
Third Grade Assessment

iReady Testing: Diagnostic 3X a year. Growth Monitoring monthly

May : Smarter Balanced Testing in English/Language Arts and Math

Test-Taking Tips

Here are some tips to help you do your best on tests.

Daily Routines

Attend classes every day. Keeping up with schoolwork is the best way to learn the material that will be on the test — long before test day comes along. When you miss school, you miss out.

Eat smart every day. Balanced meals give your body the energy it needs to focus on learning. Don't overdo junk food.

Before Test Day, Ask Your Teacher . . .

How the test is organized. Usually, the easier questions are at the beginning of each section, while the harder ones are at the end.

How the test is scored. Is there a penalty for incorrect answers or questions left blank? Understanding how the test is scored will help you know how much time to spend on each question.

The Night Before the Test . . .

Don't cram. Use the night before the test to review what you've been learning over the last few weeks or months.

Relax. Remind yourself that you are well prepared. Avoid talking too much with others about the test. Chances are, it'll only create stress.

The Day of the Test . . .

Eat breakfast. The last thing you need is to run out of energy in the middle of the test.

Answer the easy questions first. Completing the easy questions quickly gives you more time to spend on the harder ones.

Read all the answers before selecting the best one. If you believe an answer is incorrect, change it.