Xantrex Inverters
Xantrex inverters can be accessed using either the Xantrex Modbus protocol or using the proprietry Xantrex ASCII protocol. Both protocols communicate with the inverter using a serial port such as COM3.
The Xantrex ASCII protocol communicates with a single Xantrex inverter using a dedicated serial port. With the Xantrex ASCII protocol, each Xantrex inverter accessed from PVBC requires a dedicated serial port.
When the inverters use the Modbus protocol and are connected in an RS485 daisy chain, the inverters can be accessed via a single serial port. Devices of different types and manufacture that use the ModBus protocol can be accessed via a single serial port when connected in an RS485 daisy chain.
Xantrex Inverters (ASCII )
Data Available from the Inverter
AC Energy
AC Power
AC Current
AC Voltage
DC Voltage
DC Power
DC Current
Xantrex Inverters (Modbus)
Data Available from the Inverter
AC Energy
AC Power
AC Current
AC Voltage
DC Voltage
DC Power
DC Current
The Xantrex Inverters (ASCII) configuration has now been tested. It requires a patch for correct operation in PVBC versions up to and including Version This patch is now available at PVBC V2 Downloads. Later versions will incorporate the patch.
The Xantrex Inverters (Modbus) configuration has not been tested. If you do try this configuration, please raise an "Issue" and report the outcome.