Patrick taught the people of Ireland about the Blessed Trinity using the Shamrock Leaf. The Blessed Trinity is a mystery of our Catholic Faith, one God, three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They each made their own shade of green to paint the leaf. Then labeled the 3 parts of the leaf. I’m sure you all will enjoy having them adorn your home for St. Patrick’s Day.

This week we planted grass to grow in our Family Easter Gift. We are excited about watching it grow and will measure how high is grows.

Next week we celebrate Saint Joseph’s Feast Day on Tuesday March 19. The children can dress down in the colors green or red. The letter of the week is Tt, for Triduum, the three days before Jesus’ Resurrection. We learned about Ss in the fall during All Saints’ Day. Show and Tell is on Thursday, March 21, for Benjamin, Charlotte A., Aubrey A., Zachary, Pearle, Aria, Oliver, Kali, Ivy, Emilio, and Gregory. Then again, on Friday, March 22, for Charlotte B., Isabella, Connor, Ryan, Jemma, Jesse, Aubrey A., and Silas.

I hope you all have a Blessed long weekend.

MS Cordeiro


March 8, 2024


Dear Families,

We had a good week even in this rainy weather. We have noticed so far in March there have been only three sunny days in school, and 3 rainy days. March is definitely following its theme, Comes in like a Lion.  We will be observing the weather to see if it goes out like a Lamb. Let’s hope so!

Thank you to the Pratt Family for their donation of soil for our upcoming planting projects for our Easter Gift and Mother’s day gift projects. I will take pictures of us working on these projects and post them on our web page. We are starting the Easter Project next week and will learn a little bit about  Saint Patrick.

Also, next week we will not have letter of the week due to our short week of No School on Friday, March 15. We will continue letter of week when we return on March 18 for the letter Tt. We start our school week on Monday with All School Mass. The children will walk to Mass with their Church Buddies. Please see that your child has on comfortable, walking shoes, hat and mittens. On Tuesday, March 12, it is class picture day. Please have the children wear their school uniform polo. They can wear gym bottoms. Wednesday March 13, it is our All School Lenten Almsgiving Out Reach to Rise Rwanda. The children can dress down in the colors of green, yellow, and blue for a $ 2.00 donation. Also, the children's progress reports will be emailed. Please let me know via email if you want to be meet with me after school. I can stay on Wednesday afternoons. 

Today the full-day children participated in the Stations of the Cross. We have been coloring a children’s Station of the Cross booklet. We will be using this book to follow along when we pray the Stations of the Cross on Friday, March 22, in the gym with our school family.  Saint Francis Xavier Church on Friday evenings at 6:30 Father Ryan prays the Stations of the Cross. This is a great family prayer time during Lent. Please consider joining.

Lastly, please send in a cleaned, gallon milk jug. We are using it to make an Easter Basket.

I hope you have a great weekend.

MS Cordeiro

March 1, 2024


Dear Families,

We had a great return back to school. This week went by so vey fast! The children are growing and learning so much! We had a great time at school in our Elementary Playground. The class enjoys the play there and seem to engage with one another better. Their little bodies play hard in more areas to climb, slide, and swing! The children are learning their letter sounds well. I can hear it in our new activity with passing a small beach ball around. The ball has pictures on it that start with the letter of the week. They are saying a friend’s name before passing the ball. Then the friend catches it. Once caught the student states the word of the picture that is facing them. We all repeat the word. In this activity the children are learning to control their impulses, Executive Functioning, and hearing the letter sounds in a word, phonemic awareness, and having fun. This activity we learned at the recent Professional Development in February.  

Next week our letter of the week is Rr. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday March 7, for Ivy, Aria, Charlotte A. Aubrey A, Benjamin, Gregory, Emilio, Jesse, Kali, Zachary, and Oliver. Then again on Friday, March 8, for Aubrey P. Charlotte B. Connor, Ryan, Isabella, Jemma, Silas, and Pearle.

On Wednesday, March 6, the NJHS is sponsoring another opportunity to give alms. We are having a drive for the Saint Luke’s Children Center and each grade level is asked to donate certain items. The Preschool Program is asked to donated infant and toddler items such as rattles, teethers, and stuffed animals. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Finally, please send in a cleaned, gallon, milk jug by March 18. Please let me know via email, if you can donate a bag of potting soil for a class project.


Thank you for sharing your children with us.

MS Cordeiro

February 16, 2024

Enjoy the Winter Break! 

I hope you all get some time to enjoy your families with game nights, a few outdoor sledding, and walks. We are blessed where we live near beaches for walks , Buzzards Bay Coalition Areas and Dartmouth Nature Reserve Trails to take advantage of these scenic areas, get exercise, and fresh air. 

When we return on Monday, February 26, our letter of the week is Qq. We already presented the class with Pp in the fall and learning about pumpkins. I will keep in touch with you regarding bringing snow gear or boots to school for outdoor play. We were blessed to get outdoors a lot this week. Thank you so much for your support with packing the children's snow gear each day. 

Thank you from all of us, Miss Donna, Mrs. Duff and I for thinking of us on Valentine's Day. We do enjoy the thoughtful cards, seeing the children sign their own name, and sweet treats. This week is it a joy to witness the children passing out their Valentines to their classmates. Their smiles and squeals of laughter do light up our hearts. Thank you for all your participation with these festivities. They will remember these joyful experiences. 

Remember we are in Lent to bring our hearts closer to Jesus. He loves us with a strong love. Try to remember this during our Lenten Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. One way to aid in Lent is attending the Stations of the Cross at Saint Francis Xavier Church at 6:30. I am going to add this to my Lenten Journey. 

God Bless  all of you and your beautiful families. Thank you for sharing your children with us. 

MS Cordeiro

February 9, 2024

Dear Families, 

We had another very busy week and were able to get outdoors! Yay! The children enjoy playing in the elementary playground as well as our own preschool playground. We did take a walk in the elementary playground to look for nests in trees. We found one but I believe it was a den for the squirrels. It was fun to get outdoors and investigate our campus. Yes, we did enjoy our Patriotic snack on Tuesday! The children did finally see that their color mobiles did freeze with the cold temperatures in the beginninng of the week. 

We have finally reached 100 days in school! Well, we are now up to 103 on Monday!  I do want to have more activity in classroom to celebrate our accomplishment. It has been very busy with many different types of celebrating with Catholic Schools' Week and now we are getting ready to celebrate Valentine's day and Ash Wednesday all next week. In an effort to accomplish recognizing our 100 days in school we will color a 100 inch Alleluia Banner. Yes, that is right!  This will work for two purposes, one measuring the word for 100 inches and then to bury the Alleluia during the Lenten Season. As Catholics , the praise, Alleluia, is not used in Holy Mass during Lent. In Lent, we meditate and learn about our Lord, Jesus, Passion and Death. Then on Easter Sunday we praise God with Alleluia for His Resurrection. At Easter, we will unbury the Alleluia and celebrate. 

We are celebrating Valentine's Day on Tuesday, February 13. The children can bring in their Valentines for their classmates. Also, they can dress down in red, purple, and pink on Tuesday. We will make rice crispy treats to celebrate! Thank you for bringing the cereal boxes. We are using them to make mailboxes on Monday to hold their Valentines. 

I hope you all have a great weekend. 

God Bless you and yours, 

MS Cordeiro

February 4, 2024

Dear Families, 

I hope you all are having a relaxing weekend. It is well deserved after our festive Catholic Schools'  Week this past week! Whew! Well, this coming week brings some drier weather so we will going outdoors! Yay! The children did so well in their Patriotic Performance we wanted to celebrate their hardwork. We made Jello on Friday! It takes four hours to gel so did not get to enjoy it so tomorrow we will. The children enjoyed making it too. So simple and they were so interested and had fun making it! We will add some blueberries and whip cream on top to truly have a Red, White , and Blue Patriotic, Nifty, Snack! 

Yes, our letter of the week is back! It is the letter Nn for name, nose, nifty! We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, February 8, for Benjamin, Charlotte A., Aubrey A., Aria, Oliver, Zachary, Jesse, Gregory, Emilio, Kali and Ivy. Then on Friday, February 9, we will have Show and Tell for Charlotte B., Isabella, Pearle, Connor, Silas, Ryan, Jemma, Aubrey P. Please help your child find, draw, or make something that starts with the letter Nn.  Also, Friday is a half-day dismissal at 11: 20 due to Professional Development. There is Extended Care available and school lunch. Please email me to give me the heads up if your child will stay for extended care and have school lunch or a lunch from home. 

The Liturgical Season of Lent is upon us soon. Ash Wednesday is Wednesday, February 14. This day is a day of fasting and starts the Lenten Season. We will celebrate Valentines' Day on February 13. It is a dress down day with pink and red. The children can bring in Valentine's for their classmates. If you bring in treats, please remember peanut and tree nut free treats. 

I hope you all have a great week! 

In Christ, 

MS Cordeiro

January 19, 2024

Dear Families, 

We have had a great week. We are getting back on track with Touchpoint Math and finishing up projects and continuing to rehearse for Preschool's Patriotic Presentation on  Red, White, and Blue Day, on Tuesday, January 30, at 9:30. Each of our preschool students can have 2 family members there to watch the presentation.  A reminder that if you have a family member that is an Active Military or a Veteran please send a picture of them to Mrs. Amy Plante, our Small Wonders Teacher. She creates a slide show each year of our School Family's Honored USA Service Men and Women. Her email is and included your child's name, class, and the name and rank of your family member. Also, today the children went home with a gold hand out of the need to knows for Catholic Schools Week. It is in  their Friday Folder.

Thank you to those that I have had the pleasure to talk to during Parent/Teacher Conferences. I look forward to the upcoming conferences this week. Our letter of the week is Ll. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, January 25, those that are presenting are Benjamin, Charlotte A. , Aubrey A., Zachary, Aria, Kali, Oliver, Ivy, Gregory, and Jesse. Then again on Friday, January 26, the children presenting are Charlotte B., Isabella, Pearle, Connor, Silas, Jemma, Ryan, Aubrey P., and Emilio. 

I am looking forward to a great week in school. I hope you all have a great weekend. 

Stay Warm! 

God Bless you and yours, 

MS Cordeiro

January 5, 2024

Happy New Year!! May you all have a very Blessed, Prosperous New Year! 

Miss Donna, Mrs. Duff, and I are very happy to see all the children. It was a restful break even through all of our festive Christmas celebration. We have returned  refreshed with fresh eyes. The children have enjoyed their return as  well. They are joyful with the returned opportunity to learn and play with their friends. Next week we return to our letter of the week, which is Jj for Jesus, Jemma, and Jesse! We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, January 11. The children presenting are Benjamin, Charlotte Amaral, Aubrey Andrade, Zachary, Aria, Oliver, Kali, Ivy, Jesse, and Gregory. Then again on Friday, January 12. The children presenting are Pearle, Charlotte B. Isabella, Connor, Ryan, Jemma, Aubrey Pratt, Emilio, and Silas. 

I  have three important announcements for January. First, is Parent / Teacher Conferences. I will send out a schedule for them. Please send me two dates and times that are convenient for you. You can choose to meet in person  in our classroom or via Google Meet. Please let me know, what you prefer. Then I will confirm your date and time and whether you want to meet in person or Google Meet via email. If these dates and times do not work for you let me know via email. I will call you and we can set up a schedule that works for both of us. 

Second is  regarding the Lunch Menu. It has been brought to my attention on it is states that on January 22 there is  No School. That is not the case for us. We do have school. It states that because we get our lunches from the New Bedford School System. 

Last, but certainly not least is on Tuesday, January 30, the Preschools, Small Wonders too, will present Red, White, and Blue day with Catholic Schools' Week. We present to our school a mix of Patriotic Songs to honor our United States of America active duty Military and Veterans. Each child can have two family members come to see this performance on stage! Also, Mrs. Plante creates a slide-show that honors our school family's active duty military and veterans. If your family has members that are in the Military or are Veterans please send in a picture and his or her rank, to Mrs. Amy Plante,

Yes, we are starting 2024 on the right foot! Looking forward to talking to all of you soon. 

In Christ, 

Michelle Cordeiro

December 22, 2023

Dear Familes, 

Mrs. Duff, Miss Donna, and I are grateful for all the kind gifts and cards sent our way to wish us a Merry Christmas. We have enjoyed sharing in this special Advent Season with your children to prepare for Christmas Day. Merry Christmas! We pray you all have a Blessed New Year! 

We return on January 3 there will be much talk about our Christmas Break and Jesus' birthday. We will start formal assessments with the children. Then starting the second week in January, January 8 we will start Parent Teacher Conferences. I will be sending out another schedule of the days and times available. Please send me an email with the two days and times that best suit your schedule. Then I will confirm your date and time with you via email. 

God Bless you and yours, 

MS Cordeiro

December 15, 2023

Dear Families, 

Our week started out with much joy and out reach. We  worked with our 7th grade Church Buddies to create Christmas Cards for the NJHS out reach to the elderly. Next week is our final week before we depart for Christmas Break. Our last day together is Friday, December 22, which is a half dismissal at 11:20. There is no Extended Care. We will have our Christmas Party on Thursday, December 21. The children went home today with information about a Party in a Bag and a large, brown, lunch, bag with instructions on how to create one. It is a simple activity, with some creative homework for your child to work on this weekend. Then the handout about what to put inside is there too. We will be finishing up our Parent gifts and working on our Nativity Books, and practicing Carols with Miss Dandurand's Class. We are singing carols throughout the school on Thursday morning. If you wish for your child to handout Christmas Cards to their classmates you can send them anytime next week before Thursday. We will hold them in the classroom. We hope you all are enjoying to "light" the Advent Candle each week on the Advent Wreath sent home. This week , we light the rose candle. It represents the Joy in knowing God's love for us. He sent His son, Jesus , to save us from our sins. Alleluia! 

Miss Donna, Mrs. Duff, and I pray you all have a joyful and safe weekend. 

MS Cordeiro

Announcement December 8, 2023


Dear Families,

We had a busy week with celebrating Saint Nicholas’ Feast Day and today celebrating the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. We celebrated Mass with our whole school. The children are very well behaved and are learning so much with attending Mass.

Thank you to you all that helped donate gift cards to our Advent Family. We raised 100.00 in gift cards for our Advent Family. The children made them a beautiful Christmas Card. We worked together to create a Christmas Tree with our hands. This week with Mrs. Girouard we completed our coffee filter Poinsettia Flowers. We made them after we read Tomie De Paola’s The Legend of the Poinsettia.

Today the children were able to window shop at the 8th grades’ St. Nick's workshop. Their buddy made out a list of the items they wish to purchase as gifts. Next week, if you would like your child to purchase the gifts send them in with the money for the items. Items are not guaranteed to be in stock, due to the timing of our many classes going shopping. However, there are other items to choose. The children will be going to the workshop with an eighth grader. He or she will help your child make a choice as well.  If your child was very generous with your money, on their wish list just give your child a list of family members to get gifts and the spending limit. The 8th graders will honor it.  All proceeds will benefit our Grade 8, Graduating Class end of year events.  All gifts will be gift wrapped and ready to go under the tree. In addition, to the Saint Nicholas’ Workshop the Grade  8 will have a guessing jar to raise funds for their end of year events. It will be a $ 1.00 per guess. If you decide to help with this please send in the money in a zip-lock bag with your child’s name on it and marked guessing jar.  


Next week our letter of the week is Hh for the Holy Family. Our Lord, Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph are the Holy Family. We have been reading many stories about Jesus’ birth. One of our stories is This is the Stable by Cynthia Cotton. The children completed a craft project of the Nativity. They used a color by number coloring sheet. Then pasted rectangles to build a stable around the coloring page. They are adorning the hallway. We will use this work to build a Nativity Book that the children will bring home in the New Year.

Reminder to please send your family Christmas card. The plan is to create an All School Family Christmas Tree with all of our family cards.

Also your child can bring in Christmas Cards for his or her classmates. We have 19 children. Here is the list of  names if you choose to have your child write their friends' names. Most of  our children have learned to recognize their classmates names. 

Benjamin                Kali

Charlotte A              Connor

Aubrey A                  Ivy


Pearle                    Ryan

Charlotte B            Jemma

Isabella                 Jesse

Aria                      Aubrey P.. 

Oliver                Emilio

Gregory            Silas 

Lastly this week is the Second Week of Advent. We think about the great Peace in knowing God, our Father, loved us so much He gave us His son, Jesus. Please have your child "light the second purple candle on their Advent Wreath. If you need another yellow flame just let me know, I can give it to your child on Monday. 

I hope you have a great weekend, 

Ms Cordeiro

December 1, 2023

Dear Families, 

Our week was busy with preparation for the upcoming Advent Season, preparing for the Feast of our Patron Saint, Saint Francis Xavier, and Feast of Saint Nicholas. The children have started to make a home Advent Wreath that they can keep track of these next four weeks that lead to Jesus’ Birthday, Christmas! The children are excited! This week we start learning some Christmas Carols with our friends in Miss Dandurand and Mrs. Pelletier’s class. 

A tradition here during the Advent season is each class from Small Wonders to Grade 8 “adopts” a Saint Vincent De Paul Advent Family. These are local Families In Need that have made a request to SVDP for assistance to help them create a fitting Christmas and will greatly benefit from our contributions. We are asked to send in gift cards for Grocery Stores ( Shaws, Stop & Shop, Trucchi’s, Market Basket, Pharmacy Stores, Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid; General Gift Cards that could cover toy needs, household items, Target and Walmart. Please carefully consider donating a card to our Advent Family. Our family is a Grandmother in remission from cancer. She is the center of her family. Caring for her daughter who is a quadriplegic. This grandmother survived the loss of her granddaughter, and is a devoted grandmother of three boys ages 8,13, and 14 and a granddaughter age 8. 

Please consider purchasing one of these cards and send them to school next week. The due date for this drive is Friday, December 8. In addition to providing a material need for this family, please keep them in your prayers during this Advent Season.  

Our letter of the week is Gg. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, December 7. The children presenting are Benjamin, Charlotte A., Aubrey A. Zachary, Pearle, Aria, Oliver, Kali, Ivy, Jesse, and Gregory. Then again on Friday, December 8. The children presenting for the letter Gg are Charlotte B., Isabella, Connor, Ryan, Jemma, Aubrey P. Emilio, and Silas.

We hope you all have a great weekend. 

God Bless you and yours, 

MS Cordeiro, Mrs. Duff, and Miss Donna

November 22, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving! Next week our letter of the week is Ff for Family! We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, November 30. The children presenting are Benjamin, Charlotte A, Aubrey A., Zachary, Pearle, Aria, Kali, Oliver, Ivy, Jesse, and Gregory. Then again on Friday, December 1, for Charlotte B., Isabella, Connor, Ryan, Jemma, Aubrey P., Emilio, and Silas. We will be getting ready for the Advent Season as well. That is the time to prepare for Jesus' Birthday! Reminder that Friday, December 1, is a half-day dismissal due to Professional Development. We hope you all have a Blessed Thanksgiving! 

MS Cordeiro, Miss Donna, and Mrs. Duff

November 17, 2023

Dear Families, 

We had a fantastic week! We are preparing our minds and hearts and thinking about the many blessings we all have to be so Thankful about! We read some great books and our Scholastic Magazine, Thankful for the Things We Love,  to help us understand what we are Thankful about! The children all went home with their Let's Find Out Thankful Magazine this week. This is a great resource we use in the Pre-K to help with emergent reading skills and learning about nonfiction material. We read a story from one of my favorite children authors, Cynthia Rylant, The Relatives Came, and another story, Thanks for Thanksgiving , by Julie Markes these stories depict great family gatherings and family memories of holidays. The children were thoroughly engaged. Then Mrs. Duff and I went and asked them to tell us what they are thankful about. We created a classroom book and the children illustrated it. We will use it in the classroom. 

The Autumn weather was perfect this week for outdoor play. The class played well with some outdoor games, one in particular, Duck, Duck, Goose. We started our Thanksgiving Craft of Thankful Turkeys. The children are highly engaging their fine motor skills in this craft. They're using their pencil grasp with tracing, scissors in cutting many pieces, and pinching to fold the Turkey's legs!  There is much Math in this activity as well. The children are recognizing shapes, circles and triangles, and counting how many of each. All this and using Executive Functioning in learning how to create and clean up their own table spot without losing their shapes. They're working very  hard! We are so proud of them! 

Next week is a very short week due to our Thanksgiving Holiday break. We will not have letter of the week. We will continue to work with our Touch Point Math and finish up some classroom projects. Next week, I am hopeful to make some playdough with the class. This is a good activity for the class to learn about taking turns to make a class project. There will be a lot of measuring and counting in making the playdough. 

Finally, read the email sent to our School Family from Mrs. Rogers, The Weekly Walk-Thru. It has important all school events and need to knows. Second,  please click on the Our Classroom Photos page. I managed to put up some of the photos  of the activities this week. Also please click on the prayers and songs page too. There are songs and prayers the children have been learning since the start of school. 

 Mrs. Duff , Miss Donna and I hope you all have a Blessed Weekend.

Ms Cordeiro

Dear Families,


Looking forward to this stretch before Thanksgiving. We will be reading books, about being Thankful. Our letter of the week is Ee. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, November 16, and Friday, November 17. On Thursday, the children presenting are Benjamin, Charlotte A. Aubrey A. Zachary, Pearle, Aria, Oliver, Kali, Ivy, and Gregory. On Friday the children presenting are Charlotte B. Isabella, Jemma, Ryan, Connor, Jesse, Silas, Emilio, and Aubrey P. Reminder that on Wednesday, November 22, is a half -day of school due to Thanksgiving Break.  There is no Extended Care dismissal at 11:20. Looking ahead we have an All School Event on Friday, December 1. It is a Tree Lighting and Caroling. Please keep a keen eye out for Mrs. Rogers Weekly Walk-Thru sent out on Fridays. This gives information about upcoming events and the past week events. There you will find information about purchasing a family ornament for $ 2.00. Then your family will receive the ornament to decorate and bring that evening to hang on the tree. I pray you all have a good week.

God Bless you and yours,

MS Cordeiro

November 3, 2023

Dear Families, 

It was a very festive week! We had so much fun! Thank you to you all for taking the time to have your child dress up for All Saints' Day! It was fun to see all the Saints and talk about them in the classroom. Thank you to Mrs. Andrade, Mrs. Brown, and Mr. Hurst for taking the time to join us on our Leaf Walk to Pope Park. We had a beautiful day for it! They found many beautiful leaves and then enjoyed playing at Pope Park playground. 

Next week, is a short 3 day week. We have Thursday, November 9, off due to Professional Development and Friday, November 10, there is no school due to Veteran's Day. There will be no Show and Tell due to the short week. 

Thank you all for your participation with the Read-a-thon. Our class raised $ 222.00 for our School Events Commitee. Thank you for the canned goods for St. Vincent De Paul. I believe the cans can continued to be sent in next week. 

 I will send out an email to let you know when I have the All Saints' Day and Leaf Walk pictures up on our webpage. 

Mrs. Duff and I hope you all have a great weekend. 

Dear Families, 

We had a nice return to the classroom after our field trip. The children drew pictures about what they liked about our visit. We are making a class book to enjoy. Our hope is to make 10 class books about different events of our year. Then we separate each child’s work into their memory binder at the end of the year.   Next week we start Touch Math. It is a curriculum that is based on Early Childhood Theorist, John Brunner and Jean Piaget. It is Constructivism where children build up their knowledge. We simply will be starting with the concept of learning one. Taking these small steps help the children to  learn Number Sense.  

Also next week, we celebrate All Saints Day on Wednesday, November 1. We will have Trunk or Treat in the morning and  walk to Mass with our 7th grade church buddies. In inclement weather, we will have All School Mass here in the gym with our Church Buddies.  I am hoping all my students will  be dressed up as a Saint of their choice. Please click on the link from Catholic Icing to get some ideas for your child.  and All Saint Costume for boys 

Halloween the children do not wear or bring their costumes. Our celebration is on All Saints' Day. We will learn how Halloween is about preparing to celebrate the Saints. That is why it is called Holy Eve. 

Please consider donating to the NJHS St. Vincent De Paul can drive or the Abundant Hope drive  for Baby Items. We are living out our call from Jesus to love one another by supporting these drives.  The Read-a-thon pledge sheets and pledges are due on Friday. If you have completed your reading please send in by Thursday. 

Our Letter of the week is Ss for Saints. Thursday, Nov 2, 2023 the children presenting are Benjamin, Charlotte A., Aubrey A., Pearle, Aria, Oliver, Kali, Gregory, Ivy, and Zachary.This change for Zachary and Jesse is due to our possible Leaf Walk on Friday. The full-day students will have Show and Tell in the afternoon. 

On Friday, November 3,  Miss Dandurand and I would like to take a leaf walk with our classes at Pope Park. I need two more adults to accompany Mrs. Duff and I. If your schedule allows you to help us with this activity please let me know via email. We will be leaving the school at 9:35 and returning at 11:00. 

Thank you all for your continued support in your child’s early education and taking time to meet with me either in person or Google Meet. 

God Bless you and yours, 

MS Michelle Cordeiro

October 23, 2023

Dear Families, 

We had a nice time at Silverbrook Farm! God is so good to us! We had no rain and no yellow jackets! The little flying nuisances have been there on past visits. They swarm around us, while we are enjoying our snacks and lunches. We were blessed to have both good weather to be outdoors and no pesky insects! The children were so engaged with visiting the animals. We got to count how many sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, and horses that were there. The children had the opportunity to pet the sheep. The sheep enjoyed the children's affection and attention. We found some unexpected wild life at the farm on our visit. We found a huge worm! At  the duck pond , we saw a bull frog and a Eastern Ribbon Snake! That was so very cool!  They loved Mr. Jay Perreira 's tractor ride through out the farm. Then the  journey through the  corn maze! We went through it two times! We played a game of skip and freeze in there too !  What topped it all off, was the  time available to play together with Miss Dandurand's Class.  Thank you to our chaperones that took the time out  of their schedules to assist our children at this visit. It is not an easy task but definitely has beautiful rewards of witnessing the children's delight and their growth. Thank you to Mrs. Amaral,  Mrs. Bach, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Lavoie,  Mrs. Pacheco, Mrs. Pratt, and a special Thank you to Mrs. Edwards. She volunteered in the classroom at the start of the day to help with reminding the children of their tasks to complete at the start of the day, supervise the much needed bathroom trips before getting the children on the bus. Mrs. Sarah Girouard stepped in  for Mrs. Duff and shared her  skills and  provided help to our class. All of them were active players to the success of our  visit. Thank you to you all! 

This upcoming week our letter of the week is Dd. There will be Show and Tell on Thursday, October 26, for Benjamin, Charlotte A., Aubrey A., Pearle,  Aria, Oliver, Kali, Gregory, and Ivy. Then again on Friday, October 27, for Charlotte B, Aubrey P., Jemma, Parker, Isabella, Ryan, Emilio, Connor, Jesse, Silas, and Zachary. 

Here are a few All School events: 

Next week is All Saints' Day on Wednesday, November 1. This is a big event and it is fun. The whole school dresses up as Saints. I'm providing you with a website, Catholic Icing, to take some time this week to talk with your child about a Saint they would like to represent. Catholic Icing offers some great ideas and easy ways to put a costume together. Our children do know about the story of Our Lady of Fatima. The girls can dress up as Our Lady of Fatima if they want and there are the children she visited, Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco. I believe there are ideas to replicate the dress of the that time period 1917 in Fatima, Portugal. Other male Saints, are of course Saint  Joseph, St. Francis Assisi, St. Francis Xavier, a  fun one is Saint Isidore. He was a simple farmer but there is an extraordinary story about him.  He went to the farm to work every day a little late because he attended daily Mass. Some of his  coworker, farm hands  were complaining to the owner of the land about him arriving late. So the owner showed up one day to talk to Saint Isidore, even though Saint Isidore' s work was never impacted by his tardiness. When the land owner arrived he found Saint Isidore working the fields with the oxen and along side him where two angels assisting him with the plow!  That land owner did not say anything about his tardiness. Saint Isidoro's wife is up for canonization as well. They both were charitiable to others. They gave food to those in need. Just some ideas for you and some information for this celebration. Please try to have this costume ready before the All Hallo' s Eve celebration. We all know how busy this is for everyone! Halloween is about celebrating the Saints or holy ones the eve before All Saints' Day. Here is the link to Catholic Icing

First, this week the Read-a-Thon starts!  The children were sent home with a green reading log. If you or another caregiver reads with your child, please log your books on the green sheet. I will post the books we are reading during the week. Then ask your family and friends to sponsor your child an amount per book or for a donation. The  Read-a-thon starts Monday, October 23, to Friday, October 27. The pledge sheets need to be returned on November 3rd. If you need another reading log, Mrs. Rogers sent a link to download and print one in the Weekly Walk-Thru email.  I will see if you send in the monies or are we using the FACTS . I will email you this information. This is a fundraiser for the SEC-School Event Commitee and does not go towards your financial fundraising obligation. However, the children went home with a large envelope in their blue Friday Folder. There are items to sell to your friends and family and the sales do go to your financial fundraising obligation of $300. Also, you can complete your fundraising obligation by getting grocery gift cards through the office to Stop and Shop and Trucchi's. It really is a great way to complete this obligation especially with the current grocery prices. Every dollor you spend on the gift card goes to the grocery visit and to your obligation. The financial help comes from the grocery store that provides funds to the school with a percentage of the sale of the gift card. 

Second, NJHS has two drives starting this week. One is the Abundant Hope Drive which is for Pregnancy Resources for Expectant Mothers . They are collecting resources like diapers, wipes, formula, baby food, blankets, clothes, i.e. This drive runs through to October 31. 

The second NJHS drive is the Saint Vincent de Paul Can Drive it starts Monday, October 23 and will run through to November 3. The donations are categorize by grade level. Our category is Canned Vegetables and Canned Stuffing. If you can, please try to provide the cans that have a pull tab top. Some people to do not have a can opener. 

Last but not least is the Vendor Fair on Saturday, November 4. We are in need of vendors. If you have a craft and would like to sell your work please consider buying a table for $40 and a donation of your fairs, a value of $25, for a raffle offering. 

Thank you all so much for sharing your children with us. 

MS Cordeiro

October 13, 2023

Dear Families, 

Thank you for taking the time to sign up to meet with me. I am looking forward to this time set aside to talk with you. Time goes by so fast and it is important to put on the brakes to check in with each other. If you have not had a chance to take a slot, and would like to, please let me know via email. I can resend you the Conference Schedule. 

This week there is a change to school attendance this Thursday, October 19. This notice was sent out to families via the school's Weekly Walk-Thru Email. I am posting this change because I know it is important that you find care for your children for this day. 

Next week, there will not be a letter of the week. We are working on our pumpkin project and  working on counting and recognizing numbers from 1 to 10. We will be reading books about farms due to our upcoming field trip!  Thank you for the great response for choosing to chaperone. I am praying all our CORI Forms come back verified before the trip. I will check back with those that have responded by Tuesday, the latest Wednesday. 

Thank you for sharing your children with us. 

MS Michelle Cordeiro

October 6, 2023 

Dear Families, 

We have been in school for 24 days!  The children are still learning but are growing in following directions. As you may know we had a fire drill on Thursday, October 5. The children did do well with following directions at such a young age of 4 and 5 years old. We will be reviewing  the fire drill and lockdown drill in the upcoming weeks, too. It is important, that the children know what to do in the event of an emergency.  I will keep you posted. 

 As this Monday, was the feast of Our Guardian Angels. The children have been learning the Guardian Angel prayer through learning to sing the prayer. Our first project, is making  own  Guardian Angels. They will be adorning the first floor bulletin board with the collaboration painting of Our Lady of Fatima the children completed together. As we have been learning about the story of Our Lady of Fatima and the three shepherd children, Lucia, Jaccinta, and Francisco. Mary asked the children to pray the rosary. We have been learning about this historic event along with Miss Dandurand's class. We brought our classes together to learn to about this event and learn to pray the rosary. 

Next week we will continue with learning about the 6 apparitions that started on May 13, 1917 to the 3 children leading up to the miracle on October 13, 1917. We celebrate this Feast Day with watching the animated movie about this event. We will have popcorn, too. This snack leads in to our letter for next week. It is the letter Pp. We will be starting to learn about Pumpkins too. Show and Tell will be on Wednesday, October 11 and on Thursday, October 12, due to us watching the Fatima Movie Friday, October 13. The children presenting on Wednesday, October 11, are Aubrey A.,  Pearle, Gregory, Jesse, Charlotte A., Benjamin, Kali, Aria, Ivy, and Oliver. Then again on Thursday, October 12, the children presenting are Parker, Isabella, Charlotte B., Ryan, Emilio, Connor, Silas, Aubrey P. Zachary, and Jemma. 

Looking forward to our upcoming field trip to Silverbrook Farms! Please send in the permissions slips and let me know if you can chaperone. If you decide you want to chaperone, please be sure to complete the CORI Process. I have placed the link here. 

Finally, I would like to schedule some brief meetings with you after school via Google Meet. This week in the Friday Folders will be a schedule of  dates and times. Please let me know your two choices. I will do my  best to accommodate you. If the dates and times do not work for your let me know via email and we can work it out. I will be asking if you would like to meet in person or a Google Meet. You can circle your choice. 

I hope you all have a great 3 day weekend. 

God Bless you and yours, 

MS Cordeiro

September 22, 2023

Dear Families, 

The children had a great week learning and writing the letter Aa. We started writing using our pinching fingers to write Aa and color Aa. Next week the letter of the week is Bb. Please help your chilld find, make, or draw something that starts with Bb. We will have Show and Tell for the letter Bb on Thursday September 28 and Friday, September 29. The children presenting Thursday are Benjamin, Kali, Jesse, Gregory, Pearle, Aria, Aubrey Andrade, Silas and Ivy. Friday the children presenting are Charlotte Amaral and Charlotte Brown, Zachary, Connor, Aubrey Pratt, Isabella, Jemma, Parker, Silas and Emilio.  

September 17, 2023

This week's Show and Tell is for the letter Aa. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, September 21 and Friday, September 22. Please help your child find, make, or draw something that starts with the letter Aa. The children are learning the procedures in the classroom. Everyone is making improvements on learning our morning procedures and classroom structure. I am very proud of them. Also this week the with learning the letter Aa, the children will start to learn about their Guardian Angel. We are all made in the image and likeness of God. He gave each of us our own Guardian Angel. That is how important we are to our God.  

Reminder that we have gym on Tuesdays and Fridays. The children can wear play clothes and sneakers on gym days. Also I want to update you all that we have two aides in our classroom to help me out. We have Mrs. Linda Duff on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays and on Wednesdays we have Miss Donna. We are very blessed to have these God loving and children women in our classroom. 

Thank you for sharing your children withGod me and our Saint Francis Xavier community. I hope you all have a great remainder of the weekend. 

MS Michelle Cordeiro


August 31, 2023

Dear Families, 

Thank you for attending the Orientation. It was very nice to meet our new families and see our returning families. Mrs. Duff and I are excited about our new year together! As I stated I have posted the Specialty Classes on our Google Classroom Page. Please  click on Specialty Classes on our menu bar to know our Specialty Class Schedule. On gym days, Tuesday and Friday, the children can wear play clothes and sneakers. Please take some time this weekend to complete the forms in the Blue Friday Folder to return to school on Tuesday. Please complete the CORI Form. It is  on the school webpage, here is the link, 

This completed form allows you or grandparent to attend field trips and volunteer here at our   lively school events.  Finally, please send me an email to let me know if your child will be staying for Extended Care. For example, if your child will be staying for the Extended Care program on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday till 4. This helps Mrs. Duff and I organized the afternoon dismissal. 

Our first Show and Tell is on  Thursday, September 14 and Friday, September 15 for the letter Mm. 

Thursday Show and Tell children bringing in their Show and Tell are Gregory, Kali, Jesse, Benjamin, Pearle, Aria, Aubrey Andrade, Oliver, Silas, and Ivy. 

Friday Show and Tell children bringing in their Show and Tell  are Ryan , Charlotte Amaral,  Charlotte Brown, Zachery , Connor , Aubrey Pratt, Isabella , Emilio, Jemma, and Parker.

I hope you have a Blessed  Labor Day Weekend. Thank you for sharing your children with us. 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro

August 24, 2023

Dear Families for the New Academic Year of 2023-2024, 

Mrs. Duff and I are looking forward to meeting all of you at Orientation,  this Thursday, August 31, at 2pm. There will be a blue folder for you to take home. In the blue folder,  which is called the Friday Folder there are forms that need to be completed and returned next week. These forms are important to us so we can smoothly navigate our year. 

Also please complete the CORI Process. This process is for parents, grandparents that want to chaperone or even volunteer at the school. To start the process, you need to go to the school webpage. I have provided the link  

There is the information on how to complete so you or another family member can attend the field trips, or come along and volunteer for the many fun , social events we have during the school year. 

This Google site is where you will learn about our upcoming activities and our weekly news. I do send you all a notification that I have updated it with some new information. Also I post the classroom pictures of the children engaged in our activities as well. I have had notification for some of our children to not take pictures and post on our Google Classroom webpage. Please let me know if this changes via email. 

I hope you all have a great weekend and looking forward to meeting you all at 2pm on Thursday, August 31. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro

Thank you all for all your support this year! It really was an amazing year! Your children have learned and grown so much this year! I am very proud of them!  I have posted some end of the year pictures on Our Classroom Photos section. Mrs. Douglass and I pray you all have a safe and joyful Summer! 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro

Our celebration is Thursday, June 8th at 9:30. Our celebration will take place in the morning and your child will be dismissed right after our celebration. Children are asked to wear their Sunday Best. We ask only a few family members attend. We have almost 40 preschoolers with family attending our celebration. Thank you for your consideration!   Please read on about the other activities taking place in preschool, Life Cycle Project, Soccer Clinic, Field Trip/ Water Play Day. 

May 26, 2023

Dear Families, 

Just as we close the 50 days of Easter this coming Sunday,  Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the Catholic Church. Many of the eggs in our Life Science Project, the Life Cycle of a Chicken, have hatched  this Thursday, May 25, and Friday, May 26. The children were delighted with witnessing the hatch of 9 nine of the 11 eggs set in the incubator on May 4,the day of the All School Easter Celebration. There are 2 more eggs that the chick inside has all ready started to hatch. I believe by tonight there will be two more hatched chicks! We have another 6 that were set a few days later that should hatch early this coming week. The children are in love with these furry little bundles. They are looking forward to have some time to hold them and care for them  next week. 

We have reached the Zz next week and will have Show and Tell on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. The children presenting their Show and Tell are Vivian, Hannah, Madeleine, Thomas, Mya, Demitri, Adrian, and Dylan. Friday, June 2, is a very special day we will attend All School Family Mass on Friday with our Church Buddies and have a visit with Mr. Joaquim, Dylan's Dad and coach for the Revolution Soccer Team. He will lead a Soccer Clinic for the Preschool 4 Programs. Both classes will be put together in groups of 4 to attend a circuit of outdoor activity that includes time spent in the Soccer Clinic with Mr. Joaquim and time spent playing on the Elementary Playground, Night at the Museum, and Basketball. In the afternoon, our class with have a hoodsie ice cream with their 7th Grade Church Buddy to celebrate the friendships that have been built between our Littles and our Upper  Classmen. Our half-day friends are welcome to spend the day . Please let me know if your child will stay the full-day and if they will have the School Free Lunch or a Lunch from home. 

Next week, the NJHS is collecting soda can tabs to donate to the Ronald McDonald House. They convert them to money which is used to pay for the treatment of their patients. The tab  collection starts on May 31. If you are having family cookouts this weekend, please save those soda can tabs and send in a zip lock bag with your child's name. The class that collects the most tabs will receive a popsicle treat! 

Last but not least is our field trip to Pope Park on Monday, June 5, with the raindate on Tuesday, June 6. We do need 2 more adults with Mrs. Douglass, Mrs. Torres, and I. We are leaving the school at 9:00 to return for 11:00. Then the children can have a bathroom break and wash up for lunch at 11: 20. The afternoon brings a Water Fun Afternoon. There is a handout going home on , Tuesday, May 30. Please let me know via email if you can chaperone at our Pope Park Field Morning. 

Thank you for all your support, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

May 19, 2023

Dear Families, 

We had an adventurous week Around the World with much activity! Thank for all your support with  monies for the Pizza Party, having your children dress in the color of the country's flag, and working on the Culture Worksheet. We ended our week in Italy and we had a great day with our friends in Miss Dandurand's class. Fr. Ryan visited us in the afternoon as we learned about the Feast of Palombella in Orvieto Italy. It is the celebration of the Holy Spirit coming at Pentecost.  The Bishop is present and blesses the people and the dove. They put a dove in a cage and have it zipline down from a tower. If it has a smooth ride it will be a good year. The dove is then given to a newly married couple. Mrs Douglass and Mr. Douglass were there on their honeymoon. Though they did not receive the dove, they were there to participate in the festival. She shared this bit of Italian culture with our students and teachers.  We had the children color paper doves and put them all in a golden cage and sent them down our own zipline. Father Ryan was present and asked for the Holy Spirit to please bless us. God is so good. At the end, of the day, at Extended Care,  Miss Dandurand and I noticed a Mourning Dove perched on the electrical wires overlooking our playground . I believe there are no coincidences. A little God wink, I believe. 

Next week our letter of the week is Yy. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, May 25 is a half -day with dismissal at 11:00. We do have Extended Care till 3pm with School Lunch. Please let me know if your child will stay for Extended Care and will have a school lunch. 

I hope you all have a great weekend, 

Ms Cordeiro

May 12 , 2023 

Dear Families, 

Next week is Around the World Week. We will embark on a little culture and history from Around the World. We start the week in France and then Tuesday we are visiting Portugal, Wednesday, China, Thursday, Mexico, and Friday, Italy. On Friday, May 19, we would like to have a Pizza Party. If you want your child to have pizza, please send in $4.00 in a sandwich bag or envelope with your child's name by Tuesday, May 16. Also, the children were sent home on Wednesday, May 10, a Culture Questionaire. This so on Friday, May 19,  each child will present a Nation and its culture.  Please return no later than Wednesday, May 17.  Mrs. Douglassn and I  can help them present using this worksheet. Next week, we will not have letter of the week due to our Around the World Week.  The children do not have to wear school logo shirts next week. They can wear clothing in the color of the country's flag we will be talking about each day. The following is the  schedule of what country we are talking about each day and the  colors of the flag. 

Monday, France - Red, White, and Blue

Tuesday, Portugal - Red, Green, and Gold 

Wednesday, China, - Red and Gold 

Thursday, Mexico- Red, Green, and Gold 

Friday, Italy, your child can wear Italy's flag color, Green, White, and Red or the colors of the country they will talk about.  

Happy  Mother's Day!  We hope all our Mothers and Grandmothers have a beautiful day with their families. Mrs. Douglass and I had a wonderful time working on the children's gifts for their Moms. Your children are the best! 

Dear Families, 

We all had a wonderful return to school. It is great to find the children have learned so much this year, with learning the procedures in the classroom, listening to lessons in school which was so evident  in the children’s behavior this week. They were able to sit and listen to each of our visitors tell about their careers. At choice time and learning in outdoor play, the children were able  to communicate with each other to take turns, engage in games . They all have demonstrated  that they have memorized the alphabet. Mrs. Douglass and I are pleased with the growing, beautiful, little , people in our classroom. 

April 14, 2023

Dear Families, 

We have had a great first week of Easter! The children were so happy to learn about the life cycle of chickens and decorated paper eggs with watercolors for our Easter Bulletin Board and paint one for each of our families. We started to learn an Easter song with our other Preschool classrooms to share at our All School Easter Celebration on May, 4. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous and we have been enjoying our play outdoors. 

When we return from April Vacation we start  Career Week. The children will about some different careers. Please let me know if you would like to read a book or talk about your work with the children via Google Meet  or in person with the class.  I can assist with the learning with adding to your presentation with an activity. 

On Friday, April 28, the children can come to school dressed up as what they think they would like to be when they are all grown up! 

I hope your April Vacation is very Blessed! 

Ms Cordeiro


April 6, 2023

Mrs. Douglass and I hope you and your family have a Blessed Easter!

Next week our letter of the week is Uu. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, April 13. The children presenting are Hannah, Madeleine, Vivian, Demitri, Adrian, Mya, Thomas and Dylan. Then again on Friday, April 14, the children presenting are Beatrice, Simon, Marian, Logan, James, Jemma, Cashel, and Francis.

The children went home yesterday and today with their parent/ family Easter gift. They worked very hard with Mrs. Douglass to create each ornamental piece. They started to grow Sweet Pea flower vine and Cosmos Flowers. Both are early bloomers that enjoy full sun. Please continue to care for these plants at home. Our heading picture is from this week's praying a decade of the rosary with Miss Dandurand's Class. Our classes prayed reverently the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. 

Soon we will start, another planting project, planting a sunflower and pea pods. These plants will stay in our classroom longer till the end of May.

Lastly, the final week in April is Career Week. If you would like to volunteer to visit the classroom and read a book, tell a little bit to the children about your career, please let me know. If your schedule allows, you can come in and visit or make a visit via Google Meet.  Please email me I can think of some ideas to go along with your presentation. For instance, we had a friend send in a video about Equestrian Training. The children made a horse craft. Also, I might be able to find a book that pertains to your work.

We don’t need presenters every day. It would be nice to have a couple. Then on Friday, April 28, the children will dress up as what they want to be when they are grown up.

Thank you for all your support,

Ms Cordeiro

March 31, 2023

Dear Families,

We had a great week getting ready for Easter. We read some stories about Easter, The Donkey That No Could Ride, by Anthony DeStefano and The Easter Story retold by Allia Zobel-Nolan. These stories help the children to understand the Stations of the Cross Booklet we’ve been working on this week and the start of Holy Week which is this Sunday, Palm Sunday.

Next week, we will finish up the Stations of the Cross Booklet and learn about the Triduum. It is the three days before Easter Sunday, Jesus’ Resurrection. All of our activities this week help us to prepare and learn more about Holy Week to prepare for Easter Sunday. The letter of the week is Tt for Triduum. The Triduum is Holy Thursday, the Last Supper when Jesus instituted the Eucharist, Good Friday, when Jesus died on the Cross, and Holy Saturday, when Jesus was laid in the Tomb. We will have Show and Tell on Wednesday, April 5, for Demitri, Adrian, Dylan, Mya, Thomas, Vivian, and Madeleine. Then on Thursday, April 7, Show and Tell presenting for Cashel, James, Jemma, Simon, Marian, Logan, Beatrice, and Francis.  Thursday’s children Show and Tell presenters will present in the afternoon due to a video about Easter we will watch with Miss Dandurand’s class on Thursday morning. Reminder, there is No School on Friday, Good Friday. 

Please send in a cleaned, plastic, gallon milk or water jug. We are hopeful to create an Easter Basket for each of our students.

Finally, our tentative last day of school is Thursday, June 8 it is a half-day. The preschoolers from our class and the preschoolers from Miss Dandurand’s class will have a presentation. I want to let you know now because I know that there will be parents that need to take the time off from work.

I hope you all have a restful weekend.

MS Cordeiro

March 24, 2023

Dear Families,


We had a great week in school. We have started our Spring Projects, our Parent Easter Gift and planting some Spring Flowers and early vegetables. Hopeful that the children’s interest in planting grows and that our plants grow right along with the growth of their interest.

Next week we will be learning more about Easter and getting the 1st Floor Bulletin board ready for Easter. We will be working on the Stations of the Cross Booklet as well.  The letter of the week is Ss.  Show and Tell is on Thursday, March 30, for Demitri, Dylan, Adrian, Mya, Vivian, Thomas, Hannah, and Madeleine. Then Friday, March 31, Show and Tell for Cashel, Francis, Jemma, James, Marian, Logan, Simon, and Beatrice.

Please send in a cleaned gallon milk or water jug by next Wednesday, March 29. We are using these to make Easter Baskets for the children.

Finally, the children’s progress reports were sent via email on Monday, March 20. Please let me know if you would like to meet with me regarding your child’s progress. We can set up a time to meet either in person or on Google Meet.  



March 10, 2023

Dear Families, 

It is great to return to school with the children. Thank you for your prayers and condolences for my family. This means a lot to me. Now back after break, it is that time we will be accessing the children's individual skills in letter and number recognition and phonetics. Mrs. Douglass and I are blessed to witness your child's development this past year. We have seen good progress in all of  our students. 

Next week, we will be talking more about the moon phases, the change in weather that takes place in March, the onset of Spring,  letter Qq,  and Saint Patrick's Day. 

Spring is in our near future and with longer days , I like to start a sunflower and early vegetable planting project. I have purchased for the class some sunflower, pea pods, cilantro, and carrot seeds, for the children to plant. Please let me know if you can donate a bag of soil for this Spring project, via email. 

Show and Tell for letter Qq is Wednesday, March 15, for Demitri, Vivian, Madeleine, Hannah, Dylan, Adrian, Mya, and Thomas and on Thursday, March 16, for James, Beatrice, Simon, Marian, Logan, Jemma, Francis, and Cashel. 

A reminder, that next Friday, March 17, there is no school due to Professional Development. 

I hope you all have a great weekend. 

Ms Cordeiro

February 17, 2023

Dear Families, 

We had a busy, great week! When we return we will be in the season of Lent. This is the time before we celebrate Easter, Jesus' Resurrection. It is a time of Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. We will be praying a decade of the rosary each day in the afternoon. In the morning, on Tuesdays because we do not have a specialty on that day. Also, the preschool K classes are embarking on an Outer Space theme for the last week of February and first week of March. When we return from Winter Break the children will have an introduction to our Solar System. This corresponds to the letter Pp. We will have Show and Tell on March 2 and March 3. The children presenting on March 2 are Demitri, Adrian, Mya, Dylan, Madeleine, Hannah, Vivian, and Thomas. The children presenting the letter Pp on Friday, March 3, are Simon, Logan, Beatrice, Francis, Cashel, James, and Jemma. 

Please consider to take part in our March calendar fundraiser. Every little bit counts to help our school. 

Lastly, in our exploration of our Solar System, we will have some dramatic play activities. To help inspire this play, we want to make astronaut jet packs. These are made with 1 or 2 liter soda or tonic water bottles. Please wash out and save these bottles and bring to school when we return. We have asked our faculty, staff, and our own families to do the same. 

Looking forward to our next endeavor!  I hope you all have a safe, joyful Winter Break! 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms Cordeiro 

February 10, 2023


Dear Families,


This week’s return to a less festive week was good for all of us. The weather, preparing for Valentine’s Day, and celebrating our 100 th day in school were fantastic ways of learning and playing during this past week. Next week, the letter of the week is Vv for Valentine. The children can bring in Valentines for their friends. We have 16 children. I have included their names in the email that gives you the link to our classroom webpage. Also, on Tuesday, February 14, the children can wear purple, pink, or red to celebrate Valentine’s Day. We are making rice crispy treats to celebrate this double special day.  

Yes, it is Valentine’s Day on Tuesday the 14 and it is also our our friend, Mrs. Douglass’ birthday. We are so blessed to have a teacher like her. Please pray a prayer of thanks to our Lord for the gift of her in our lives.


On Friday, February 17, we will celebrate Mass with our School Family at our school. We start Mass at 8:10. This is a great way to start our Winter Break.

I hope you have a great weekend,

Ms Cordeiro

Feb 3, 2023 

Dear Families, 

Wow! It was a great week!  The children had a great time this morning at the Fun Run. I am seeing some improvements in the children’s overall development. Please follow through with having your child follow directions, requests from you the first time. We are working on this behavior in the classroom. 

The children had a good time at all the events this week. I will be posting more pictures of the  activities on our Classroom webpage, Classroom Photos. There are a few from the beginning of the week. 

Next week, we will have Show and Tell on Thursday, February 6 and Friday, February 7, for the letter Oo. On Thursday the children presenting are Demitri, Mya, Dylan, Adrian, Thomas, Madeleine, Hannah, and Vivian . On Friday, February 7, the children presenting are Beatrice, Simon, Marian, Logan, Jemma, Cashel, Francis, and James. 

Also, the preschoolers are celebrating our 100th day of school on Thursday, February 9. The children can dress up as if they were 100 years old. Another activity I like to do with the children is make a Trail Mix of 100! The children count 10 of each item, chocolate chips,  Pretzel Stix ( gluten free), craisins, mini marshmallows, skittles, Cheerios, popcorn, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds. If we don’t have enough for the 10 different ingredients  we will just double up on a few. Please only get one ingredient. Let me know what you plan on donating, then I will communicate with the class. 

Thank you for all your support, 

Ms Cordeiro

January 27, 2023

 Dear Families, 

Thank you for your support to visit me either in the classroom or via Google Meet to learn a bit more about your child’s progress. We had a fun week, preparing for our Catholic Schools’ Week Presentation. We made our performing hats and we explored the season of Winter by making Play Snow for our sensory table.

On Thursday, we celebrated Mass with our school family. The children were very well behaved. Then kicked off the Boosterthon Fundraiser. We are looking forward to this fun race on Friday, February 3.

This Sunday’s Open House from 12 to 2pm kicks off Catholic Schools’ Week. Please let your family and friends know about our age appropriate, active preschool programs and they should come for a visit. 

Next week, there will be many engaging activities for the children. Monday, January 30, we start our week off with All School Mass. Then we will work on our class’s Fun Run Flag. Also,  we are honoring the Vatican. Please have your child wear white and yellow.  Tuesday, January 31, is our Patriotic Presentation at 9:30. Please dress your child in red, white, and blue. Parents are welcome to come and watch the presentation. It starts at 9:30. Wednesday is crazy hat or crazy hair day and the children will have fun listening to theme movie music in a Youtube Video of Disney Trivia. Thursday, we can wear our favorite team gear! Also,  we will have some team building fun with building a structure using pretzels and marshmallows. On Finale Friday is the Boosterthon Run! The children wear red and of course their sneakers! 

Please keep the CSW 2023 schedule that was sent home,  on your refrigerator so you will not forget the daily activities. Lastly, please let me know via email if you can pick up some pretzel sticks (preferably gluten free) and one bag of marshmallow minis and one bag of the jumbo size marshmallows. We will be using these for our team building activity. 

Reminders, please pack your child a hat and mittens, or gloves for outdoor play. The morning snack is a healthy snack. Please pack fruit, yogurt, granola bars, sunbutter and crackers. There have been many children that have only  had sugary snacks to choose from, for their morning snack. 

I have uploaded some pictures from this week’s activities on our classroom photo page. Please take a look. 

I hope you all have a great weekend, 

Ms Cordeiro

January 20, 2023

Dear Families, 

Thank you to all the families that have  met with me  for  a conference either on Google Meet or in the classroom. I appreciate your time and enjoy talking with you about the progress of your child. We will finish up conferences next week. 

Next week on Tuesday, January 24,  we have  the Red Robin Fundraiser , where 20 % of  your sales from a take -out order or a seated restaurant order will benefit our school. A yellow flyer went home today in the Friday Folders.  This flyer needs to be presented when ordering in the restaurant and there are instructions on the flyer to order take -out. On Thursday, January 26, our school will attend Mass. We will walk with our 7th grade Buddies in good weather. Please be sure to have your child wear their hat, gloves or mittens and of course a warm coat. If the weather is inclement, we have had Mass here at the school early at 8:10. Also,  Thursday, January 26, is a half -day dismissal at 11: 20  for Professional Development.  We will have Extended Care which will end at 3:30 and school lunch is offered. Please let me know via email if your child will stay for Extended Care and have school lunch. 

Our letter of the week is Nn. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, January 26, for Adrian, Demitri, Mya, Dylan, Madeleine, Hannah, Vivian, and Thomas. Then on Friday, January 27, Show and Tell for Beatrice, Simon, Marian, Logan, Jemma, Cashel, Francis, and James.

Up and coming is Open House on Sunday, January 29, from 12 noon to 2pm. Please let your family and friends know about our preschool programs and invite them to visit. Also our Boosterthon is Friday, February 3, please start thinking of family and friends that would sponsor your child in this Fun Run that greatly benefits our school .

Lastly ,a reminder that during Catholic Schools' Week on Tuesday, January 31, is the preschools' Red, White, and Blue/ Patriotic Presentation. It will start at 9:30 and parents or other family members are  invited. We are limited to two family/ friend members to see the presentation. The children need to be dressed in red, white, and blue for that day. If you have a family member that is a veteran or active military, please send their picture to our Small Wonders 2.9-3.0 teacher, Mrs. Amy Plante, at Please state your name, your child's name, and the rank of your family member.  I hope you all have a Blessed Weekend. 

Ms Cordeiro

January 13, 2023

Dear Families, 

The Drama Club's Wizard of Oz premiers tonight with a 7:00 show, Saturday, January 14, another 7:00 pm show, and Sunday, January 15, for the 2:00 Matinee. The doors open a half-hour before each showing. If your schedule allows, please purchase tickets from our school's webpage and enjoy the play. It will not disappoint, the school saw an abbreviated showing this afternoon. The children were captivated! 

Thank you to all the families that I have  had the pleasure to talk to regarding their child's progress thus far. I am looking forward to meeting up with more  of our families this week, too. 

Next week, the letter of the week is Ll for our friend, Logan. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, January 19,  the children presenting are Dylan, Demitri, Mya, Adrian, Madeleine, Marian, Thomas, and Vivian and on Friday, January 20, the children presenting are Simon, Beatrice, Logan, Jemma, Cashel, Francis, and James. 

The preschoolers have been practicing our Patriotic Songs for our Red, White, and Blue Day Presentation during Catholic Schools' Week. Our performance has been changed to Tuesday, January 31, the time will be in the morning. I will confirm the time soon. The preschoolers are welcome to invite 2 family members to watch their performance. I have put the words to their songs on our Prayers and Songs page. If you get the chance, please look click on the page and sing a long with your child. Ask them to use the Sign Language that Mrs. Douglass has been teaching them as well. They are learning so much in this activity ! 

January 6, 2023

Dear Families, 

We had a smooth return to school. Mrs. Douglass and I have enjoyed our time with them. Thank you for sharing them with us. Next week is a special week with two dress down days. Our first dress down day on Monday. Our class can dress down in the color red. The second dress down day is on Friday, January 13,  a Pajama Day to honor Dr. Martin Luther King.  Our letter of the week is Kk. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, January 12, for half-day friends and Vivian, Madeleine, Hannah, Francis, and Thomas. Then on Friday, January 13, Show and Tell for Kk is for Beatrice, Simon, Marian, Logan, Jemma, Cashel, James. 

Also, next week, I look forward to  the start of our conferences . Your confirmed date, time, and type of conference was sent home on a hard copy in your child's home folder. If you did not recieve it, please email me. Today, the children have their Friday Folders with Extended Care Invoices and a Pope Benedict the XVI Emeritus Prayer Card.  In closing I want to express  that I am excited about our school's play, The Wizard Oz. It opens on Friday , January 13, at 7:00  and is shown again on Saturday, January 14,  at 7:00 and again a matinee on Sunday, January 15 at 2:00. Doors open a half- hour before each show.  The  full day children have a flyer in their Friday Folder regarding tickets. The half-day children will have the information in their folder on Monday. Please attend,  it is going to be fantastic! 

Lastly, Catholic Schools' Week is approaching soon. We kick it off with Open House on January 29 at 12 to 2pm. Please let your friends and family know about our school and have them visit us at Open House. Catholic Schools ' Week is an exciting week with many different activities throughout the week. The preschool classes are presenting Red, White, and Blue Day on Wednesday, February 1. The children will start learning Patriotic Songs to have a Lively Presentation on that day in the morning. We honor our Veterans of our families. If you have a family member that is a Veteran, please send in their picture with their Military Information. I will forward to Mrs. Amy Plante, our Small Wonders teacher. She creates a beautiful slide show. The preschool families will be invited to attend to see their children perform on this morning. There will be more information obout this festive day coming soon. 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, 

Ms Cordeiro

January 2, 2023 

Dear Families, 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Looking forward to our return to school tomorrow. This break was much needed and appreciated! Thank you all for your thoughtful  Christmas cards and gifts. The children were so joyful in presenting Mrs. Douglass and I with their gifts. 

This week's letter of the week is Jj for Jesus. We will be talking about the Epiphany as well. This is this coming Sunday, a feast day to celebrate when the Wise Men traveled to find the Holy Family. They followed the star that they knew would bring them to the King of Kings. 

I will be sending out reminders of the upcoming conferences that start next week. I look forward to talking to each of you. 

Mrs. Douglass and I pray that you all have a very Healthy, Joyful, and Prosperous New Year! 

God bless you and yours, 

Ms Cordeiro

December 16, 2022

Dear Families

The children worked very hard to make you all a Christmas gift. Mrs. Douglass and I think they came out beautifully. The children enjoyed making them and are looking forward to giving them to you! 

Next week is a short week with our last full day of school on Thursday, December 22. On Thursday,  we will exchange Christmas cards. I have included the children’s names below. Please remember to create with your child the Party in the Bag. The paper bag and instructions were sent home last Friday. The party bags are due in by Wednesday, December 21.  Please send me an email if you need the instructions again. I can send them to you via email. 

We will not have a letter of the week due to the short week. Also we  are learning some Christmas Carols with Miss Dandurand and Mrs. Duff’s class and we need to complete a few more activities before our Christmas break. 

Here is our class list: 

Madeleine, Thomas, Francis, Vivian, Beatrice, Hannah, Logan, Mya, Dylan, James, Jemma, Cashel, Marian, Demitri, Adrian, and Simon. 

Thank you all for your support, 

Ms  Cordeiro

December 9, 2022 

Dear Families, 

Thank you for all your support with St. Nick’s Workshop. The children had a fun, memorable time, choosing gifts for their families with the 8th Graders. Also, your support in donating gift cards for our Advent Family. I am sure it will bring this family a Merry Christmas. 

Mrs. Douglass has returned from her maternity leave. This week she started  teaching both Pre-K  C and Pre-K D  some sign language to the Christmas Carol, Away in a Manger. The children are catching on quickly! Click the video above to see and hear these beautiful children! 

Next week our letter of the week is letter Ii for Infant Jesus. We will be making a Nativity Craft of the Infant Jesus and starting our Parent gifts and cards. 

Please take a look at the menu and click on our Classroom Photos and Weekly Wrap Up page.  There are a few pictures from this week's activities! 

I hope you have a joyful and safe weekend. 

Ms Cordeiro

December 1, 2022

Dear Families, 

Thank you all so much for supporting  our mission to Thank Miss. Donna and Mrs. McKenna for their help in our classroom while Mrs. Douglass was out for maternity leave. These women were so kind and helpful for the children. They appreciated their gift, of a canvas bag and a beautiful white poinsetta. Mrs. Plante helped out with the purchasing of these gifts too.  The pictures of the gifts are shown above.  Miss Donna did give the children a parting gift today as well. I am thinking that the children can bring them to school on Tuesday, December 6, it is Saint Nicholas' Feast Day. 

On Tuesday, our school filled with much excitement because Saint Nicholas will be bringing treats in their shoe bag to celebrate. Today and tomorrow the children are coloring a 

" shoe". The shoe will be cut out and glued to a paper bag so Saint Nicholas can leave the treats in each child's sneaker or shoe bag. Also, on Tuesday,  the 8th grade will kick off their fundraiser, Saint Nicholas Workshop. The children will browse the workshop on Tuesday. There they will see if they want to buy a gift for members in their family. Our class will have an opportunity to visit and buy gifts later in the week. The children will go home with the list of the gifts and the prices on Tuesday. Then you can decide how and if you want your child to participate. 

On Thursday, December 8, it is the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception. We will attend Mass here at the school at 8:00. Also, we will have Show and Tell for the letter Hh, the Holy Family and on Friday, December 9.  The children presenting on Thursday are half-day friends, Adrian, Mya, Dylan, and Demitri, and full -day friends,  Thomas, Vivian, Madeleine, and Hannah. Then on Friday, December 9, Show and Tell for letter Hh, for Jemma, Francis, Cashel, James, Simon, Marian, Beatrice, and Logan. 

Finally, please consider donating a gift card for our Advent Family. The deadline for the gift card donation is Friday, December 9.  Thank you very much to the families that have already answered the call to donate to our Advent Family, a single, double amputee, Mom, with two children a boy age 5 and a girl age 11. 

December brings much joy as we wait for the celebration of our Savior, Jesus. It is nice to be able to have Mrs. Douglass return during this exciting and special time of the year. She will be present on our festive day, celebrating Saint Nicholas' Feast Day to start her return with us. 

Thank you again for your contributions in thanking Miss Donna and Mrs. McKenna. 

God Bless and I hope you all have a Blessed Weekend. 

November 23, 2022

Dear Families, 

Our week was short but oh so full! The chlldren were excellent at our All School Mass yesterday morning. Our 7th Grade Church Buddies are very sweet, and helpful to the children. We are very blessed. Next week, we welcome a new friend to  our classroom. Her name is Beatrice. I have told the children and they are so happy to have her with us. In addition, to our new friend,  the children will learn about the season of Advent, the time before Christmas.  It starts on Sunday, November 28. It is a time we prepare our hearts for Jesus' Birth. The children will bring home a paper Advent Wreath that they can "light" the candle each week. In the classroom, we will talk about how we can bring kindness to each other and others. The letter of the week is Gg. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, December 1, for all our half-day friends and  Hannah, Madeleine, Thomas, and Vivian. Then again on Friday, December 2, for Beatrice, Simon, Logan, Marian, James, Jemma, Cashel, and Francis. 

I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving and break. Thank you all for sharing your children with us. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms Cordeiro 

November 18, 2022

Dear Families, 

It was nice to have a good full week with the children. The sticker incentive seems to be helping the children learn and follow the expectations in the classroom. My hope for them is to improve more and then move to a classroom incentive, such as having a pajama day. Today makes 52 days in school for us! Soon Mrs. Douglass will be returning to the classroom. Her expected return is December 5. She has an earlier return due to her unexpected early delivery. I am happy she has had this time with her new baby girl, Elizabeth, and her toddler, Rachel.

I am grateful for the enormous help of Mrs. McKenna and Miss Donna. As you know, I was sick when we had our trip to the Acushnet Fire Station. Miss Donna did go and there is a nice picture of her with the children with the children on our Classroom Photos Page.  She has been very helpful with the sticker incentive and keeping the children on task. Mrs. McKenna's help on Mondays has been essential as well. These women have brought much of their expertise, love, and patience to the children. We will say good bye to Mrs. McKenna on Monday, November 28 and Miss Donna, on Tuesday, November 30.  

This past week, Mrs. McKenna, brought in her friend, Mrs. Nancy Harrington. She is a retired kindergarten teacher. She visited our classroom and shared her talent and time with our class and Miss Dandurand's class making the children's silhouettes. She returned twice this week to perfect a few of them and to make the silhouettes of children that were absent when she first visited. We are blessed to have many caring people to share their time and talent for our children. Please visit our Weekly Wrap up page to see some pictures from Sergeant Brent Cordeiro, Miss Donna's son, visit to our preschool. 

Next week,  we have no letter of the week. We have a short week with a half-day on Wednesday, November 23. We do have lunch and extended care till 3:30. Please let me know if your child will stay for extended and if they need to have a school lunch. Lastly, I have posted a few new pictures of some of the children making their Thankful Turkey Craft. They are adoring our first floor bulletin and the children will bring them home for Thanksgiving. 

I hope you all have a wonderful, and safe weekend. 

Ms Cordeiro

November 14, 2022

I am looking forward to being back with the children. We have a busy week and a half a head of us! This week our letter is Ff for family. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, November 17 and Friday, November 18. I will email you on Wednesday what day your child will present. Also, this week will be our first All School Mass and walking with our 7th Grade Buddies. Miss Donna will be working with the children providing some formal assessments. The Pre-K students in our class and the students in Miss Dandurand and Mrs. Duff 's class start 12 days of Kindness within our school.  We will be reading books on Thankfulness and Kindness and are creating art to hand out to the faculty and staff that help us in our Saint Francis Xavier School Family. 

Please take a look at our Classroom Picture menu of pictures from our recent field trip to the Acushnet Fire Station. Thank you to Miss Donna, Mrs. Maldonado, and all chaperones that made this event a success, Mrs. Botelho, Mrs. Cohn, Mrs. Ferreira, Mrs. Laycock, Mrs. Sampaio

 I hope you all have a wonderful week. 

Ms Cordeiro

Dear Families, 

Thank you to our chaperones, Mrs. Ferreira and Mr. Joaquim,  for their help on the Leaf Walk. The children had a fun, refreshing, experience walking around our campus looking closely at the Autumn Leaves we have on our campus. Then they played on the Elementary Playground with their classmates and friends in Miss Dandurand and Mrs. Duff's class. 

I'm grateful to you all for all your support in having your child dress as a Saint for All Saints' Day. I know it is no easy feat after celebrating Halloween the night before. However, the graces you receive to provide knowledge to your children about Jesus' friends that live Gospel life here on earth our God will bless you abundantly! 

Next week is a short week due to no school on Thursday, November 10 , for Professional Day, and Friday, November 11 , for Veterans' Day. We will not have letter of the week or Show and Tell. 

We still have busy week continuing to learn about silhouettes with Mrs. McKenna's friend, Miss Nancy. She will visit us Monday to help create silhouettes of the children. This week the children saw a video about silhouettes and then created their own using the leaves they found on the leaf walk. They used yellow and red paint and painted with Miss Donna to create a light Autumn background. Then with me taped some of their favorite leaves to the table and placed a piece of paper on top to them. We then used a black crayon  sideways to get the silhouette of the leaves. 

Finally, we our field trip to the Acushnet Fire Station is on Wednesday, November 9. Please dress your child in sneakers, and a jacket. We have Mrs. Botelho, Mrs. Cohen, Mr. Joaquim, and Mrs. Sampaio that volunteered to join us. We hope to stop over at our church, Saint Francis Xavier, after our visit to thank God for our First Responders, Veterans, and of course our Families.

I will post some pictures of our Leaf Walk on our Classroom Photos page.  

I hope you all have a joyful, safe weekend. 

In Christ, 

Ms Cordeiro

October 28, 2022


Feb 3, 2023 

Dear Families, 

Wow! It was a great week!  The children had a great time this morning at the Fun Run. I am seeing some improvements in the children’s overall development. Please follow through with having your child follow directions, requests from you the first time. We are working on this behavior in the classroom. 

The children had a good time at all the events this week. I will be posting more pictures of the  activities on our Classroom webpage, Classroom Photos. There are a few from the beginning of the week. 

Next week, we will have Show and Tell on Thursday, February 6 and Friday, February 7, for the letter Oo. On Thursday the children presenting are Demitri, Mya, Dylan, Adrian, Thomas, Madeleine, Hannah, and Vivian . On Friday, February 7, the children presenting are Beatrice, Simon, Marian, Logan, Jemma, Cashel, Francis, and James. 

Also, the preschoolers are celebrating our 100th day of school on Thursday, February 9. The children can dress up as if they were 100 years old. Another activity I like to do with the children is make a Trail Mix of 100! The children count 10 of each item, chocolate chips, Chex Mex, Pretzel Stix ( gluten free), craisins, mini marshmallows, skittles, Cheerios, popcorn, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds. If we don’t have enough for the 10 different ingredients  we will just double up on a few. Please only get one ingredient. Let me know what you plan on donating, then I will communicate with the class. 

Thank you for all your support, 

Ms Cordeiro

January 24, 2023

Dear Families, 

The children had a good week finishing up some crafts to help make our school hallway festive! They are proud of their work. There is a lot of fine motor, scissor, work and spatial sense in their Scaredy Cats and Lantern Pumpkins!  I hope I get to see you tonight at the 8th Grade Halloween Festivities! 

Next week is a busy week! We celebrate All Saints' Day on Tuesday, November 1. Please have your child come to school dressed as a Saint. Wednesday, November 2, weather permitting, we will walk to Pope Park to go on a Leaf Hunt. If your schedule allows , please let me know, via email,  if you can come along for the walk and the fun of collecting leaves! We will be leaving at 9am to return approximately, at 10:30. 

There is no Show and Tell next week. We will have some review of the letters and talk more about the Saints and Autumn. 

I hope you have a great weekend.

Ms Michelle Cordeiro

October 21, 2022

Dear Famiies, 

Thank you all for taking time out of your schedules to meet with me. It is helpful to meet and talk with you about how your child is adjusting to school. We have Show and Tell next week on Thursday and Friday for letter Ee. I will send a reminder email on Wednesday, October 26. 

The Friday folders went home today with permission slips for the Acushnet Fire Station walking field trip on Wednesday,  November 9.  I have two chaperones for this trip thus far. I would like two more. Please check your schedule and let me know via email if you can volunteer. 

Also, information regarding our Halloween Dance and Trick or Treating on Friday, October 28. I hope you can all join in on the festivities. 

Today's Show and Tell went very well. The children were listening and participating so well! They earned outdoor play at the Elementary Playground. This time outdoors wos just what they needed! So nice to see them playing so well together! I was able to take a few pictures and posted them on our Classroom Photo menu. 

 I hope you all have a great weekend. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms Cordeiro

October 14, 2022

We had a successful week! I'm seeing  improvements in the children's learning of procedures in the classroom and improving their social responses to one another! Next week, our letter of the week is Dd. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, October 20 and Friday, October 21. I will send out reminders on Wednesday about what day your child presents. Also, a reminder that Thursday, October 20, is a half-day dismissal for all students. It is a Professional Development Day. We do have extended care and are offering school lunch. Please let me know if your child will stay for Extended Care and if he or she will have School Lunch.

I will be sending out a Google Meet Conference Schedule for parents to sign up this weekend. The  Google Meet Conferences will meet on Wednesday, October 19 from 3:15 to 4:45 and Thursday, October 20 from 12:15  to 1:45 and meet again from 3:00 to 4:00. The meeting will be 10 to 15 minutes. This is just a check in with you to let you know how your child is adjusting to preschool and my observations. Also, it is a time for you to ask me some questions and let me know if you have any concerns.  

