Early Childhood

The Early Childhood Special Education Department at J.B. Lafargue is working together with teachers to provide resources and support for parents and students during this unprecedented time. Our goal is to meet the needs of our students and their families while maintaining current safety standards. The following websites offer age-appropriate activities to address early learning skills. Additionally, ECSE teachers are currently reaching out to families to assist with meeting the learning needs of each student. If you need further assistance, please contact Amanda Kelley or Bridget Hein at (318) 443-4572 or through email at amanda.kelley@rpsb.us and bridget.hein@rpsb.us.

We are here for you, and we are better together!

Noggin (free for 90 days!)


PBS Kids


Happy Numbers (free acct until end of school year)

FrogStreet (parents page)

Scholastic Magazine (free until end of the year)

Boom Cards (may be eligible for free account)

Jack Hartmann Kid's Channel (YouTube page)

LeapFrog Learning (Free for 2 months)

Vooks (Free for 1 month)

Tot Schooling

Turtle Diary