
Reading - it is essential that you develop good independent reading habits. This means I expect you to 'Take Charge' and find something to read every night. This helps improve your reading ability and expands your vocabulary which is essential if you are to improve your writing.

Our Library time is 12.30 on Tuesdays and you will be able to take one of these books home to read. Remember to update your Reading Log frequently.

Some interesting and up to date reading -

Kiwi Kids News

NZ Herald

Weekly Visual Quiz


Write your own at home or 'Share the Love' remember to leave your 'footprint' (your own URL). I'm expecting to see regular posts, but remember to keep the quality of your writing high!

Basic Facts

We should all be able to recall our Multiplication and Division facts instantly! So if you can't you need to keep practising.

Cool Basic Facts "practise makes perfect!"

And of course you can keep working on Maths Whizz at home.