Who's Helping Us To Help You

During the pandemic we have received a great deal of help from the local community in identifying vulnerable members of the community that need support. Please show your appreciation to the people listed below, many of which have gone above and beyond to help and assist the community.

Paul Staples

Paul has volunteered his time and together with Gio, masterminded the response effort. Paul has worked above and beyond, proving community spirit is alive and kicking when its most needed. Without Paul this effort would simply not have happened. A superhuman effort indeed.

Cllr Pete Smith and Keith Reeves - These two amazing guys have personally delivered leaflets and used their knowledge of local residents to help us reach the people that need support. Thank you so much for your continued support. Once again you have stepped up and represented our local community when they need it most.

Coalpool Pharmacy - The staff here have always supported the hub and have been an amazing pillar in the community

The Guys at Dudley Markets. - James and Co. at Tudor Markets together with the amazing traders Moores Fruit & Veg and A&R Bennett who have donated fresh food and veg to improve the nutritional value of the council packages. Not only have you demonstrated amazing generosity but you have put your money where your mouth is and donated to our community.

Paul from Goscote Greenacres. Thank you for the amazing weekly donations. Keep up the good work.

Steve Kirk - Coalpool Community Church. Despite being ill has provided names of those in need from Ryecroft Community Church.

A.S. Gas (Midlands) Ltd. These guys were amazing and turned up at a moments notice to help us out. Its great when business comes together to help the community, Check out the Face Book Page here

Paul & Sarah from Walsall Council. The council have always been supportive of the unique work that goes on here at the hub and never more so than right now. A massive thank you for all of the work you guys do that goes unnoticed.

A massive thank you one and all. I sincerely hope that you and your loved ones stay safe, well and are remembered for the amazing acts you have performed for this community when it has most been required.

If you see any of these fantastic people please thank them personally.