Keyboard ID

The piano keyboard is laid out in a pattern. You will notice there are black keys and white keys.

Each white key is called by a letter in the music alphabet (from A to G). The alphabet goes forward and notes go higher as you go to the right on the keyboard, and vice versa.

Keyboard diagram image

Black keys borrow the letter of the white key next to them.

If the black key is on the right side of the white key, we add "#" (sharp) to the letter. For example, the black key immediately to the right of the white key named "D" is called "D#" (D sharp).

If the black key is on the left side of the white key, we add "b" (flat) to the letter. The black key immediately to the left of the white key named "D" is called "Db" (D flat).

For this reason, each black key has two names: its sharp name (#) and its flat name (b).

  1. White keys: C, D, E

  2. White keys: C, D, E, F

  3. White keys: C, D, E, F, G

  4. White keys: C, D, E, F, G, A

  5. White keys: C, D, E, F, G, A, B

  6. Black keys: Sharps

  7. Black keys: Flats

  8. White-key sharps and flats

  9. All keys (for this exercise, if there are multiple possible answers, any are acceptable)