2011 Overview

Manaiakalani Film Festival

Hoyts, Sylvia Park

November 9th 2011


7 schools

30+ movies

Years 1 - 13

2000+ attendees

4 daytime sessions

1 evening extravaganza

The students and teachers of the seven Manaiakalani Schools

Glenbrae, Panmure Bridge, Pt England, St Pius X Tamaki College, Tamaki Int, Tamaki Primary

have been working hard planning, filming, producing and editing

to bring you the 4th annual Film Festival

During the day the movies will screen to full house audiences of school students





And at night to a Gala Audience of talented students, whanau and supporters of our schools and the Manaiakalani Project. Tickets are available for purchase at the schools for the evening show case.

At 6.20pm our talented Tamaki College student musicians entertain in the foyer

At 6.50pm the showcase kicks off with a welcome from our MC

Longi ‘Ronnie’ Johnny Jnr Taulafo

from "What Now"