Curriculum and Grading


Students will participate in the following activities during their 8th grade year:

  1. Tchoukball

  2. Team Handball

  3. Flag Football

  4. Ultimate Frisbee

  5. Futsal

  6. Kickball

  7. Square Dance (Traditional and Creative)

  8. 3 v 3 Volleyball

  9. Basketball

  10. Tennis

  11. Lacrosse

  12. Field Hockey

  13. Baseball

Grading Policy

The academic grade (learning-focused) is based on the degree to which each student meets or exceeds the grading categories and its rubrics.

The citizenship grade (non-academic, behavior/effort-focused) is determined by following class expectations, arriving on time, wearing acceptable athletic clothing, exhibiting a willingness to learn, participating in class activities, and demonstrating courteous/respectful behavior.

Grading Scale