Our next field trip is this Friday, October 21, to the Acushnet Fire Station. We are hoping for a morning appointment at 9:30 and are waiting on the confirmation.  We are walking to there and have two chaperones, Mrs. Botelho and Mrs. Cohn walking with us and Miss Dandurand and Mrs. Duff 's class. It would be even better,  if we could have one more chaperone. If your schedule allows, please send me an email. 

There are a few pictures of the children on our Weekly Wrap Up page. It tells a recap of some of our activities this week. 

Lastly, I have included a link to Catholic Icing to help you think about and create a saint costume for our All School Celebration of All Saints Day, November 1.  It would be great if our whole class could come to school in a Saint Costume. Here is the link  

I hope you have a great weekend! 


October 7, 2022

Glory to God! 

We started off our day with Holy Mass! The children were very well behaved. Mr. Ferreira's 7th grade class sat with our children. After Mass,  off to Silverbrook Farm in Acushnet! Thank you to our chaperones, Mrs. Botelho, Mr. Dagnello, Mr. Desmarias, Mrs. Ferreira, Miss Figueiredo, Mrs. Laycock, Mrs. Torres, and Mrs. McKenna! Yes, Silverbrook Farm welcomed us with open arms, and the farm is so New England picturesque, the farm animals are so cute and so happy to greet the children, on top of that the weather was warm and sunny too! However, it would not have gone well without the help of our chaperones.  It truly takes a village to support all our Littles.  Thank you for sharing your time and  kind hearts and hands that supported our  class to enjoy their time there! God is Good! 

Next week the letter is Cc for Show and Tell on Thursday and Friday. I will send out an email  on Wednesday, October 12 stating what day your child will present. Please click on our Classroom Photo page to view pictures from our day at the farm. 

Friday, October 21, we have the opportunity to visit the Acushnet Fire Station. It is a walking field trip. I will need chaperones. Please email me if you can chaperone. 

Thank you, 

Ms Cordeiro


September 30, 2022

Thank you all for your support and patience sending in the children's permission slips and the fee for our upcoming field trip. We are blessed to have 5 parents and possibly one more able to volunteer their time and talent that day to chaperone. Please know I do understand if you cannot chaperone. I'm hopeful that you may be able to chaperone our future field trips. The Friday Folders are going home today with information regarding our School Family Fundraiser for Spunkmeyer Cookie. It is an opportunity to decrease your family funding obligation, help our school finances, and buy some cookie dough and other yummy treats for the up and coming Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year holiday season. They will be here in no time! 

Next week we will be talking about life on a farm and what do you see on a farm and  there is no Show and Tell. We will start talking about and learning how to form  the letter Cc and will have Show and Tell on Thursday, October 13 and Friday October 14 for Letter Cc. A reminder will be sent out on Wednesday, October 12.

This week was a challenge for me to take some pictures of the children's activities. I did manage to get some pictures of some full-day friends this afternoon finishing up a letter Bb project. It had a lot of fine motor activity with coloring, cutting, gluing, and folding. We were able to make playdough this week as well.  They are posted on our Classroom  Photos page.  If you have not seen the pictures I posted last week, please click on our weekly photo menu to view them. 

The children need to develop their fine motor skills. If you can have your child make crafts and help with baking for the holidays, please go for it! These are memorable opportunities that your children will not forget. 

I can remember my Mom having 3 or 4 of her own children and even some neighborhood children at our kitchen table rolling out pie crust. She would have us use plastic cups to roll out the dough. Then have the individual aluminum pie pans so we could make our own apple pies. I have never forgotten these times with my siblings, friends, and of course my Mother. 

I hope you all have a Blessed Weekend. 

In Christ, 

Ms Cordeiro

September 23, 2022

This Friday was one of our best days!  I'm looking forward to more! We are learning how to cooperate with our friends in sharing, and taking turns. We are working really hard to learn the procedures in the classroom and throughout our school. Today, I saw a lot of good choices!  Praise God! 

Reminder to please send in your child's rest mat. Not all children are taking naps but they all do need to rest with a calm body and voices off.  We are learning this quiet behavior and are making good strides. 

Reminder next week our letter of the week is Bb. Please help your child find, make, or draw something that starts with Bb. 

September 20, 2022

Congratulations to the Douglass Family on the arrival of their new baby girl, Elizabeth Estel early in the morning on  September 13!  Mrs. Douglass and Elizabeth are well and Rachel, Mrs. Douglass’ older daughter is enjoying being a great big sister! We are going to miss Mrs. Douglass but are so happy she can dedicate this precious time to care and make memories with her growing family! We look forward to her return in January. 

The week of September 26,  the letter of the week is Bb. Please help your child find, make, or draw something that starts with Bb! A reminder of your child’s day to present will be sent via email on Wednesday, September 28. 

Finally, please click on the drop down menu to find the Weekly Wrap -up and Classroom Photo pages. 

We started off our year so joyful! 

Next week the letter of the week is Mm for Mary, Our Blessed Mother and for monkey. Show and tell on Thursday and Friday. I will send you  an email on what day your child will present their Show and Tell. 

Welcome to the new year 2022- 2023!

I look forward to meeting you on Friday, September 1 from 2:00 to 3:00 pm. This is a special time that you will see the classroom that your children will be playing and learning in each day. This Classroom Google site is updated weekly. I will let you know some of the activities of the upcoming week and of events that are happening in our school family. Please always read the Friday, School email updates. In there, is the link to this Google Classroom site. I do send out emails with the link to our classroom site as well.

At this time, please take a few minutes to familiarize your self with the menu drop-down options. There are Prayers and Songs, Weekly Wrap-up,  Our Classroom Photos, Policies in PreK-C, Classroom Supply and Wishlist, Weekly Administrative links.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at I will get back to you within 24 hours. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms. Michelle Cordeiro

June 9, 2022

Happy Summer! 

Thank you all so much for sharing your children with us! It has been a good year! Yes, there has been challenges but that is  what strengthens us and helps us to grow. Your children are the best! Thank you for showering Mrs. Douglass and I with cards, gifts, and flowers to show your gratitude. We are humbled and blessed because your children have brought much love to us. I hope you all have a great Summer! I do look forward to seeing some of my students return to school for Kindergarten or Preschool for the Academic Year of 2022 -2023.

Please click on the Classroom Photos Menu to view pictures from our day at Pope Park. 

God Bless You and Yours, 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro and Mrs. Olive Douglass

June 3, 2022

It was an eventful week with holding the chicks, practicing for the End of the Year Celebration, making zig-zag designs for the letter Zz and the finale is the revealing of Mrs. Douglss' expecting new addition  to her family in October! Please click on the Weekly Wrap-up for more details of this past week and the Douglass Baby Revealing. 

Next week, our  final week for the year 2021- 2022  there are more activities and fun days planned. Monday, we will be talking about Summer Fun and Summer Safety, Tuesday, June 7, we are walking to Pope Park and having Acushnet Creamery Ice Cream with our Church Buddies, Wednesday we are celebrating all our Summer Birthdays! Our final day is Thursday, June 9 with our End of the Year Celebration at 9 am . You are welcome to attend. 

Thank you all for your support. Thank you to all the chaperones for both walking events to Pope Park. I will be sending out information for the chaperones for both trips over the weekend. 

Mrs. Douglass and I hope you have a safe and joyful weekend! 

May 27, 2022

We had a wonderful Around the World Week! Please click on the Weekly Wrap Up for a more detailed information of our week. 

Children are enjoying to hold the chicks. We have named only one of them. It is our first born, a black chick with a priest collar. We named it Bentley at first and then I noticed the white collar and now am thinking possibly Father Bentley or Sister Bentley. We will not know whether it is a hen or rooster for a few more weeks. 

Next week we hope to be able to take the chicks outside to have our friends hold them in the other preschool rooms.  This week's weather was too chilly. It is very nice for the chicks to get outdoors as well.  Our letter of the week is Zz! Please help your child find, make, or draw something that starts with Zz for Show and Tell. Thursday, June 2, the half -day and younger four year olds present their letter Zz item. Then on Friday, June 3, our full-day friends will present their letter Zz item.

I hope to get more pictures downloaded and up of the children holding the chicks and of  them participating in the other activities  on the Classroom Photo page soon! 

We  hope you have a great weekend!

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs Douglass 

May 16, 2022

Dear Families, 

Sorry about this delay on our weekly update.  The  letter of the week is Yy. Please help your child find, make or draw something that starts with Yy for Show and Tell. Due to the All School Easter  Celebration on Friday, May 20  and the  half -day dismissal for the whole school, we will have Show and Tell  on Wednesday, May 18  for our half-day friends and our younger four year olds. Then on Thursday, May 19 the full day friends will present their Show and Tell for letter Yy.

A reminder to families, this Friday,  is a half- day dismissal at 11:00. We do have Extended  Care till 3:00 pm. If your child is staying for Extended Care, school lunch will be offered. Please give me a heads up if you plan on your child staying for Extended Care. 

Our chickens are due to hatch at the end of the week or  weekend! That is pretty fitting that we are having our school Easter Celebration on Friday, May 20, as well. The chicks are busting out just like Jesus did from the tomb! Alleluia! Jesus is Risen! 

Next week, the week of May 22, we will be exploring the world with Ms Dandurand and Mrs. Duff’s class. We will explore some countries, France, Portugal, China, Mexico, and Italy. Ms. Dandurand and I are planning some activities for the children, a snack of nachos and salsa on Thursday, May 26,  and plan to have pizza delivered for lunch on Italy's Day, which is Friday, May 27. 

On Friday, May 27,  half- day friends and young three year olds  are welcome to stay the full- day or you can decide if you will dismiss them after lunch. Our lunch will end at 12:15. Please let me know if your half-day friend or young four year old will stay for the pizza and if they will be dismissed at the normal 2:00 dismissal or if you will dismiss them at an earlier time. There will be a notice going home regarding the cost for pizza per child. It will be $ 3.00 per child. We are ordering 6 large cheese pizzas to split between  both preschools.  Please let me know if you're interested in donating juice boxes for our class via email.  

We have a very eventful week for Around the World Week. Also on Thursday, May26, is Ascension Thursday .  We will attend Mass at 10 am with the school family and our Church Buddies. 

We end Around the World Week with each child dressing up in the colors of the country they are representing. Similar to Show and Tell but not presenting a  letter. Your child will present  a country of his or her choice.   They can  dress in the colors of the country’s flag and bring in something about the country as well. There will be a Questionnaire going home for you and your child to complete about the  country of their choice. 

Please keep in your prayers the chick’s successful hatching! If you have any questions or concerns regarding our upcoming events,  please email me. 

Thank you for your support, 

Ms Cordeiro 

May 6, 2022

Happy Mother's Day to all our Mom's and Grandmother's! 

Thank you so much to all of you! Your kind and generous gift and video did make me cry. It is very overwhelming and humbling to receive these gifts because I truly love teaching your children. They make me joyful and work really hard to be my best. I am very thankful to have them in my daily life ( practically!  10 months of the year and 5 days a week). I enjoy teaching young children. I am blessed beyond measure!  I can't believe we are almost closing this school year! 

Next week, our letter of the week is Xx. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, May 12, for our younger fours, Evelyn, Freya, Jacob, and Eli, and our half- day friends, Brett, Clara, Madison, Philip, and Christian. Again, on Friday, May 13,  we have Show and Tell for full day friends. 

Thank you all so much for your thoughtful gifts, and for your support with raising funds for the 8th grade class and Our Lady's Haven. 

Ms. Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

April 28, 2022

Dear Families, 

It has been a good return back to our routine. It was nice to have the time off but we are all happy and working hard in our classroom.  The children worked hard on our first floor bulletin board. It is beautiful. We had some team effort with Mrs. DeMastro, our Art Teacher,  to implement this craft activity.  They will be going home with their art when it is time to for us to take it down. I will post a picture of the board on our Classroom Photos menu. I cannot believe we are in May next week! 

We have many birthdays in May. I will be sending the Families of the children with May birthdays an email regarding if they want to celebrate at school with a special snack. Also,next week our letter of the week is Ww. We have Show and Tell on Thursday , May 5, for our young four year olds and half day friends. Then Friday, May 6, Show and Tell for our full-day friends. Yes, we have started our chicken hatching project today, Friday, April 29. The children will help keep the eggs rotated each day. Their will be a small group of children that will turn the eggs as the mother hen does when they are in the nest. There will be some other learning activities as we embark on this life science adventure! 

Finally we have the 8th grade fundraiser for the children to be able to purchase an Easter Egg for $ 1.00 to help raise fund for their Graduation Expenses. The children can buy 2 eggs total for the fundraiser. Also, Friday, May 6, is Kindergarten Screening for those children that are registered for the Fall Program. Please see that your child is well rest and has their water bottle to be able to be his or her best! 

I hope you all  have a great weekend! 

Ms Cordeiro

April 14, 2022

Happy, Holy Easter! 

We hope you have a healthy, happy, Easter! We had many absences these past two weeks due to colds and flu. We hope that having these sicknesses now will allow all of you to have a healthy, happy, and safe Easter and vacation week. May this beautiful weather continue to our vacation week! When we return on April 25 our letter of the week is Uu. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, April 28, for our young four year olds, Eli, Jacob, Freya and Evelyn and for our half-day friends, Christian, Brett, Philip, Madison, and Clara. Then again on Friday, we have Show and Tell for our full-day friends. We are looking forward to celebrating the 50 days of Easter with our class upon our return to school! Please take a look at our Weekly Photo page and weekly Wrap up page on our webpage. 

April 8, 2022

Dear Families, 

We had a great week learning about the letter Tt, watching the rye grass grow in our Parent Easter Gift, creating the ornaments for it , so excited about the sunflower seeds sprouting too! We learned about our Lord, Jesus, and His Passion through continuing our prayer of the Sorrowful Mysteries, and reading some children stories such as books, The Easter Story by Kim Mitzo Thompson, The Donkey that Know One Could Ride by Anthony DeStefano and Little Colt's Palm Sunday by Michelle Medlock Adams. The last two stories are about Palm Sunday. Mrs. Vigeant works in our classroom on Wednesdays after gym and read to us The Donkey that Know One Could Ride, and Father Ryan kindly visited us on Friday afternoon, to read the children the book, Little Colt's Palm Sunday. We had an added treat to this reading with Miss Dandurand and Mrs. Duff 's class joining us for the reading.  We are all  very thankful for their presence in our classroom. Our planting projects help the children to understand about the new life that Jesus gives us in His Resurrection. 

Thank you all for your support with sending in empty milk jug containers. Please send in an empty milk jug for your child by Monday, April 10, if you have not sent one in. I do have two at home that I can bring in but we still need 4 more jugs. Next week, we will be making them into Easter Baskets. There is no letter of the week. We will be learning more about Holy Week and getting ready for Easter. We will pray the Glorious Mysteries as well.  Reminder there is no school Friday, April 15 due to Good Friday. 

We hope you have a safe and happy weekend. 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs Douglass

April 1, 2022

Dear Famlilies,

We had another busy, fun week and it ended with a visit from Father Ryan. He came in to read us a story, The Night Before Easter. It is a entertaining story of the true meaning of Easter, Jesus' Resurrection. We planted the rye grass for our Parent Easter Gift and started to create the Easter Adornments for this gift. Next week our letter of the week is Tt. I will send out reminders of your child's day for Show and Tell. Our system to help support the children during Show and Tell is to have the younger  four year olds and half -day friends on Thursday and full - day friends on Friday. Thank you to the families that have had their child bring in a cleaned, gallon, milk jug for the children to create an Easter Basket. If you have not sent one in yet for your child, please have them in by Friday, April 8. Thank you all for your participation in the ItinaRead.  The children really enjoyed this time with their grown up  reading. 

 We hope you all have a safe, and joyful weekend. 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass 

Mar 25, 2022

Dear Families, 

I cannot believe that we are already closing in on the end of March. Next week we are continuing the letter of the week with letter Ss. We will  have Show and Tell on Thursday and Friday. Also, we will be  starting our Spring growing of grass for our Parent Easter  Baskets. We will continue our Lenten practice of praying a decade a day.This week we prayed the Luminous Mysteries. The children are knowing how to pray the rosary and are learning each prayer that is prayed in a rosary, Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be. We started the beginning of learning about the Moon this week and hope to continue this thread of learning during the next few weeks as well. 

Next week, for our Lenten Practice of prayer, we will pray a  decade a day and we will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries. The  children will make a cross to adorn the Parent Easter Basket. The letter of the week is Ss. The children will present on Thursday, March 31 and Friday, April 1. 

Finally, please send in a cleaned milk gallon jug by Apr 5, 2022. These jugs the children will create a Bunny Easter Basket. The baskets will remain in the classroom over April Vacation. Then when we return to school the children will see that there will be Easter Treats for them! 

Upcoming end of the year dates are as followed; 

If you have registered your child for the Kindergarten 2022 -2023 school year at  Saint Francis Xavier the Kindergarten screening is  on May 6, 2022. There will be more information going home in April.


No school on Friday, April 15,  due to Good Friday.

Friday, May 20 is a half -day dismissal 

Last Day of School is June 9 with a half -day dismissal. There will be more information on this day. It is a celebration with a walking field trip to Pope Park. 

Thank you for all your support, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

March 18, 2022

Dear Families, 

We ended our week with two festivities, Saint Patrick's Day and Saint Joseph's Feast. We celebrated with craft activities, learning about rhythm with some Irish Jig Songs, and watching the movie, The Star, with popcorn! We ended the morning enjoying outdoor play with Miss Dandurand's class too. We  had beautiful Spring Weather! 

Next week we start our week with Spring Picture Day, on Monday, March 21.  The children can wear their Sunday Best for these pictures. Full- day friends, please bring a change of clothes. If your child does not attend on Monday and you want a Spring Picture please let me know. I will check in the mean time about your child attending for the morning session.  The letter of the week is Rr. Show and Tell will be on Thursday for our young 4 year olds and half day friends on Friday Show and Tell is for the full-day friends. 

We hope you have a great weekend.

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass 

Another important week is complete with the children. This week the children worked one to one with Mrs. Douglass and I on the semi- formal assessments.  It is encouraging for the children to work with us. We are able to give them positive feedback on their learning. Also, it is encouraging for us to see how much the children have grown. 

The highlight of our week was the visit to Saint Francis Xavier Church.It felt great to walk with your well- behaved children to our church. They enjoyed every aspect and were thrilled to see the construction going on Main Street. As we approached the church,  Father Ryan welcomed us and took time to walk the children through the church and explain some statues, stained glass windows, the altar, and the Baptismal Font. If you have pictures of your child’s Baptism please send them in next week with your child. I will return them. It is important to take this opportunity in their learning and build upon it . They will learn more about the sacrament of Baptism in the weeks ahead. 

 Next week, we will have the letter Qq for the letter of the week. Show and Tell will take place on both Thursday and Friday. I will send you an email Wednesday to let you know what day your child will present. All the half day friends and young 4 years old will present on Thursday. On Friday the  full- day friends  will present. I will send you an email on Wednesday to confirm your child’s day. 

Also on Friday, March 18, we will watch the movie, The Star. It corresponds with the Joyful Mysteries we prayed this past week, our Nativity Project, and Saint Joseph[s Feast Day on Saturday, March 19. 

We did well with The Itin Read-a-thon this week.  We scored a total of 245 minutes of reading.  I know that not all of the children went home with the blue recording sheet. I have put the rest of the recording sheets in the children’s folders to have for next week. This is a great opportunity to put some time aside for some quiet one on one time with the children. Please send in the recording sheets at the end of the week. This day is on Thursdays for the young 4 years old that come only a few days out of the week and it is Friday for the older 4 years olds. 

Thank you for sending your child with boots and a pair of easy slip on shoes or crocs. The playground will be muddy. We are not out of the mud season yet. I hope you all have a safe and joyful weekend. 

God Bless you and your family, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass


March 4, 2022

Dear Families, 

We had a nice return to school. We are happy to share in our journey of this Lenten Season with your children. They were all very well behaved at the Ash Wednesday Prayer Service. This week we have worked on a couple of Lenten activities to help the children understand this Liturgical Season. 

Next week there is no letter of the week. We will continue with semi- formal assessments and learning about Lent. On Tuesday, March 8, if the weather cooperates we will visit the church.  If not, Father Ryan gave us Thursday for a rain date. Friday, Mar 11, 2022 is no school due to a Professional Development Day. 

Thank you for sending your child's boots. Please continue to send them to school. The preschool playground is very muddy. 

We hope you have a restful and joyful weekend. 

Ms Corderio and Mrs Douglass


February 28, 2022

Welcome Back! 

Dear Families, 

So good to back with your children. Mrs. Douglass and I heard about your family time together over our much needed winter break. We are rested and ready start again. These next two weeks there will be no letter of the week. We are focusing on the Lenten Season. This Liturgical Season brings us to the greatest celebration of our Catholic Faith, Easter, Jesus' Resurrection. 

Today the children went home with a song about the three aspects of the season, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We will be praying a decade of the rosary each day. We will pray it in the morning on some days and other days in the afternoon. As far as fasting goes, I talked to the children that we might have many treats or candy during Lent. That is why we receive candy at Easter. More importantly, we try to help each other and share more during Lent. Almsgiving is the same, helping, and sharing with one another. As you know, we have a Kindness Jar in the classroom this will be used as well adding flowers to a display in the back of the classroom. 

In addition, to learning  the Lenten Song  the children will be bringing home a Lenten Map. We will be coloring each day of Lent the color purple. You will see Sundays are yellow because we remember Easter Sunday. My hope for this school to home connection will bring more meaning to this season of Lent. 

It is neat how Lent is set between the end of winter and leads us into Spring. We will continue our study of weather with each day as well. Spring we start to see new life and Jesus' Resurrection bring us Eternal Life. There is a God Wink at us, eh? 

Finally, the end of March the children's progress reports will be sent home. We will be having semi- formal assessments with the children in the first 2 weeks of March. As stated earlier, these are important and we use these and our daily observations of your child's progress at school. 

Thank you for all your support, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

February 11, 2022

We have our 100th day of school on Monday, February 14 which is Valentine's Day. We will celebrate both events with some 100 days in school activities and some Valentine's Day activities. These activities will continue to Tuesday, February 12, because we have friends that start their week on Tuesdays. On both days, thIne children can dress in red, pink, purple, and white. They can bring Valentines for their classmates, too. I have sent out an email with all of our children's names.  Please let me know if you still need the list. Also, on Monday, Grade 8 has a fund raiser with a Guessing Jar. The children can guess how many treats are in the jar for $1.00 per guess. Tuesday is extra special due to our class earning their bonus prize for reaching our class goal of earning $ 80.00 per student per lap for the Boosterthon. The children stated they would like to visit our church, Saint Francis Xavier Church, here in Acushnet. 

I reached out to our pastor, Father Ryan Healy, and he is pleased to hear that we want to visit. He will be there at the church to talk to us about the different aspects inside the church such as the altar, the statues of saints that adorn our church, holy water, Baptismal Fount and much more. Then he will lead us in a short time of prayer. Futhermore ,for the  approval of our visit, I reached out to Mrs. Russo, our principal. She is in agreement and will help Mrs. Douglass and I chaperone this walking field trip. It will take place next Tuesday, February 15, weather permitting. Please have your child wear their winter coat, hat, mittens, and a scarf if needed. 

Mrs. Russo and I have successfully completed this walk many times with young children and Mrs. Douglass has several years of working with young children. We will leave approximately at 9:10 to arrive at the church after 9am Mass ends. Our visit will be approximately 30 minutes long and then will walk back to the school. 

We will arrive back at the school approximately at 10: 30 and we will warm up with some hot chocolate. Then the  children will have some time to talk about what they liked about our visit to Jesus'  house. 

Today the children enjoyed a visit to our Grotto where there is an image of Our Lady of Lourdes , our Blessed Mother, Mary, that appeared to Bernadette Soubirous ,now known as Saint Bernadette.  Our Lady of Lourdes Feast day is February 11. Today was a gorgeous day to take advantage of this feast day, enjoy the outdoors,  and our beautiful campus, and  pray one decade of the rosary there.  The children are learning through  our daily prayers about intention and thanksgiving prayers. Most of the children stated intentions and praises to God for the blessings He has bestowed on us. 

Mrs. Douglass and I know we are blessed to able to share our love and faith in God with your children and the children of our school. Thank you for sharing them with us. 

Lastly, our letter of the week is V for Valentine. We will have Show and Tell. Please help  your child find, make, or draw something that starts with Vv.  Your child will present on either Thursday, February 17 or Friday, February 18.  I will send out an email to you to remind you on Wednesday, February 16. 

I hope you have a great weekend. This weather is suppose to continue this weekend! If you have any questions or concerns please email me. I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

February 4, 2022

Thank you all so much for all your support! Our class reached a little over our goal of $ 80.00 per student! Thank you! The children had a great time running and walking in the Fun Run this morning! 

Whew! We had a great busy week! It was a lot of activity with outdoor play in the snow, movement songs with Mrs. Douglass, Parading to each classroom bringing joy by singing and marching to Patriotic Songs,  learning a little about the letter Nn, and  a USA Heart craft activity! 

Looking forward to Open House on Sunday, February 6 from 12 to 2pm. Please send in your registration for next year. 

Next week the letter of the week is Oo. Please help your child find, make, or draw something that starts with Oo for either Thursday, February 10 or Friday, February 11. I will send you an email reminder of the day your child presents.  We will learn a little about two saints this week, Saint Josephine Bakhita on Tuesday, February 8 and Saint Bernadette on Friday, February 11.  It is our friend, Brett's, 5 years old birthday on February 8. Happy Birthday Brett! 

Lastly, please send in an empty cereal box. We will be making Valentine Card holders with them. Also, with all this precipitation, please send in a pair of hard sole slip on shoes along with your child's boots. The boots are for the playground. The hard sole slip on shoes are to change into for the classroom. It helps to keep your child safe and keep the floors from getting too dirty. 

Thank you all for your support. 

In Christ, 

Ms. Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass 

Jan 28, 2022

Dear Families, 

Thank you for your unending support! I am very appreciative of you all with sending in disinfectant wipes, supporting the school’s Boosterthon Fundraiser, and having your child dressed in our Patriotic Colors on Thursday to video them singing This Land is Your Land. It has been a great exciting week. We have more fun planned for next week. 

Our letter of the week is Nn. I will send you an email regarding what day your child will present his or her Show and Tell. It will either be on Thursday or Friday. We kick off Catholic Schools’ Week on Monday, January 31, with Holy Mass at the school. First period of the day at 8:15. Please provide your child with a mask.  Due to the winter storm this weekend Open House is postponed to Sunday, February 6 at 12 and ends at 2pm. Please let your family and friends know about our Open House if they want to send their child to an amazing Catholic School. Next week, we have many festivities planned and special dress down days each day of the week. There was a calendar of the week’s events sent home in last Thursday’s yellow folder. I have provided you with the  theme for each of these dress down days. 

Monday  Holy Mass please have your child bring a mask to school. Olympic Colors! The children can wear Olympic colors to school. They are Blue, Yellow, Black, Green, and Red

Tuesday Crazy Hat and or Hair Day! The children can wear jeans with a Saint Francis Xavier shirt. 

Wednesday- Team USA- The children wear red, white, and blue. Please have your child wear a mask to school. 

Thursday - Wear your favorite team gear! 

Friday- The Boosterthon! We are running in the morning. Our class color is Red. Please have your child wear a red T-shirt over a long sleeve shirt. 

Lastly, our class has met the 20.00 mark for class participation. We earned a popcorn party for Monday! 

Thank you for all your participation in our class. 

Enjoy the snow! Please have your child bring their snow gear Monday. If your child stays the full- day please have them bring a pair of velcro sneakers or crocs, as well. 

God Bless you all and stay safe! 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass


January 21, 2022

Dear Families, 

Thank you all for making the time for conferences. I enjoyed talking with all of you regarding your child’s progress. The children are growing strong! Thanks be to God and your parenting! 

This week we delved into Winter a bit with making snow dough, learning about snowflakes and talking about the meaning of  pairs. We read the book, One, Two, One Pair!  By Bruce McMillan. Then colored a pair of mittens. They are beautiful. They are displayed in the hallway of our school. We read the book, Snowflake Bentely  by Jacqueline Briggs. In the book we see, there are six sides to a snowflake and they are all different. The children were able to reinforce what they know about the kinds of shapes and use them to make their own snowflakes. Then they counted how many shapes they used to make their snowflake.  

Next week, the letter of the week is Ll. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday and Friday. I will send you an email the day before  on what day your child will present. Also, the preschoolers are preparing for Catholic Schools’ Week. It starts on January 31 to February 4. We host Red, White and Blue Day to honor our country and those in active Military Service and our  Veterans. If you or another family member is either in active Military Service or a Veteran please send Mrs. Plante a picture of you or your family member. Please state the name and service. Mrs. Plante’s email is

Every year she creates a beautiful slide show to honor our Military. Those that “Stand Beside Her” and those that protect us.  Our students honor our country by learning patriotic songs. Our class is learning God Bless America and This Land is Your Land.  I will video record our  class  singing and performing American Sign Language(ASL ) of This Land is Your Land. We are blessed to have Mrs. Douglass, who knows (ALS)  and will be teaching the children ( ASL ) of these two songs.  There are many special days during Catholic Schools’ Week so keep your eyes out for the School Email which will state the week’s schedule. 

Our classroom is in need of disinfectant wipes. I have counted and we have enough for the next two weeks. There are approximately 16 more weeks of school. If each family could buy one large container of disinfectant wipes we will have enough to last the rest of the year. Your help is appreciated and needed. We use them to wipe our tables, chair backs, and all high touch areas of the classroom. Lastly, if full- day friends could bring in a pair of crocs or  hard sole slippers, to use in the classroom after outdoor play, it is greatly appreciated. Winter and Spring bring lots of wet weather which creates a lot of mud. These easy slip-on shoes are well suited to work in the classroom and can be worn outdoors in the event we need to leave the classroom quickly.  

Thank you for your participation in the National Honors Society fundraiser today. Your support is greatly appreciated. I hope you all have a safe and joyful weekend. 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass


January 10, 2022

We had a successful return to school this past week. I hope you all enjoyed the snow day. We can have Show and Tell for the children that could not present on Friday due to the Snow Day . They can bring in something to present the letter Ii on Tuesday. I will send out an email to these families. 

This week is Vocation/Career Week. We have some informative presentations from some of our families. Here is a list of our presentations. 

The Berube Family- Pharmacist

The Ciano Family- Caretaker for Dogs

The Maxwell Family- ESL Educator

Father Ryan Healey- Priesthood

The Skaar Family- Scalloper/Fisherman

Thank you all so much for taking the time out to create and schedule a presentation. This is interesting to the children and an effective method for them to learn. 

Our letter of the week is Kk for king. We will talk about how the 3 Wise Men or Kings visited Jesus. We call this the Epiphany. The days the children present are Thursday and Friday. I will send out an email to let you know what day your child presents. 

This Friday, January 14, it is Pajama Day. We are thinking about Dr. Martin Luther King 's Dream of an end to racism in our country. Our Scholastic reader, Let's Find Out, always presents age appropriate information for our preschoolers and Pre-K learners. We will learn a bit about him and his dream and how we can help to make it happen. Dr. Martin Luther King loved God and His law, to love others as yourself. He knew we all were made in his image and likeness. Let's  plant the seeds of love for one another in our children with Dr. Martin Luther King's dream of peace. 

Lastly, thank you for signing up for the Parent-Teacher conferences. This past week I have enjoyed checking in with these families and I look forward to the upcoming conferences and communicating with you via Google Meet. I will send out Google Meet links just before your scheduled time. 

I hope you have a safe and joyful week. 

In Christ, 

Ms Cordeiro


December 22, 2021

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Thank you all very much for your thoughtful gifts and cards. Your kind, thoughtful gifts have brought much joy to Mrs. Douglass and I. It has been very busy in the classroom. The children have worked and played hard. We were able to help the children complete their parent gifts with the help of Mrs. Vigeant. Her presence in our classroom has  been loving and helpful to all. Thank you Mrs. Vigeant. 

When we return we will be on the letter J for Jesus! We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, January 7, and Friday, January 8. I will email you your child's day   to present his or her Show and Tell.

Please scroll to December 10 Announcement below and then scroll down to see the confirmed Parent - Teacher Conferences. If you have not yet sent me two dates and times that work for your schedule, please send to me. Then I can confirm your date and time with you via email. We will be set to return to our New Year. 

Mrs. Douglass and I pray you all  have a joyful, and safe, Christmas Break. We are looking forward to spending time with our families too. Then we all can be refreshed to start the New Year of 2022. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

December 17, 2021

Dear Families, 

The children had a very busy week with all our gift and mural making, learning about the letter Ii, and of course continued learning of cooperating and working together as a class family. I do have only a few pictures this week from the children working on creating our Sledding Hill for our mural. 

Next week,  we will not have letter of the week. We will be finishing up our Christmas projects. We will continue with the letter Ii with having Ii available at the easels for painting. We will make some crystals as well. 

This Thursday in the yellow folder and also this Friday in the yellow folder I sent a hard copy of the upcoming  January Parent- Teacher Conferences. Please take a look at the schedule. Then write in two dates and times that work for you. I will confirm your date and time via email. If there is not a date or time that works for your schedule, please let me know via email or write it on the hard copy of the schedule. Then return to the yellow folder for your child to bring here for me.  Then I will contact you and we can set up a date and time that works best for both of us. 

In addition to Parent -Teacher conferences in last week's Announcement it stated we will be having Career Week January 10 to the 14. This is a nice week, for home to school connections. Please let me know if you can share your time and talent with our class by telling them about your Career. The Ciano Family have offered to either Google Meet or create a short video about Mrs. Ciano's work with dogs. Thank you very much Mrs. Ciano. I am hopeful we may have at least two more volunteers to enrich our children.  

Finally, the children worked very to create a joyful sledding scene for our classroom window. I am hoping that you can stop by the school this Sunday, December 19 at 4pm for the Holiday Stroll. We will be offering hot chocolate, some light displays, a tree lighting at 5 and then the children at the school will sing Christmas Carols. The preschoolers will start the Christmas Carols after the tree lighting. I hope to see you all there! 

I hope you all have a joyful weekend. Remember this week's virtue for Advent is Love. We contemplate on God's Great Love Us to send His Son, Jesus. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms Cordeiro

Announcement for December 10, 2021

Dear Families, 

The children were so well behaved at Mass this week. It was beautiful to see them listen to Father and the prayers during Mass. You all would have been so pleased with them. I know Mrs. Douglass and I were very proud of them. 

Thank you for your support in having the children bring in their snow pants and boots. It made for a special time of outdoor play. 

Next week the letter of the week is Ii for icicles! We will start work to create our Christmas Mural as well. It is to be displayed on Sunday, December 19 at the Holiday Stroll,which starts at 4 and ends at 6pm.  There will be some festive light displays, hot chocolate, yard games and a time for the preschoolers to sing one of the Carols they learned this year. There will be more information coming soon,  regarding this family event. 

In regards to celebrating Christmas, we will have some games on Wednesday, December 22. The children can bring in Christmas cards for their classmates. They can start bringing in the cards when they are available. Each of the children colored their own Christmas Stocking to hold the cards. Also, due to the COVID restrictions, we cannot have families bring in a treat for the children but the  children can bring a Party in a Bag. Information about the Party in a Bag went home  in the Friday Folder. It states what goes into the bag.  Please see that your child brings their Party in a Bag to school by Tuesday, December 21. 

Finally, January brings parent-teacher conferences and Career Week.  Below I have some dates and times available for each of you to sign up. Please let me know two days  and times that  work best for your schedule. I will confirm your date and time. If there is no date or time that works for your schedule please let me know via email.  I will then get in touch with you and we can figure out a date and time that works best for both of us.   

Career Week starts on January 10 and ends January 14. This week we look at some different types of Careers and do a small activity that pertains to the career. Please let me know if you would like to create a video about your career or visit the children via Google Meet to talk with them about your career.  You can read a book to the children and then tell them a little bit about your work. For example, last year my friend, an Equestrian Trainer, created a video for the children that viewed the farm where she works. She had someone record her training on her horse and recorded her grooming her horse. Another parent sent in a video  of being a school  counselor. It spoke about one aspect of being a  counselor is to help students decide what college they would like to attend.  

Please let me know if you can donate your time and talent to the children. I can help with researching a craft activity or game that can go along with your career. 

Lastly, we are all getting some Christmas Baking done. If you happen to have a empty cylinder salt container, please send in to me. I have 12 as of now and am hoping that, by the end of January, I may have enough for one for each of my students. I am hoping to have the children decorate and use as a drum. 

I hope you all have a joyful, safe, weekend. Try to attend Mass with your family this weekend. Saint Francis Xavier has Masses on Saturday at 4pm and Sunday at 8am and 10:30. 

In Christ, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

January 4, 2021

3:15 Cabral Family

3:30 Smith Family

3:45 Cohn

4:00 Adams

January 5, 2021

3:15 open

3:30 Berube Family 

3:45 Alves Family

4:00 Arruda

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


3:30 Jacintho Family


4:00 Duarte Family

Wednesday, January 12, 2022




4:00 Goncalves Family

Tuesday, January 18, 2022





Wednesday, January 19, 2022







November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Dear Families, 

We had a busy short week. The children enjoyed the STEM cranberry activities and learning a little of the  history about the origin of Thanksgiving Day. The children learned that cranberries can be water harvested. They "harvested" some cranberries and then took their harvest to thread the cranberries on a string. The next day we used the the dried cranberries to see if they would sink or float in different types of liquid. I have posted  some pictures of our learning from this week on the Classroom Photos page on our site. 

