"The Prettiest Little Tree".mov
The Prettiest Tree

MUSIC CLASS Assignment

Hello kids, here's the link to use for today's lesson on "Motif". : file:///Users/Jcaulfield/Desktop/MUSIC%20EXPRESS%20March:April%202019/assets/resources/hookmotif.mp4

2ND Graders 4-23-20.mp4
Moses Goes to a Concert.mp4

Hi everyone,

Here is a book I would like to share. I hope you enjoy it! Peace, Mr. Caulfield : )

Above is a fun video. Please watch it as soon as you can and then again in a few days, watch it again. And yes, even a 3rd time! Once you learn it, start to sing along with the song that's in the video. It's FUN and also has great information! See you soon. Peace, Mr. Caulfield : )

Click HERE for activities to do from home. Have Fun!