Mayan Calendar Discovery

Your assignment:

  • Pick one of the topics for the 2012 Prediction:

    • Mayan Calendar

    • Nibiru

    • Galactic Alignment

    • Dooms Day / Big Bang

  • Be able to do the following for your topic:

    • explain the topic and related concepts.

    • what is the connection of the topic to 2012?

    • What are the different points of view on the topic?

    • What are the effects on the end of the earth?

    • In your opinion, is the prediction true? Explain why or why not.

    • If you were given the power to prevent the end of the world, what steps would you take? What would be the first thing you do and why?

A big hoax -

Predictions discussed -

Mayan Calendar


Galactic Alignment

Dooms Day / Big Bang

Ideas borrowed from