1st Grade 1-2 2023-2024

Hola clase. I am so happy to be able to spend time with you teaching you Spanish.  All work for my class can be found here on my class page, if you are absent you can take a look here for any work that you may have missed.  You will need a notebook for my class.  Please make sure to have it with you every Tuesday.  If your parents have questions they can call the office and leave a message for me or they can email me at c.gaudiuso@saintcharlesschoolsi.org.

Listos 1, 2, 3 a aprender!!!!

January 23, 2024

Hola Clase. Today is our last class until next year. I wanted to say Gracias to all of you for sharing your day with me. Hope you have had fun and learned new words in Spanish.  Hasta pronto,  nos vemos.  Please don't forget to practice what we have learned together and to say Hola when you see me in the hall.

Since today is our last class until next year we are going to play a matching game.

January 16, 2024:

Hola Clase, We will be learning a very common Spanish song, titled Los Pollitos Dicen.

Los pollitos.pdf

January 9, 2024:

Hola Clase, We will be learning the different animals in Spanish.

Animales: Animals

el cerdo-pig

el gato-cat

el pato-duck

la gallina-chicken

la cabra-goat

la vaca -cow

el perro-dog

el caballo-horse

la oveja-sheep

el ganso- geese

el burro- donkey

el gallo- rooster

Cual es tu animal favorito? Which is your favorite animal?

los animales.pdf

January 2, 2024:

Hola Clase, Feliz A~no Nuevo. Today we are going to focus on learning the main body parts.  

Today we are going to continue reviewing our body parts .  You already know your face parts.  Today we are going to learn the most basic of the rest of our body parts. 

La cabeza:  the head

el brazo- the arm

la mano- the hand

el dedo- the finger

la pierna- the leg

el pie- the foot

You will match the following words and then you will create your own person and label the following body parts.

Partes del cuerpo

December 19, 2023:

Hola Clase, we will take a break from our body parts and focus on Christmas Vocabulary.  We are going to learn a very famous Spanish Christmas song. Called a burrito sabanero.  We will fill in the blanks and then we will sing the song together. If time permits we will play Navidad Bingo

Feliz navidad- merry Christmas

papa noel- Santa

Burrito- Donkey


December 12, 2023:

Hola Clase!, Today we are going to continue to review our face parts in Spanish.  You are going to cut and paste to match the word face words with the face part.  Once you are done you are going to create your own silly face and label. If time permits you can work the word scramble. Pages 8-9

Important vocabulary:

La cara- The face

La boca- the mouth

La nariz- the nose

Los ojos- the eyes

El pelo- the hair

Las cejas-eyebrows

La barbilla/el menton- the Chin

We are going to cut and paste the corresponding parts on the worksheet.

Adobe Scan Dec 11, 2023.pdf

December 5, 2023:

Hola Clase!, Today we are going to continue to review our face parts in Spanish.  We are going to learn to say and recognize the main face parts in Spanish. We will work on the worksheet that we did not complete last week.

Important vocabulary:

La cara- The face

La boca- the mouth

La nariz- the nose

Los ojos- the eyes

El pelo- the hair

Las cejas-eyebrows

La barbilla/el menton- the Chin

We are going to cut and paste the corresponding parts on the worksheets.

November 28, 2023:

Hola Clase!, Today we are going to review our face parts in Spanish.  We are going to learn to say and recognize the main face parts in Spanish.

Important vocabulary:

La cara- The face

La boca- the mouth

La nariz- the nose

Los ojos- the eyes

El pelo- the hair

Las cejas-eyebrows

La barbilla/el menton- the Chin

We are going to cut and paste the corresponding parts on the worksheets.


November 21, 2023:

Today we will finish coloring our pavitos for El Dia de Accion de Gracias.  We will also in anticipation of the Thanksgiving Holiday. We are going to learn how to say Thank You in Spanish- Gracias, and you're welcome- de nada. Also we are going to learn to  express the phrase Yo doy gracias por... ( I am thankful for ...)

Some of the things we can express we are thankful for are :

Mi familia- my family

mis amigos- my friends

la comida- the food

mi escuela- my school

You will complete your writing prompt and draw a picture  corresponding to what you are thankful for

Doy gracias calabaza.pdf

November 14, 2023:

Today we will finish coloring our pavitos for El Dia de Accion de Gracias.  We will also in anticipation of the Thanksgiving Holiday. We are going to learn how to say Thank You in Spanish- Gracias, and you're welcome- de nada. Also we are going to learn to  express the phrase Yo doy gracias por... ( I am thankful for ...)

Some of the things we can express we are thankful for are :

Mi familia- my family

mis amigos- my friends

la comida- the food

mi escuela- my school

You will complete your writing prompt and draw a picture  corresponding to what you are thankful for

November 8, 2023:

Today we will review the numbers 1-8 and the colors that we have learned.  We will color un Pavo ( A turkey) in anticipation of the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday.

 Please make sure students have crayons, glue and scissors for this lesson.

Los colores- The colors









rosa or rosado-pink



pavo-numeros y colores.pdf

October 31 2023:

Hola Clase. Today we are going to learn about alebrijes and we are going to color and create our own alebrijes.  To learn about alebrijes we will listen to a book Title Coco, Miguel and the Amazing Alebrijes.  

alebrijes-cat and dog.pdf
Untitled document

October 24, 2023:

Today's focus will be the colors.  We will go over color words and we will learn our colors using a color song.

los colores coloring reference.pdf
los colores.pdf

October 17, 2023:

Today we will wrap up our unit on the numbers.  Therefore, we will play bingo and the following online game to review our numbers.


October 10, 2023:

Today we will continue to work on recognizing the numbers 1-10 in Spanish.  You will work on the word search independently and we will do the attached worksheets together.

los numeros-1st grade.pdf
colors and numbers worksheet.pdf
colors and numbers worksheet.pdf

October 2, 2023:

Today we are going to review the numbers 1-10 in Spanish. We will learn how to say and recognize the numbers.  Please make sure you have glue and scissors for this week's work.  We will match the Spanish number word with the English words at the bottom of the worksheet. You will use the pictures to help you match the correct words.

1-10 matching game worksheet.pdf

September 26, 2023

Today we are going finish our lesson on the different times of day and the greetings.  We will listen and sing the song of Buenos dias, buenas tardes, and buenas noches as well. You are going to complete a worksheet, you are going to label the worksheet the 3 different greetings and then you are going to draw a picture of an activity you do during the corresponding time of day. with Hola and the word!! Choose from the following:

Buenos Dias- Good morning

Buenas Tardes- Good afternoon

Buenas Noches- Good evening or Good night.

Some activity words:

Comer- to eat

Jugar- to play

Dormir-to sleep

desayundar- eat breakfast

almorzar- to have lunch

cenar- to eat dinner

ba~narse- to shower/bathe

hacer la tarea- do homework

ir a la escuela- go to schoolIf time permits we will move on to a new lesson.

September 19, 2023

Today we are going to learn how to express 3 basic greetings that you can say along with Hola!! They are the following:

Buenos Dias- Good morning

Buenas Tardes- Good afternoon

Buenas Noches- Good evening or Good night.

We are going to work on the following worksheets, you are going to trace the phrases, cut and glue the picture next to the appropriate greeting and then color.  You are also going to write down the phrases next in each of the 3 boxes and draw a picture of an activity you do during the corresponding time of day.

Buenos Dias- Greeting 1st Grade.pdf

September 12, 2023

Today we are going to learn how to express My first day of school in Spanish- Mi primer dia, You are going to tell me about yourselves using the words YO- I, Mi maestra- my teacher, and Mi escuela- My school. We are going to talk about what we did over the summer and review some of the vocabulary that we learned last year.

primer dia de escuela.pdf