Major and Minor 2nds (i.e. Whole and half steps)

For the exercises below, you need to:

a. Determine the key by looking at the key signature (this tells you where DO is).

b. Locate the position of DO on the staff.

c. Determine the solfege syllables of the two notes given, using DO as a reference.

d. Determine whether the interval of the two notes is a Minor 2nd (half step) or a Major 2nd (whole step).

TIP: Minor 2nds are found only in two locations of the major scale: at MI-FA and at TI-DO..

  1. Finding the Minor 2nds (half steps) and Major 2nds (whole steps) in a scale (in the key of C Major only)
  2. Finding the Minor 2nds and Major 2nds in a scale (in the keys of C, F, and G Major)