"I'm Filthy, I'm Dirty".mov
"Ive Been Cleaning Up My Bedroom".mov

Hi everyone. Hope you are all well. Take a look at my video and picture. I think you'll like it......

If you liked that one, here's another (look above)......Enjoy!


Ketzel the Cat Who Composed.mp4

Hi everyone,

Here's a book I would like to share. I hope you enjoy it! Peace, Mr. Caulfield : )

Hello kids, Here's a video to check out on brass instruments:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxwjASA8V3I (be sure to cut and paste into your browswer)

And then go down the page and see my video in our "Music Story Time" section. In this latest video, I am reading about one of these kinds of instruments. Enjoy! : )

Good morning, please watch this video about Woodwind Instruments:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6gBYYxvizs&list=PLtYpDsOBNBu5evX7LD0ufijdziVClV9gS&index=2 (copy and paste to your browser)

Mr Caulfields Neighborhood.mp4

Hello everyone. I have a video I would like you to watch and also in which to participate. I hope you like it! Mr. Caulfield : )

Hello Girls and Boys, Please join me each day to walk to the beat, sing our "Hello Song" together, and sing our Do-Re-Mi scale. Miss you and hope to see you soon! Mr. Caulfield : )


Hi again boys and girls -- I've added a "Music Story Time" Section. Please see below for our story on GUITARS....Yay!

Click HERE for activities to do from home. Have Fun!*

Hello Girls and Boys! Welcome to MUSIC! --- YAY! I just love music, don't you? We are having a wonderful year in music class. I have so many wonderful activities planned for us for the rest of the school year! We are going to sing and dance and play lots of fun games! Below is an example of one of our dances from the past that you can try at home. See you soon, Mr. Caulfield : )

Music Story Time!

trumpet book.mp4