Today, our class received from Saint Vincent de Paul Society a Advent Family that we will be praying for during the the season of Advent .Please continue to pray for this family at home and consider to  donate a gift card for this family. The gift cards can be from the grocery store, pharmacy, and a department store like, Target and Walmart. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Please send the gift cards in an envelope labeled with your child's name. Then place in their home to school folder. We are accepting gift cards till December 10. 

Next week the letter of the week is Gg for God, Georgia, and Grayson! Please help your child find, draw, or make something that starts with the letter Gg. Show and Tell days are Thursday, December 2 and Friday, December 3. I will send an email on what day your child  brings in his or her Show and Tell item. Also, we will be learning about the season of Advent. 

We started an  introduction about Advent, this week. The children made a paper Advent Wreath to bring home. This is a home to school activity. Please hang in an area of your home that the family can see it and the children can "light" a candle each week. The Advent Wreath helps us to prepare for Jesus' Birthday. There are three candles that are purple and one pink. The first two candles bring to mind the hope and peace of knowing God, the Father, sent His son, Jesus, to save us . The third candle is pink. Its meaning is Joy. We are Joyful in knowing God sent  His son for us. The last candle is Love. We know God loves us because He gave us His son so we could have eternal life. 

 We will be learning a little bit about the season of Advent in the coming weeks.  That it is a time to prepare and think about Jesus and His birthday! 

Finally, each year I have the children make a simple ornament using Crayola Molding Clay. If there is a family that would like to donate a box of it to our classroom, it is greatly appreciated. I can ask around for a coupon as well to help with the cost. The box contains four packages. I can get 3 ornaments from each package. That is 12 children. I believe I have a couple packages in my closet that I can use for the children's ornaments as well. If you are able to donate, please email me. Thank you very much in advance to you all for your support in our endeavors to enrich your children's interest in learning. 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

In Christ, 

MS Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

November 18, 2021

Dear Families, 

Looking forward to having our STEM cranberry activities next week. Thank you to the families that donated the Crasins and fresh cranberries for these activities. There will be no letter of the week due Thanksgiving Break. 

Today the children painted a plate to make into the Mickey Mouse emblem. They had to cut two circles for the ears. This is no easy task when your three and four. However, they all have been working very hard with creating many cutting activities. Their black circles came out great! Also we enjoyed our time with our friend, Freya. 

This week, Mrs. Douglass and I have started formal assessments. These are used in addition to our daily work with your child, to help us see how your child is understanding the activities we do each day. 

Finally, this weather can change quickly to colder temperatures, please pack in your child's backpack a hat and a pair of mittens or gloves. Then the children can have them when needed.  We hope you all have a restful, joyful, and safe weekend. 

God Bless you and your families, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass


November 12, 2021

Dear Families, 

Next week the letter of the week is F for Family. The children will be making a letter F activity that has them make each person in their family.  As the holidays approach, it is a nice time to talk about our families. Also there is No School on Friday, November 19, due to Professional Development.  Thursday Show and Tell  friends can bring their Show and Tell for the letter Ff on Wednesday, November 17. Then Friday Show and Tell Friends can bring their show and tell on Thursday, November 18. We are celebrating our friend, Jacob's 4th Birthday on Thursday and Mickey Mouse's birthday too. The children can dress down in black and red, or wear a Mickey Mouse shirt or Disney character shirt to school. All the children will be able to get a prize from the prize box. We have filled up the kindness jar again! So happy for them. 

Thank you for all your support 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass


Nov 5, 2021

Dear Families, 

We  have had a nice start to November with the All Saints’ Day Celebration! Thank you to all the families that took part in having their child dressed as a Saint. Those that did not dress up still had a very special day. 

Mrs. Douglass has put in your child’s home to school folder the artwork and information about our fundraiser with Original Artwork. Please make some time to read the information and consider having your child’s art made into a gift for someone special. 

Next week our letter of the week is Ee for our friends, Evelyn and Eli, and for  elephant! We will still have Friday Friends present on Friday. The students that present on Thursday can present on Wednesday. The children that present on Wednesday are Eli, Evelyn, Freya, Jacob, Georgia, Christian, Grayson, and  Madison, 

Mrs. Douglass and I have some cranberry centers planned for Monday, November 22, and Tuesday, November 23. If you can donate a bag of fresh cranberries or Crasins please email me to let me know. Your help is greatly appreciated. 

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 

Ms. Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass 


October 29, 2021

Dear Families, 

Next week there will be no Show and Tell. We will be focusing on All Saints' Day, Jesus' Church, and the month of November. We will resume Show and Tell the following week for the letter, Ee. The children that present on Thursday can present on Wednesday, November 10. This is because we have No School on Thursday, November the 11, due to Veteran's Day. The Friday, November 12, will remain with the usual children presenting. 

Thank you for all your support in bringing candy for this Friday's Halloween Dance. It means so much to all of us. 

Reminder that Monday, November 1, is All Saints' Day. Please dress your child up as a Saint. We have talked about the Fatima Children, Jacinta, Lucia, and Francisco. Our children  can dress up as one of them. Also here is a webpage from Catholic Icing with ideas on Saint Costumes.

The children did go home on Thursday, October 28, with a prize from the prize box. We all earned a prize because we filled the Kindness Jar. To earn a jewel for the Kindness Jar the children show acts of kindness and complete the procedures in our classroom, the first time. We are working on filling up the jar again for another special event. 

Last and most important is the wonderful news that our friend, Chace, has returned back to school. He is doing very well and we are keeping him and all of our friends in our prayers. 

Praise God in all things! God Bless you and your families, 

MS Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

October 22, 2021

Dear Families,

  A big Thank You to the Acushnet Fire Department. We enjoyed their visit. We learned a lot about all the tools they use to put out a fire. We learned about the protective gear they wear and how to exit your home in the event of a fire. 

Next week the letter of week is Dd for dinosaur! Please have your child draw, make, or find something that starts with Dd. For your child’s Show and Tell day either Thursday, October 28 or Friday, October 29. I will email you a reminder email.

As the school calendar states next Friday, October 29, is a half-day dismissal at 11:30. If you need extended care it is offered up to 2pm. Your child can have school lunch as well. 

Friday, October 29, is the 8th Grade Halloween Dance. A notice was sent home on October 15. It is a fun time for all and a great way to raise funds for the 8th grade’s Graduation Festivities. Please consider to come and join in the Spooktacular Time!

Thank you, 

MS Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

October 15,2021

Dear Families, 

This four day week was busy with creating pumpkins for the festive Autumn Season and the letter Pp. The children drew a pumpkin starting with an oval shape. Then added on to each side of the oval a half circle shape. They continued to add a half circle shape to each side to build a big pumpkin.   Then they painted it mixing the colors red and yellow to make orange. These gorgeous pumpkins will adorn our hallway wall for the annual 8th Grade Halloween Celebration on Friday, October 29. Please plan to come to visit that evening. There will be more information on this event in your families'  yellow Friday Folder. 

Next week's letter is Cc. Please have your child bring in something starting with Cc on either Thursday or Friday. A reminder email will be sent to you for your child's day. Also,  Friday, October 22, we have the Acushnet Fire Station visiting. 

The Acushnet Fire Station will visit Small Wonders, PreK 3/4 and PreK 4,  between 9-9:30 to 10 . They will talk to us about fire safety. Then the children will get a chance to see up close the Fire Truck. 

Another up and coming school event is All Saints' Day, November 1. Please start thinking about and talking to your child about dressing in costume as a Saint. Visit Catholic for some good costume ideas. In the classroom, we started talking about the Saints. I am hoping it will help in deciding on a costume. 

Lastly, but definitely not least, the children helped to create a large heart to send to our friend, Chace. He is recuperating from surgery and is doing well. We miss him and want him to know we are praying for his recovery. Please continue to pray for Chace and his family at home. 

There are prayers and songs the children are learning on the prayer and songs page. Also there are some new pictures on the Classroom Pictures and an update on the Weekly Wrap-up Page. Enjoy, checking out our classroom activities. 

We hope you have a safe and happy weekend. 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

October 8, 2021

Dear Families, 

We hope you all have a wonderful, and safe weekend. Next week the letter of the week is Pp for pumpkin. Please help your child find, draw, or make something starts with Pp. Thank you to the families that met with me this past Tuesday. I have enjoyed speaking with you. I look forward to speaking to the remainder of our families on Tuesday, October 19.

The rest mats went home this Friday to be washed. Please return on Tuesday, October 12, in a reusable grocery bag. Then we can keep the rest mats from touching other friends' mats. 

There are some pictures of the children working on Our Classroom Pictures page. Please take a look. 

Thank you for all your support, 

God bless you and your families, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass  

October 4, 2021

Dear Families, 

This week brings us to October. Wow! That went by fast! We have been observing and talking about the changes taking place outdoors. Some children are finding leaves that have already changed their color to Autumn Colors. We have read the book, It’s Fall,  by Linda Glaser. It talks about how in Fall we rake our leaves to make piles and then jump in them. We can find acorns on the ground. Please encourage your child to find some Fall changes and bring them to school. Also in the month of October we start to talk about Jesus’ friends, the Saints. This will get us ready for our All Saints’ Day Celebration. It takes place on November 1. 

 Next week the letter of the week is Bb. Please help your child find, draw, or make something that starts with Bb. Then bring the item to school for Show and Tell on their day, which is either Thursday or Friday. I will send out emails to remind you. Thank you to the families I met with last week regarding their child’s start to the school year. I am looking forward to meeting with all of you in the upcoming weeks.  Here is the link to October's Lunch Menu. Please print out and highlight the items you would like your child to have for lunch. Then return to school in your child's home folder.

God Bless you and your family, 

Ms. Cordeiro

September 24, 2021

Dear Parents,

We had a busy week of continued learning of classroom procedures. As they are entering the classroom, they are learning to move the person with their name on it on a magnetic board from home to the other side that states at school. Then they unpack their own backpack and put their lunch box on the lunch bench and home folder in their cubby. The last step of unpacking is putting their backpack on their hook in the closet. After unpacking, they can make a choice to play with classmates by moving another person with their name it, on the choice board, to the area they want to go and play. It might not sound like much. However, it really is when you’re a preschooler. They are coming along and I can see the improvement just after 13 days of school.

This week we learned we are in the season of Fall. On Wednesday we read a book about how the seasons change throughout the year. In the big book, Changes, by Marjorie N. Allen, and Shelley Rotner, we saw how in nature the Summer’s green trees change to colorful Autumn or Fall Trees. The start of Fall begins many new and exciting projects and activities too. Next week’s letter of the week is Aa for apple. On Tuesday, September 28, starts Zoom meetings. These meetings are simply check-ins to inform you of your child’s progress. It allows for you to share any questions or concerns with me. Please let me know via email, if you are available to meet with me. I have posted the dates and times available. Please check out these dates and times and send me an email that states the date and time. I will then get back to you to confirm. If Tuesdays do not work for your schedule please let me know via email. Then we can work on scheduling a Zoom meeting on another day.

September 28, 2021

3:30  Smith Family

3:45 Adams Family  

4:00 Maxwell Family

4:15 Amaral Family

October 5, 2021

3:30 Duarte Family  

3:45 Cabral Family   

4:00 Alves Family  

4:15 Arruda Family

October 12, 2021

3:15 Pio Family

3:30 Cohn Family 

3:45 Goncalves Family

October 19, 2021

 3:15 Jacintho Family

3:30 Ciano Family

3:45 open  

Thank you for all your support,

MS Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

September 17, 2021


Dear Families, 

The children are learning the procedures well. We have been learning about our students in our everyday activities. Next week, we will start Show and Tell. The letter of the week is Mm for Mary. We will have  Show and Tell on two days because of the 3/4 split. I will send you an email what day your child can bring in something for the letter of the week. Also next week, we are celebrating our first birthday of one of our students. Our friend, Evelyn, celebrates her birthday on Monday, September 20. Her family offered to bring in an individually wrapped snack for each of the children.  Finally, the children are taking home their rest mats to be washed and returned next week. Please take a look at the Weekly Wrap-up page on our classroom page. Just click the menu drop bar to the right to find the page.  We hope you have a great weekend. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms. Michelle Cordeiro and Mrs. Olive Douglass

September 10, 2021


Dear Families, 

Thank you for all your support. Mrs. Douglass and I had a great first week with our class. We have enjoyed getting to meet and work them. Please continue to send in your child's water bottle each day. Please take a look at the September Lunch Calendar for next week. Then email me your child's daily menu. Then I can put the selection in each morning. I do have two families that printed out the Lunch Menu and then highlighted the lunch choice for each day. Then put the calendar in their child's folder to come back to school. I have the link to the lunch menu enclosed.

Looking forward to another great week for us next week. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro

September 3, 2021


Looking forward to our first day! 

Thank You !!! so very much for all the love and support with getting your child's belongings here for their first day and for all the wish list supplies that we will be using in our curriculum throughout our year! We are so blessed !  

Reminders for our first day on September 7. 

8:15 Late Arrival for first day. This is to eliminate the bustling experience of our whole school arrival on their already a bit nervous, first day of school. 

Pack in backpack - water bottle, snack, lunch, extended care snack ( if staying extended care) completed forms ie. immunization forms, extended care forms, emergency call information forms. 

We are a peanut and tree free school- please remember when packing snacks and lunches. 

School Supplies- change of clothes- art shirt ( if these belongs have not already been brought to school)

Notes on Lunch and Extended Care

Lunch- full--day friends please email your child's preference for lunch. You can look at the Lunch Calendar and tell me the lunch choice for the whole week. I have provided the link to the link to the September Lunch Menu.

Extended Care - Please let me know if your child is staying for extended care via email and possibly the time and who will be picking them up. Then I can relay this information to Extended Care personnel. 

Dismissal - please park in school parking lot and walk over to playground area. 

Bring your license. 

Thank you and God Bless you and yours, 

Ms. Michelle Cordeiro and Mrs. Olive Douglass

Welcome Preschool Families! 

I am so happy to start a new year with you all. I am looking forward to seeing you on September 7.  This is a late start at 8:15. This is so the preschoolers can enter the school on their first day without the other incoming student family. Please remember to have your child  bring a morning snack and a water bottle. The snack is a healthy snack that can be fruit, crackers, cheese, yogurt and with a juice box or simply the water in their water bottle. We do have school lunch available. If you want your child, to have the school lunch simply email me the night before or in the morning. Last year, I had some families that looked at the School Lunch Calendar and let me know each week, what their child would have each day of  that week. If your child is staying for extended care, please be sure to email me and let me know. All families, should complete the Extended Care form that is in the folder you received regardless if you will be using Extended Care or not. Please complete the  other forms you received as well such as the  Immunization, Emergency Contact, ie. 

Lastly, if your schedule allows please try to bring your child's supplies to school before the start of Preschool, Tuesday, September 7. There was an All School Email that went out today with the schedule for the drop offs. The days are Monday, August 30, 9:30 to 11:30 and on Tuesday, August 31 9:30 -3:30. 

I have been working on the set up of our room. It brings me joy to know soon my students will be here to enjoy this classroom. I am so please to announce as well that our classroom has a new teacher's assistant. Her name is Mrs. Olive Douglass. I am sure you have read about her in the other  All School Emails. She comes to our school family with a loving and caring attitude and a wealth of experience and education. 

I will use this classroom webpage to announce upcoming events and information about our school and classroom. Right now it is a work in progress because we have students that have various daily attendance. I am thinking as of now our first Show and Tell will be September 23 for the letter Mm. We will be speaking about Mary, Jesus' mother at the start of school. As always, if you need to contact me please email me at I will be sure to get back to you within 24 hours or less. Also, if you would rather me call you, please email me that you would like to have me call you. 

Thank you, 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro

June 4, 2021

Dear Families, 

Today was a Fantastic Friday! The children really enjoyed the Fun Run! I did too! They all did great! It was nice that it was over-cast today and not too cold. We enjoyed ice pops and celebrated our friend, Nole's, birthday! I will post some pictures later today and will send you an email when they are up on this web page. 

Next week, we will start the week thinking about our Lord, Jesus, in the Eucharist. This Sunday, is the Feast of Corpus Christi. We have the opportunity to pray before the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesday too. After we will create using construction paper in different shapes a replica of a Monstrance with the Eucharist, our Lord Jesus. 

Our last day of school is Thursday, June 10. Miss Dandurand and I have planned an active outdoor play day. Please keep nice weather in your prayers. If not, we know how to bring the show indoors. Your child went home with a document stating the dress for the day and what items to pack in your child's backpack. Dismissal is at 2:20 our last day. Our half-day friends are more than welcome to stay the full-day. 

Here is information regarding the dress and what to pack for your child for our last day of school. Dress: play clothes Backpack: hat, sunscreen, change of clothes, water shoes or old pair of sneakers. Please do not pack sandals. They can get caught on the playground equipment and cause an accident. Mask for indoor viewing of slide show, home lunch, snack, let me know if their getting school lunch, lastly water bottle. 

May 28, 2021

Next week,  Show and Tell is Thursday, June 3, for our final letter, Zz. Please have your child find, make, or draw something that starts with Zz. Then send me a picture by Wednesday, June 2. I am not having Show and Tell on Friday, June 4, because it is the Booster-thon Run. Finally, thank you to all the families that have registered their child and have sponsors for the Booster-thon. If you have not registered your child, you still can at Then follow the prompts to register. We only have 8 more days left of preschool. 

I will be sending you information regarding our Celebration Day. It will be our last day of school on Thursday, June 10. 

May 21, 2021

Dear Families, 

We had a beautiful week to enjoy the outdoor space to get some exercise and sun!  A big thank you to you all  for always providing water bottles for your children. We are refilling more now with the warmer weather. Next week, the letters of the week are Xx and Yy. Please send me a picture of your child with a drawing of something that starts with Xx and Yy by Thursday, May 27. Also, next Tuesday May 25, starts the Boosterthon.  It is fun way to raise monies for the school. Please start thinking of family and friends that can sponsor your child in the run on June 4.  I will have some class incentives for the children such as if we all get 3 sponsors by Friday, May 28, we will have a freeze pop snack. I have other incentives in mind as well and will keep you posted. 

Please take a look at our Weekly Photo post. There are pictures of the children with their self-portraits from the Circle of Grace activity and some pictures of the children painting their drawings of Mary, our Blessed Mother. 

Thank you for all your support. I wish you all a happy, safe weekend! 

Michelle Cordeiro

May 14, 2021

Dear Families,

Ascension Thursday on the school grounds was beautiful. It was very special to celebrate Mass with the class. I don't think they all had my sentiment about attending Mass. LOL!  

Next week our letters of the week are Vv and Ww. We will have Show and Tell on Friday, May 21. Also, I will start the lesson of Circle of Grace on Monday. A reminder the children need glue sticks. We used all of our glue sticks you sent in at the beginning of the year. I had some from last year and we used those up too. We used all the hand soap supplies as well. If each family could send in one bottle of hand soap, and two to three glue sticks we will have enough for the children for the remainder of the year. Thank you very much to the families that have already sent in the requested glue sticks and hand soap. 

I am hopeful that the weather remains dry for a few more days. Then we can take another trip to the brook at LaPalme Farm. I have not been going because of the abundance of ticks recently. I will let you know, if and when we do take another trip. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro

May 7, 2021

Dear Families, 

Next week, we will have two letters of the week. Monday and Tuesday is the letter Tt. Wednesday and Thursday the letter Uu. We will have Show and Tell on Friday, May 14 for both Tt and Uu. Please have your child make, draw, or find something that with these letters. Then send to me as soon as possible. 

We are in need of hand soap and glue sticks. Please send in a bottle of hand soap. If every family sends in one bottle we should make it to the end of the school year. We used all our glue sticks. I had some from last year and we used those too. We are a busy group! Please send in 2 glue sticks for your child. 

This Friday in the Friday Folders I put the last Scholastic Book Order Form in them. If you would like to purchase books for your child there are some good books in the flyer. Also, on the Scholastic Website there are other flyers that you can purchase other books.

Please take a look at our weekly wrap-up and then our photo page as well. 

Thank you for your support, 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro

May 3 , 2021

Dear Families, 

This week are letter is Ss. Show and Tell is on Friday, May 7 . Please send in a picture of your child with something that starts with Ss, as soon as possible. Also, we are working on our Mother's gifts and finishing up our Mother's Day cards.

May brings awareness of our own Mom's and all the love they give us. It is dedicated to our spiritual Mom, our Blessed Mother Mary. The children will be praying a decade a day with me and  with our school family in the morning. 

Wednesday the children can dress down and wear pink. In memory of our dedicated Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Ledoux, because May 5 is her birthday. There is a free will donation to her scholarship fund but it is not necessary in order to dress down and wear pink. 

I hope you all have a successful and joyful week. 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro


April 26, 2021

Looking forward to our last quarter together! We have much to embrace in the upcoming weeks, continued caring and growth of the tadpoles, Mother's Day, learning more about our Blessed Mother and Jesus 's love for us . The class will be able  to express their learning in art, play, and in music. Also, we will continue our learning of some songs we've been singing throughout the year. In anticipation, of our end of the year celebration. The date and time will be announce soon. 

Show and Tell is on Friday, April 30. The letter is Rr. Please send a picture of your child with something that starts with Rr by Thursday, April 29.   They can find a toy, or game, that starts with Rr. Also,make or draw something that starts Rr. 

Thank you! 

April 9, 2021

Happy Easter!

Alleluia! Jesus, has Risen!

We have had an exciting return to school!  The Easter Bunny did visit our classroom and left us some treats. Our frog spawn was pretty much gone but the tadpoles hatched and are swimming  all over in the tank! The children truly had team work in completing our mission to solve our secret message. As Grant and Roisin took turns to tell Nole and Charlie the numbers. Nole found the letters that corresponded on the letter and number wheel. We learned our mission was to find our message out in the elementary playground. It was so cool to find the envelope in an area where we found budding Daffodils which are now in full bloom!

In the children's folders is a notice on the Circle of Grace program. Please take the time to read over and sign and return to school on Monday. 

This morning we did have an exciting adventure on LaPalme Farm Trail. We discovered some algae, water bugs, and just fun romping in the stream. Please take a look at our Weekly Photos to get a glimpse of our adventure. 

Next week our letter of the week is  Qq. Please help your child find, draw, or make something that starts with Qq.  Then send me a picture by Thursday, April 15. We will have Show and Tell on Friday, April 16.

March 26, 2021

Today the children did a reenactment of Palm Sunday. This week we read two books about Palm Sunday, Little Colt’s Palm Sunday by Michelle Medlock Adams and The Donkey that Know One Could Ride by Anthony DeStefano . These stories helped the children to learn about Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection the reason we celebrate Easter.

We started our Spring investigation last Friday with  planting sunflower seeds. They are already sprouting! It is heartwarming to see the children interested and engaged in the growth of these seeds. We ended off this Letter Pp week with planting more seeds. This time we chose to plant some veggies. We planted carrots, radishes, and lettuce. Thank you to the Smith Family, Grant’s family , for donating the organic soil.

This project is helpful to learn Life Sciences and all that goes with the investigation.  I am finding it also helpful in teaching the children about Easter. I explained that is what happened when Jesus was laid in the tomb. He did not stay there but rose to life!  The seed does not stay in the ground or even in the seed covering or shell. It grows out and becomes a new plant. It does not die. Just like Jesus’ Resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Next week we will not have Show and Tell we will be focusing on Easter. Thank you to those families that have sent in clean, gallon, milk jugs. I look forward to helping the children make them into rabbit Easter Baskets. When we return from Easter Break they will see that the Easter Bunny visited our classroom.

 Finally, I have emailed our families the schedule for Parent and Teacher Conferences. Please give me your first two choices. Then I will send you a confirmation of the date and time.

Thank you

Michelle Cordeiro

March 19,2021

Today the children brought home their green Friday Folder. There is information regarding Picture Day on Monday, March 22, and a sponsor log for the our Read - a- Thon Tracker. I am looking forward to our Read-a-Thon. The children are asked to at least read two books per day. I can read with the children at school one book. Please try to read the other book of your choice at home each night. 

Also, we planted sunflower seed today for the start of Spring. We will care and watch these seedlings sprout to small plants. Expect to receive them around Mother's Day!  organic Grant's family has donated organic soil so we can plant some lettuce and radishes. We have been talking for a few weeks of the arrival of Spring and Summer weather. How we can grow plants and get vegetables from them. We are excited about this new project. Then hope to have some yummy lettuce and radishes before we leave for Summer Vacation. 

Our letter of the week is Pp for plants! Please help your child find, draw, or make something that starts with Pp. Then send me a picture by Wednesday, March 24. Then I can prepare a Google Slide for Friday, March 26. 

March 12, 2021

Next week we welcome back our two friends, Bryce and Roisin! We are very much looking forward to their return to school. Bryce did come to share his birthday with us on Thursday! We all loved to see him and enjoyed the visit. There are two changes to our schedule next week. First, there is no school on Tuesday, March 16, it is a professional day. Second, dismissal for next week is at the preschool playground. Please park as normal along the driveway. Then walk over to the white fence. Miss Dandurand will be there and will let me know your there to dismiss your child.  

Next week is Career Week for Show and Tell on Friday, March 19, the children can dress up as someone in a occupation that they would like to be when they grow-up. For example, they can dress up like a fireman, doctor, hair dresser, astronaut and then tell us something  about the work of this occupation. Of course, it is very important to  think about the talents that they have, that can help them do the work well. We will be talking about the talents that God gives us next week. That we are all made different.  God is pleased with us when we use the talents He gave us. 

Finally,  Grade 8 is raising funds with their St. Patty's Day guessing jar. Please bring in a $1.00 or $ 2.00 to take a guess or two guesses or more! Help and have fun by trying your math skills with  how many chocolate coins are in the jar! Also, here is the link to our school's  out reach service for our Lenten almsgiving. Please consider participating. 

Thank you so much for all your support! 

Michelle Cordeiro

March 5, 2021

Dear Families, 

A big Thank You!  to Mrs. Maldonado that kept the show on the road in my absence. The children had a nice time with her and did not miss a beat. The children and Mrs. Maldonado made my heart so happy Thursday morning,  with a beautiful welcome back poster and a pretty, plant with purple flowers. Perfect for us and the Lenten Season. 

Next week is Around the World Week. Show and Tell on March 12,  your child is asked to pick any country in the world and tell us about it. Please fill out the Cultural Questionnaire in your child's Friday Folder. This is the guide to use for his or her Show and Tell Presentation. Your child may bring in something related to his or her chosen country. Please have the item in by Tuesday. Then I can put away in the closet to be used for the presentation. The cultural questionnaire needs to be returned on Thursday, March 11. 

Around the World Week from March 8 to March 12 the class will learn each day a little bit about a different country. On each day, your child can dress down and wear the colors of that country's flag. 

Monday- France- wear blue, white, and red

Tuesday- Portugal- wear red, green, and gold

Wednesday - China - wear red and yellow

Thursday - Mexico- wear green, red, and white

Friday- Italy- wear green, red, and white

Career Week is March 15 through March 19 the children will present what they want to be when they grow -up on Friday, March 19, Saint Joesph's Solemnity. Each child can dress up like a person in his or her chosen career. They can tell their classmates what they like about it , what God given talents they have, that will help them in this career.  They can tell the class if there are any special tools or equipment they would need to help them in their work. 

You are welcome to create a short video or present on Google classroom something about your culture. It could be teaching the children a song, or favorite cultural dessert, sharing a cultural story. This can be done with a video or we can set up a Google Classroom and you can join us there. 

You are welcome to share with the class about your career as well with sharing a short video or joining us in a Google Classroom. Topics for sharing about your career are what you do, what you think is the best part of your career, are there any tools you use to help you in your career. 

We are pretty flexible if you wanted to join in Google Meet and share your culture or share information about your career. Please send me an email if you are interested. 

Thank you, 

Michelle Cordeiro


March 1, 2021

Dear Families, 

In my absence, Mrs. Maldonado is caring and facilitating the lessons for the children. Last week, they had a wonderful remaining of the week. She will start off this coming week. Please take time to view the pictures of the class enjoying their day with her in the Weekly Wrap-up and Weekly Photos strand in our menu bar. 

This week, the letter of the week is Nn. Please help your child draw, make, or find something that starts with Nn. Then send me a picture by Wednesday, March 3. Then I can create the Google Slide to be used Friday Morning. This month we are continuing our Lenten Journey with daily reminders of positive Acts of Service.  Below, I have included a link to each week's focus and ideas to implement. 

Helpful Links 

In the upcoming weeks, the Prek-4 program will highlight some interests in different countries and different careers. The week of March 7 through 13, in addition to  letter of the week, Lent, our focus will be other countries. If you would like to enrich this week with creating a video on how to make a cultural dessert or meal,  teach or share a tradition, send a link to a song for a cultural dance,  please let me know. It would be nice to have some enrichment from the families in our classroom. 

In addition, the week of March 14 to March 20 if you would like to share your profession with the class and create a video your help is most appreciated. Ideas for profession can be what tools you use in your work, if you wear   a uniform, what service you provide, and of course what you like best about your work. Please send out and email to me if your are interested. 

A reminder about the calendar change, March 16 there is no school due to professional development. 

Lastly, it is the season of Lent, please look to the Lenten Calendar to incorporate some prayer and acts of service to help prepare us for Easter. 

Thank you,

Michelle Cordeiro


Dear Families, 

We had a nice return to school in the classroom. We made 100 days in school! Then were able to celebrate Valentine's Day. I find God helps me with teaching the children about His love for us and the church. This week we celebrate Saint Valentine. He was a priest. He was in prison for his belief of Jesus. He did not get down and out but continued to show love to others and teach about Jesus even in  prison. He still taught about God's love for us to others and throughout the land. His letters were so much appreciated and happily anticipated that they became known as receiving a valentine. Valentines' Day is about love. The greatest love of all is God's love for each one of us.

  His love continues as we start to prepare for Easter through the season of Lent. Ash Wednesday is February 17. Please considered attending Mass. 

When we return at the end February, our letter of the week is Ll. Please send me a picture of your child with something that starts with Ll. I hope you have a great week. 

In Christ, 

Ms. Michelle Cordeiro

January 29, 2021

Dear Families, 

As you may already know,  next week is remote learning.  I will send a Monday Schedule of Activities and would like to have Google Meets on Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30. If this time, does not work with your schedule please email me. I can create a video and schedule Google Meets in the afternoon. The Google Meets are read alouds and time for the children to talk to one another. 

The Catholic Schools' Week activities are postponed for now. Our activities will be read alouds, handwriting letters, play dough math, and Let's Find Out. I sent home the children with the Let's Find Out magazine, name handwriting sheet, more paper for handwriting letter review, and a Math Activity for Winter Weather Lost and Found. I will be sending videos or incorporating them with the Google Meets.  These activities  are not mandatory to complete. Do what you can or want to complete. However, I do think that these activities help to continue the progress your child has already accomplished. 

Thank you all for your support. Thank you for making time to meet with me these past two weeks. I enjoy talking to you about your child's progress. If you have any questions please email me, I will be checking my email more over the weekend. 

Thank you, 

Michelle Cordeiro

January 22, 2020

Dear Families, 

Next week the letter of the week is Jj. Please send me a picture of your child with something that starts with Jj. We will be decorating our door for Catholic Schools's Week. The school theme is Disciples of Jesus and our school theme song is Jason Grey's Glow in the Dark. I invite you to look up this song. It is inspirational. It is surely a bright light in our times. I believe the children will enjoy some lively movement to its up beat rhythm. 

Also, we will be dancing to an old patriotic song, This Land is Your Land to celebrate on Red, White, and Blue Day during Catholic Schools' Week starting January 31 through February 5. Please read carefully, the Weekly Friday News Email from Mrs. Russo. In it  you will find information regarding this up coming week's events. 

Thank you, for making time to meet with me. I am grateful for the talks I have had with all you thus far and looking forward to the upcoming Parent meetings next week. 

I hope you have a great weekend, 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro 

January 15, 2021

Dear Families,

 I am very grateful to my friend and colleague, Melissa Maldonado, that cared for  the children and facilitated the children's lessons this week in my absence. 

I am bless and so are the children to have a caring school family. I have posted the pictures that Mrs. Maldonado took of the children engaged in this week's activities. You can look at them on the Weekly Photo page. The children built their own houses for letter Hh. They demonstrated their learning of pairs by coloring patterns and designs on a pair of mittens.They had a great week with her. I am very happy I could end the week with them on Pajama Day! 

Lastly, I will be sending out an email in regard to Parent and Teacher Meeting schedule. I look forward to talking to you about your child's progress. I am setting up appointment times for Tuesday, January 19,from 3:30 to 4:30 and Wednesday, January 20, from 3:30 to 4:30.   The meetings will be 10-15 minutes. 

Thank you all for your support, 

Michelle Cordeiro 

November 20, 2020

Dear Families, 

Thank you again for your support with our Mickey Mouse celebration. We had a nice day. The children seemed happy and engaged in the activities that were planned for the day. 

Last week, the Original Artwork Flyer went home. It is the information about making gifts from a piece of your child’s artwork. The children’s watercolor artwork home went home this week. I have sent an email with the attached flyer about how to purchase gifts with your child’s artwork. You will need the watercolor art that was sent home. You take a picture of the artwork and then follow the instructions on the flyer to have the gift made with your child's art.  If you have any issues please email me.   

Next week we have two days in school to learn a little more about the first Thanksgiving and the upcoming season of Advent. We will not have the letter of the week. 

Thank you to the administration here at Saint Francis Xavier and you, our families, that support extending Thanksgiving break to include Wednesday, November 25. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 

In Christ, 

Ms Cordeiro

November 13, 2020

Dear Families, 

We had a nice week! We could not of had better weather, especially the first part of the week. The children and I did enjoy the weather and have spent extra time outdoors. While we still can, I like to take them outdoors to have snack out near Our Lady of Fatima Statue. 

Next week, God willing we will reach 50 days in school! Our 50th day falls on Wednesday, November 18, which happens to be Mickey Mouse's Birthday. Miss Dandurand and I thought it would be nice to have a little of Disney fun in each of our classrooms.  The children can wear a Mickey Mouse T-shirt or other Disney character T-shirt. We have a simple craft activity planned, number game, and are making a Mickey Mouse snack. 

The snack is made from individually wrapped Oreo Cookies and a few of the mini Oreo cookies poured into a cup. These ingredients will be given to each student on their own wax paper place mat. Then each child will created their own Mickey Mouse treat with guided directions from me. 

The letter of the week is Dd. Please send in a picture of your child with something that starts with Dd. Your child can draw a picture of something that starts with Dd as well. Please send in Show and Tell pictures by Wednesday, November 18. 

Thank you and I hope you have a great weekend.  

November 6, 2020

Dear Families, 

Thank you for all your support. I am very grateful for Mrs. Maldonado and Mrs. Russo’s help in my absence last week. The children did not skip a beat due to their help. 

Next week, there is no school on Wednesday, November 11, due to Veteran’s Day. In honor of Veteran’s Day I would like to honor family members that served in our Armed Forces. Please send me a picture of a family member that has served in either the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, National Guard. Please send it to me by Wednesday, November 11. I will make a simple Google Slide to honor them for Friday. 

This past week, the weather on some days was more like Winter than Autumn. Yes, it was great to see the children in their winter coats and hats. I am teaching them to put their mittens in their hat and the hat in the sleeve of their coat. This helps with keeping everyone’s belongings together. 

Please dress your child in layers for the upcoming cold weather months. I will be keeping two windows open in the classroom, during these months. 

Please check your child’s backpack before they leave for school. Recently, there have been more toys brought from home. Yes, it is okay if your child brings a rest time, lovey, but please put in a gallon size Ziploc bag.

Finally, I want you all to know that the children were excellent at Mass this Thursday! 

Thank you, 

Ms. Cordeiro

October 23, 2020

Dear Families,  

I know I say it every week but we have had a busy week! The children enjoy Choice Time in their day. It is right after Arrival,which includes unpacking, and Prayer. Once they finish Morning Work, the children can go to Choice Time. It is when they can choose where and what they want to play. We have had many extraordinary structures built in the Block Center. There is much going on with Babies. They are being dressed and taken to the doctors. Yes, the children have designed a car using the children’s table and chairs. Then they put the babies in the car seats and put them in the back seat. Yes, this is done with their own initiative. Of course, we have had many that want painting too. 

Thank you to the Families I met with this week at the Zoom meetings. I am very happy I had the chance to catch up with you all. I am looking forward to next week’s Zoom meetings. I will send out a link to the meetings the night before. 

Next week is a festive week. On Thursday, October 29, It is Can I Dress Down Day? This is when the children bring in a canned good for Saint Vincent de Paul food drive. Yes, the children can dress in orange, purple, black and green if they bring in a canned good. On Friday, October 30, Saint Francis Xavier School's tradition is to dress as a saint. Please have your child dress up as a saint. We will parade in the morning. 

