Year 10

Year 10 Drama Course Outline

Term 1 -11 weeks

6 Weeks - Theatresports / Improvisation. You will familiarise gain confidence and team building skills. You will also learn the skills of improvisation and use them to play a series of Theatresports games, building on skills learnt in year 9. You will prepare for your summative with a Theatresports terms test.

Assessment: Improvisation Game

5 WeeksPhysical Theatre. You will get to know one another by working in groups and learning how to use your bodies to express ideas, objects, themes, and stories. You will create a physical theatre performance. This will be a lot of fun!

Assessment: 3-4 minute physical theatre piece relating to a well-known fairytale.

Term 2 -10 weeks

6 Weeks - Voice Workshop. You will learn how the voice works and how to use it effectively. You will work in small groups using both choral and solo voices to present a poem effectively. You will also learn a monologue and will present it to the class. Your teacher will give you formative feedback on your choral work to help you prepare for the summative assessment.

Assessment: Individual Monologue.

4 Weeks - Shakespeare studies. You will learn about Elizabethan theatre and Elizabethan language and the writer himself. Assessment: Shakespeare test.

Shakespearean scene study. You will begin to rehearse with full action and dialogue a scene from one of Shakespeare’s great plays.

Term 3 – 9 Weeks

2 Weeks- Shakespeare Performance

You will rehearse and perform your Shakespeare scene for assessment. Assessment: Performance of your scene

7 Weeks Devising - NZ Disasters. You will explore and research a Disaster from N.Z's history and use the stories to create drama with a group. You will explore many elements and conventions in groups and as a whole class to create characters and situations and take part in a process drama. You will learn to assess work of self and others.

Assessment: Group work and Performance of a devised scene.

Term 4 - 10 Weeks

Weeks 1- 10 - History of Theatre

In this unit of work you will learn about Commedia del’arte- where it came from and how it was performed. You will make a commedia mask. You will then develop a script and perform it for the class in mask.

Assessment: Commedia Exam, Mask Creation, Commedia Scene Performance

Drama Examination - During junior exam week

You will be assessed on the knowledge you have gained throughout your year in Drama. It will cover questions based on each unit of work completed this year.

Ongoing throughout the year

Drama Docs:

Throughout the course you will complete an Drama Doc which will include reflections on class-work drama activities, researching theatre forms and sharing your experiences of theatre seen outside the classroom.

Assessment: Completed Drama Doc Entries

Dance Class Notes:

You will be given an ‘assignment’ through the Year 10 Drama Google Classroom page. This ‘assignment’ document will be where you write all in class notes for the year. You will not ‘turn’ this assignment in until your teacher requests it.