Wednesday 28 October 2020 - Lesson 4 Finalize Design

Post date: Oct 27, 2020 7:15:44 PM


Week 03 - Term 4  

(Name Design)  

 Layout & Composition 

  In this activity the students will be learning about “Layout & Composition" and then be able to use this information to help fine tune their designs to create the best, most effective Name Design possible.

Layout & Composition combines the Design Principles with the Elements such as Space, Size, Colour, Hierarchy etc which all play important roles when creating designs.

The Elements of Design together with the Design Principles  are the building blocks used to create a work of art. The elements of design can be thought of as the things that make up a painting, drawing, design etc. Good or bad - all designs will contain most of, if not all, the elements of design.

Learning Intention: Finalize our Name Design.

Success Criteria: By the end of this lesson I should have achieved the following:

                                                                                                 1.  Understand how Layout & Composition help create the most effective design.

                                                                                                 2.  Completed all activities on the checklist

                                                                                                 3.  Completed the Reflection & NAPE for this project

                                                                                                 4.  Saved an image of your design ready for printing

NEXT: Click the link below to go the "NAME DESIGN Project" page.

Lesson 4 - Finalize Design