Catholic Icing is a website that has awesome and easy ideas for saint costumes. Please take a look at this web site. It will help you very much to help your child participate in the morning event. In the afternoon, we will celebrate Halloween with some very simple dance party ideas and counting activities. The children can wear comfortable clothes under their Saint Costumes.  Then they can move and groove to some dance music! 

Since we are not at school for Halloween. The children can send me a picture of themselves in their Halloween costume for Show and Tell. Mrs. Plante shared this idea with me and I think it is awesome! 

Thank you I hope you have a great weekend 

Michelle Cordeiro

Friday, October 16, 2020

Dear Families, 

Today the children went home with their Friday Folders. In it is the information for about Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough Fundraiser. Please read the blue information sheet regarding important information on submitting payment and dates to submit sales. Thank you very much for your support. 

This weekend I will be submitting the Scholastic Book orders. If you wanted to purchase books, please put in order online at the Scholastic Book Club. Our classroom, code is H392H.

I would like to set up a Zoom meeting with all you to talk about any concerns or questions you may have about your child. The dates I will start these meetings are Tuesday, October 20,  Wednesday, October 21, Monday, October 26 , Tuesday, October 27, and Wednesday, October 28. I only have two time slots for each day. The times are 3:30 and 3:50. Please send me an email and give me your first and second best date and time to have this meeting. Also,please let me know if these dates or times do not work for your schedule via email. I will contact you to see if there is another more suitable time for you. 

Lastly, in today's all school email there is information regarding our traditional celebration of All Saints' Day on October 30. This day we dress like one of our favorite saints or a saint we have learned about or can understand. We have been talking a little about Our Blessed Mother, Mary, and her appearance in Fatima to the three children, Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco. Our children can choose to dress up as one of these saints. Traditionally, I have asked parents to look up a saint with their child and help them learn about he or she. Catholic Icing is a website that has great information and ideas to help your child learn and participate in this joyous and memorable celebration. Please take some time to go there to learn about some of her ideas.   


Friday, October 9, 2020

Dear Families, 

I am very happy that we are able to be in school to Columbus Day weekend! We have been in school for 5 weeks, Yes!  Please keep this intention in your prayers for healing for those suffering with COVID 19 and its end or immunization shot. Then we can remain in school. I am sure you all have this intention in your prayers. 

This week the children are bringing home their Friday Folders with their school pictures. They came out very cute. I am sending home the children's change of clothes because  the clothing needs to be updated for colder weather. 

Please take a look at the Weekly Wrap Up on our menu. It will tell you about some of the activities we did this week. 

Next the letter of the week is Aa. Please send in a picture of your child with something that starts with Aa by Wednesday, October 14.  

Friday, October 2, 2020

We are starting our first Fund Raiser this Friday. The information is in your child's Friday Folder. 

Next week we will start the letter of the week. It is Mm for Mary. We have been speaking of our Blessed Mother, Mary in the classroom. So it is a good connection for the children. Show and Tell on Friday for letter Mm. Please take picture of your child with something that starts with Mm and send to me via email by Wednesday, October 7. 

Please click on the menu bar and click on Weekly Wrap-up to learn more about our activities this week. 

I hope you have a nice weekend. 

Ms. Cordeiro


June 9, 2022

Happy Summer! 

Thank you all so much for sharing your children with us! It has been a good year! Yes, there has been challenges but that it what strengthens us and helps us to grow. Your children are the best! Thank you for showering Mrs. Douglass and I with cards, gifts, and flowers to show your gratitude. We are humbled and blessed because your children have brought much love to us. I hope you all have a great Summer! I do look forward to seeing some of my students return to school for Kindergarten or Preschool for the Academic Year of 2022 -2023.

Please click on the Classroom Photos Menu to view pictures from our day at Pope Park. 

God Bless You and Yours, 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro and Mrs. Olive Douglass

June 3, 2022

It was an eventful week with holding the chicks, practicing for the End of the Year Celebration, making zig-zag designs for the letter Zz and the finale is the revealing of Mrs. Douglss' expecting new addition  to her family in October! Please click on the Weekly Wrap-up for more details of this past week and the Douglass Baby Revealing. 

Next week, our  final week for the year 2021- 2022  there are more activities and fun days planned. Monday, we will be talking about Summer Fun and Summer Safety, Tuesday, June 7, we are walking to Pope Park and having Acushnet Creamery Ice Cream with our Church Buddies, Wednesday we are celebrating all our Summer Birthdays! Our final day is Thursday, June 9 with our End of the Year Celebration at 9 am . You are welcome to attend. 

Thank you all for your support. Thank you to all the chaperones for both walking events to Pope Park. I will be sending out information for the chaperones for both trips over the weekend. 

Mrs. Douglass and I hope you have a safe and joyful weekend! 

May 27, 2022

We had a wonderful Around the World Week! Please click on the Weekly Wrap Up for a more detailed information of our week. 

Children are enjoying to hold the chicks. We have named only one of them. It is our first born, a black chick with a priest collar. We named it Bentley at first and then I noticed the white collar and now am thinking possibly Father Bentley or Sister Bentley. We will not know whether it is a hen or rooster for a few more weeks. 

Next week we hope to be able to take the chicks outside to have our friends hold them in the other preschool rooms.  This week's weather was too chilly. It is very nice for the chicks to get outdoors as well.  Our letter of the week is Zz! Please help your child find, make, or draw something that starts with Zz for Show and Tell. Thursday, June 2, the half -day and younger four year olds present their letter Zz item. Then on Friday, June 3, our full-day friends will present their letter Zz item.

I hope to get more pictures downloaded and up of the children holding the chicks and of  them participating in the other activities  on the Classroom Photo page soon! 

We  hope you have a great weekend!

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs Douglass 

May 16, 2022

Dear Families, 

Sorry about this delay on our weekly update.  The  letter of the week is Yy. Please help your child find, make or draw something that starts with Yy for Show and Tell. Due to the All School Easter  Celebration on Friday, May 20  and the  half -day dismissal for the whole school, we will have Show and Tell  on Wednesday, May 18  for our half-day friends and our younger four year olds. Then on Thursday, May 19 the full day friends will present their Show and Tell for letter Yy.

A reminder to families, this Friday,  is a half- day dismissal at 11:00. We do have Extended  Care till 3:00 pm. If your child is staying for Extended Care, school lunch will be offered. Please give me a heads up if you plan on your child staying for Extended Care. 

Our chickens are due to hatch at the end of the week or  weekend! That is pretty fitting that we are having our school Easter Celebration on Friday, May 20, as well. The chicks are busting out just like Jesus did from the tomb! Alleluia! Jesus is Risen! 

Next week, the week of May 22, we will be exploring the world with Ms Dandurand and Mrs. Duff’s class. We will explore some countries, France, Portugal, China, Mexico, and Italy. Ms. Dandurand and I are planning some activities for the children, a snack of nachos and salsa on Thursday, May 26,  and plan to have pizza delivered for lunch on Italy's Day, which is Friday, May 27. 

On Friday, May 27,  half- day friends and young three year olds  are welcome to stay the full- day or you can decide if you will dismiss them after lunch. Our lunch will end at 12:15. Please let me know if your half-day friend or young four year old will stay for the pizza and if they will be dismissed at the normal 2:00 dismissal or if you will dismiss them at an earlier time. There will be a notice going home regarding the cost for pizza per child. It will be $ 3.00 per child. We are ordering 6 large cheese pizzas to split between  both preschools.  Please let me know if you're interested in donating juice boxes for our class via email.  

We have a very eventful week for Around the World Week. Also on Thursday, May26, is Ascension Thursday .  We will attend Mass at 10 am with the school family and our Church Buddies. 

We end Around the World Week with each child dressing up in the colors of the country they are representing. Similar to Show and Tell but not presenting a  letter. Your child will present  a country of his or her choice.   They can  dress in the colors of the country’s flag and bring in something about the country as well. There will be a Questionnaire going home for you and your child to complete about the  country of their choice. 

Please keep in your prayers the chick’s successful hatching! If you have any questions or concerns regarding our upcoming events,  please email me. 

Thank you for your support, 

Ms Cordeiro 

May 6, 2022

Happy Mother's Day to all our Mom's and Grandmother's! 

Thank you so much to all of you! Your kind and generous gift and video did make me cry. It is very overwhelming and humbling to receive these gifts because I truly love teaching your children. They make me joyful and work really hard to be my best. I am very thankful to have them in my daily life ( practically!  10 months of the year and 5 days a week). I enjoy teaching young children. I am blessed beyond measure!  I can't believe we are almost closing this school year! 

Next week, our letter of the week is Xx. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, May 12, for our younger fours, Evelyn, Freya, Jacob, and Eli, and our half- day friends, Brett, Clara, Madison, Philip, and Christian. Again, on Friday, May 13,  we have Show and Tell for full day friends. 

Thank you all so much for your thoughtful gifts, and for your support with raising funds for the 8th grade class and Our Lady's Haven. 

Ms. Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

April 28, 2022

Dear Families, 

It has been a good return back to our routine. It was nice to have the time off but we are all happy and working hard in our classroom.  The children worked hard on our first floor bulletin board. It is beautiful. We had some team effort with Mrs. DeMastro, our Art Teacher,  to implement this craft activity.  They will be going home with their art when it is time to for us to take it down. I will post a picture of the board on our Classroom Photos menu. I cannot believe we are in May next week! 

We have many birthdays in May. I will be sending the Families of the children with May birthdays an email regarding if they want to celebrate at school with a special snack. Also,next week our letter of the week is Ww. We have Show and Tell on Thursday , May 5, for our young four year olds and half day friends. Then Friday, May 6, Show and Tell for our full-day friends. Yes, we have started our chicken hatching project today, Friday, April 29. The children will help keep the eggs rotated each day. Their will be a small group of children that will turn the eggs as the mother hen does when they are in the nest. There will be some other learning activities as we embark on this life science adventure! 

Finally we have the 8th grade fundraiser for the children to be able to purchase an Easter Egg for $ 1.00 to help raise fund for their Graduation Expenses. The children can buy 2 eggs total for the fundraiser. Also, Friday, May 6, is Kindergarten Screening for those children that are registered for the Fall Program. Please see that your child is well rest and has their water bottle to be able to be his or her best! 

I hope you all  have a great weekend! 

Ms Cordeiro

April 14, 2022

Happy, Holy Easter! 

We hope you have a healthy, happy, Easter! We had many absences these past two weeks due to colds and flu. We hope that having these sicknesses now will allow all of you to have a healthy, happy, and safe Easter and vacation week. May this beautiful weather continue to our vacation week! When we return on April 25 our letter of the week is Uu. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, April 28, for our young four year olds, Eli, Jacob, Freya and Evelyn and for our half-day friends, Christian, Brett, Philip, Madison, and Clara. Then again on Friday, we have Show and Tell for our full-day friends. We are looking forward to celebrating the 50 days of Easter with our class upon our return to school! Please take a look at our Weekly Photo page and weekly Wrap up page on our webpage. 

April 8, 2022

Dear Families, 

We had a great week learning about the letter Tt, watching the rye grass grow in our Parent Easter Gift, creating the ornaments for it , so excited about the sunflower seeds sprouting too! We learned about our Lord, Jesus, and His Passion through continuing our prayer of the Sorrowful Mysteries, and reading some children stories such as books, The Easter Story by Kim Mitzo Thompson, The Donkey that Know One Could Ride by Anthony DeStefano and Little Colt's Palm Sunday by Michelle Medlock Adams. The last two stories are about Palm Sunday. Mrs. Vigeant works in our classroom on Wednesdays after gym and read to us The Donkey that Know One Could Ride, and Father Ryan kindly visited us on Friday afternoon, to read the children the book, Little Colt's Palm Sunday. We had an added treat to this reading with Miss Dandurand and Mrs. Duff 's class joining us for the reading.  We are all  very thankful for their presence in our classroom. Our planting projects help the children to understand about the new life that Jesus gives us in His Resurrection. 

Thank you all for your support with sending in empty milk jug containers. Please send in an empty milk jug for your child by Monday, April 10, if you have not sent one in. I do have two at home that I can bring in but we still need 4 more jugs. Next week, we will be making them into Easter Baskets. There is no letter of the week. We will be learning more about Holy Week and getting ready for Easter. We will pray the Glorious Mysteries as well.  Reminder there is no school Friday, April 15 due to Good Friday. 

We hope you have a safe and happy weekend. 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs Douglass

April 1, 2022

Dear Famlilies,

We had another busy, fun week and it ended with a visit from Father Ryan. He came in to read us a story, The Night Before Easter. It is a entertaining story of the true meaning of Easter, Jesus' Resurrection. We planted the rye grass for our Parent Easter Gift and started to create the Easter Adornments for this gift. Next week our letter of the week is Tt. I will send out reminders of your child's day for Show and Tell. Our system to help support the children during Show and Tell is to have the younger  four year olds and half -day friends on Thursday and full - day friends on Friday. Thank you to the families that have had their child bring in a cleaned, gallon, milk jug for the children to create an Easter Basket. If you have not sent one in yet for your child, please have them in by Friday, April 8. Thank you all for your participation in the ItinaRead.  The children really enjoyed this time with their grown up  reading. 

 We hope you all have a safe, and joyful weekend. 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass 

Mar 25, 2022

Dear Families, 

I cannot believe that we are already closing in on the end of March. Next week we are continuing the letter of the week with letter Ss. We will  have Show and Tell on Thursday and Friday. Also, we will be  starting our Spring growing of grass for our Parent Easter  Baskets. We will continue our Lenten practice of praying a decade a day.This week we prayed the Luminous Mysteries. The children are knowing how to pray the rosary and are learning each prayer that is prayed in a rosary, Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be. We started the beginning of learning about the Moon this week and hope to continue this thread of learning during the next few weeks as well. 

Next week, for our Lenten Practice of prayer, we will pray a  decade a day and we will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries. The  children will make a cross to adorn the Parent Easter Basket. The letter of the week is Ss. The children will present on Thursday, March 31 and Friday, April 1. 

Finally, please send in a cleaned milk gallon jug by Apr 5, 2022. These jugs the children will create a Bunny Easter Basket. The baskets will remain in the classroom over April Vacation. Then when we return to school the children will see that there will be Easter Treats for them! 

Upcoming end of the year dates are as followed; 

If you have registered your child for the Kindergarten 2022 -2023 school year at  Saint Francis Xavier the Kindergarten screening is  on May 6, 2022. There will be more information going home in April.


No school on Friday, April 15,  due to Good Friday.

Friday, May 20 is a half -day dismissal 

Last Day of School is June 9 with a half -day dismissal. There will be more information on this day. It is a celebration with a walking field trip to Pope Park. 

Thank you for all your support, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

March 18, 2022

Dear Families, 

We ended our week with two festivities, Saint Patrick's Day and Saint Joseph's Feast. We celebrated with craft activities, learning about rhythm with some Irish Jig Songs, and watching the movie, The Star, with popcorn! We ended the morning enjoying outdoor play with Miss Dandurand's class too. We  had beautiful Spring Weather! 

Next week we start our week with Spring Picture Day, on Monday, March 21.  The children can wear their Sunday Best for these pictures. Full- day friends, please bring a change of clothes. If your child does not attend on Monday and you want a Spring Picture please let me know. I will check in the mean time about your child attending for the morning session.  The letter of the week is Rr. Show and Tell will be on Thursday for our young 4 year olds and half day friends on Friday Show and Tell is for the full-day friends. 

We hope you have a great weekend.

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass 

Another important week is complete with the children. This week the children worked one to one with Mrs. Douglass and I on the semi- formal assessments.  It is encouraging for the children to work with us. We are able to give them positive feedback on their learning. Also, it is encouraging for us to see how much the children have grown. 

The highlight of our week was the visit to Saint Francis Xavier Church.It felt great to walk with your well- behaved children to our church. They enjoyed every aspect and were thrilled to see the construction going on Main Street. As we approached the church,  Father Ryan welcomed us and took time to walk the children through the church and explain some statues, stained glass windows, the altar, and the Baptismal Font. If you have pictures of your child’s Baptism please send them in next week with your child. I will return them. It is important to take this opportunity in their learning and build upon it . They will learn more about the sacrament of Baptism in the weeks ahead. 

 Next week, we will have the letter Qq for the letter of the week. Show and Tell will take place on both Thursday and Friday. I will send you an email Wednesday to let you know what day your child will present. All the half day friends and young 4 years old will present on Thursday. On Friday the  full- day friends  will present. I will send you an email on Wednesday to confirm your child’s day. 

Also on Friday, March 18, we will watch the movie, The Star. It corresponds with the Joyful Mysteries we prayed this past week, our Nativity Project, and Saint Joseph[s Feast Day on Saturday, March 19. 

We did well with The Itin Read-a-thon this week.  We scored a total of 245 minutes of reading.  I know that not all of the children went home with the blue recording sheet. I have put the rest of the recording sheets in the children’s folders to have for next week. This is a great opportunity to put some time aside for some quiet one on one time with the children. Please send in the recording sheets at the end of the week. This day is on Thursdays for the young 4 years old that come only a few days out of the week and it is Friday for the older 4 years olds. 

Thank you for sending your child with boots and a pair of easy slip on shoes or crocs. The playground will be muddy. We are not out of the mud season yet. I hope you all have a safe and joyful weekend. 

God Bless you and your family, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass


March 4, 2022

Dear Families, 

We had a nice return to school. We are happy to share in our journey of this Lenten Season with your children. They were all very well behaved at the Ash Wednesday Prayer Service. This week we have worked on a couple of Lenten activities to help the children understand this Liturgical Season. 

Next week there is no letter of the week. We will continue with semi- formal assessments and learning about Lent. On Tuesday, March 8, if the weather cooperates we will visit the church.  If not, Father Ryan gave us Thursday for a rain date. Friday, Mar 11, 2022 is no school due to a Professional Development Day. 

Thank you for sending your child's boots. Please continue to send them to school. The preschool playground is very muddy. 

We hope you have a restful and joyful weekend. 

Ms Corderio and Mrs Douglass


February 28, 2022

Welcome Back! 

Dear Families, 

So good to back with your children. Mrs. Douglass and I heard about your family time together over our much needed winter break. We are rested and ready start again. These next two weeks there will be no letter of the week. We are focusing on the Lenten Season. This Liturgical Season brings us to the greatest celebration of our Catholic Faith, Easter, Jesus' Resurrection. 

Today the children went home with a song about the three aspects of the season, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We will be praying a decade of the rosary each day. We will pray it in the morning on some days and other days in the afternoon. As far as fasting goes, I talked to the children that we might have many treats or candy during Lent. That is why we receive candy at Easter. More importantly, we try to help each other and share more during Lent. Almsgiving is the same, helping, and sharing with one another. As you know, we have a Kindness Jar in the classroom this will be used as well adding flowers to a display in the back of the classroom. 

In addition, to learning  the Lenten Song  the children will be bringing home a Lenten Map. We will be coloring each day of Lent the color purple. You will see Sundays are yellow because we remember Easter Sunday. My hope for this school to home connection will bring more meaning to this season of Lent. 

It is neat how Lent is set between the end of winter and leads us into Spring. We will continue our study of weather with each day as well. Spring we start to see new life and Jesus' Resurrection bring us Eternal Life. There is a God Wink at us, eh? 

Finally, the end of March the children's progress reports will be sent home. We will be having semi- formal assessments with the children in the first 2 weeks of March. As stated earlier, these are important and we use these and our daily observations of your child's progress at school. 

Thank you for all your support, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

February 11, 2022

We have our 100th day of school on Monday, February 14 which is Valentine's Day. We will celebrate both events with some 100 days in school activities and some Valentine's Day activities. These activities will continue to Tuesday, February 12, because we have friends that start their week on Tuesdays. On both days, thIne children can dress in red, pink, purple, and white. They can bring Valentines for their classmates, too. I have sent out an email with all of our children's names.  Please let me know if you still need the list. Also, on Monday, Grade 8 has a fund raiser with a Guessing Jar. The children can guess how many treats are in the jar for $1.00 per guess. Tuesday is extra special due to our class earning their bonus prize for reaching our class goal of earning $ 80.00 per student per lap for the Boosterthon. The children stated they would like to visit our church, Saint Francis Xavier Church, here in Acushnet. 

I reached out to our pastor, Father Ryan Healy, and he is pleased to hear that we want to visit. He will be there at the church to talk to us about the different aspects inside the church such as the altar, the statues of saints that adorn our church, holy water, Baptismal Fount and much more. Then he will lead us in a short time of prayer. Futhermore ,for the  approval of our visit, I reached out to Mrs. Russo, our principal. She is in agreement and will help Mrs. Douglass and I chaperone this walking field trip. It will take place next Tuesday, February 15, weather permitting. Please have your child wear their winter coat, hat, mittens, and a scarf if needed. 

Mrs. Russo and I have successfully completed this walk many times with young children and Mrs. Douglass has several years of working with young children. We will leave approximately at 9:10 to arrive at the church after 9am Mass ends. Our visit will be approximately 30 minutes long and then will walk back to the school. 

We will arrive back at the school approximately at 10: 30 and we will warm up with some hot chocolate. Then the  children will have some time to talk about what they liked about our visit to Jesus'  house. 

Today the children enjoyed a visit to our Grotto where there is an image of Our Lady of Lourdes , our Blessed Mother, Mary, that appeared to Bernadette Soubirous ,now known as Saint Bernadette.  Our Lady of Lourdes Feast day is February 11. Today was a gorgeous day to take advantage of this feast day, enjoy the outdoors,  and our beautiful campus, and  pray one decade of the rosary there.  The children are learning through  our daily prayers about intention and thanksgiving prayers. Most of the children stated intentions and praises to God for the blessings He has bestowed on us. 

Mrs. Douglass and I know we are blessed to able to share our love and faith in God with your children and the children of our school. Thank you for sharing them with us. 

Lastly, our letter of the week is V for Valentine. We will have Show and Tell. Please help  your child find, make, or draw something that starts with Vv.  Your child will present on either Thursday, February 17 or Friday, February 18.  I will send out an email to you to remind you on Wednesday, February 16. 

I hope you have a great weekend. This weather is suppose to continue this weekend! If you have any questions or concerns please email me. I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

February 4, 2022

Thank you all so much for all your support! Our class reached a little over our goal of $ 80.00 per student! Thank you! The children had a great time running and walking in the Fun Run this morning! 

Whew! We had a great busy week! It was a lot of activity with outdoor play in the snow, movement songs with Mrs. Douglass, Parading to each classroom bringing joy by singing and marching to Patriotic Songs,  learning a little about the letter Nn, and  a USA Heart craft activity! 

Looking forward to Open House on Sunday, February 6 from 12 to 2pm. Please send in your registration for next year. 

Next week the letter of the week is Oo. Please help your child find, make, or draw something that starts with Oo for either Thursday, February 10 or Friday, February 11. I will send you an email reminder of the day your child presents.  We will learn a little about two saints this week, Saint Josephine Bakhita on Tuesday, February 8 and Saint Bernadette on Friday, February 11.  It is our friend, Brett's, 5 years old birthday on February 8. Happy Birthday Brett! 

Lastly, please send in an empty cereal box. We will be making Valentine Card holders with them. Also, with all this precipitation, please send in a pair of hard sole slip on shoes along with your child's boots. The boots are for the playground. The hard sole slip on shoes are to change into for the classroom. It helps to keep your child safe and keep the floors from getting too dirty. 

Thank you all for your support. 

In Christ, 

Ms. Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass 

Jan 28, 2022

Dear Families, 

Thank you for your unending support! I am very appreciative of you all with sending in disinfectant wipes, supporting the school’s Boosterthon Fundraiser, and having your child dressed in our Patriotic Colors on Thursday to video them singing This Land is Your Land. It has been a great exciting week. We have more fun planned for next week. 

Our letter of the week is Nn. I will send you an email regarding what day your child will present his or her Show and Tell. It will either be on Thursday or Friday. We kick off Catholic Schools’ Week on Monday, January 31, with Holy Mass at the school. First period of the day at 8:15. Please provide your child with a mask.  Due to the winter storm this weekend Open House is postponed to Sunday, February 6 at 12 and ends at 2pm. Please let your family and friends know about our Open House if they want to send their child to an amazing Catholic School. Next week, we have many festivities planned and special dress down days each day of the week. There was a calendar of the week’s events sent home in last Thursday’s yellow folder. I have provided you with the  theme for each of these dress down days. 

Monday  Holy Mass please have your child bring a mask to school. Olympic Colors! The children can wear Olympic colors to school. They are Blue, Yellow, Black, Green, and Red

Tuesday Crazy Hat and or Hair Day! The children can wear jeans with a Saint Francis Xavier shirt. 

Wednesday- Team USA- The children wear red, white, and blue. Please have your child wear a mask to school. 

Thursday - Wear your favorite team gear! 

Friday- The Boosterthon! We are running in the morning. Our class color is Red. Please have your child wear a red T-shirt over a long sleeve shirt. 

Lastly, our class has met the 20.00 mark for class participation. We earned a popcorn party for Monday! 

Thank you for all your participation in our class. 

Enjoy the snow! Please have your child bring their snow gear Monday. If your child stays the full- day please have them bring a pair of velcro sneakers or crocs, as well. 

God Bless you all and stay safe! 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass


January 21, 2022

Dear Families, 

Thank you all for making the time for conferences. I enjoyed talking with all of you regarding your child’s progress. The children are growing strong! Thanks be to God and your parenting! 

This week we delved into Winter a bit with making snow dough, learning about snowflakes and talking about the meaning of  pairs. We read the book, One, Two, One Pair!  By Bruce McMillan. Then colored a pair of mittens. They are beautiful. They are displayed in the hallway of our school. We read the book, Snowflake Bentely  by Jacqueline Briggs. In the book we see, there are six sides to a snowflake and they are all different. The children were able to reinforce what they know about the kinds of shapes and use them to make their own snowflakes. Then they counted how many shapes they used to make their snowflake.  

Next week, the letter of the week is Ll. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday and Friday. I will send you an email the day before  on what day your child will present. Also, the preschoolers are preparing for Catholic Schools’ Week. It starts on January 31 to February 4. We host Red, White and Blue Day to honor our country and those in active Military Service and our  Veterans. If you or another family member is either in active Military Service or a Veteran please send Mrs. Plante a picture of you or your family member. Please state the name and service. Mrs. Plante’s email is

Every year she creates a beautiful slide show to honor our Military. Those that “Stand Beside Her” and those that protect us.  Our students honor our country by learning patriotic songs. Our class is learning God Bless America and This Land is Your Land.  I will video record our  class  singing and performing American Sign Language(ASL ) of This Land is Your Land. We are blessed to have Mrs. Douglass, who knows (ALS)  and will be teaching the children ( ASL ) of these two songs.  There are many special days during Catholic Schools’ Week so keep your eyes out for the School Email which will state the week’s schedule. 

Our classroom is in need of disinfectant wipes. I have counted and we have enough for the next two weeks. There are approximately 16 more weeks of school. If each family could buy one large container of disinfectant wipes we will have enough to last the rest of the year. Your help is appreciated and needed. We use them to wipe our tables, chair backs, and all high touch areas of the classroom. Lastly, if full- day friends could bring in a pair of crocs or  hard sole slippers, to use in the classroom after outdoor play, it is greatly appreciated. Winter and Spring bring lots of wet weather which creates a lot of mud. These easy slip-on shoes are well suited to work in the classroom and can be worn outdoors in the event we need to leave the classroom quickly.  

Thank you for your participation in the National Honors Society fundraiser today. Your support is greatly appreciated. I hope you all have a safe and joyful weekend. 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass


January 10, 2022

We had a successful return to school this past week. I hope you all enjoyed the snow day. We can have Show and Tell for the children that could not present on Friday due to the Snow Day . They can bring in something to present the letter Ii on Tuesday. I will send out an email to these families. 

This week is Vocation/Career Week. We have some informative presentations from some of our families. Here is a list of our presentations. 

The Berube Family- Pharmacist

The Ciano Family- Caretaker for Dogs

The Maxwell Family- ESL Educator

Father Ryan Healey- Priesthood

The Skaar Family- Scalloper/Fisherman

Thank you all so much for taking the time out to create and schedule a presentation. This is interesting to the children and an effective method for them to learn. 

Our letter of the week is Kk for king. We will talk about how the 3 Wise Men or Kings visited Jesus. We call this the Epiphany. The days the children present are Thursday and Friday. I will send out an email to let you know what day your child presents. 

This Friday, January 14, it is Pajama Day. We are thinking about Dr. Martin Luther King 's Dream of an end to racism in our country. Our Scholastic reader, Let's Find Out, always presents age appropriate information for our preschoolers and Pre-K learners. We will learn a bit about him and his dream and how we can help to make it happen. Dr. Martin Luther King loved God and His law, to love others as yourself. He knew we all were made in his image and likeness. Let's  plant the seeds of love for one another in our children with Dr. Martin Luther King's dream of peace. 

Lastly, thank you for signing up for the Parent-Teacher conferences. This past week I have enjoyed checking in with these families and I look forward to the upcoming conferences and communicating with you via Google Meet. I will send out Google Meet links just before your scheduled time. 

I hope you have a safe and joyful week. 

In Christ, 

Ms Cordeiro


December 22, 2021

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Thank you all very much for your thoughtful gifts and cards. Your kind, thoughtful gifts have brought much joy to Mrs. Douglass and I. It has been very busy in the classroom. The children have worked and played hard. We were able to help the children complete their parent gifts with the help of Mrs. Vigeant. Her presence in our classroom has  been loving and helpful to all. Thank you Mrs. Vigeant. 

When we return we will be on the letter J for Jesus! We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, January 7, and Friday, January 8. I will email you your child's day   to present his or her Show and Tell.

Please scroll to December 10 Announcement below and then scroll down to see the confirmed Parent - Teacher Conferences. If you have not yet sent me two dates and times that work for your schedule, please send to me. Then I can confirm your date and time with you via email. We will be set to return to our New Year. 

Mrs. Douglass and I pray you all  have a joyful, and safe, Christmas Break. We are looking forward to spending time with our families too. Then we all can be refreshed to start the New Year of 2022. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

December 17, 2021

Dear Families, 

The children had a very busy week with all our gift and mural making, learning about the letter Ii, and of course continued learning of cooperating and working together as a class family. I do have only a few pictures this week from the children working on creating our Sledding Hill for our mural. 

Next week,  we will not have letter of the week. We will be finishing up our Christmas projects. We will continue with the letter Ii with having Ii available at the easels for painting. We will make some crystals as well. 

This Thursday in the yellow folder and also this Friday in the yellow folder I sent a hard copy of the upcoming  January Parent- Teacher Conferences. Please take a look at the schedule. Then write in two dates and times that work for you. I will confirm your date and time via email. If there is not a date or time that works for your schedule, please let me know via email or write it on the hard copy of the schedule. Then return to the yellow folder for your child to bring here for me.  Then I will contact you and we can set up a date and time that works best for both of us. 

In addition to Parent -Teacher conferences in last week's Announcement it stated we will be having Career Week January 10 to the 14. This is a nice week, for home to school connections. Please let me know if you can share your time and talent with our class by telling them about your Career. The Ciano Family have offered to either Google Meet or create a short video about Mrs. Ciano's work with dogs. Thank you very much Mrs. Ciano. I am hopeful we may have at least two more volunteers to enrich our children.  

Finally, the children worked very to create a joyful sledding scene for our classroom window. I am hoping that you can stop by the school this Sunday, December 19 at 4pm for the Holiday Stroll. We will be offering hot chocolate, some light displays, a tree lighting at 5 and then the children at the school will sing Christmas Carols. The preschoolers will start the Christmas Carols after the tree lighting. I hope to see you all there! 

I hope you all have a joyful weekend. Remember this week's virtue for Advent is Love. We contemplate on God's Great Love Us to send His Son, Jesus. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms Cordeiro

Announcement for December 10, 2021

Dear Families, 

The children were so well behaved at Mass this week. It was beautiful to see them listen to Father and the prayers during Mass. You all would have been so pleased with them. I know Mrs. Douglass and I were very proud of them. 

Thank you for your support in having the children bring in their snow pants and boots. It made for a special time of outdoor play. 

Next week the letter of the week is Ii for icicles! We will start work to create our Christmas Mural as well. It is to be displayed on Sunday, December 19 at the Holiday Stroll,which starts at 4 and ends at 6pm.  There will be some festive light displays, hot chocolate, yard games and a time for the preschoolers to sing one of the Carols they learned this year. There will be more information coming soon,  regarding this family event. 

In regards to celebrating Christmas, we will have some games on Wednesday, December 22. The children can bring in Christmas cards for their classmates. They can start bringing in the cards when they are available. Each of the children colored their own Christmas Stocking to hold the cards. Also, due to the COVID restrictions, we cannot have families bring in a treat for the children but the  children can bring a Party in a Bag. Information about the Party in a Bag went home  in the Friday Folder. It states what goes into the bag.  Please see that your child brings their Party in a Bag to school by Tuesday, December 21. 

Finally, January brings parent-teacher conferences and Career Week.  Below I have some dates and times available for each of you to sign up. Please let me know two days  and times that  work best for your schedule. I will confirm your date and time. If there is no date or time that works for your schedule please let me know via email.  I will then get in touch with you and we can figure out a date and time that works best for both of us.   

Career Week starts on January 10 and ends January 14. This week we look at some different types of Careers and do a small activity that pertains to the career. Please let me know if you would like to create a video about your career or visit the children via Google Meet to talk with them about your career.  You can read a book to the children and then tell them a little bit about your work. For example, last year my friend, an Equestrian Trainer, created a video for the children that viewed the farm where she works. She had someone record her training on her horse and recorded her grooming her horse. Another parent sent in a video  of being a school  counselor. It spoke about one aspect of being a  counselor is to help students decide what college they would like to attend.  

Please let me know if you can donate your time and talent to the children. I can help with researching a craft activity or game that can go along with your career. 

Lastly, we are all getting some Christmas Baking done. If you happen to have a empty cylinder salt container, please send in to me. I have 12 as of now and am hoping that, by the end of January, I may have enough for one for each of my students. I am hoping to have the children decorate and use as a drum. 

I hope you all have a joyful, safe, weekend. Try to attend Mass with your family this weekend. Saint Francis Xavier has Masses on Saturday at 4pm and Sunday at 8am and 10:30. 

In Christ, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

January 4, 2021

3:15 Cabral Family

3:30 Smith Family

3:45 Cohn

4:00 Adams

January 5, 2021

3:15 open

3:30 Berube Family 

3:45 Alves Family

4:00 Arruda

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


3:30 Jacintho Family


4:00 Duarte Family

Wednesday, January 12, 2022




4:00 Goncalves Family

Tuesday, January 18, 2022





Wednesday, January 19, 2022







November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Dear Families, 

We had a busy short week. The children enjoyed the STEM cranberry activities and learning a little of the  history about the origin of Thanksgiving Day. The children learned that cranberries can be water harvested. They "harvested" some cranberries and then took their harvest to thread the cranberries on a string. The next day we used the the dried cranberries to see if they would sink or float in different types of liquid. I have posted  some pictures of our learning from this week on the Classroom Photos page on our site. 

Today, our class received from Saint Vincent de Paul Society a Advent Family that we will be praying for during the the season of Advent .Please continue to pray for this family at home and consider to  donate a gift card for this family. The gift cards can be from the grocery store, pharmacy, and a department store like, Target and Walmart. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Please send the gift cards in an envelope labeled with your child's name. Then place in their home to school folder. We are accepting gift cards till December 10. 

Next week the letter of the week is Gg for God, Georgia, and Grayson! Please help your child find, draw, or make something that starts with the letter Gg. Show and Tell days are Thursday, December 2 and Friday, December 3. I will send an email on what day your child  brings in his or her Show and Tell item. Also, we will be learning about the season of Advent. 

We started an  introduction about Advent, this week. The children made a paper Advent Wreath to bring home. This is a home to school activity. Please hang in an area of your home that the family can see it and the children can "light" a candle each week. The Advent Wreath helps us to prepare for Jesus' Birthday. There are three candles that are purple and one pink. The first two candles bring to mind the hope and peace of knowing God, the Father, sent His son, Jesus, to save us . The third candle is pink. Its meaning is Joy. We are Joyful in knowing God sent  His son for us. The last candle is Love. We know God loves us because He gave us His son so we could have eternal life. 

 We will be learning a little bit about the season of Advent in the coming weeks.  That it is a time to prepare and think about Jesus and His birthday! 

Finally, each year I have the children make a simple ornament using Crayola Molding Clay. If there is a family that would like to donate a box of it to our classroom, it is greatly appreciated. I can ask around for a coupon as well to help with the cost. The box contains four packages. I can get 3 ornaments from each package. That is 12 children. I believe I have a couple packages in my closet that I can use for the children's ornaments as well. If you are able to donate, please email me. Thank you very much in advance to you all for your support in our endeavors to enrich your children's interest in learning. 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

In Christ, 

MS Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

November 18, 2021

Dear Families, 

Looking forward to having our STEM cranberry activities next week. Thank you to the families that donated the Crasins and fresh cranberries for these activities. There will be no letter of the week due Thanksgiving Break. 

Today the children painted a plate to make into the Mickey Mouse emblem. They had to cut two circles for the ears. This is no easy task when your three and four. However, they all have been working very hard with creating many cutting activities. Their black circles came out great! Also we enjoyed our time with our friend, Freya. 

