Olympic Icons/ Events Group Task

Your group needs to choose one of the following to research a particular aspect of the Olympic Games. Your group will plan and create a DLO to share - refer to Rubric.

The very first Ancient Olympics - Lepa, Havea and Joe

Origins of the Olympics - Greek Mythology - Oshania, Alexandria, Jessica I

The Events at the Ancient Olympics. - Kitiona, Mateo, Amos

The first Modern Olympics - Raenan, Sam, Ahsin

The Creed and Motto of the Olympics. - Junior and Patrick

The Olympic Flag - Charlie and Andrew

The first ever Olympic Marathon. Serena, Te Rina and Roezala

The Olympic Torch - History and the Relay - Hainite, Cecilia and Tina

The Olympic Stadium - Ben, Alex and Sosaia

Women in the History of the Olympics - Selina, Maranda and Kaloni

Pierre de Coubertin - Jessica P

Olympics Rubric