Parent Support Group
We Always Need Volunteers!
Parents allow our program to grow and our students to succeed and reach their potential.
Parent Volunteer POsitions
Which Meets can you help with?
Most Positions are Two year terms with one parent training the next parent in the position to promote continuity.
PSG President - Needed
PSG Vice President - Needed
This person is head coach’s main contact for all Parent Volunteers and Support Group.
Organizers day of volunteers for events (creates signup list based on needed volunteers for an event) - work with specific coordinator
Weekly (every other week emails) to parents in terms of how to support and work with the team
Works with Head Coach and Parents for creating roles
Works with Head Coach for two large meetings of all Coordinators - before/ early season (discussion of roles and discuss vision) and then at end of season (reflection on season - improvements for next year)
Helps transition Parents to a new role each year (keeps track of where things are documented to pass on to the next parent)
Works with new parents to get them involved with the team
Works with returning parents to keep them involved with the team
Helps in choosing which parent would be good for which role in the future.
Foundation Liaison - Sam Guillen
Works with Foundation in terms of budget and parent donations
Works with Head Coach to create budget for the next year
Works with Fundraiser Coordinator on Fundraising Activities
Records and keeps track of parent donations (to confirm with Foundation Work)
Attends Monthly Foundation Meetings
Reports Foundation Concerns to the group
Banquet Director - Needed
Organizes Banquet Details for Head Coach
Budget (As set by team budget at beginning of the season)
Organizes Parent Volunteers for Event
Organizes Theme for event
Tables/ Chairs/ Table clothes
Decorations for Event
Works with Captains to get Student involvement
Organizes Food at Event (if desired) and works within Budget Restraints
Organizes Parent Volunteers for Event
Concession Stand Coordinator - Needed
Organizes day of volunteers for Concessions (and time slots)
Works with ASB and ASB budget to raise funds for the team
Works with parents in seeking food donations
Organizes price and items to be sold in Concession Stand (food, drinks, T-shirts)
Create budget at beginning of season of expenditure and possible amount to be raised
Organizes Concession Stand to be used most effectively
Collects and monitor money raised and used at concession stand for ASB Account
Meet Volunteer Coordinator - Needed
Organizes Meet Day of Parent Volunteers
Locations and jobs of where parents need to go
Organizes shifts and who is going where
Works with Head coach to create job outline for each volunteer position needed
Works with head coach and previous material to determine the number of volunteers needed for event
Checks-In and checks-out parent and student volunteers at day of meet.
Spirit Wear Coordinator
Works with Athletic clothing company to create and order spirit wear
Works with Coach on budget, design, and Head Coach’s Vision of material
Creates items that can raise spirit and promote team - priced where team can use this to help raise money
Organizes sale of items and collection of funds (via ASB)
Organizes distribution of Spirit Wear
Uniform Coordinator
Organizes handing out of uniforms to team members
Organizes inventory of uniforms and prepares lists of what we have and what is needed for the team
Organizes day of handing out and collection of volunteers for help on Distribution and collection days
Advertises and communicates when these days are
Provides lists of those athletes that did not turn in uniforms (or had uniforms that were ruined)
Communicates how much uniforms are going to be needed
Works to create a culture of most people purchase their own uniforms (future).
Fundraiser Coordinator
Creates and organizes one major fundraiser for the team each year (that’s not parent donations from team meeting and not a hosted meet)
Works with Team Captains and Squad Liaisons to organize student’s involvement
Works with Foundation Liaison to organize funds and materials for event
Advertises and communicates fundraising idea for the team
Works with Team Captains and Squad Liaisons on 2-3 smaller ASB fundraising opportunities
Organizes volunteers and event for major fundraiser
Team Parent
Helps organize/ communicate carpools for practices (google spreadsheet?)
Helps organize/ communicate carpools for meets
Go to person for parent questions regarding directions or issues of travel to and from Team activities
Organizes snacks and drinks for kids while they are at meets (gets different parents/ athletes to volunteer to bring things)
Communications Coordinator
Works with head coach, Coordinators/ directors, Parent Organizer (etc.) to create weekly email discussing team materials, weekly ideas, team information to parents to keep everyone informed.
Works with head coach to keep website up to date with information
Works with team parents to keep team informed
Works with head coach to create parent/ player handbook for team parents (new and returning)
Works with head coach in creating agenda for New Parent/ Player Meeting
Communicates preseason training camp information to incoming parents.
Alumni Coordinator
Works with Head Coach to coordinate Alumni events and volunteering when needed.
Fall Event - Cross Country Meet - Red versus Black and function afterwards
Winter/ Spring Event - Open Track Meet
Distribute materials and information to Alumni Family about current news and future events.