This week, Mrs. Douglass and I have started formal assessments. These are used in addition to our daily work with your child, to help us see how your child is understanding the activities we do each day. 

Finally, this weather can change quickly to colder temperatures, please pack in your child's backpack a hat and a pair of mittens or gloves. Then the children can have them when needed.  We hope you all have a restful, joyful, and safe weekend. 

God Bless you and your families, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass


November 12, 2021

Dear Families, 

Next week the letter of the week is F for Family. The children will be making a letter F activity that has them make each person in their family.  As the holidays approach, it is a nice time to talk about our families. Also there is No School on Friday, November 19, due to Professional Development.  Thursday Show and Tell  friends can bring their Show and Tell for the letter Ff on Wednesday, November 17. Then Friday Show and Tell Friends can bring their show and tell on Thursday, November 18. We are celebrating our friend, Jacob's 4th Birthday on Thursday and Mickey Mouse's birthday too. The children can dress down in black and red, or wear a Mickey Mouse shirt or Disney character shirt to school. All the children will be able to get a prize from the prize box. We have filled up the kindness jar again! So happy for them. 

Thank you for all your support 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass


Nov 5, 2021

Dear Families, 

We  have had a nice start to November with the All Saints’ Day Celebration! Thank you to all the families that took part in having their child dressed as a Saint. Those that did not dress up still had a very special day. 

Mrs. Douglass has put in your child’s home to school folder the artwork and information about our fundraiser with Original Artwork. Please make some time to read the information and consider having your child’s art made into a gift for someone special. 

Next week our letter of the week is Ee for our friends, Evelyn and Eli, and for  elephant! We will still have Friday Friends present on Friday. The students that present on Thursday can present on Wednesday. The children that present on Wednesday are Eli, Evelyn, Freya, Jacob, Georgia, Christian, Grayson, and  Madison, 

Mrs. Douglass and I have some cranberry centers planned for Monday, November 22, and Tuesday, November 23. If you can donate a bag of fresh cranberries or Crasins please email me to let me know. Your help is greatly appreciated. 

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 

Ms. Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass 


October 29, 2021

Dear Families, 

Next week there will be no Show and Tell. We will be focusing on All Saints' Day, Jesus' Church, and the month of November. We will resume Show and Tell the following week for the letter, Ee. The children that present on Thursday can present on Wednesday, November 10. This is because we have No School on Thursday, November the 11, due to Veteran's Day. The Friday, November 12, will remain with the usual children presenting. 

Thank you for all your support in bringing candy for this Friday's Halloween Dance. It means so much to all of us. 

Reminder that Monday, November 1, is All Saints' Day. Please dress your child up as a Saint. We have talked about the Fatima Children, Jacinta, Lucia, and Francisco. Our children  can dress up as one of them. Also here is a webpage from Catholic Icing with ideas on Saint Costumes.

The children did go home on Thursday, October 28, with a prize from the prize box. We all earned a prize because we filled the Kindness Jar. To earn a jewel for the Kindness Jar the children show acts of kindness and complete the procedures in our classroom, the first time. We are working on filling up the jar again for another special event. 

Last and most important is the wonderful news that our friend, Chace, has returned back to school. He is doing very well and we are keeping him and all of our friends in our prayers. 

Praise God in all things! God Bless you and your families, 

MS Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

October 22, 2021

Dear Families,

  A big Thank You to the Acushnet Fire Department. We enjoyed their visit. We learned a lot about all the tools they use to put out a fire. We learned about the protective gear they wear and how to exit your home in the event of a fire. 

Next week the letter of week is Dd for dinosaur! Please have your child draw, make, or find something that starts with Dd. For your child’s Show and Tell day either Thursday, October 28 or Friday, October 29. I will email you a reminder email.

As the school calendar states next Friday, October 29, is a half-day dismissal at 11:30. If you need extended care it is offered up to 2pm. Your child can have school lunch as well. 

Friday, October 29, is the 8th Grade Halloween Dance. A notice was sent home on October 15. It is a fun time for all and a great way to raise funds for the 8th grade’s Graduation Festivities. Please consider to come and join in the Spooktacular Time!

Thank you, 

MS Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

October 15,2021

Dear Families, 

This four day week was busy with creating pumpkins for the festive Autumn Season and the letter Pp. The children drew a pumpkin starting with an oval shape. Then added on to each side of the oval a half circle shape. They continued to add a half circle shape to each side to build a big pumpkin.   Then they painted it mixing the colors red and yellow to make orange. These gorgeous pumpkins will adorn our hallway wall for the annual 8th Grade Halloween Celebration on Friday, October 29. Please plan to come to visit that evening. There will be more information on this event in your families'  yellow Friday Folder. 

Next week's letter is Cc. Please have your child bring in something starting with Cc on either Thursday or Friday. A reminder email will be sent to you for your child's day. Also,  Friday, October 22, we have the Acushnet Fire Station visiting. 

The Acushnet Fire Station will visit Small Wonders, PreK 3/4 and PreK 4,  between 9-9:30 to 10 . They will talk to us about fire safety. Then the children will get a chance to see up close the Fire Truck. 

Another up and coming school event is All Saints' Day, November 1. Please start thinking about and talking to your child about dressing in costume as a Saint. Visit Catholic for some good costume ideas. In the classroom, we started talking about the Saints. I am hoping it will help in deciding on a costume. 

Lastly, but definitely not least, the children helped to create a large heart to send to our friend, Chace. He is recuperating from surgery and is doing well. We miss him and want him to know we are praying for his recovery. Please continue to pray for Chace and his family at home. 

There are prayers and songs the children are learning on the prayer and songs page. Also there are some new pictures on the Classroom Pictures and an update on the Weekly Wrap-up Page. Enjoy, checking out our classroom activities. 

We hope you have a safe and happy weekend. 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

October 8, 2021

Dear Families, 

We hope you all have a wonderful, and safe weekend. Next week the letter of the week is Pp for pumpkin. Please help your child find, draw, or make something starts with Pp. Thank you to the families that met with me this past Tuesday. I have enjoyed speaking with you. I look forward to speaking to the remainder of our families on Tuesday, October 19.

The rest mats went home this Friday to be washed. Please return on Tuesday, October 12, in a reusable grocery bag. Then we can keep the rest mats from touching other friends' mats. 

There are some pictures of the children working on Our Classroom Pictures page. Please take a look. 

Thank you for all your support, 

God bless you and your families, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass  

October 4, 2021

Dear Families, 

This week brings us to October. Wow! That went by fast! We have been observing and talking about the changes taking place outdoors. Some children are finding leaves that have already changed their color to Autumn Colors. We have read the book, It’s Fall,  by Linda Glaser. It talks about how in Fall we rake our leaves to make piles and then jump in them. We can find acorns on the ground. Please encourage your child to find some Fall changes and bring them to school. Also in the month of October we start to talk about Jesus’ friends, the Saints. This will get us ready for our All Saints’ Day Celebration. It takes place on November 1. 

 Next week the letter of the week is Bb. Please help your child find, draw, or make something that starts with Bb. Then bring the item to school for Show and Tell on their day, which is either Thursday or Friday. I will send out emails to remind you. Thank you to the families I met with last week regarding their child’s start to the school year. I am looking forward to meeting with all of you in the upcoming weeks.  Here is the link to October's Lunch Menu. Please print out and highlight the items you would like your child to have for lunch. Then return to school in your child's home folder.

God Bless you and your family, 

Ms. Cordeiro

September 24, 2021

Dear Parents,

We had a busy week of continued learning of classroom procedures. As they are entering the classroom, they are learning to move the person with their name on it on a magnetic board from home to the other side that states at school. Then they unpack their own backpack and put their lunch box on the lunch bench and home folder in their cubby. The last step of unpacking is putting their backpack on their hook in the closet. After unpacking, they can make a choice to play with classmates by moving another person with their name it, on the choice board, to the area they want to go and play. It might not sound like much. However, it really is when you’re a preschooler. They are coming along and I can see the improvement just after 13 days of school.

This week we learned we are in the season of Fall. On Wednesday we read a book about how the seasons change throughout the year. In the big book, Changes, by Marjorie N. Allen, and Shelley Rotner, we saw how in nature the Summer’s green trees change to colorful Autumn or Fall Trees. The start of Fall begins many new and exciting projects and activities too. Next week’s letter of the week is Aa for apple. On Tuesday, September 28, starts Zoom meetings. These meetings are simply check-ins to inform you of your child’s progress. It allows for you to share any questions or concerns with me. Please let me know via email, if you are available to meet with me. I have posted the dates and times available. Please check out these dates and times and send me an email that states the date and time. I will then get back to you to confirm. If Tuesdays do not work for your schedule please let me know via email. Then we can work on scheduling a Zoom meeting on another day.

September 28, 2021

3:30  Smith Family

3:45 Adams Family  

4:00 Maxwell Family

4:15 Amaral Family

October 5, 2021

3:30 Duarte Family  

3:45 Cabral Family   

4:00 Alves Family  

4:15 Arruda Family

October 12, 2021

3:15 Pio Family

3:30 Cohn Family 

3:45 Goncalves Family

October 19, 2021

 3:15 Jacintho Family

3:30 Ciano Family

3:45 open  

Thank you for all your support,

MS Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

September 17, 2021


Dear Families, 

The children are learning the procedures well. We have been learning about our students in our everyday activities. Next week, we will start Show and Tell. The letter of the week is Mm for Mary. We will have  Show and Tell on two days because of the 3/4 split. I will send you an email what day your child can bring in something for the letter of the week. Also next week, we are celebrating our first birthday of one of our students. Our friend, Evelyn, celebrates her birthday on Monday, September 20. Her family offered to bring in an individually wrapped snack for each of the children.  Finally, the children are taking home their rest mats to be washed and returned next week. Please take a look at the Weekly Wrap-up page on our classroom page. Just click the menu drop bar to the right to find the page.  We hope you have a great weekend. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms. Michelle Cordeiro and Mrs. Olive Douglass

September 10, 2021


Dear Families, 

Thank you for all your support. Mrs. Douglass and I had a great first week with our class. We have enjoyed getting to meet and work them. Please continue to send in your child's water bottle each day. Please take a look at the September Lunch Calendar for next week. Then email me your child's daily menu. Then I can put the selection in each morning. I do have two families that printed out the Lunch Menu and then highlighted the lunch choice for each day. Then put the calendar in their child's folder to come back to school. I have the link to the lunch menu enclosed.

Looking forward to another great week for us next week. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro

September 3, 2021


Looking forward to our first day! 

Thank You !!! so very much for all the love and support with getting your child's belongings here for their first day and for all the wish list supplies that we will be using in our curriculum throughout our year! We are so blessed !  

Reminders for our first day on September 7. 

8:15 Late Arrival for first day. This is to eliminate the bustling experience of our whole school arrival on their already a bit nervous, first day of school. 

Pack in backpack - water bottle, snack, lunch, extended care snack ( if staying extended care) completed forms ie. immunization forms, extended care forms, emergency call information forms. 

We are a peanut and tree free school- please remember when packing snacks and lunches. 

School Supplies- change of clothes- art shirt ( if these belongs have not already been brought to school)

Notes on Lunch and Extended Care

Lunch- full--day friends please email your child's preference for lunch. You can look at the Lunch Calendar and tell me the lunch choice for the whole week. I have provided the link to the link to the September Lunch Menu.

Extended Care - Please let me know if your child is staying for extended care via email and possibly the time and who will be picking them up. Then I can relay this information to Extended Care personnel. 

Dismissal - please park in school parking lot and walk over to playground area. 

Bring your license. 

Thank you and God Bless you and yours, 

Ms. Michelle Cordeiro and Mrs. Olive Douglass

Welcome Preschool Families! 

I am so happy to start a new year with you all. I am looking forward to seeing you on September 7.  This is a late start at 8:15. This is so the preschoolers can enter the school on their first day without the other incoming student family. Please remember to have your child  bring a morning snack and a water bottle. The snack is a healthy snack that can be fruit, crackers, cheese, yogurt and with a juice box or simply the water in their water bottle. We do have school lunch available. If you want your child, to have the school lunch simply email me the night before or in the morning. Last year, I had some families that looked at the School Lunch Calendar and let me know each week, what their child would have each day of  that week. If your child is staying for extended care, please be sure to email me and let me know. All families, should complete the Extended Care form that is in the folder you received regardless if you will be using Extended Care or not. Please complete the  other forms you received as well such as the  Immunization, Emergency Contact, ie. 

Lastly, if your schedule allows please try to bring your child's supplies to school before the start of Preschool, Tuesday, September 7. There was an All School Email that went out today with the schedule for the drop offs. The days are Monday, August 30, 9:30 to 11:30 and on Tuesday, August 31 9:30 -3:30. 

I have been working on the set up of our room. It brings me joy to know soon my students will be here to enjoy this classroom. I am so please to announce as well that our classroom has a new teacher's assistant. Her name is Mrs. Olive Douglass. I am sure you have read about her in the other  All School Emails. She comes to our school family with a loving and caring attitude and a wealth of experience and education. 

I will use this classroom webpage to announce upcoming events and information about our school and classroom. Right now it is a work in progress because we have students that have various daily attendance. I am thinking as of now our first Show and Tell will be September 23 for the letter Mm. We will be speaking about Mary, Jesus' mother at the start of school. As always, if you need to contact me please email me at I will be sure to get back to you within 24 hours or less. Also, if you would rather me call you, please email me that you would like to have me call you. 

Thank you, 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro

June 4, 2021

Dear Families, 

Today was a Fantastic Friday! The children really enjoyed the Fun Run! I did too! They all did great! It was nice that it was over-cast today and not too cold. We enjoyed ice pops and celebrated our friend, Nole's, birthday! I will post some pictures later today and will send you an email when they are up on this web page. 

Next week, we will start the week thinking about our Lord, Jesus, in the Eucharist. This Sunday, is the Feast of Corpus Christi. We have the opportunity to pray before the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesday too. After we will create using construction paper in different shapes a replica of a Monstrance with the Eucharist, our Lord Jesus. 

Our last day of school is Thursday, June 10. Miss Dandurand and I have planned an active outdoor play day. Please keep nice weather in your prayers. If not, we know how to bring the show indoors. Your child went home with a document stating the dress for the day and what items to pack in your child's backpack. Dismissal is at 2:20 our last day. Our half-day friends are more than welcome to stay the full-day. 

Here is information regarding the dress and what to pack for your child for our last day of school. Dress: play clothes Backpack: hat, sunscreen, change of clothes, water shoes or old pair of sneakers. Please do not pack sandals. They can get caught on the playground equipment and cause an accident. Mask for indoor viewing of slide show, home lunch, snack, let me know if their getting school lunch, lastly water bottle. 

May 28, 2021

Next week,  Show and Tell is Thursday, June 3, for our final letter, Zz. Please have your child find, make, or draw something that starts with Zz. Then send me a picture by Wednesday, June 2. I am not having Show and Tell on Friday, June 4, because it is the Booster-thon Run. Finally, thank you to all the families that have registered their child and have sponsors for the Booster-thon. If you have not registered your child, you still can at Then follow the prompts to register. We only have 8 more days left of preschool. 

I will be sending you information regarding our Celebration Day. It will be our last day of school on Thursday, June 10. 

May 21, 2021

Dear Families, 

We had a beautiful week to enjoy the outdoor space to get some exercise and sun!  A big thank you to you all  for always providing water bottles for your children. We are refilling more now with the warmer weather. Next week, the letters of the week are Xx and Yy. Please send me a picture of your child with a drawing of something that starts with Xx and Yy by Thursday, May 27. Also, next Tuesday May 25, starts the Boosterthon.  It is fun way to raise monies for the school. Please start thinking of family and friends that can sponsor your child in the run on June 4.  I will have some class incentives for the children such as if we all get 3 sponsors by Friday, May 28, we will have a freeze pop snack. I have other incentives in mind as well and will keep you posted. 

Please take a look at our Weekly Photo post. There are pictures of the children with their self-portraits from the Circle of Grace activity and some pictures of the children painting their drawings of Mary, our Blessed Mother. 

Thank you for all your support. I wish you all a happy, safe weekend! 

Michelle Cordeiro

May 14, 2021

Dear Families,

Ascension Thursday on the school grounds was beautiful. It was very special to celebrate Mass with the class. I don't think they all had my sentiment about attending Mass. LOL!  

Next week our letters of the week are Vv and Ww. We will have Show and Tell on Friday, May 21. Also, I will start the lesson of Circle of Grace on Monday. A reminder the children need glue sticks. We used all of our glue sticks you sent in at the beginning of the year. I had some from last year and we used those up too. We used all the hand soap supplies as well. If each family could send in one bottle of hand soap, and two to three glue sticks we will have enough for the children for the remainder of the year. Thank you very much to the families that have already sent in the requested glue sticks and hand soap. 

I am hopeful that the weather remains dry for a few more days. Then we can take another trip to the brook at LaPalme Farm. I have not been going because of the abundance of ticks recently. I will let you know, if and when we do take another trip. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro

May 7, 2021

Dear Families, 

Next week, we will have two letters of the week. Monday and Tuesday is the letter Tt. Wednesday and Thursday the letter Uu. We will have Show and Tell on Friday, May 14 for both Tt and Uu. Please have your child make, draw, or find something that with these letters. Then send to me as soon as possible. 

We are in need of hand soap and glue sticks. Please send in a bottle of hand soap. If every family sends in one bottle we should make it to the end of the school year. We used all our glue sticks. I had some from last year and we used those too. We are a busy group! Please send in 2 glue sticks for your child. 

This Friday in the Friday Folders I put the last Scholastic Book Order Form in them. If you would like to purchase books for your child there are some good books in the flyer. Also, on the Scholastic Website there are other flyers that you can purchase other books.

Please take a look at our weekly wrap-up and then our photo page as well. 

Thank you for your support, 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro

May 3 , 2021

Dear Families, 

This week are letter is Ss. Show and Tell is on Friday, May 7 . Please send in a picture of your child with something that starts with Ss, as soon as possible. Also, we are working on our Mother's gifts and finishing up our Mother's Day cards.

May brings awareness of our own Mom's and all the love they give us. It is dedicated to our spiritual Mom, our Blessed Mother Mary. The children will be praying a decade a day with me and  with our school family in the morning. 

Wednesday the children can dress down and wear pink. In memory of our dedicated Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Ledoux, because May 5 is her birthday. There is a free will donation to her scholarship fund but it is not necessary in order to dress down and wear pink. 

I hope you all have a successful and joyful week. 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro


April 26, 2021

Looking forward to our last quarter together! We have much to embrace in the upcoming weeks, continued caring and growth of the tadpoles, Mother's Day, learning more about our Blessed Mother and Jesus 's love for us . The class will be able  to express their learning in art, play, and in music. Also, we will continue our learning of some songs we've been singing throughout the year. In anticipation, of our end of the year celebration. The date and time will be announce soon. 

Show and Tell is on Friday, April 30. The letter is Rr. Please send a picture of your child with something that starts with Rr by Thursday, April 29.   They can find a toy, or game, that starts with Rr. Also,make or draw something that starts Rr. 

Thank you! 

April 9, 2021

Happy Easter!

Alleluia! Jesus, has Risen!

We have had an exciting return to school!  The Easter Bunny did visit our classroom and left us some treats. Our frog spawn was pretty much gone but the tadpoles hatched and are swimming  all over in the tank! The children truly had team work in completing our mission to solve our secret message. As Grant and Roisin took turns to tell Nole and Charlie the numbers. Nole found the letters that corresponded on the letter and number wheel. We learned our mission was to find our message out in the elementary playground. It was so cool to find the envelope in an area where we found budding Daffodils which are now in full bloom!

In the children's folders is a notice on the Circle of Grace program. Please take the time to read over and sign and return to school on Monday. 

This morning we did have an exciting adventure on LaPalme Farm Trail. We discovered some algae, water bugs, and just fun romping in the stream. Please take a look at our Weekly Photos to get a glimpse of our adventure. 

Next week our letter of the week is  Qq. Please help your child find, draw, or make something that starts with Qq.  Then send me a picture by Thursday, April 15. We will have Show and Tell on Friday, April 16.

March 26, 2021

Today the children did a reenactment of Palm Sunday. This week we read two books about Palm Sunday, Little Colt’s Palm Sunday by Michelle Medlock Adams and The Donkey that Know One Could Ride by Anthony DeStefano . These stories helped the children to learn about Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection the reason we celebrate Easter.

We started our Spring investigation last Friday with  planting sunflower seeds. They are already sprouting! It is heartwarming to see the children interested and engaged in the growth of these seeds. We ended off this Letter Pp week with planting more seeds. This time we chose to plant some veggies. We planted carrots, radishes, and lettuce. Thank you to the Smith Family, Grant’s family , for donating the organic soil.

This project is helpful to learn Life Sciences and all that goes with the investigation.  I am finding it also helpful in teaching the children about Easter. I explained that is what happened when Jesus was laid in the tomb. He did not stay there but rose to life!  The seed does not stay in the ground or even in the seed covering or shell. It grows out and becomes a new plant. It does not die. Just like Jesus’ Resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Next week we will not have Show and Tell we will be focusing on Easter. Thank you to those families that have sent in clean, gallon, milk jugs. I look forward to helping the children make them into rabbit Easter Baskets. When we return from Easter Break they will see that the Easter Bunny visited our classroom.

 Finally, I have emailed our families the schedule for Parent and Teacher Conferences. Please give me your first two choices. Then I will send you a confirmation of the date and time.

Thank you

Michelle Cordeiro

March 19,2021

Today the children brought home their green Friday Folder. There is information regarding Picture Day on Monday, March 22, and a sponsor log for the our Read - a- Thon Tracker. I am looking forward to our Read-a-Thon. The children are asked to at least read two books per day. I can read with the children at school one book. Please try to read the other book of your choice at home each night. 

Also, we planted sunflower seed today for the start of Spring. We will care and watch these seedlings sprout to small plants. Expect to receive them around Mother's Day!  organic Grant's family has donated organic soil so we can plant some lettuce and radishes. We have been talking for a few weeks of the arrival of Spring and Summer weather. How we can grow plants and get vegetables from them. We are excited about this new project. Then hope to have some yummy lettuce and radishes before we leave for Summer Vacation. 

Our letter of the week is Pp for plants! Please help your child find, draw, or make something that starts with Pp. Then send me a picture by Wednesday, March 24. Then I can prepare a Google Slide for Friday, March 26. 

March 12, 2021

Next week we welcome back our two friends, Bryce and Roisin! We are very much looking forward to their return to school. Bryce did come to share his birthday with us on Thursday! We all loved to see him and enjoyed the visit. There are two changes to our schedule next week. First, there is no school on Tuesday, March 16, it is a professional day. Second, dismissal for next week is at the preschool playground. Please park as normal along the driveway. Then walk over to the white fence. Miss Dandurand will be there and will let me know your there to dismiss your child.  

Next week is Career Week for Show and Tell on Friday, March 19, the children can dress up as someone in a occupation that they would like to be when they grow-up. For example, they can dress up like a fireman, doctor, hair dresser, astronaut and then tell us something  about the work of this occupation. Of course, it is very important to  think about the talents that they have, that can help them do the work well. We will be talking about the talents that God gives us next week. That we are all made different.  God is pleased with us when we use the talents He gave us. 

Finally,  Grade 8 is raising funds with their St. Patty's Day guessing jar. Please bring in a $1.00 or $ 2.00 to take a guess or two guesses or more! Help and have fun by trying your math skills with  how many chocolate coins are in the jar! Also, here is the link to our school's  out reach service for our Lenten almsgiving. Please consider participating. 

Thank you so much for all your support! 

Michelle Cordeiro

March 5, 2021

Dear Families, 

A big Thank You!  to Mrs. Maldonado that kept the show on the road in my absence. The children had a nice time with her and did not miss a beat. The children and Mrs. Maldonado made my heart so happy Thursday morning,  with a beautiful welcome back poster and a pretty, plant with purple flowers. Perfect for us and the Lenten Season. 

Next week is Around the World Week. Show and Tell on March 12,  your child is asked to pick any country in the world and tell us about it. Please fill out the Cultural Questionnaire in your child's Friday Folder. This is the guide to use for his or her Show and Tell Presentation. Your child may bring in something related to his or her chosen country. Please have the item in by Tuesday. Then I can put away in the closet to be used for the presentation. The cultural questionnaire needs to be returned on Thursday, March 11. 

Around the World Week from March 8 to March 12 the class will learn each day a little bit about a different country. On each day, your child can dress down and wear the colors of that country's flag. 

Monday- France- wear blue, white, and red

Tuesday- Portugal- wear red, green, and gold

Wednesday - China - wear red and yellow

Thursday - Mexico- wear green, red, and white

Friday- Italy- wear green, red, and white

Career Week is March 15 through March 19 the children will present what they want to be when they grow -up on Friday, March 19, Saint Joesph's Solemnity. Each child can dress up like a person in his or her chosen career. They can tell their classmates what they like about it , what God given talents they have, that will help them in this career.  They can tell the class if there are any special tools or equipment they would need to help them in their work. 

You are welcome to create a short video or present on Google classroom something about your culture. It could be teaching the children a song, or favorite cultural dessert, sharing a cultural story. This can be done with a video or we can set up a Google Classroom and you can join us there. 

You are welcome to share with the class about your career as well with sharing a short video or joining us in a Google Classroom. Topics for sharing about your career are what you do, what you think is the best part of your career, are there any tools you use to help you in your career. 

We are pretty flexible if you wanted to join in Google Meet and share your culture or share information about your career. Please send me an email if you are interested. 

Thank you, 

Michelle Cordeiro


March 1, 2021

Dear Families, 

In my absence, Mrs. Maldonado is caring and facilitating the lessons for the children. Last week, they had a wonderful remaining of the week. She will start off this coming week. Please take time to view the pictures of the class enjoying their day with her in the Weekly Wrap-up and Weekly Photos strand in our menu bar. 

This week, the letter of the week is Nn. Please help your child draw, make, or find something that starts with Nn. Then send me a picture by Wednesday, March 3. Then I can create the Google Slide to be used Friday Morning. This month we are continuing our Lenten Journey with daily reminders of positive Acts of Service.  Below, I have included a link to each week's focus and ideas to implement. 

Helpful Links 

In the upcoming weeks, the Prek-4 program will highlight some interests in different countries and different careers. The week of March 7 through 13, in addition to  letter of the week, Lent, our focus will be other countries. If you would like to enrich this week with creating a video on how to make a cultural dessert or meal,  teach or share a tradition, send a link to a song for a cultural dance,  please let me know. It would be nice to have some enrichment from the families in our classroom. 

In addition, the week of March 14 to March 20 if you would like to share your profession with the class and create a video your help is most appreciated. Ideas for profession can be what tools you use in your work, if you wear   a uniform, what service you provide, and of course what you like best about your work. Please send out and email to me if your are interested. 

A reminder about the calendar change, March 16 there is no school due to professional development. 

Lastly, it is the season of Lent, please look to the Lenten Calendar to incorporate some prayer and acts of service to help prepare us for Easter. 

Thank you,

Michelle Cordeiro


Dear Families, 

We had a nice return to school in the classroom. We made 100 days in school! Then were able to celebrate Valentine's Day. I find God helps me with teaching the children about His love for us and the church. This week we celebrate Saint Valentine. He was a priest. He was in prison for his belief of Jesus. He did not get down and out but continued to show love to others and teach about Jesus even in  prison. He still taught about God's love for us to others and throughout the land. His letters were so much appreciated and happily anticipated that they became known as receiving a valentine. Valentines' Day is about love. The greatest love of all is God's love for each one of us.

  His love continues as we start to prepare for Easter through the season of Lent. Ash Wednesday is February 17. Please considered attending Mass. 

When we return at the end February, our letter of the week is Ll. Please send me a picture of your child with something that starts with Ll. I hope you have a great week. 

In Christ, 

Ms. Michelle Cordeiro

January 29, 2021

Dear Families, 

As you may already know,  next week is remote learning.  I will send a Monday Schedule of Activities and would like to have Google Meets on Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30. If this time, does not work with your schedule please email me. I can create a video and schedule Google Meets in the afternoon. The Google Meets are read alouds and time for the children to talk to one another. 

The Catholic Schools' Week activities are postponed for now. Our activities will be read alouds, handwriting letters, play dough math, and Let's Find Out. I sent home the children with the Let's Find Out magazine, name handwriting sheet, more paper for handwriting letter review, and a Math Activity for Winter Weather Lost and Found. I will be sending videos or incorporating them with the Google Meets.  These activities  are not mandatory to complete. Do what you can or want to complete. However, I do think that these activities help to continue the progress your child has already accomplished. 

Thank you all for your support. Thank you for making time to meet with me these past two weeks. I enjoy talking to you about your child's progress. If you have any questions please email me, I will be checking my email more over the weekend. 

Thank you, 

Michelle Cordeiro

January 22, 2020

Dear Families, 

Next week the letter of the week is Jj. Please send me a picture of your child with something that starts with Jj. We will be decorating our door for Catholic Schools's Week. The school theme is Disciples of Jesus and our school theme song is Jason Grey's Glow in the Dark. I invite you to look up this song. It is inspirational. It is surely a bright light in our times. I believe the children will enjoy some lively movement to its up beat rhythm. 

Also, we will be dancing to an old patriotic song, This Land is Your Land to celebrate on Red, White, and Blue Day during Catholic Schools' Week starting January 31 through February 5. Please read carefully, the Weekly Friday News Email from Mrs. Russo. In it  you will find information regarding this up coming week's events. 

Thank you, for making time to meet with me. I am grateful for the talks I have had with all you thus far and looking forward to the upcoming Parent meetings next week. 

I hope you have a great weekend, 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro 

January 15, 2021

Dear Families,

 I am very grateful to my friend and colleague, Melissa Maldonado, that cared for  the children and facilitated the children's lessons this week in my absence. 

I am bless and so are the children to have a caring school family. I have posted the pictures that Mrs. Maldonado took of the children engaged in this week's activities. You can look at them on the Weekly Photo page. The children built their own houses for letter Hh. They demonstrated their learning of pairs by coloring patterns and designs on a pair of mittens.They had a great week with her. I am very happy I could end the week with them on Pajama Day! 

Lastly, I will be sending out an email in regard to Parent and Teacher Meeting schedule. I look forward to talking to you about your child's progress. I am setting up appointment times for Tuesday, January 19,from 3:30 to 4:30 and Wednesday, January 20, from 3:30 to 4:30.   The meetings will be 10-15 minutes. 

Thank you all for your support, 

Michelle Cordeiro 

November 20, 2020

Dear Families, 

Thank you again for your support with our Mickey Mouse celebration. We had a nice day. The children seemed happy and engaged in the activities that were planned for the day. 

Last week, the Original Artwork Flyer went home. It is the information about making gifts from a piece of your child’s artwork. The children’s watercolor artwork home went home this week. I have sent an email with the attached flyer about how to purchase gifts with your child’s artwork. You will need the watercolor art that was sent home. You take a picture of the artwork and then follow the instructions on the flyer to have the gift made with your child's art.  If you have any issues please email me.   

Next week we have two days in school to learn a little more about the first Thanksgiving and the upcoming season of Advent. We will not have the letter of the week. 

Thank you to the administration here at Saint Francis Xavier and you, our families, that support extending Thanksgiving break to include Wednesday, November 25. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 

In Christ, 

Ms Cordeiro

November 13, 2020

Dear Families, 

We had a nice week! We could not of had better weather, especially the first part of the week. The children and I did enjoy the weather and have spent extra time outdoors. While we still can, I like to take them outdoors to have snack out near Our Lady of Fatima Statue. 

Next week, God willing we will reach 50 days in school! Our 50th day falls on Wednesday, November 18, which happens to be Mickey Mouse's Birthday. Miss Dandurand and I thought it would be nice to have a little of Disney fun in each of our classrooms.  The children can wear a Mickey Mouse T-shirt or other Disney character T-shirt. We have a simple craft activity planned, number game, and are making a Mickey Mouse snack. 

The snack is made from individually wrapped Oreo Cookies and a few of the mini Oreo cookies poured into a cup. These ingredients will be given to each student on their own wax paper place mat. Then each child will created their own Mickey Mouse treat with guided directions from me. 

The letter of the week is Dd. Please send in a picture of your child with something that starts with Dd. Your child can draw a picture of something that starts with Dd as well. Please send in Show and Tell pictures by Wednesday, November 18. 

Thank you and I hope you have a great weekend.  

November 6, 2020

Dear Families, 

Thank you for all your support. I am very grateful for Mrs. Maldonado and Mrs. Russo’s help in my absence last week. The children did not skip a beat due to their help. 

Next week, there is no school on Wednesday, November 11, due to Veteran’s Day. In honor of Veteran’s Day I would like to honor family members that served in our Armed Forces. Please send me a picture of a family member that has served in either the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, National Guard. Please send it to me by Wednesday, November 11. I will make a simple Google Slide to honor them for Friday. 

This past week, the weather on some days was more like Winter than Autumn. Yes, it was great to see the children in their winter coats and hats. I am teaching them to put their mittens in their hat and the hat in the sleeve of their coat. This helps with keeping everyone’s belongings together. 

Please dress your child in layers for the upcoming cold weather months. I will be keeping two windows open in the classroom, during these months. 

Please check your child’s backpack before they leave for school. Recently, there have been more toys brought from home. Yes, it is okay if your child brings a rest time, lovey, but please put in a gallon size Ziploc bag.

Finally, I want you all to know that the children were excellent at Mass this Thursday! 

Thank you, 

Ms. Cordeiro

October 23, 2020

Dear Families,  

I know I say it every week but we have had a busy week! The children enjoy Choice Time in their day. It is right after Arrival,which includes unpacking, and Prayer. Once they finish Morning Work, the children can go to Choice Time. It is when they can choose where and what they want to play. We have had many extraordinary structures built in the Block Center. There is much going on with Babies. They are being dressed and taken to the doctors. Yes, the children have designed a car using the children’s table and chairs. Then they put the babies in the car seats and put them in the back seat. Yes, this is done with their own initiative. Of course, we have had many that want painting too. 

Thank you to the Families I met with this week at the Zoom meetings. I am very happy I had the chance to catch up with you all. I am looking forward to next week’s Zoom meetings. I will send out a link to the meetings the night before. 

Next week is a festive week. On Thursday, October 29, It is Can I Dress Down Day? This is when the children bring in a canned good for Saint Vincent de Paul food drive. Yes, the children can dress in orange, purple, black and green if they bring in a canned good. On Friday, October 30, Saint Francis Xavier School's tradition is to dress as a saint. Please have your child dress up as a saint. We will parade in the morning. 

Catholic Icing is a website that has awesome and easy ideas for saint costumes. Please take a look at this web site. It will help you very much to help your child participate in the morning event. In the afternoon, we will celebrate Halloween with some very simple dance party ideas and counting activities. The children can wear comfortable clothes under their Saint Costumes.  Then they can move and groove to some dance music! 

Since we are not at school for Halloween. The children can send me a picture of themselves in their Halloween costume for Show and Tell. Mrs. Plante shared this idea with me and I think it is awesome! 

Thank you I hope you have a great weekend 

Michelle Cordeiro

Friday, October 16, 2020

Dear Families, 

Today the children went home with their Friday Folders. In it is the information for about Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough Fundraiser. Please read the blue information sheet regarding important information on submitting payment and dates to submit sales. Thank you very much for your support. 

This weekend I will be submitting the Scholastic Book orders. If you wanted to purchase books, please put in order online at the Scholastic Book Club. Our classroom, code is H392H.

I would like to set up a Zoom meeting with all you to talk about any concerns or questions you may have about your child. The dates I will start these meetings are Tuesday, October 20,  Wednesday, October 21, Monday, October 26 , Tuesday, October 27, and Wednesday, October 28. I only have two time slots for each day. The times are 3:30 and 3:50. Please send me an email and give me your first and second best date and time to have this meeting. Also,please let me know if these dates or times do not work for your schedule via email. I will contact you to see if there is another more suitable time for you. 

Lastly, in today's all school email there is information regarding our traditional celebration of All Saints' Day on October 30. This day we dress like one of our favorite saints or a saint we have learned about or can understand. We have been talking a little about Our Blessed Mother, Mary, and her appearance in Fatima to the three children, Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco. Our children can choose to dress up as one of these saints. Traditionally, I have asked parents to look up a saint with their child and help them learn about he or she. Catholic Icing is a website that has great information and ideas to help your child learn and participate in this joyous and memorable celebration. Please take some time to go there to learn about some of her ideas.   


Friday, October 9, 2020

Dear Families, 

I am very happy that we are able to be in school to Columbus Day weekend! We have been in school for 5 weeks, Yes!  Please keep this intention in your prayers for healing for those suffering with COVID 19 and its end or immunization shot. Then we can remain in school. I am sure you all have this intention in your prayers. 

This week the children are bringing home their Friday Folders with their school pictures. They came out very cute. I am sending home the children's change of clothes because  the clothing needs to be updated for colder weather. 

Please take a look at the Weekly Wrap Up on our menu. It will tell you about some of the activities we did this week. 

Next the letter of the week is Aa. Please send in a picture of your child with something that starts with Aa by Wednesday, October 14.  

