Is There an Ecological Ethic?
— Ethics 1975
also translated to Chinese, Russian, Italian
"Is There an Ecological Ethic?" Ethics 85, no. 2 (1975): 95-109. Online at:
The environment is on the world agenda, also on the ethical frontier, for the foreseeable future. Environmental ethics is about saving things past, still present. Environmental ethics is equally about future nature, without analogy in our past. Living at one of the ruptures of history, modern cultures threaten the stability, beauty, and integrity of Earth, and thereby of the cultures superposed on Earth. Environmental ethics must find a satisfactory fit for humans in the larger communities of life on Earth.
Transated into Hungarian:
Van-e környezeti etika? (Hungarian) Online at:
Translated into Chinese:
Rolston, Holmes, III, 生态伦理学存在吗?, Qiu, Renzong, ed., 国外自然科学哲学问题 (International Philosophical Problems in Natural Science) 1990, 146-157. Beijing: Social Science Press, 1991.
Online at:
Translated into Russian:
Rolston, Holmes, III, СУЩЕСТВУЕТ ЛИ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ ЭТИКА, Vasilenko, L. I. and V. E. Ermolaeva, eds., Globaliniye Problemy i Obshchechelovecheskiye Tsennosti (Global Problems and Human Values), 258-288. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1990.
Online at:
Translated into Italian:
"Esiste un'etica ecologica?", Tallacchini, Mariachiara, ed., Etiche della Terra: Antologia di Filosofia dell'Ambiente, 151-171. Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 1998.
Online at: