
The chief work of a monk is the opus Dei, the daily prayer that we recite in common several times a day. But we also engage in several apostolates.

St. Benedict's Preparatory School

St. Benedict's was founded in 1868 to serve as a college for the children of the working class in Newark. Boniface Wimmer also saw the school and as a means to bring together the Irish and German youth so that, through praying, studying, and working together, they might overcome the animosoity that had been plaguing their parents. Over the years, other immigrant groups passed through our doors--Italians and Polish, Spanish and Portuguese. Today we are committed to educating the young men of the area, who are for the most part African-American and Hispanic. But we also welcome students from the suburbs, and indeed from around the world. Most recently we have welcomed a native American student from the Gros Ventre tribe of Montana. Read the school's webpage to learn more.

St. Mary's Church

The Abbey Church hosts a worshipping community that was formerly St. Mary's Parish. While the canonical status of the community has changed, the lively liturgy has not.