Friday, October 2, 2020

We are starting our first Fund Raiser this Friday. The information is in your child's Friday Folder. 

Next week we will start the letter of the week. It is Mm for Mary. We have been speaking of our Blessed Mother, Mary in the classroom. So it is a good connection for the children. Show and Tell on Friday for letter Mm. Please take picture of your child with something that starts with Mm and send to me via email by Wednesday, October 7. 

Please click on the menu bar and click on Weekly Wrap-up to learn more about our activities this week. 

I hope you have a nice weekend. 

Ms. Cordeiro


June 3, 2022

It was an eventful week with holding the chicks,making zig-zag designs for letter Zz, practicing for the End of the Year Celebration, and the finale is the revealing of Mrs. Douglss' expecting new addition to her family in October! Please click on the Weekly Wrap-up for more details of this past week and the Douglass Baby Revealing. 

Next week, our  final week for the year 2021- 2022  there are more activities and fun days planned. Monday, we will be talking about Summer Fun, Tuesday, June 7, we are walking to Pope Park and having Acushnet Creamery Ice Cream with our Church Buddies, Wednesday we are celebrating all our Summer Birthdays! Our final day is Thursday, June 9 with our End of the Year Celebration at 9 am .  I mistakenly sent out an email stating what to wear and bring on the trip to Pope Park. It was dated for June 9. NOPE! that was for Tuesdays trip! I have sent you a corrected dated email. 

You are welcome to attend the End of the Year Celebration at 9am. 

May 27, 2022

We had a wonderful Around the World Week! Please click on the Weekly Wrap Up for a more detailed information of our week. 

Children are enjoying to hold the chicks. We have named only one of them. It is our first born, a black chick with a priest collar. We named it Bentley at first and then I noticed the white collar and now am thinking possibly Father Bentley or Sister Bentley. We will not know whether it is a hen or rooster for a few more weeks. 

Next week we hope to be able to take the chicks outside to have our friends hold them in the other preschool rooms.  This week's weather was too chilly. It is very nice for the chicks to get outdoors as well.  Our letter of the week is Zz! Please help your child find, make, or draw something that starts with Zz for Show and Tell. Thursday, June 2, the half -day and younger four year olds present their letter Zz item. Then on Friday, June 3, our full-day friends will present their letter Zz item.

I hope to get more pictures downloaded and up of the children holding the chicks and of  them participating in the other activities  on the Classroom Photo page soon! 

We  hope you have a great weekend!

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs Douglass 

May 16, 2022

Dear Families, 

Sorry about this delay on our weekly update.  The  letter of the week is Yy. Please help your child find, make or draw something that starts with Yy for Show and Tell. Due to the All School Easter  Celebration on Friday, May 20  and the  half -day dismissal for the whole school, we will have Show and Tell  on Wednesday, May 18  for our half-day friends and our younger four year olds. Then on Thursday, May 19 the full day friends will present their Show and Tell for letter Yy.

A reminder to families, this Friday,  is a half- day dismissal at 11:00. We do have Extended  Care till 3:00 pm. If your child is staying for Extended Care, school lunch will be offered. Please give me a heads up if you plan on your child staying for Extended Care. 

Our chickens are due to hatch at the end of the week or  weekend! That is pretty fitting that we are having our school Easter Celebration on Friday, May 20, as well. The chicks are busting out just like Jesus did from the tomb! Alleluia! Jesus is Risen! 

Next week, the week of May 22, we will be exploring the world with Ms Dandurand and Mrs. Duff’s class. We will explore some countries, France, Portugal, China, Mexico, and Italy. Ms. Dandurand and I are planning some activities for the children, a snack of nachos and salsa on Thursday, May 26,  and plan to have pizza delivered for lunch on Italy's Day, which is Friday, May 27. 

On Friday, May 27,  half- day friends and young three year olds  are welcome to stay the full- day or you can decide if you will dismiss them after lunch. Our lunch will end at 12:15. Please let me know if your half-day friend or young four year old will stay for the pizza and if they will be dismissed at the normal 2:00 dismissal or if you will dismiss them at an earlier time. There will be a notice going home regarding the cost for pizza per child. It will be $ 3.00 per child. We are ordering 6 large cheese pizzas to split between  both preschools.  Please let me know if you're interested in donating juice boxes for our class via email.  

We have a very eventful week for Around the World Week. Also on Thursday, May26, is Ascension Thursday .  We will attend Mass at 10 am with the school family and our Church Buddies. 

We end Around the World Week with each child dressing up in the colors of the country they are representing. Similar to Show and Tell but not presenting a  letter. Your child will present  a country of his or her choice.   They can  dress in the colors of the country’s flag and bring in something about the country as well. There will be a Questionnaire going home for you and your child to complete about the  country of their choice. 

Please keep in your prayers the chick’s successful hatching! If you have any questions or concerns regarding our upcoming events,  please email me. 

Thank you for your support, 

Ms Cordeiro 

May 6, 2022

Happy Mother's Day to all our Mom's and Grandmother's! 

Thank you so much to all of you! Your kind and generous gift and video did make me cry. It is very overwhelming and humbling to receive these gifts because I truly love teaching your children. They make me joyful and work really hard to be my best. I am very thankful to have them in my daily life ( practically!  10 months of the year and 5 days a week). I enjoy teaching young children. I am blessed beyond measure!  I can't believe we are almost closing this school year! 

Next week, our letter of the week is Xx. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, May 12, for our younger fours, Evelyn, Freya, Jacob, and Eli, and our half- day friends, Brett, Clara, Madison, Philip, and Christian. Again, on Friday, May 13,  we have Show and Tell for full day friends. 

Thank you all so much for your thoughtful gifts, and for your support with raising funds for the 8th grade class and Our Lady's Haven. 

Ms. Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

April 28, 2022

Dear Families, 

It has been a good return back to our routine. It was nice to have the time off but we are all happy and working hard in our classroom.  The children worked hard on our first floor bulletin board. It is beautiful. We had some team effort with Mrs. DeMastro, our Art Teacher,  to implement this craft activity.  They will be going home with their art when it is time to for us to take it down. I will post a picture of the board on our Classroom Photos menu. I cannot believe we are in May next week! 

We have many birthdays in May. I will be sending the Families of the children with May birthdays an email regarding if they want to celebrate at school with a special snack. Also,next week our letter of the week is Ww. We have Show and Tell on Thursday , May 5, for our young four year olds and half day friends. Then Friday, May 6, Show and Tell for our full-day friends. Yes, we have started our chicken hatching project today, Friday, April 29. The children will help keep the eggs rotated each day. Their will be a small group of children that will turn the eggs as the mother hen does when they are in the nest. There will be some other learning activities as we embark on this life science adventure! 

Finally we have the 8th grade fundraiser for the children to be able to purchase an Easter Egg for $ 1.00 to help raise fund for their Graduation Expenses. The children can buy 2 eggs total for the fundraiser. Also, Friday, May 6, is Kindergarten Screening for those children that are registered for the Fall Program. Please see that your child is well rest and has their water bottle to be able to be his or her best! 

I hope you all  have a great weekend! 

Ms Cordeiro

April 14, 2022

Happy, Holy Easter! 

We hope you have a healthy, happy, Easter! We had many absences these past two weeks due to colds and flu. We hope that having these sicknesses now will allow all of you to have a healthy, happy, and safe Easter and vacation week. May this beautiful weather continue to our vacation week! When we return on April 25 our letter of the week is Uu. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, April 28, for our young four year olds, Eli, Jacob, Freya and Evelyn and for our half-day friends, Christian, Brett, Philip, Madison, and Clara. Then again on Friday, we have Show and Tell for our full-day friends. We are looking forward to celebrating the 50 days of Easter with our class upon our return to school! Please take a look at our Weekly Photo page and weekly Wrap up page on our webpage. 

April 8, 2022

Dear Families, 

We had a great week learning about the letter Tt, watching the rye grass grow in our Parent Easter Gift, creating the ornaments for it , so excited about the sunflower seeds sprouting too! We learned about our Lord, Jesus, and His Passion through continuing our prayer of the Sorrowful Mysteries, and reading some children stories such as books, The Easter Story by Kim Mitzo Thompson, The Donkey that Know One Could Ride by Anthony DeStefano and Little Colt's Palm Sunday by Michelle Medlock Adams. The last two stories are about Palm Sunday. Mrs. Vigeant works in our classroom on Wednesdays after gym and read to us The Donkey that Know One Could Ride, and Father Ryan kindly visited us on Friday afternoon, to read the children the book, Little Colt's Palm Sunday. We had an added treat to this reading with Miss Dandurand and Mrs. Duff 's class joining us for the reading.  We are all  very thankful for their presence in our classroom. Our planting projects help the children to understand about the new life that Jesus gives us in His Resurrection. 

Thank you all for your support with sending in empty milk jug containers. Please send in an empty milk jug for your child by Monday, April 10, if you have not sent one in. I do have two at home that I can bring in but we still need 4 more jugs. Next week, we will be making them into Easter Baskets. There is no letter of the week. We will be learning more about Holy Week and getting ready for Easter. We will pray the Glorious Mysteries as well.  Reminder there is no school Friday, April 15 due to Good Friday. 

We hope you have a safe and happy weekend. 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs Douglass

April 1, 2022

Dear Famlilies,

We had another busy, fun week and it ended with a visit from Father Ryan. He came in to read us a story, The Night Before Easter. It is a entertaining story of the true meaning of Easter, Jesus' Resurrection. We planted the rye grass for our Parent Easter Gift and started to create the Easter Adornments for this gift. Next week our letter of the week is Tt. I will send out reminders of your child's day for Show and Tell. Our system to help support the children during Show and Tell is to have the younger  four year olds and half -day friends on Thursday and full - day friends on Friday. Thank you to the families that have had their child bring in a cleaned, gallon, milk jug for the children to create an Easter Basket. If you have not sent one in yet for your child, please have them in by Friday, April 8. Thank you all for your participation in the ItinaRead.  The children really enjoyed this time with their grown up  reading. 

 We hope you all have a safe, and joyful weekend. 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass 

Mar 25, 2022

Dear Families, 

I cannot believe that we are already closing in on the end of March. Next week we are continuing the letter of the week with letter Ss. We will  have Show and Tell on Thursday and Friday. Also, we will be  starting our Spring growing of grass for our Parent Easter  Baskets. We will continue our Lenten practice of praying a decade a day.This week we prayed the Luminous Mysteries. The children are knowing how to pray the rosary and are learning each prayer that is prayed in a rosary, Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be. We started the beginning of learning about the Moon this week and hope to continue this thread of learning during the next few weeks as well. 

Next week, for our Lenten Practice of prayer, we will pray a  decade a day and we will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries. The  children will make a cross to adorn the Parent Easter Basket. The letter of the week is Ss. The children will present on Thursday, March 31 and Friday, April 1. 

Finally, please send in a cleaned milk gallon jug by Apr 5, 2022. These jugs the children will create a Bunny Easter Basket. The baskets will remain in the classroom over April Vacation. Then when we return to school the children will see that there will be Easter Treats for them! 

Upcoming end of the year dates are as followed; 

If you have registered your child for the Kindergarten 2022 -2023 school year at  Saint Francis Xavier the Kindergarten screening is  on May 6, 2022. There will be more information going home in April.


No school on Friday, April 15,  due to Good Friday.

Friday, May 20 is a half -day dismissal 

Last Day of School is June 9 with a half -day dismissal. There will be more information on this day. It is a celebration with a walking field trip to Pope Park. 

Thank you for all your support, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

March 18, 2022

Dear Families, 

We ended our week with two festivities, Saint Patrick's Day and Saint Joseph's Feast. We celebrated with craft activities, learning about rhythm with some Irish Jig Songs, and watching the movie, The Star, with popcorn! We ended the morning enjoying outdoor play with Miss Dandurand's class too. We  had beautiful Spring Weather! 

Next week we start our week with Spring Picture Day, on Monday, March 21.  The children can wear their Sunday Best for these pictures. Full- day friends, please bring a change of clothes. If your child does not attend on Monday and you want a Spring Picture please let me know. I will check in the mean time about your child attending for the morning session.  The letter of the week is Rr. Show and Tell will be on Thursday for our young 4 year olds and half day friends on Friday Show and Tell is for the full-day friends. 

We hope you have a great weekend.

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass 

Another important week is complete with the children. This week the children worked one to one with Mrs. Douglass and I on the semi- formal assessments.  It is encouraging for the children to work with us. We are able to give them positive feedback on their learning. Also, it is encouraging for us to see how much the children have grown. 

The highlight of our week was the visit to Saint Francis Xavier Church.It felt great to walk with your well- behaved children to our church. They enjoyed every aspect and were thrilled to see the construction going on Main Street. As we approached the church,  Father Ryan welcomed us and took time to walk the children through the church and explain some statues, stained glass windows, the altar, and the Baptismal Font. If you have pictures of your child’s Baptism please send them in next week with your child. I will return them. It is important to take this opportunity in their learning and build upon it . They will learn more about the sacrament of Baptism in the weeks ahead. 

 Next week, we will have the letter Qq for the letter of the week. Show and Tell will take place on both Thursday and Friday. I will send you an email Wednesday to let you know what day your child will present. All the half day friends and young 4 years old will present on Thursday. On Friday the  full- day friends  will present. I will send you an email on Wednesday to confirm your child’s day. 

Also on Friday, March 18, we will watch the movie, The Star. It corresponds with the Joyful Mysteries we prayed this past week, our Nativity Project, and Saint Joseph[s Feast Day on Saturday, March 19. 

We did well with The Itin Read-a-thon this week.  We scored a total of 245 minutes of reading.  I know that not all of the children went home with the blue recording sheet. I have put the rest of the recording sheets in the children’s folders to have for next week. This is a great opportunity to put some time aside for some quiet one on one time with the children. Please send in the recording sheets at the end of the week. This day is on Thursdays for the young 4 years old that come only a few days out of the week and it is Friday for the older 4 years olds. 

Thank you for sending your child with boots and a pair of easy slip on shoes or crocs. The playground will be muddy. We are not out of the mud season yet. I hope you all have a safe and joyful weekend. 

God Bless you and your family, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass


March 4, 2022

Dear Families, 

We had a nice return to school. We are happy to share in our journey of this Lenten Season with your children. They were all very well behaved at the Ash Wednesday Prayer Service. This week we have worked on a couple of Lenten activities to help the children understand this Liturgical Season. 

Next week there is no letter of the week. We will continue with semi- formal assessments and learning about Lent. On Tuesday, March 8, if the weather cooperates we will visit the church.  If not, Father Ryan gave us Thursday for a rain date. Friday, Mar 11, 2022 is no school due to a Professional Development Day. 

Thank you for sending your child's boots. Please continue to send them to school. The preschool playground is very muddy. 

We hope you have a restful and joyful weekend. 

Ms Corderio and Mrs Douglass


February 28, 2022

Welcome Back! 

Dear Families, 

So good to back with your children. Mrs. Douglass and I heard about your family time together over our much needed winter break. We are rested and ready start again. These next two weeks there will be no letter of the week. We are focusing on the Lenten Season. This Liturgical Season brings us to the greatest celebration of our Catholic Faith, Easter, Jesus' Resurrection. 

Today the children went home with a song about the three aspects of the season, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We will be praying a decade of the rosary each day. We will pray it in the morning on some days and other days in the afternoon. As far as fasting goes, I talked to the children that we might have many treats or candy during Lent. That is why we receive candy at Easter. More importantly, we try to help each other and share more during Lent. Almsgiving is the same, helping, and sharing with one another. As you know, we have a Kindness Jar in the classroom this will be used as well adding flowers to a display in the back of the classroom. 

In addition, to learning  the Lenten Song  the children will be bringing home a Lenten Map. We will be coloring each day of Lent the color purple. You will see Sundays are yellow because we remember Easter Sunday. My hope for this school to home connection will bring more meaning to this season of Lent. 

It is neat how Lent is set between the end of winter and leads us into Spring. We will continue our study of weather with each day as well. Spring we start to see new life and Jesus' Resurrection bring us Eternal Life. There is a God Wink at us, eh? 

Finally, the end of March the children's progress reports will be sent home. We will be having semi- formal assessments with the children in the first 2 weeks of March. As stated earlier, these are important and we use these and our daily observations of your child's progress at school. 

Thank you for all your support, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

February 11, 2022

We have our 100th day of school on Monday, February 14 which is Valentine's Day. We will celebrate both events with some 100 days in school activities and some Valentine's Day activities. These activities will continue to Tuesday, February 12, because we have friends that start their week on Tuesdays. On both days, thIne children can dress in red, pink, purple, and white. They can bring Valentines for their classmates, too. I have sent out an email with all of our children's names.  Please let me know if you still need the list. Also, on Monday, Grade 8 has a fund raiser with a Guessing Jar. The children can guess how many treats are in the jar for $1.00 per guess. Tuesday is extra special due to our class earning their bonus prize for reaching our class goal of earning $ 80.00 per student per lap for the Boosterthon. The children stated they would like to visit our church, Saint Francis Xavier Church, here in Acushnet. 

I reached out to our pastor, Father Ryan Healy, and he is pleased to hear that we want to visit. He will be there at the church to talk to us about the different aspects inside the church such as the altar, the statues of saints that adorn our church, holy water, Baptismal Fount and much more. Then he will lead us in a short time of prayer. Futhermore ,for the  approval of our visit, I reached out to Mrs. Russo, our principal. She is in agreement and will help Mrs. Douglass and I chaperone this walking field trip. It will take place next Tuesday, February 15, weather permitting. Please have your child wear their winter coat, hat, mittens, and a scarf if needed. 

Mrs. Russo and I have successfully completed this walk many times with young children and Mrs. Douglass has several years of working with young children. We will leave approximately at 9:10 to arrive at the church after 9am Mass ends. Our visit will be approximately 30 minutes long and then will walk back to the school. 

We will arrive back at the school approximately at 10: 30 and we will warm up with some hot chocolate. Then the  children will have some time to talk about what they liked about our visit to Jesus'  house. 

Today the children enjoyed a visit to our Grotto where there is an image of Our Lady of Lourdes , our Blessed Mother, Mary, that appeared to Bernadette Soubirous ,now known as Saint Bernadette.  Our Lady of Lourdes Feast day is February 11. Today was a gorgeous day to take advantage of this feast day, enjoy the outdoors,  and our beautiful campus, and  pray one decade of the rosary there.  The children are learning through  our daily prayers about intention and thanksgiving prayers. Most of the children stated intentions and praises to God for the blessings He has bestowed on us. 

Mrs. Douglass and I know we are blessed to able to share our love and faith in God with your children and the children of our school. Thank you for sharing them with us. 

Lastly, our letter of the week is V for Valentine. We will have Show and Tell. Please help  your child find, make, or draw something that starts with Vv.  Your child will present on either Thursday, February 17 or Friday, February 18.  I will send out an email to you to remind you on Wednesday, February 16. 

I hope you have a great weekend. This weather is suppose to continue this weekend! If you have any questions or concerns please email me. I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

February 4, 2022

Thank you all so much for all your support! Our class reached a little over our goal of $ 80.00 per student! Thank you! The children had a great time running and walking in the Fun Run this morning! 

Whew! We had a great busy week! It was a lot of activity with outdoor play in the snow, movement songs with Mrs. Douglass, Parading to each classroom bringing joy by singing and marching to Patriotic Songs,  learning a little about the letter Nn, and  a USA Heart craft activity! 

Looking forward to Open House on Sunday, February 6 from 12 to 2pm. Please send in your registration for next year. 

Next week the letter of the week is Oo. Please help your child find, make, or draw something that starts with Oo for either Thursday, February 10 or Friday, February 11. I will send you an email reminder of the day your child presents.  We will learn a little about two saints this week, Saint Josephine Bakhita on Tuesday, February 8 and Saint Bernadette on Friday, February 11.  It is our friend, Brett's, 5 years old birthday on February 8. Happy Birthday Brett! 

Lastly, please send in an empty cereal box. We will be making Valentine Card holders with them. Also, with all this precipitation, please send in a pair of hard sole slip on shoes along with your child's boots. The boots are for the playground. The hard sole slip on shoes are to change into for the classroom. It helps to keep your child safe and keep the floors from getting too dirty. 

Thank you all for your support. 

In Christ, 

Ms. Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass 

Jan 28, 2022

Dear Families, 

Thank you for your unending support! I am very appreciative of you all with sending in disinfectant wipes, supporting the school’s Boosterthon Fundraiser, and having your child dressed in our Patriotic Colors on Thursday to video them singing This Land is Your Land. It has been a great exciting week. We have more fun planned for next week. 

Our letter of the week is Nn. I will send you an email regarding what day your child will present his or her Show and Tell. It will either be on Thursday or Friday. We kick off Catholic Schools’ Week on Monday, January 31, with Holy Mass at the school. First period of the day at 8:15. Please provide your child with a mask.  Due to the winter storm this weekend Open House is postponed to Sunday, February 6 at 12 and ends at 2pm. Please let your family and friends know about our Open House if they want to send their child to an amazing Catholic School. Next week, we have many festivities planned and special dress down days each day of the week. There was a calendar of the week’s events sent home in last Thursday’s yellow folder. I have provided you with the  theme for each of these dress down days. 

Monday  Holy Mass please have your child bring a mask to school. Olympic Colors! The children can wear Olympic colors to school. They are Blue, Yellow, Black, Green, and Red

Tuesday Crazy Hat and or Hair Day! The children can wear jeans with a Saint Francis Xavier shirt. 

Wednesday- Team USA- The children wear red, white, and blue. Please have your child wear a mask to school. 

Thursday - Wear your favorite team gear! 

Friday- The Boosterthon! We are running in the morning. Our class color is Red. Please have your child wear a red T-shirt over a long sleeve shirt. 

Lastly, our class has met the 20.00 mark for class participation. We earned a popcorn party for Monday! 

Thank you for all your participation in our class. 

Enjoy the snow! Please have your child bring their snow gear Monday. If your child stays the full- day please have them bring a pair of velcro sneakers or crocs, as well. 

God Bless you all and stay safe! 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass


January 21, 2022

Dear Families, 

Thank you all for making the time for conferences. I enjoyed talking with all of you regarding your child’s progress. The children are growing strong! Thanks be to God and your parenting! 

This week we delved into Winter a bit with making snow dough, learning about snowflakes and talking about the meaning of  pairs. We read the book, One, Two, One Pair!  By Bruce McMillan. Then colored a pair of mittens. They are beautiful. They are displayed in the hallway of our school. We read the book, Snowflake Bentely  by Jacqueline Briggs. In the book we see, there are six sides to a snowflake and they are all different. The children were able to reinforce what they know about the kinds of shapes and use them to make their own snowflakes. Then they counted how many shapes they used to make their snowflake.  

Next week, the letter of the week is Ll. We will have Show and Tell on Thursday and Friday. I will send you an email the day before  on what day your child will present. Also, the preschoolers are preparing for Catholic Schools’ Week. It starts on January 31 to February 4. We host Red, White and Blue Day to honor our country and those in active Military Service and our  Veterans. If you or another family member is either in active Military Service or a Veteran please send Mrs. Plante a picture of you or your family member. Please state the name and service. Mrs. Plante’s email is

Every year she creates a beautiful slide show to honor our Military. Those that “Stand Beside Her” and those that protect us.  Our students honor our country by learning patriotic songs. Our class is learning God Bless America and This Land is Your Land.  I will video record our  class  singing and performing American Sign Language(ASL ) of This Land is Your Land. We are blessed to have Mrs. Douglass, who knows (ALS)  and will be teaching the children ( ASL ) of these two songs.  There are many special days during Catholic Schools’ Week so keep your eyes out for the School Email which will state the week’s schedule. 

Our classroom is in need of disinfectant wipes. I have counted and we have enough for the next two weeks. There are approximately 16 more weeks of school. If each family could buy one large container of disinfectant wipes we will have enough to last the rest of the year. Your help is appreciated and needed. We use them to wipe our tables, chair backs, and all high touch areas of the classroom. Lastly, if full- day friends could bring in a pair of crocs or  hard sole slippers, to use in the classroom after outdoor play, it is greatly appreciated. Winter and Spring bring lots of wet weather which creates a lot of mud. These easy slip-on shoes are well suited to work in the classroom and can be worn outdoors in the event we need to leave the classroom quickly.  

Thank you for your participation in the National Honors Society fundraiser today. Your support is greatly appreciated. I hope you all have a safe and joyful weekend. 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass


January 10, 2022

We had a successful return to school this past week. I hope you all enjoyed the snow day. We can have Show and Tell for the children that could not present on Friday due to the Snow Day . They can bring in something to present the letter Ii on Tuesday. I will send out an email to these families. 

This week is Vocation/Career Week. We have some informative presentations from some of our families. Here is a list of our presentations. 

The Berube Family- Pharmacist

The Ciano Family- Caretaker for Dogs

The Maxwell Family- ESL Educator

Father Ryan Healey- Priesthood

The Skaar Family- Scalloper/Fisherman

Thank you all so much for taking the time out to create and schedule a presentation. This is interesting to the children and an effective method for them to learn. 

Our letter of the week is Kk for king. We will talk about how the 3 Wise Men or Kings visited Jesus. We call this the Epiphany. The days the children present are Thursday and Friday. I will send out an email to let you know what day your child presents. 

This Friday, January 14, it is Pajama Day. We are thinking about Dr. Martin Luther King 's Dream of an end to racism in our country. Our Scholastic reader, Let's Find Out, always presents age appropriate information for our preschoolers and Pre-K learners. We will learn a bit about him and his dream and how we can help to make it happen. Dr. Martin Luther King loved God and His law, to love others as yourself. He knew we all were made in his image and likeness. Let's  plant the seeds of love for one another in our children with Dr. Martin Luther King's dream of peace. 

Lastly, thank you for signing up for the Parent-Teacher conferences. This past week I have enjoyed checking in with these families and I look forward to the upcoming conferences and communicating with you via Google Meet. I will send out Google Meet links just before your scheduled time. 

I hope you have a safe and joyful week. 

In Christ, 

Ms Cordeiro


December 22, 2021

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Thank you all very much for your thoughtful gifts and cards. Your kind, thoughtful gifts have brought much joy to Mrs. Douglass and I. It has been very busy in the classroom. The children have worked and played hard. We were able to help the children complete their parent gifts with the help of Mrs. Vigeant. Her presence in our classroom has  been loving and helpful to all. Thank you Mrs. Vigeant. 

When we return we will be on the letter J for Jesus! We will have Show and Tell on Thursday, January 7, and Friday, January 8. I will email you your child's day   to present his or her Show and Tell.

Please scroll to December 10 Announcement below and then scroll down to see the confirmed Parent - Teacher Conferences. If you have not yet sent me two dates and times that work for your schedule, please send to me. Then I can confirm your date and time with you via email. We will be set to return to our New Year. 

Mrs. Douglass and I pray you all  have a joyful, and safe, Christmas Break. We are looking forward to spending time with our families too. Then we all can be refreshed to start the New Year of 2022. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

December 17, 2021

Dear Families, 

The children had a very busy week with all our gift and mural making, learning about the letter Ii, and of course continued learning of cooperating and working together as a class family. I do have only a few pictures this week from the children working on creating our Sledding Hill for our mural. 

Next week,  we will not have letter of the week. We will be finishing up our Christmas projects. We will continue with the letter Ii with having Ii available at the easels for painting. We will make some crystals as well. 

This Thursday in the yellow folder and also this Friday in the yellow folder I sent a hard copy of the upcoming  January Parent- Teacher Conferences. Please take a look at the schedule. Then write in two dates and times that work for you. I will confirm your date and time via email. If there is not a date or time that works for your schedule, please let me know via email or write it on the hard copy of the schedule. Then return to the yellow folder for your child to bring here for me.  Then I will contact you and we can set up a date and time that works best for both of us. 

In addition to Parent -Teacher conferences in last week's Announcement it stated we will be having Career Week January 10 to the 14. This is a nice week, for home to school connections. Please let me know if you can share your time and talent with our class by telling them about your Career. The Ciano Family have offered to either Google Meet or create a short video about Mrs. Ciano's work with dogs. Thank you very much Mrs. Ciano. I am hopeful we may have at least two more volunteers to enrich our children.  

Finally, the children worked very to create a joyful sledding scene for our classroom window. I am hoping that you can stop by the school this Sunday, December 19 at 4pm for the Holiday Stroll. We will be offering hot chocolate, some light displays, a tree lighting at 5 and then the children at the school will sing Christmas Carols. The preschoolers will start the Christmas Carols after the tree lighting. I hope to see you all there! 

I hope you all have a joyful weekend. Remember this week's virtue for Advent is Love. We contemplate on God's Great Love Us to send His Son, Jesus. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms Cordeiro

Announcement for December 10, 2021

Dear Families, 

The children were so well behaved at Mass this week. It was beautiful to see them listen to Father and the prayers during Mass. You all would have been so pleased with them. I know Mrs. Douglass and I were very proud of them. 

Thank you for your support in having the children bring in their snow pants and boots. It made for a special time of outdoor play. 

Next week the letter of the week is Ii for icicles! We will start work to create our Christmas Mural as well. It is to be displayed on Sunday, December 19 at the Holiday Stroll,which starts at 4 and ends at 6pm.  There will be some festive light displays, hot chocolate, yard games and a time for the preschoolers to sing one of the Carols they learned this year. There will be more information coming soon,  regarding this family event. 

In regards to celebrating Christmas, we will have some games on Wednesday, December 22. The children can bring in Christmas cards for their classmates. They can start bringing in the cards when they are available. Each of the children colored their own Christmas Stocking to hold the cards. Also, due to the COVID restrictions, we cannot have families bring in a treat for the children but the  children can bring a Party in a Bag. Information about the Party in a Bag went home  in the Friday Folder. It states what goes into the bag.  Please see that your child brings their Party in a Bag to school by Tuesday, December 21. 

Finally, January brings parent-teacher conferences and Career Week.  Below I have some dates and times available for each of you to sign up. Please let me know two days  and times that  work best for your schedule. I will confirm your date and time. If there is no date or time that works for your schedule please let me know via email.  I will then get in touch with you and we can figure out a date and time that works best for both of us.   

Career Week starts on January 10 and ends January 14. This week we look at some different types of Careers and do a small activity that pertains to the career. Please let me know if you would like to create a video about your career or visit the children via Google Meet to talk with them about your career.  You can read a book to the children and then tell them a little bit about your work. For example, last year my friend, an Equestrian Trainer, created a video for the children that viewed the farm where she works. She had someone record her training on her horse and recorded her grooming her horse. Another parent sent in a video  of being a school  counselor. It spoke about one aspect of being a  counselor is to help students decide what college they would like to attend.  

Please let me know if you can donate your time and talent to the children. I can help with researching a craft activity or game that can go along with your career. 

Lastly, we are all getting some Christmas Baking done. If you happen to have a empty cylinder salt container, please send in to me. I have 12 as of now and am hoping that, by the end of January, I may have enough for one for each of my students. I am hoping to have the children decorate and use as a drum. 

I hope you all have a joyful, safe, weekend. Try to attend Mass with your family this weekend. Saint Francis Xavier has Masses on Saturday at 4pm and Sunday at 8am and 10:30. 

In Christ, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

January 4, 2021

3:15 Cabral Family

3:30 Smith Family

3:45 Cohn

4:00 Adams

January 5, 2021

3:15 open

3:30 Berube Family 

3:45 Alves Family

4:00 Arruda

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


3:30 Jacintho Family


4:00 Duarte Family

Wednesday, January 12, 2022




4:00 Goncalves Family

Tuesday, January 18, 2022





Wednesday, January 19, 2022







November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Dear Families, 

We had a busy short week. The children enjoyed the STEM cranberry activities and learning a little of the  history about the origin of Thanksgiving Day. The children learned that cranberries can be water harvested. They "harvested" some cranberries and then took their harvest to thread the cranberries on a string. The next day we used the the dried cranberries to see if they would sink or float in different types of liquid. I have posted  some pictures of our learning from this week on the Classroom Photos page on our site. 

Today, our class received from Saint Vincent de Paul Society a Advent Family that we will be praying for during the the season of Advent .Please continue to pray for this family at home and consider to  donate a gift card for this family. The gift cards can be from the grocery store, pharmacy, and a department store like, Target and Walmart. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Please send the gift cards in an envelope labeled with your child's name. Then place in their home to school folder. We are accepting gift cards till December 10. 

Next week the letter of the week is Gg for God, Georgia, and Grayson! Please help your child find, draw, or make something that starts with the letter Gg. Show and Tell days are Thursday, December 2 and Friday, December 3. I will send an email on what day your child  brings in his or her Show and Tell item. Also, we will be learning about the season of Advent. 

We started an  introduction about Advent, this week. The children made a paper Advent Wreath to bring home. This is a home to school activity. Please hang in an area of your home that the family can see it and the children can "light" a candle each week. The Advent Wreath helps us to prepare for Jesus' Birthday. There are three candles that are purple and one pink. The first two candles bring to mind the hope and peace of knowing God, the Father, sent His son, Jesus, to save us . The third candle is pink. Its meaning is Joy. We are Joyful in knowing God sent  His son for us. The last candle is Love. We know God loves us because He gave us His son so we could have eternal life. 

 We will be learning a little bit about the season of Advent in the coming weeks.  That it is a time to prepare and think about Jesus and His birthday! 

Finally, each year I have the children make a simple ornament using Crayola Molding Clay. If there is a family that would like to donate a box of it to our classroom, it is greatly appreciated. I can ask around for a coupon as well to help with the cost. The box contains four packages. I can get 3 ornaments from each package. That is 12 children. I believe I have a couple packages in my closet that I can use for the children's ornaments as well. If you are able to donate, please email me. Thank you very much in advance to you all for your support in our endeavors to enrich your children's interest in learning. 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

In Christ, 

MS Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

November 18, 2021

Dear Families, 

Looking forward to having our STEM cranberry activities next week. Thank you to the families that donated the Crasins and fresh cranberries for these activities. There will be no letter of the week due Thanksgiving Break. 

Today the children painted a plate to make into the Mickey Mouse emblem. They had to cut two circles for the ears. This is no easy task when your three and four. However, they all have been working very hard with creating many cutting activities. Their black circles came out great! Also we enjoyed our time with our friend, Freya. 

This week, Mrs. Douglass and I have started formal assessments. These are used in addition to our daily work with your child, to help us see how your child is understanding the activities we do each day. 

Finally, this weather can change quickly to colder temperatures, please pack in your child's backpack a hat and a pair of mittens or gloves. Then the children can have them when needed.  We hope you all have a restful, joyful, and safe weekend. 

God Bless you and your families, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass


November 12, 2021

Dear Families, 

Next week the letter of the week is F for Family. The children will be making a letter F activity that has them make each person in their family.  As the holidays approach, it is a nice time to talk about our families. Also there is No School on Friday, November 19, due to Professional Development.  Thursday Show and Tell  friends can bring their Show and Tell for the letter Ff on Wednesday, November 17. Then Friday Show and Tell Friends can bring their show and tell on Thursday, November 18. We are celebrating our friend, Jacob's 4th Birthday on Thursday and Mickey Mouse's birthday too. The children can dress down in black and red, or wear a Mickey Mouse shirt or Disney character shirt to school. All the children will be able to get a prize from the prize box. We have filled up the kindness jar again! So happy for them. 

Thank you for all your support 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass


Nov 5, 2021

Dear Families, 

We  have had a nice start to November with the All Saints’ Day Celebration! Thank you to all the families that took part in having their child dressed as a Saint. Those that did not dress up still had a very special day. 

Mrs. Douglass has put in your child’s home to school folder the artwork and information about our fundraiser with Original Artwork. Please make some time to read the information and consider having your child’s art made into a gift for someone special. 

Next week our letter of the week is Ee for our friends, Evelyn and Eli, and for  elephant! We will still have Friday Friends present on Friday. The students that present on Thursday can present on Wednesday. The children that present on Wednesday are Eli, Evelyn, Freya, Jacob, Georgia, Christian, Grayson, and  Madison, 

Mrs. Douglass and I have some cranberry centers planned for Monday, November 22, and Tuesday, November 23. If you can donate a bag of fresh cranberries or Crasins please email me to let me know. Your help is greatly appreciated. 

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 

Ms. Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass 


October 29, 2021

Dear Families, 

Next week there will be no Show and Tell. We will be focusing on All Saints' Day, Jesus' Church, and the month of November. We will resume Show and Tell the following week for the letter, Ee. The children that present on Thursday can present on Wednesday, November 10. This is because we have No School on Thursday, November the 11, due to Veteran's Day. The Friday, November 12, will remain with the usual children presenting. 

Thank you for all your support in bringing candy for this Friday's Halloween Dance. It means so much to all of us. 

Reminder that Monday, November 1, is All Saints' Day. Please dress your child up as a Saint. We have talked about the Fatima Children, Jacinta, Lucia, and Francisco. Our children  can dress up as one of them. Also here is a webpage from Catholic Icing with ideas on Saint Costumes.

The children did go home on Thursday, October 28, with a prize from the prize box. We all earned a prize because we filled the Kindness Jar. To earn a jewel for the Kindness Jar the children show acts of kindness and complete the procedures in our classroom, the first time. We are working on filling up the jar again for another special event. 

Last and most important is the wonderful news that our friend, Chace, has returned back to school. He is doing very well and we are keeping him and all of our friends in our prayers. 

Praise God in all things! God Bless you and your families, 

MS Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

October 22, 2021

Dear Families,

  A big Thank You to the Acushnet Fire Department. We enjoyed their visit. We learned a lot about all the tools they use to put out a fire. We learned about the protective gear they wear and how to exit your home in the event of a fire. 

Next week the letter of week is Dd for dinosaur! Please have your child draw, make, or find something that starts with Dd. For your child’s Show and Tell day either Thursday, October 28 or Friday, October 29. I will email you a reminder email.

As the school calendar states next Friday, October 29, is a half-day dismissal at 11:30. If you need extended care it is offered up to 2pm. Your child can have school lunch as well. 

Friday, October 29, is the 8th Grade Halloween Dance. A notice was sent home on October 15. It is a fun time for all and a great way to raise funds for the 8th grade’s Graduation Festivities. Please consider to come and join in the Spooktacular Time!

Thank you, 

MS Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

October 15,2021

Dear Families, 

This four day week was busy with creating pumpkins for the festive Autumn Season and the letter Pp. The children drew a pumpkin starting with an oval shape. Then added on to each side of the oval a half circle shape. They continued to add a half circle shape to each side to build a big pumpkin.   Then they painted it mixing the colors red and yellow to make orange. These gorgeous pumpkins will adorn our hallway wall for the annual 8th Grade Halloween Celebration on Friday, October 29. Please plan to come to visit that evening. There will be more information on this event in your families'  yellow Friday Folder. 

Next week's letter is Cc. Please have your child bring in something starting with Cc on either Thursday or Friday. A reminder email will be sent to you for your child's day. Also,  Friday, October 22, we have the Acushnet Fire Station visiting. 

The Acushnet Fire Station will visit Small Wonders, PreK 3/4 and PreK 4,  between 9-9:30 to 10 . They will talk to us about fire safety. Then the children will get a chance to see up close the Fire Truck. 

Another up and coming school event is All Saints' Day, November 1. Please start thinking about and talking to your child about dressing in costume as a Saint. Visit Catholic for some good costume ideas. In the classroom, we started talking about the Saints. I am hoping it will help in deciding on a costume. 

Lastly, but definitely not least, the children helped to create a large heart to send to our friend, Chace. He is recuperating from surgery and is doing well. We miss him and want him to know we are praying for his recovery. Please continue to pray for Chace and his family at home. 

There are prayers and songs the children are learning on the prayer and songs page. Also there are some new pictures on the Classroom Pictures and an update on the Weekly Wrap-up Page. Enjoy, checking out our classroom activities. 

We hope you have a safe and happy weekend. 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

October 8, 2021

Dear Families, 

We hope you all have a wonderful, and safe weekend. Next week the letter of the week is Pp for pumpkin. Please help your child find, draw, or make something starts with Pp. Thank you to the families that met with me this past Tuesday. I have enjoyed speaking with you. I look forward to speaking to the remainder of our families on Tuesday, October 19.

The rest mats went home this Friday to be washed. Please return on Tuesday, October 12, in a reusable grocery bag. Then we can keep the rest mats from touching other friends' mats. 

There are some pictures of the children working on Our Classroom Pictures page. Please take a look. 

Thank you for all your support, 

God bless you and your families, 

Ms Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass  

October 4, 2021

Dear Families, 

This week brings us to October. Wow! That went by fast! We have been observing and talking about the changes taking place outdoors. Some children are finding leaves that have already changed their color to Autumn Colors. We have read the book, It’s Fall,  by Linda Glaser. It talks about how in Fall we rake our leaves to make piles and then jump in them. We can find acorns on the ground. Please encourage your child to find some Fall changes and bring them to school. Also in the month of October we start to talk about Jesus’ friends, the Saints. This will get us ready for our All Saints’ Day Celebration. It takes place on November 1. 

 Next week the letter of the week is Bb. Please help your child find, draw, or make something that starts with Bb. Then bring the item to school for Show and Tell on their day, which is either Thursday or Friday. I will send out emails to remind you. Thank you to the families I met with last week regarding their child’s start to the school year. I am looking forward to meeting with all of you in the upcoming weeks.  Here is the link to October's Lunch Menu. Please print out and highlight the items you would like your child to have for lunch. Then return to school in your child's home folder.

God Bless you and your family, 

Ms. Cordeiro

September 24, 2021

Dear Parents,

We had a busy week of continued learning of classroom procedures. As they are entering the classroom, they are learning to move the person with their name on it on a magnetic board from home to the other side that states at school. Then they unpack their own backpack and put their lunch box on the lunch bench and home folder in their cubby. The last step of unpacking is putting their backpack on their hook in the closet. After unpacking, they can make a choice to play with classmates by moving another person with their name it, on the choice board, to the area they want to go and play. It might not sound like much. However, it really is when you’re a preschooler. They are coming along and I can see the improvement just after 13 days of school.

This week we learned we are in the season of Fall. On Wednesday we read a book about how the seasons change throughout the year. In the big book, Changes, by Marjorie N. Allen, and Shelley Rotner, we saw how in nature the Summer’s green trees change to colorful Autumn or Fall Trees. The start of Fall begins many new and exciting projects and activities too. Next week’s letter of the week is Aa for apple. On Tuesday, September 28, starts Zoom meetings. These meetings are simply check-ins to inform you of your child’s progress. It allows for you to share any questions or concerns with me. Please let me know via email, if you are available to meet with me. I have posted the dates and times available. Please check out these dates and times and send me an email that states the date and time. I will then get back to you to confirm. If Tuesdays do not work for your schedule please let me know via email. Then we can work on scheduling a Zoom meeting on another day.

September 28, 2021

3:30  Smith Family

3:45 Adams Family  

4:00 Maxwell Family

4:15 Amaral Family

October 5, 2021

3:30 Duarte Family  

3:45 Cabral Family   

4:00 Alves Family  

4:15 Arruda Family

October 12, 2021

3:15 Pio Family

3:30 Cohn Family 

3:45 Goncalves Family

October 19, 2021

 3:15 Jacintho Family

3:30 Ciano Family

3:45 open  

Thank you for all your support,

MS Cordeiro and Mrs. Douglass

September 17, 2021


Dear Families, 

The children are learning the procedures well. We have been learning about our students in our everyday activities. Next week, we will start Show and Tell. The letter of the week is Mm for Mary. We will have  Show and Tell on two days because of the 3/4 split. I will send you an email what day your child can bring in something for the letter of the week. Also next week, we are celebrating our first birthday of one of our students. Our friend, Evelyn, celebrates her birthday on Monday, September 20. Her family offered to bring in an individually wrapped snack for each of the children.  Finally, the children are taking home their rest mats to be washed and returned next week. Please take a look at the Weekly Wrap-up page on our classroom page. Just click the menu drop bar to the right to find the page.  We hope you have a great weekend. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms. Michelle Cordeiro and Mrs. Olive Douglass

September 10, 2021


Dear Families, 

Thank you for all your support. Mrs. Douglass and I had a great first week with our class. We have enjoyed getting to meet and work them. Please continue to send in your child's water bottle each day. Please take a look at the September Lunch Calendar for next week. Then email me your child's daily menu. Then I can put the selection in each morning. I do have two families that printed out the Lunch Menu and then highlighted the lunch choice for each day. Then put the calendar in their child's folder to come back to school. I have the link to the lunch menu enclosed.

Looking forward to another great week for us next week. 

God Bless you and yours, 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro

September 3, 2021


Looking forward to our first day! 

Thank You !!! so very much for all the love and support with getting your child's belongings here for their first day and for all the wish list supplies that we will be using in our curriculum throughout our year! We are so blessed !  

Reminders for our first day on September 7. 

8:15 Late Arrival for first day. This is to eliminate the bustling experience of our whole school arrival on their already a bit nervous, first day of school. 

Pack in backpack - water bottle, snack, lunch, extended care snack ( if staying extended care) completed forms ie. immunization forms, extended care forms, emergency call information forms. 

We are a peanut and tree free school- please remember when packing snacks and lunches. 

School Supplies- change of clothes- art shirt ( if these belongs have not already been brought to school)

Notes on Lunch and Extended Care

Lunch- full--day friends please email your child's preference for lunch. You can look at the Lunch Calendar and tell me the lunch choice for the whole week. I have provided the link to the link to the September Lunch Menu.

Extended Care - Please let me know if your child is staying for extended care via email and possibly the time and who will be picking them up. Then I can relay this information to Extended Care personnel. 

Dismissal - please park in school parking lot and walk over to playground area. 

Bring your license. 

Thank you and God Bless you and yours, 

Ms. Michelle Cordeiro and Mrs. Olive Douglass

Welcome Preschool Families! 

I am so happy to start a new year with you all. I am looking forward to seeing you on September 7.  This is a late start at 8:15. This is so the preschoolers can enter the school on their first day without the other incoming student family. Please remember to have your child  bring a morning snack and a water bottle. The snack is a healthy snack that can be fruit, crackers, cheese, yogurt and with a juice box or simply the water in their water bottle. We do have school lunch available. If you want your child, to have the school lunch simply email me the night before or in the morning. Last year, I had some families that looked at the School Lunch Calendar and let me know each week, what their child would have each day of  that week. If your child is staying for extended care, please be sure to email me and let me know. All families, should complete the Extended Care form that is in the folder you received regardless if you will be using Extended Care or not. Please complete the  other forms you received as well such as the  Immunization, Emergency Contact, ie. 

Lastly, if your schedule allows please try to bring your child's supplies to school before the start of Preschool, Tuesday, September 7. There was an All School Email that went out today with the schedule for the drop offs. The days are Monday, August 30, 9:30 to 11:30 and on Tuesday, August 31 9:30 -3:30. 

I have been working on the set up of our room. It brings me joy to know soon my students will be here to enjoy this classroom. I am so please to announce as well that our classroom has a new teacher's assistant. Her name is Mrs. Olive Douglass. I am sure you have read about her in the other  All School Emails. She comes to our school family with a loving and caring attitude and a wealth of experience and education. 

I will use this classroom webpage to announce upcoming events and information about our school and classroom. Right now it is a work in progress because we have students that have various daily attendance. I am thinking as of now our first Show and Tell will be September 23 for the letter Mm. We will be speaking about Mary, Jesus' mother at the start of school. As always, if you need to contact me please email me at I will be sure to get back to you within 24 hours or less. Also, if you would rather me call you, please email me that you would like to have me call you. 

Thank you, 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro

June 4, 2021

Dear Families, 

Today was a Fantastic Friday! The children really enjoyed the Fun Run! I did too! They all did great! It was nice that it was over-cast today and not too cold. We enjoyed ice pops and celebrated our friend, Nole's, birthday! I will post some pictures later today and will send you an email when they are up on this web page. 

Next week, we will start the week thinking about our Lord, Jesus, in the Eucharist. This Sunday, is the Feast of Corpus Christi. We have the opportunity to pray before the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesday too. After we will create using construction paper in different shapes a replica of a Monstrance with the Eucharist, our Lord Jesus. 

Our last day of school is Thursday, June 10. Miss Dandurand and I have planned an active outdoor play day. Please keep nice weather in your prayers. If not, we know how to bring the show indoors. Your child went home with a document stating the dress for the day and what items to pack in your child's backpack. Dismissal is at 2:20 our last day. Our half-day friends are more than welcome to stay the full-day. 

Here is information regarding the dress and what to pack for your child for our last day of school. Dress: play clothes Backpack: hat, sunscreen, change of clothes, water shoes or old pair of sneakers. Please do not pack sandals. They can get caught on the playground equipment and cause an accident. Mask for indoor viewing of slide show, home lunch, snack, let me know if their getting school lunch, lastly water bottle. 

May 28, 2021

Next week,  Show and Tell is Thursday, June 3, for our final letter, Zz. Please have your child find, make, or draw something that starts with Zz. Then send me a picture by Wednesday, June 2. I am not having Show and Tell on Friday, June 4, because it is the Booster-thon Run. Finally, thank you to all the families that have registered their child and have sponsors for the Booster-thon. If you have not registered your child, you still can at Then follow the prompts to register. We only have 8 more days left of preschool. 

I will be sending you information regarding our Celebration Day. It will be our last day of school on Thursday, June 10. 

May 21, 2021

Dear Families, 

We had a beautiful week to enjoy the outdoor space to get some exercise and sun!  A big thank you to you all  for always providing water bottles for your children. We are refilling more now with the warmer weather. Next week, the letters of the week are Xx and Yy. Please send me a picture of your child with a drawing of something that starts with Xx and Yy by Thursday, May 27. Also, next Tuesday May 25, starts the Boosterthon.  It is fun way to raise monies for the school. Please start thinking of family and friends that can sponsor your child in the run on June 4.  I will have some class incentives for the children such as if we all get 3 sponsors by Friday, May 28, we will have a freeze pop snack. I have other incentives in mind as well and will keep you posted. 

Please take a look at our Weekly Photo post. There are pictures of the children with their self-portraits from the Circle of Grace activity and some pictures of the children painting their drawings of Mary, our Blessed Mother. 

Thank you for all your support. I wish you all a happy, safe weekend! 

Michelle Cordeiro

May 14, 2021

Dear Families,

Ascension Thursday on the school grounds was beautiful. It was very special to celebrate Mass with the class. I don't think they all had my sentiment about attending Mass. LOL!  

Next week our letters of the week are Vv and Ww. We will have Show and Tell on Friday, May 21. Also, I will start the lesson of Circle of Grace on Monday. A reminder the children need glue sticks. We used all of our glue sticks you sent in at the beginning of the year. I had some from last year and we used those up too. We used all the hand soap supplies as well. If each family could send in one bottle of hand soap, and two to three glue sticks we will have enough for the children for the remainder of the year. Thank you very much to the families that have already sent in the requested glue sticks and hand soap. 

I am hopeful that the weather remains dry for a few more days. Then we can take another trip to the brook at LaPalme Farm. I have not been going because of the abundance of ticks recently. I will let you know, if and when we do take another trip. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro

May 7, 2021

Dear Families, 

Next week, we will have two letters of the week. Monday and Tuesday is the letter Tt. Wednesday and Thursday the letter Uu. We will have Show and Tell on Friday, May 14 for both Tt and Uu. Please have your child make, draw, or find something that with these letters. Then send to me as soon as possible. 

We are in need of hand soap and glue sticks. Please send in a bottle of hand soap. If every family sends in one bottle we should make it to the end of the school year. We used all our glue sticks. I had some from last year and we used those too. We are a busy group! Please send in 2 glue sticks for your child. 

This Friday in the Friday Folders I put the last Scholastic Book Order Form in them. If you would like to purchase books for your child there are some good books in the flyer. Also, on the Scholastic Website there are other flyers that you can purchase other books.

Please take a look at our weekly wrap-up and then our photo page as well. 

Thank you for your support, 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro

May 3 , 2021

Dear Families, 

This week are letter is Ss. Show and Tell is on Friday, May 7 . Please send in a picture of your child with something that starts with Ss, as soon as possible. Also, we are working on our Mother's gifts and finishing up our Mother's Day cards.

May brings awareness of our own Mom's and all the love they give us. It is dedicated to our spiritual Mom, our Blessed Mother Mary. The children will be praying a decade a day with me and  with our school family in the morning. 

Wednesday the children can dress down and wear pink. In memory of our dedicated Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Ledoux, because May 5 is her birthday. There is a free will donation to her scholarship fund but it is not necessary in order to dress down and wear pink. 

I hope you all have a successful and joyful week. 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro


April 26, 2021

Looking forward to our last quarter together! We have much to embrace in the upcoming weeks, continued caring and growth of the tadpoles, Mother's Day, learning more about our Blessed Mother and Jesus 's love for us . The class will be able  to express their learning in art, play, and in music. Also, we will continue our learning of some songs we've been singing throughout the year. In anticipation, of our end of the year celebration. The date and time will be announce soon. 

Show and Tell is on Friday, April 30. The letter is Rr. Please send a picture of your child with something that starts with Rr by Thursday, April 29.   They can find a toy, or game, that starts with Rr. Also,make or draw something that starts Rr. 

Thank you! 

April 9, 2021

Happy Easter!

Alleluia! Jesus, has Risen!

We have had an exciting return to school!  The Easter Bunny did visit our classroom and left us some treats. Our frog spawn was pretty much gone but the tadpoles hatched and are swimming  all over in the tank! The children truly had team work in completing our mission to solve our secret message. As Grant and Roisin took turns to tell Nole and Charlie the numbers. Nole found the letters that corresponded on the letter and number wheel. We learned our mission was to find our message out in the elementary playground. It was so cool to find the envelope in an area where we found budding Daffodils which are now in full bloom!

In the children's folders is a notice on the Circle of Grace program. Please take the time to read over and sign and return to school on Monday. 

This morning we did have an exciting adventure on LaPalme Farm Trail. We discovered some algae, water bugs, and just fun romping in the stream. Please take a look at our Weekly Photos to get a glimpse of our adventure. 

Next week our letter of the week is  Qq. Please help your child find, draw, or make something that starts with Qq.  Then send me a picture by Thursday, April 15. We will have Show and Tell on Friday, April 16.

March 26, 2021

Today the children did a reenactment of Palm Sunday. This week we read two books about Palm Sunday, Little Colt’s Palm Sunday by Michelle Medlock Adams and The Donkey that Know One Could Ride by Anthony DeStefano . These stories helped the children to learn about Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection the reason we celebrate Easter.

We started our Spring investigation last Friday with  planting sunflower seeds. They are already sprouting! It is heartwarming to see the children interested and engaged in the growth of these seeds. We ended off this Letter Pp week with planting more seeds. This time we chose to plant some veggies. We planted carrots, radishes, and lettuce. Thank you to the Smith Family, Grant’s family , for donating the organic soil.

This project is helpful to learn Life Sciences and all that goes with the investigation.  I am finding it also helpful in teaching the children about Easter. I explained that is what happened when Jesus was laid in the tomb. He did not stay there but rose to life!  The seed does not stay in the ground or even in the seed covering or shell. It grows out and becomes a new plant. It does not die. Just like Jesus’ Resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Next week we will not have Show and Tell we will be focusing on Easter. Thank you to those families that have sent in clean, gallon, milk jugs. I look forward to helping the children make them into rabbit Easter Baskets. When we return from Easter Break they will see that the Easter Bunny visited our classroom.

 Finally, I have emailed our families the schedule for Parent and Teacher Conferences. Please give me your first two choices. Then I will send you a confirmation of the date and time.

Thank you

Michelle Cordeiro

March 19,2021

Today the children brought home their green Friday Folder. There is information regarding Picture Day on Monday, March 22, and a sponsor log for the our Read - a- Thon Tracker. I am looking forward to our Read-a-Thon. The children are asked to at least read two books per day. I can read with the children at school one book. Please try to read the other book of your choice at home each night. 

Also, we planted sunflower seed today for the start of Spring. We will care and watch these seedlings sprout to small plants. Expect to receive them around Mother's Day!  organic Grant's family has donated organic soil so we can plant some lettuce and radishes. We have been talking for a few weeks of the arrival of Spring and Summer weather. How we can grow plants and get vegetables from them. We are excited about this new project. Then hope to have some yummy lettuce and radishes before we leave for Summer Vacation. 

Our letter of the week is Pp for plants! Please help your child find, draw, or make something that starts with Pp. Then send me a picture by Wednesday, March 24. Then I can prepare a Google Slide for Friday, March 26. 

March 12, 2021

Next week we welcome back our two friends, Bryce and Roisin! We are very much looking forward to their return to school. Bryce did come to share his birthday with us on Thursday! We all loved to see him and enjoyed the visit. There are two changes to our schedule next week. First, there is no school on Tuesday, March 16, it is a professional day. Second, dismissal for next week is at the preschool playground. Please park as normal along the driveway. Then walk over to the white fence. Miss Dandurand will be there and will let me know your there to dismiss your child.  

Next week is Career Week for Show and Tell on Friday, March 19, the children can dress up as someone in a occupation that they would like to be when they grow-up. For example, they can dress up like a fireman, doctor, hair dresser, astronaut and then tell us something  about the work of this occupation. Of course, it is very important to  think about the talents that they have, that can help them do the work well. We will be talking about the talents that God gives us next week. That we are all made different.  God is pleased with us when we use the talents He gave us. 

Finally,  Grade 8 is raising funds with their St. Patty's Day guessing jar. Please bring in a $1.00 or $ 2.00 to take a guess or two guesses or more! Help and have fun by trying your math skills with  how many chocolate coins are in the jar! Also, here is the link to our school's  out reach service for our Lenten almsgiving. Please consider participating. 

Thank you so much for all your support! 

Michelle Cordeiro

March 5, 2021

Dear Families, 

A big Thank You!  to Mrs. Maldonado that kept the show on the road in my absence. The children had a nice time with her and did not miss a beat. The children and Mrs. Maldonado made my heart so happy Thursday morning,  with a beautiful welcome back poster and a pretty, plant with purple flowers. Perfect for us and the Lenten Season. 

Next week is Around the World Week. Show and Tell on March 12,  your child is asked to pick any country in the world and tell us about it. Please fill out the Cultural Questionnaire in your child's Friday Folder. This is the guide to use for his or her Show and Tell Presentation. Your child may bring in something related to his or her chosen country. Please have the item in by Tuesday. Then I can put away in the closet to be used for the presentation. The cultural questionnaire needs to be returned on Thursday, March 11. 

Around the World Week from March 8 to March 12 the class will learn each day a little bit about a different country. On each day, your child can dress down and wear the colors of that country's flag. 

Monday- France- wear blue, white, and red

Tuesday- Portugal- wear red, green, and gold

Wednesday - China - wear red and yellow

Thursday - Mexico- wear green, red, and white

Friday- Italy- wear green, red, and white

Career Week is March 15 through March 19 the children will present what they want to be when they grow -up on Friday, March 19, Saint Joesph's Solemnity. Each child can dress up like a person in his or her chosen career. They can tell their classmates what they like about it , what God given talents they have, that will help them in this career.  They can tell the class if there are any special tools or equipment they would need to help them in their work. 

You are welcome to create a short video or present on Google classroom something about your culture. It could be teaching the children a song, or favorite cultural dessert, sharing a cultural story. This can be done with a video or we can set up a Google Classroom and you can join us there. 

You are welcome to share with the class about your career as well with sharing a short video or joining us in a Google Classroom. Topics for sharing about your career are what you do, what you think is the best part of your career, are there any tools you use to help you in your career. 

We are pretty flexible if you wanted to join in Google Meet and share your culture or share information about your career. Please send me an email if you are interested. 

Thank you, 

Michelle Cordeiro


March 1, 2021

Dear Families, 

In my absence, Mrs. Maldonado is caring and facilitating the lessons for the children. Last week, they had a wonderful remaining of the week. She will start off this coming week. Please take time to view the pictures of the class enjoying their day with her in the Weekly Wrap-up and Weekly Photos strand in our menu bar. 

This week, the letter of the week is Nn. Please help your child draw, make, or find something that starts with Nn. Then send me a picture by Wednesday, March 3. Then I can create the Google Slide to be used Friday Morning. This month we are continuing our Lenten Journey with daily reminders of positive Acts of Service.  Below, I have included a link to each week's focus and ideas to implement. 

Helpful Links 

In the upcoming weeks, the Prek-4 program will highlight some interests in different countries and different careers. The week of March 7 through 13, in addition to  letter of the week, Lent, our focus will be other countries. If you would like to enrich this week with creating a video on how to make a cultural dessert or meal,  teach or share a tradition, send a link to a song for a cultural dance,  please let me know. It would be nice to have some enrichment from the families in our classroom. 

In addition, the week of March 14 to March 20 if you would like to share your profession with the class and create a video your help is most appreciated. Ideas for profession can be what tools you use in your work, if you wear   a uniform, what service you provide, and of course what you like best about your work. Please send out and email to me if your are interested. 

A reminder about the calendar change, March 16 there is no school due to professional development. 

Lastly, it is the season of Lent, please look to the Lenten Calendar to incorporate some prayer and acts of service to help prepare us for Easter. 

Thank you,

Michelle Cordeiro


Dear Families, 

We had a nice return to school in the classroom. We made 100 days in school! Then were able to celebrate Valentine's Day. I find God helps me with teaching the children about His love for us and the church. This week we celebrate Saint Valentine. He was a priest. He was in prison for his belief of Jesus. He did not get down and out but continued to show love to others and teach about Jesus even in  prison. He still taught about God's love for us to others and throughout the land. His letters were so much appreciated and happily anticipated that they became known as receiving a valentine. Valentines' Day is about love. The greatest love of all is God's love for each one of us.

  His love continues as we start to prepare for Easter through the season of Lent. Ash Wednesday is February 17. Please considered attending Mass. 

When we return at the end February, our letter of the week is Ll. Please send me a picture of your child with something that starts with Ll. I hope you have a great week. 

In Christ, 

Ms. Michelle Cordeiro

January 29, 2021

Dear Families, 

As you may already know,  next week is remote learning.  I will send a Monday Schedule of Activities and would like to have Google Meets on Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30. If this time, does not work with your schedule please email me. I can create a video and schedule Google Meets in the afternoon. The Google Meets are read alouds and time for the children to talk to one another. 

The Catholic Schools' Week activities are postponed for now. Our activities will be read alouds, handwriting letters, play dough math, and Let's Find Out. I sent home the children with the Let's Find Out magazine, name handwriting sheet, more paper for handwriting letter review, and a Math Activity for Winter Weather Lost and Found. I will be sending videos or incorporating them with the Google Meets.  These activities  are not mandatory to complete. Do what you can or want to complete. However, I do think that these activities help to continue the progress your child has already accomplished. 

Thank you all for your support. Thank you for making time to meet with me these past two weeks. I enjoy talking to you about your child's progress. If you have any questions please email me, I will be checking my email more over the weekend. 

Thank you, 

Michelle Cordeiro

January 22, 2020

Dear Families, 

Next week the letter of the week is Jj. Please send me a picture of your child with something that starts with Jj. We will be decorating our door for Catholic Schools's Week. The school theme is Disciples of Jesus and our school theme song is Jason Grey's Glow in the Dark. I invite you to look up this song. It is inspirational. It is surely a bright light in our times. I believe the children will enjoy some lively movement to its up beat rhythm. 

Also, we will be dancing to an old patriotic song, This Land is Your Land to celebrate on Red, White, and Blue Day during Catholic Schools' Week starting January 31 through February 5. Please read carefully, the Weekly Friday News Email from Mrs. Russo. In it  you will find information regarding this up coming week's events. 

Thank you, for making time to meet with me. I am grateful for the talks I have had with all you thus far and looking forward to the upcoming Parent meetings next week. 

I hope you have a great weekend, 

Ms Michelle Cordeiro 

January 15, 2021

Dear Families,

 I am very grateful to my friend and colleague, Melissa Maldonado, that cared for  the children and facilitated the children's lessons this week in my absence. 

I am bless and so are the children to have a caring school family. I have posted the pictures that Mrs. Maldonado took of the children engaged in this week's activities. You can look at them on the Weekly Photo page. The children built their own houses for letter Hh. They demonstrated their learning of pairs by coloring patterns and designs on a pair of mittens.They had a great week with her. I am very happy I could end the week with them on Pajama Day! 

Lastly, I will be sending out an email in regard to Parent and Teacher Meeting schedule. I look forward to talking to you about your child's progress. I am setting up appointment times for Tuesday, January 19,from 3:30 to 4:30 and Wednesday, January 20, from 3:30 to 4:30.   The meetings will be 10-15 minutes. 

Thank you all for your support, 

Michelle Cordeiro 

November 20, 2020

Dear Families, 

Thank you again for your support with our Mickey Mouse celebration. We had a nice day. The children seemed happy and engaged in the activities that were planned for the day. 

Last week, the Original Artwork Flyer went home. It is the information about making gifts from a piece of your child’s artwork. The children’s watercolor artwork home went home this week. I have sent an email with the attached flyer about how to purchase gifts with your child’s artwork. You will need the watercolor art that was sent home. You take a picture of the artwork and then follow the instructions on the flyer to have the gift made with your child's art.  If you have any issues please email me.   

Next week we have two days in school to learn a little more about the first Thanksgiving and the upcoming season of Advent. We will not have the letter of the week. 

Thank you to the administration here at Saint Francis Xavier and you, our families, that support extending Thanksgiving break to include Wednesday, November 25. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 

In Christ, 

Ms Cordeiro

November 13, 2020

Dear Families, 

We had a nice week! We could not of had better weather, especially the first part of the week. The children and I did enjoy the weather and have spent extra time outdoors. While we still can, I like to take them outdoors to have snack out near Our Lady of Fatima Statue. 

Next week, God willing we will reach 50 days in school! Our 50th day falls on Wednesday, November 18, which happens to be Mickey Mouse's Birthday. Miss Dandurand and I thought it would be nice to have a little of Disney fun in each of our classrooms.  The children can wear a Mickey Mouse T-shirt or other Disney character T-shirt. We have a simple craft activity planned, number game, and are making a Mickey Mouse snack. 

The snack is made from individually wrapped Oreo Cookies and a few of the mini Oreo cookies poured into a cup. These ingredients will be given to each student on their own wax paper place mat. Then each child will created their own Mickey Mouse treat with guided directions from me. 

The letter of the week is Dd. Please send in a picture of your child with something that starts with Dd. Your child can draw a picture of something that starts with Dd as well. Please send in Show and Tell pictures by Wednesday, November 18. 

Thank you and I hope you have a great weekend.  

November 6, 2020

Dear Families, 

Thank you for all your support. I am very grateful for Mrs. Maldonado and Mrs. Russo’s help in my absence last week. The children did not skip a beat due to their help. 

Next week, there is no school on Wednesday, November 11, due to Veteran’s Day. In honor of Veteran’s Day I would like to honor family members that served in our Armed Forces. Please send me a picture of a family member that has served in either the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, National Guard. Please send it to me by Wednesday, November 11. I will make a simple Google Slide to honor them for Friday. 

This past week, the weather on some days was more like Winter than Autumn. Yes, it was great to see the children in their winter coats and hats. I am teaching them to put their mittens in their hat and the hat in the sleeve of their coat. This helps with keeping everyone’s belongings together. 

Please dress your child in layers for the upcoming cold weather months. I will be keeping two windows open in the classroom, during these months. 

Please check your child’s backpack before they leave for school. Recently, there have been more toys brought from home. Yes, it is okay if your child brings a rest time, lovey, but please put in a gallon size Ziploc bag.

Finally, I want you all to know that the children were excellent at Mass this Thursday! 

Thank you, 

Ms. Cordeiro

October 23, 2020

Dear Families,  

I know I say it every week but we have had a busy week! The children enjoy Choice Time in their day. It is right after Arrival,which includes unpacking, and Prayer. Once they finish Morning Work, the children can go to Choice Time. It is when they can choose where and what they want to play. We have had many extraordinary structures built in the Block Center. There is much going on with Babies. They are being dressed and taken to the doctors. Yes, the children have designed a car using the children’s table and chairs. Then they put the babies in the car seats and put them in the back seat. Yes, this is done with their own initiative. Of course, we have had many that want painting too. 

Thank you to the Families I met with this week at the Zoom meetings. I am very happy I had the chance to catch up with you all. I am looking forward to next week’s Zoom meetings. I will send out a link to the meetings the night before. 

Next week is a festive week. On Thursday, October 29, It is Can I Dress Down Day? This is when the children bring in a canned good for Saint Vincent de Paul food drive. Yes, the children can dress in orange, purple, black and green if they bring in a canned good. On Friday, October 30, Saint Francis Xavier School's tradition is to dress as a saint. Please have your child dress up as a saint. We will parade in the morning. 

Catholic Icing is a website that has awesome and easy ideas for saint costumes. Please take a look at this web site. It will help you very much to help your child participate in the morning event. In the afternoon, we will celebrate Halloween with some very simple dance party ideas and counting activities. The children can wear comfortable clothes under their Saint Costumes.  Then they can move and groove to some dance music! 

Since we are not at school for Halloween. The children can send me a picture of themselves in their Halloween costume for Show and Tell. Mrs. Plante shared this idea with me and I think it is awesome! 

Thank you I hope you have a great weekend 

Michelle Cordeiro

Friday, October 16, 2020

Dear Families, 

Today the children went home with their Friday Folders. In it is the information for about Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough Fundraiser. Please read the blue information sheet regarding important information on submitting payment and dates to submit sales. Thank you very much for your support. 

This weekend I will be submitting the Scholastic Book orders. If you wanted to purchase books, please put in order online at the Scholastic Book Club. Our classroom, code is H392H.

I would like to set up a Zoom meeting with all you to talk about any concerns or questions you may have about your child. The dates I will start these meetings are Tuesday, October 20,  Wednesday, October 21, Monday, October 26 , Tuesday, October 27, and Wednesday, October 28. I only have two time slots for each day. The times are 3:30 and 3:50. Please send me an email and give me your first and second best date and time to have this meeting. Also,please let me know if these dates or times do not work for your schedule via email. I will contact you to see if there is another more suitable time for you. 

Lastly, in today's all school email there is information regarding our traditional celebration of All Saints' Day on October 30. This day we dress like one of our favorite saints or a saint we have learned about or can understand. We have been talking a little about Our Blessed Mother, Mary, and her appearance in Fatima to the three children, Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco. Our children can choose to dress up as one of these saints. Traditionally, I have asked parents to look up a saint with their child and help them learn about he or she. Catholic Icing is a website that has great information and ideas to help your child learn and participate in this joyous and memorable celebration. Please take some time to go there to learn about some of her ideas.   


Friday, October 9, 2020

Dear Families, 

I am very happy that we are able to be in school to Columbus Day weekend! We have been in school for 5 weeks, Yes!  Please keep this intention in your prayers for healing for those suffering with COVID 19 and its end or immunization shot. Then we can remain in school. I am sure you all have this intention in your prayers. 

This week the children are bringing home their Friday Folders with their school pictures. They came out very cute. I am sending home the children's change of clothes because  the clothing needs to be updated for colder weather. 

Please take a look at the Weekly Wrap Up on our menu. It will tell you about some of the activities we did this week. 

Next the letter of the week is Aa. Please send in a picture of your child with something that starts with Aa by Wednesday, October 14.  

Friday, October 2, 2020

We are starting our first Fund Raiser this Friday. The information is in your child's Friday Folder. 

Next week we will start the letter of the week. It is Mm for Mary. We have been speaking of our Blessed Mother, Mary in the classroom. So it is a good connection for the children. Show and Tell on Friday for letter Mm. Please take picture of your child with something that starts with Mm and send to me via email by Wednesday, October 7. 

Please click on the menu bar and click on Weekly Wrap-up to learn more about our activities this week. 

I hope you have a nice weekend. 

Ms. Cordeiro

Friday, September 25, 2020

This week marked the beginning of Fall. We are reading books in the classroom on how some trees’ leaves change color in the Fall. We are documenting the change with creating Summer Trees. Then when the leaves start to turn colors, we will make Fall Trees. 

Today the children went home with  Scholastic book orders for October. If you are interested in purchasing books, our classroom code is on the back. Then you can order online at Scholastic Book Order. Com. Our class code is on the back of each form. I will send in the book orders the weekend of October 16. Then if you wanted to gift books to your children or loved ones for Halloween they will be here. 

Please do not forget to read about some of our activities this week in the menu bar at the right on Weekly Wrap-up. 

I am hoping to post up some of our classroom activity pictures on our web page this weekend. If I can I will send you all a notice. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

 This week's school email has the school lunch menu.  Please refer to this for school lunches. If there is a change, it will be announced before dismissal.  Then I will email you the change of menu. If your child is going to have school lunch, please let me know via email either the night before or before 8:15 am that morning. After that time,  I am working with your children and am not at my computer.  

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we work through the kinks in dismissal. Please continue to line up along the side of the sidewalk. Then get out of your car to wait at the lobby doors. Please do not line up the cars, beyond the sidewalk. That is the area before the flagpole. This area is for handicap parking.  

We have had a fun and busy, full week of school. Please look at the Wrap- Up tab on our menu for more information about our week. I will post pictures soon, as well. 

I hope you have a great weekend. Thank you for all your support. 

Friday, September 11, 2020

We had a great first 4 days. Next week, if you would like your child to have school lunch or bring home breakfast for the next morning please email the night before or email me the weekly order. I have sent home the calendar for September lunch in the children's folder on Thursday. If you need another one please email me and I can make a copy to send another one. 

Please take a look at our Weekly Wrap Up page. The link is on the menu bar. 

Lastly, if your child is a full- day friend, I sent home the rest mats. Please wash and return to school in a reusable grocery store bag. I sent them home in white garbage bags but I do not want to use those on a weekly bases. 

Thank you

Thank you for choosing Saint Francis Xavier School for your child's Early Childhood Education. I am looking forward to a joyful year with your child. I am happy that we had an opportunity to meet each other with our Zoom Meetings. Now I am looking forward to the start of our year. 

At this classroom web page, I will post weekly updates on Fridays. Please take the time now to browse throughout the menu on the right hand side to familiarize yourself as where to find the different types of information.