
Discovery Quest is an oral question-of-the-week or current events activity that allows students to learn public speaking skills and independent research skills. Students should prepare to participate three times from January to May. Students have been assigned Tuesdays for participation.

Students receive full credit, 100%, if they participate. Acceptable participation means that they DO NOT read their information, but they tell us what they have learned. For every day that they are late, 15% will be marked off their grade. Students must have a visual aid such as pictures, posters they've made, powerpoints, or an artifact. If a student is absent on Tuesday, their speech is due the next day they attend class.

This activity should be a fun way to study something that is interesting to the student. Look at the topics for each month. Select the most interesting to study.

Group #1 = Rikhi, Liam M., Asa, Lily, Emma, Stafford, Mason - Jan. 18, March 1, May 3

Group #2 = Sebastian, Phoebe, Ozzie, Coco, Aubrey, James, Ellinor - Jan. 25th, March 8, May 10

Group #3 = Ayden, Kalena, Liam H., Maya, Olive, Trajan, Ahana - Feb. 1, March 15, May 24

Here's a good place to search for information:
