Climate Lesson

Remember you have the power within yourself to complete the activities today and stay on task! I would not leave this assignment if I didn't believe that you could do this!!!


Do the following assignments IN ORDER!!! You MUST finish sections 1 - 4 in class.

Landforms will be homework due Wednesday!

  1. Great Circle Route

    • Cut out the foldable - it is ONLY one flap. Glue down under the "Explain 'The Great Circle Route'" part. You can place it on the same page as your Do Now from yesterday.

    • Read about the Great Circle Route from NGS. Information is under the photos.

    • Using the Terrain Profile Map, follow these directions:

      • Click on the Measure Tool in the upper left section of the page (above the map).

      • Click on Distance (center button on the pop-up screen).

      • Then click once on North America (a little green flag should appear and when you move a blue line will follow).

      • Then double click somewhere else (Europe, Africa, etc).

      • Do you see how the blue line curved? That is the Great Circle Route. Remember the shortest distance between any two places is a straight line - it would be rounded on a flat map!!

      • Below your map will appear the elevation - go ahead and glance at it as we will be discussing elevation with climate! If you move the mouse along the elevation line (bottom), you will see the corresponding point on the map.

    • Now go back to your foldable and write down under the flap an explanation of the Great Circle Route.

  2. Climate Characteristics

    • Write the following notes on the next page of your notebook. Title the notes Climate Characteristics.

      1. Temperature - how hot or cold a place is

      2. Precipitation - how much rain, snow, sleet, etc a place gets

      3. Seasons - how often the weather changes. Places either have 2 or 4 seasons. Seasons can vary by temperature and/or by precipitation.

  1. Climate Elements

    • Cut out the elements foldable that you have been given. It is a 4 tab foldable - just like you have done before.

    • Glue into your notebook on the next page.

    • Copy the following notes under each flap. Titles for each are in BOLD.

      • Elevation - how high the place is above sea level. The higher the place, the colder the place.

      • Proximity to Water - how close the place is to a large body of water - water is a moderating element for climate and Ocean Currents - how warm or cold the nearest ocean current is for the place

      • Latitude - How far the place is from the equator. The farther from the equator then the colder the place is.

      • Wind - From which direction the wind blows to the place. If the wind blows from the ocean, then the place gets more precipitation.

  2. Ocean Currents - Try this Message in a Bottle - where would your bottle go? Click somewhere in the ocean to see where your bottle will go. That will give you an idea of where ocean currents would go. If you have trouble with this link, try this one instead - Message 2

  3. If you need more time on your Landform Picture Dictionary - then work on it and use the linked photos to help with your drawings

  4. If you are done with your landform picture dictionary, then try your hand at the following games: