Links & Parent Letter Copies

Bookflix at home.pdf

Clifford's Road to Reading — Great downloads for worksheets, crafts, games, and stories for your child to listen to!

Everyday Math Online — Many free games for students to play that correlate with what we're learning in school. Student's will have their login and passwords taped inside their home folder.

Raz Kids Login Page — If this page asks for a teacher username please enter, "efiniganenf" in the box.

Read Alouds — This website has a variety of books that your child can listen to.

Seussville — Another resource for listening to reading, educational games, and more!

Starfall — Fantastic site that we will often use in the classroom to reinforce reading strategies. Kids love the fun games on this site!

Storyline Online — A fantastic animated website with free read alouds of some of our favorite books! A fantastic alternative to having your child read independently one night.