SRMS After School Sports Information and

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate in the after school sports program?

All students can participate in the festival program.

When are cuts?

There are no cuts. Athletes will be placed on teams based on their experience and ability. They will play against teams of their similar ability level and from the other middle schools in our school district (PVUSD).

How much does it cost to play an after school sport and when is it due?

The participation forms and money, $75, are due on the first day of practice. Tax Credit is a payment option.

What do the students need to wear?

Students will need to dress out for practice in t-shirts and comfortable shorts or sweatpants depending on the season and the weather. The athletes will need to wear black shorts and the Sunrise festival shirts (provided) at the festival tournament.

What do the students do with their belongings during practice?

Students who do not currently have PE will be assigned a PE locker and will need to provide their own combination lock. All belongings must be locked in a locker during practice.

What time are practices?

Practices run from 2:40 – 4:00.

Is there a late bus and where does it pick up the students?

Any athlete who will be riding the late bus will get picked up in the front parking lot.